
Chapter 759: Tai Sui vs. Wolf Poison (I)

It was unknown how long it took for the pillar of fire in the corpse's chest to disappear.

The figure in the center of the pillar of fire floated in the air, looking at his hand with surprise.

His whole body was burning with flames, and flames rose on his body, then transformed into various other creatures and slowly floated, making him look like the ancient Zhurong descending. He even felt that if he pressed his hand lightly on a place, that place would definitely melt.

However, this was not what he cared about most.

He closed his eyes and felt it, and a thumb-sized flame jumped in his dantian. The phantom spirit, who had always been lawless, now hid in fear to the other side, not daring to flick his wings.

With each jump of the flame, a stream of heat rushed into his limbs and bones, and all the dan cauldron-shaped meridians lit up inch by inch, and finally... a golden dan cauldron was formed in his body.

"Buzz...Buzz..." Every time the heat flowed through the meridians, his cultivation suddenly jumped up. The early stage of the golden elixir was rapidly approaching the middle stage of the golden elixir. In less than ten minutes, with a "boom!", countless flames erupted from his body, and he once again reached the middle stage of the golden elixir. At the same time, every page of the book in his mind emitted thousands of golden lights.

The Eternal Alchemy King finally became a complete form!

"Zi La La..." Not all of the meridians were golden light. Some places had some undetectable black, which was the hidden injury left by Xu Yangyi during the Qi Refining and Foundation Building Period. There were also drug poisons inhaled when the alchemy was not yet pure. At this moment, under the scorching heat of this current, they were all turned into ashes.

However, as the heat flow ran through his body little by little, his spiritual power suddenly ran. Just like a traveler who was about to die of thirst in the desert drank a glass of water, the hot spiritual power turned into a clear spring, which brought him an explosion he had never thought of!

"Ka Ka Ka!" The spiritual power was getting higher and higher! The middle stage of the golden elixir... The middle stage of the golden elixir was perfect! It was about to rush to the late stage of the golden elixir!

Too much spiritual power expanded in his body, and a layer of black smoke filled his whole body. He groaned and suppressed the feeling of advancement.

This is not a good place to advance, and these spiritual powers are too violent and need to be refined. Now that he has advanced to the late stage, his realm is really unstable.

But even so, his spiritual power is extremely disordered, and it is absolutely not suitable to mobilize a trace of spiritual power. If he really has to mobilize, it will delay his advancement to the late stage for decades! Even leave a long-term root of disease.

However, there is also a sense of ecstasy in his heart. He has advanced to the late stage in less than a hundred years of practice. He is qualified to knock on the door of the Nascent Soul!

In the golden elixir, the fourth lamp of the Six Combinations Causal Lamp was directly lit. He seemed to have many insights in his mind, but he didn't dare to digest them at all. He suppressed the waves in his heart and looked to the other side.

"I said."

"This is where we end."

Dozens of tentacles of the master have been inserted into the wall, and the whole cave is trembling slightly. Hearing this, it laughed in a low voice, and a few seconds later, it sneered.

"Finish? Why do you want to finish with me? Just based on your messy spiritual power now?"

"That's right, you have now returned to the middle stage of the Golden Core, and you can reach the late stage of the Golden Core after digesting it for more than ten years...X, I have to say that your luck is great. But it's useless, you are not even as good as the early stage now. Except for being able to withstand the pressure of the Golden Core, you are not even different from the Void Core. You... must die here today!"

Its eyes slowly looked at Xu Yangyi: "Now, I will grant you eternal sleep."

"Boom boom!" The entire cave collapsed with a bang, sinking hundreds of meters outside, and inside... layers of densely packed Tai Sui were revealed!

Immortal medicine, emperor medicine, longevity medicine. Now under the illumination of the sea of ​​fire below, it shows a strange light.

One pile after another, wrapped in countless animal remains, and even a lot of human bones. In the past 20 years, all the missing people and animals are all below, even... including the countless palace people buried in the Thirteen Tombs.

It was like a gluttonous devil, hiding under the shadow of Ming Guangzong and devouring everything.

"Come on... children..." The master turned into a red light and rushed into the endless Tai Sui above. The next second, a shock comparable to a magnitude 10 earthquake tore the entire cave into terrifying cracks.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and in these cracks... a series of terrifying shadows loomed, and the ground was broken layer by layer wherever they passed. He rushed towards the passage he came from without hesitation.

Just after entering, the passage began to collapse layer by layer. Twenty years of crazy swallowing has now turned into a source of killing.

On the ground, Heishan Zhenren looked at his feet in astonishment. A rumbling sound like thunder kept spreading, and then it became louder and louder. In just five minutes, it became a major earthquake in the entire Qingling!

"Karala!" The terrifying cracks suddenly appeared on the ground, and... it was not just Qingling! This terrifying earthquake spread to the entire Tianshou Mountain!

Without hesitation, he turned into a black light and rushed straight into the sky. At this moment, he suddenly found that the clock had stopped.

"Stopped?" He looked at the sky in astonishment. Forty-eight years... This number made his heart bleed, but at this moment he breathed a sigh of relief silently and immediately looked around.

The earthquake became bigger and more violent, and dragons and snakes rose from the ground. After another five minutes, even ordinary people could feel it. The cars around the Ming Tombs Scenic Area, and the tourists who had not yet gotten off, screamed in fear.

"Oh my God! What happened!" "Get off! Get off! I want to get off!" "Get off! Hold on to the railings!" "What the hell is this earthquake? Magnitude 7? Look! Look there! There are so many holes in the ground!"

Screaming and crying echoed in the parking lot with hundreds of cars. People hugged each other to find comfort in their hearts. The usually stable vehicles were like boats in a storm. The 50-kilometer radius of Tianshou Mountain was all enveloped by this terrifying earthquake.

"Mom!" A girl cried and threw herself on her mother. Before she cried, she suddenly froze.

Her crying and screaming were suppressed in her throat, her mouth slowly opened, and her eyes became round from tears. Gradually, not only her, but countless people stood up in shock and looked towards the direction of Tianshou Mountain as if they had seen a ghost. Some people even took out their mobile phones sluggishly and started filming.

In their sight, the entire Tianshou Mountain, with its towering imperial mausoleum and verdant trees, slid down like flowing water, and countless mud and rocks formed rolling mudslides, smashed down to the bottom, and then gathered into a shock wave more than ten meters high, with flying sand and rocks venting outward.

In the center of the shock wave, the entire Tianshou Mountain was rising rapidly. It seemed... that some terrifying monster was about to appear inside, and even the mud could not cover its hugeness.

Heishan Zhenren was suspended in the air, and he felt that below, in those bottomless cracks, a terrible shadow was awakening. He looked intently, and suddenly, countless golden eyes opened in the depths of the cracks covering the ground. That scene was enough to make people's scalps numb!

"Monster..." He took a deep breath and was about to rush down with a magic weapon, when suddenly, a majestic black light rushed out from a gap.

Like Sun Wukong jumping out of a stone, before he could speak, the figure roared: "Go!!"

"Wolf poison?" Heishan Zhenren did not leave. He could feel that the other party's spiritual energy was extremely unstable. If he used spiritual power now, it would definitely cause disasters for thousands of years.

"You go! Leave this to me!" He flew over immediately: "I will immediately launch the Jindan Imperial Order, and all the cultivators in the imperial capital must obey unconditionally! You! You must also recuperate immediately, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

Before he finished speaking, a huge palm, composed entirely of flames, but with countless black air lingering around the edge, slapped out directly. And he resisted for a while, but actually retreated hundreds of meters.

"You are looking for death!" He said in a deep voice as soon as he stabilized.

In front of him, a figure was floating in the air, with extremely unstable spiritual energy. It was obviously on the verge of promotion and encountered the impact of violent spiritual power. He believed that even if he had a bad impression of the other party, he could not let the other party go on like this.

Just as he was about to step forward, Xu Yangyi's voice came steadily: "Believe me."

At this moment!

"Boom!" The entire Tianshou Mountain collapsed completely! Exposing the huge hole below, the ruined Forbidden City, and... a red world tens of thousands of meters below.

"Zizizizi!!!" With a thunderous roar, four extremely large tentacles stretched out from the collapse shock wave.

"Swish..." A shadow passed over the ground. Under the shadow, there was a crowd of people who were already sluggish in the distance.

It was unknown how many hundreds of meters thick it was, and it might be tens of thousands of meters long. A hell that covered the sky and the sun formed here.

However... it's not over yet! The ground around was still cracking! Taichu, this monster that traveled through countless planes, finally showed its most feared side.

Twenty years, it ate up the entire Tianshou Mountain! If it is given time, the entire planet, the entire plane, can form a planetary-level Taichu!

Endless devouring, endless greed, exploding in geometric progression.

"Let's go." Xu Yangyi looked at Heishan Zhenren, and this time, he spoke almost without question.

True Man Heishan was about to say something, but suddenly froze.

He remembered something.

He... was just slapped away a hundred meters by the other party?

This... is still a Jindan cultivator?

"X..." A devilishly powerful and evil voice surrounded the entire Tianshou Mountain: "Today, I want you to die!!!"

Before the words fell, a blue-black light that illuminated the sky burst out on Xu Yangyi!

"Swish..." In the light, a creature that was no smaller than the master, or even larger, appeared silently.

The vastness embraces hundreds of rivers and feeds the pregnant stars!

The branches and leaves filled the sky, and the vines were all over the ground. The wolf poison that became the nightmare of Nanzhou in the past finally stretched out its branches and leaves in the imperial capital today.

Completely demonized!


Well, it was agreed that there would be three updates on Sunday, but the manuscripts saved last week were swallowed~ There is another chapter in the evening

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