
Chapter 760: Tai Sui vs. Wolf Poison (Part 2)

In the imperial capital control room, a staff member was drinking tea leisurely. Occasionally glance at the screen and do nothing.

It's not that he doesn't fulfill his responsibilities, it's that this is the imperial capital, and there is almost no place with the best security in China. As a monitor, it's more about making records, rather than actually monitoring.

It was now 3:15 in the afternoon. He looked at his watch, glanced at the screen again, and was about to continue looking at his phone. But he was stunned as if he had been stabbed by a needle.

He raised his head and slowly looked at a screen in astonishment.

Just above that is a set of scenes of world destruction, with the ground riddled with holes and cracks. In mid-air, four huge tentacles were waving wildly, while on the other side, an even larger plant covered the sky. The ant-like vehicles and crowds around them screamed and left the area.

Did I see it wrong?

Someone is playing a science fiction movie in the monitoring room?

The next second, he looked at the lower right corner of the screen like crazy. This is Tianshou Mountain and the Ming Tombs.

"Where's the mountain?!" He stood up with a huff, and didn't even notice that the tea cup had been knocked over: "Where's the Ming Tombs?!"

After staying for another second, he suddenly grabbed the phone and almost screamed: "Pick up Director Chen! Now! Now!"

Five minutes later, the top brass of the public security, armed police, and military all saw this set of pictures. Countless police cars and military vehicles all drove towards the Ming Tombs.

Tianshou Mountain, something big happened!

Countless people gathered at the intersection and kept asking questions, but all they got was no reply. From where they looked, they could clearly see the huge tentacles vaguely waving over there and the wolfsbane that blocked the sky.

"Shu Lala..." The Lord looked at the sky in astonishment. Twenty years did not give it much time, but it had become powerful enough. Unexpectedly... it encountered something even more exaggerated when it came out!

Just above its head, branches and leaves stretched across the sky, and its roots were like coiled dragons. The whole plant carried a terrifying murderous aura. The breeze blew by, making it feel like it was facing the world.

It... is actually only the size of a branch of the other party.

The sun shines through the blood-red veins of the leaves, and the surrounding area is covered in red for several kilometers, because this is the scope of this leaf. The leaves are crystal clear, intertwined with emerald green and bright red. With a loud "rumbling" sound, Tianshou Mountain collapsed completely. Among the countless tentacles, a golden eye looked at everything in front of it with unspeakable murderous intent.

Tianshou Mountain covers more than 40 square kilometers. When Wolfsbane dominated half of Nanzhou, Nanzhou had more than 10,000 square kilometers!

This is not a progression at all.

In terms of inheritance, Wolfsbane is a god-killing life form, and it is its true body. Taichu is also the original body. It is also a demigod life form, and it is still a demigod that is still alive up to now. However, it is just a branch of Emperor Senluo.

Montenegro was stunned.

The surrounding people who were eating melons and those who had no time to eat melons were also stunned.

Tianshou Mountain collapsed just now, and the four tentacles seemed like the devil came to the world. The apocalyptic scene was extremely memorable. but……

This is not the end of the world.

The scene that appeared just a few minutes ago was the real apocalypse.

Countless spiritual energy condensed in the void, and even ordinary people could feel the extremely powerful killing atmosphere, as if they had killed ancient gods and slain divine dragons. It was clearly daytime, but the sky turned blood red because of its appearance. A layer of red virtual aura that could be seen clearly by the naked eye of a mortal, with the blood of thousands of years ago, suddenly burst out of the air. Countless auras outline the majestic figure of Wolfsbane.

Its appearance is not destruction. But to warn, to kill.

"Oh my god..." A middle-aged man put down his mobile phone sluggishly and said in a trembling voice: "Did I see a ghost..."

One big and one small, but facing each other, the two monsters stared at each other. The branches and leaves around Wolfsbane slowly spread to the front, facing the master's body with bared teeth and claws, like a sea anemone, silent and murderous.

"What a prey... that surprised me." In the center, countless tentacles guarded the master, with golden eyes staring at Xu Yangyi: "I have a hunch that if I can devour you, I may go one step further."

"Really?" Xu Yangyi's voice echoed in the Lord's spiritual consciousness, and the next second, a 10,000-meter-wide branch brought a fishy wind from the sky and shot towards the Lord.

Without any retreat, thousands of tentacles slowly lifted up, and with a heart-chilling "rustling" sound, one tentacle after another split from the center, and mouths full of sharp teeth and eyes appeared with sharp tips all over the sky. Howling, rushing towards the collapsing mountain above like a tidal wave!

"Boom!!" There was an earth-shaking loud noise, the collision of the mountain and the sea, a black aura of light, covering the entire Ming Tombs with a radius of fifty or sixty kilometers, and the void exploded.

The clouds in the sky collapsed, and the ground shook violently. The layers of sand and dust formed a circular shock wave that spread into the distance.

With one shot, the entire Tianshou Mountain area dropped by half a meter!

The leaves and branches trembled slightly, countless tentacles below gathered into a twisted claw, and countless golden eyes looked upward. Immediately, gray-white shadows shone, and hundreds of tentacles separated from the hands, opening their mouths like poisonous snakes to bite the leaves.

"Kacha, kacha" the sound of fine chewing could be heard endlessly, and the master sneered: "That's right... this is a battle between swallowing and being swallowed. The demon body is so big, I thought you were very capable..."

Before he finished speaking, his voice suddenly stopped.

Those tentacles that devoured wolf poison turned into pitch black in an instant, and then withered away inch by inch!

"Is this... poison?" The master looked at his tentacles in astonishment, and then looked at the wolf poison in disbelief. He was almost immune to all poisons, but there was still a poison that could poison him?

The next second, it screamed, and the toxins were so fierce that they rushed to the eyeballs along the tentacles. With the sound of "snap", hundreds of tentacles broke immediately. At the broken places, more tentacles grew out immediately, but they were smaller than before.

"Boom!" At the moment when he split, the branch that pressed down his fist pressed down again. This pressure was like a landslide and tsunami, and the ground suddenly sank one meter!

"God..." In the car, I don't know how many people saw this scene. This was simply an inhuman battle, exhausting all imagination. A war between real monsters and monsters.

Yes, war. This is no longer a battle. A battle covering dozens or hundreds of kilometers in radius, can it still be called a battle?

No one spoke, no one spoke, only the constant, sluggish sound of mobile phones, with panic and unknown awe, filming everything in front of them.

"This kind of thing..." Countless tentacles creaked, bloodshot appeared on the main body of the master's eyeball, and he gritted his teeth: "This kind of thing..."

"It's really a prey worth hunting!"

"Boom!" The wolf poison pressed another inch, and the huge difference in the monster body made the master unable to resist the pressure of a landslide and tsunami.

"Blood talent..." Can't drag it on, you must cut the Gordian knot. The bigger the monster body, the greater the endurance and physical strength. It gritted its teeth: "Watch the world!"

As this sentence came out, all the eyeballs on its body fell off at the same time, floating in the air strangely, flashing golden light, surrounding the wolf poison.

The blue sky is like a calm lake, and the sun and moon are lonely in the Milky Way. One by one, the golden stars are like stars, circling and rolling rapidly, pulling out a golden Milky Way.

"Sha..." "Shashasha!" A dense sound rose out of thin air. Every eyeball projected a black light. The bright Milky Way was suddenly filled with evil spirits. Hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of eyeballs reflected each other. In a blink of an eye, the Milky Way turned into hell.

"Not good!" The eyes of the Black Mountain Immortal in the distance moved. This was indiscriminate killing. The area where the master was located would definitely become a deadly place. And those spiritual lights were endless, and they actually ran towards the pedestrians outside.

Just when he was about to make a move, someone patted his shoulder.

"Who?" He suddenly woke up and turned around. Who was approaching without him feeling anything?

Tianzai stood behind him and did not answer him. Instead, he looked at the wolf poison body with a fiery look. After a long time, he said lightly: "This child... after a hundred years, the Nascent Soul can be expected."

Before the voice fell, he waved his sleeves, and the spiritual energy emanating from the eyeballs was actually collected into his sleeves.

"The secrets of the sleeve?" Heishan Zhenren took a breath and looked at Tianzai: "You... no, senior..."

"Don't interfere." Tianzai still didn't answer, his eyes were deep: "I can feel... there is a deep connection between them. If we interfere, we will only cause cause and effect."

"Swish, swish, swish!" The Milky Way tilted, the cold light was thorough, and the rays of light caused terrible scars on the body of the wolf poison. The master laughed wildly and shook the world: "Inferior life, do you see it? This is a high-level life form! Only we are the masters of the heavens and the worlds!"

"I came, I saw, I conquered. As a native of the origin, you should hide here and look at the sky as big as a wellhead above your head. Instead of trying to provoke the majesty of the higher life forms!"

"Senior!" Zhenshan Zhenren asked.

Tianzai shook his head: "Wolfsbane itself, this is a mythical creation, how can it be so simple."


"It is harmless." Tianzai said lightly: "Shennong did not eat the heartbreak grass, how could he die?"

Heishan Zhenren suddenly became cheerful: "You mean..."

"Puff!" A black light scratched a deep scar on a large branch that was hundreds of meters thick, and a black gas floated out and merged into the air. Eyeballs from all directions seemed to have heard the order, and 999 eyeballs gathered together to form a ninth-grade lotus. The black light condensed into a point and shot at the wolfsbane.

"Pah!" The whole branch was broken at the root, and the master's laughter had not yet sounded, but it suddenly stopped.


Just a moment ago, he felt a kind of...hard to describe, almost exactly the same pressure as the supreme king in the blood inheritance?

Higher life pressure?

A trace, very light, but this is a qualitative change! It is very clear that he is not a true high-level life form now. Even in the entire Taichu Legion, there are no more than 500 real high-level lives.

They are the leaders of the major legions with extremely high wisdom, long experience, broad vision, and superior strength. They are no longer seeking one person or one place, but one world and one face.

In the memory of the bloodline, only the legion leader has this kind of pure high-level life pressure.

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