
Chapter 761: Tai Sui vs. Wolf Poison (Part 3)

"No, it's impossible." At this moment, it hesitated. Advanced life forms were definitely not something that this half-finished product like him could deal with. The other party didn't fight back, and it was almost impossible to feel that the other party was hurt. If it were a higher life form, he probably wouldn't be able to stop them for half an hour against a life-plundering aggregation. And it's definitely not dominant now.

"Bloodline talent..."

"Swipe!" All the tentacles spread toward the eyeballs and poured into its mouth, as if the master had swallowed itself, but the size did not increase.

The dozens of meters of eyeballs trembled slightly, staring at the plants that were blocking the sky. The next second, the big mouth opened, and countless tentacles gathered inside erupted like a tide!

Countless tentacles condensed into one. At the top was Shangguan Hong, who rushed over with a crazy laugh. Halfway through the rush, Shangguan Hong split from the corner of his mouth and spread to the entire body. Another thinner tentacle rushed through the body. Out, Andre at the top.

Layer upon layer, layer upon layer, when it reaches the top, it turns into a hand holding a sword, raised high. It was dark and lightless, and the sky for several meters around him was blurry. A cold talisman is engraved on the sword body, which is completely composed of spiritual power.

The black light was like fire, leaping and annihilating all living things, and the ruler even showed a victorious smile on his lips.

"The Soul Seizing Sword."

"Any Taichu, whether it is a legion commander, a master, or the lowest level aggregate. This style is integrated into its blood. What it takes is not the soul..." Its scarlet tongue licked its skull-like teeth: "And It’s the spiritual root.”

"You probably don't even know what a spiritual root is, right? You're a small, pitiful creature."

As the last word fell, the Soul Seizing Sword turned into a black light and stabbed down.

Suddenly, it stopped.

It couldn't believe it, and looked at its body in shock. For some reason, its body didn't obey its orders!

"'s not that it doesn't obey the command..." It felt it carefully, but found something that made it even more frightened: " was paralyzed!"

Its gaze finally fell from above, looking to the ground with a hint of disbelief.

There, the wolfsbane roots were entangled like a group of dragons, and from there, a black sky enveloped the surrounding area for dozens of kilometers, and also enveloped it.


God-killing poison.

"It's begun." Tian Zai breathed a sigh of relief and sneered: "The toxicity of wolfsbane comes from the body. Only when the body is destroyed will the poisonous spiritual energy that can kill gods be produced. Shennong walked past it. If he didn't taste it, It's okay. Once Wolfsbane is really injured, its revenge can make the gods fall."

He glanced at the alien-like master and said, "Not to mention the evil heretics."

Each demon body has its own magical powers. For example, if a stubborn stone turns into a spirit, it must be proficient in earth magical powers. For example, if a fish turns into a monster, it must turn the world upside down. There are no monsters in the Tower of Babel, only the corpses of demons. It has never swallowed a real big demon, and it can't even think of this level.

It's not that he is stupid, but that he has a blind spot in knowledge. The terrifying thing about Taichu is that it swallows up all the heavens and worlds in its endless life, integrates the strengths of various races, and creates the most perfect method of evolution. Coupled with the terrifying ability to reproduce, this is the reason why it is called an advanced life form. .

And it's still far from it.

The Lord looked at the huge body in front of him in astonishment, and its eyes were actually dim. It now understands that Wolfsbane... is a very special demon body. Without attacks, he is just a giant spirit god. The hugeness of the demon body brings endless strength and boundless spiritual power. And once it gets hurt...

This is the beginning of hell.

It looked around carefully and realized that the sky had turned black without even realizing it. All the wounds of Wolfsbane are slowly exuding black aura, but because it is too big. The master did not notice at all, let alone think that due to the characteristics of wolfsbane, these poisonous spiritual powers had passed through the ground and air, making this place a dead place.

Absolute territory!

"Swiss, rustle..." The branches and leaves that had been protected just now unfolded piece by piece, and Xu Yangyi's voice slowly sounded: "It really hurts."

"Now, is it my turn?"

The Lord's heart was filled with despair.

how so……

How could there be such a huge demon body on earth? Such a despicable monk! Didn't we agree to have a tough confrontation face to face? How come you have such shameless bloodline talent?

If you don't fight, the size difference between the demon bodies is too big, and it doesn't think it can escape.

The more he fights, the stronger he becomes. The more he is injured, the more poisonous he becomes. The same huge demon body has an unknown ability to withstand blows. I am afraid that he will be poisoned and turn into a mummy, but the other party will not have much trouble.

Totally a hedgehog!

Why...when I could easily crush him to death, it ended up like this?

Before the thought came to an end, the wolfsbane branches unfolded, and a branch larger than before swept over. The master's golden eyes couldn't help but shrink, it's coming again... it's coming again! That kind of life at a higher level than him... It was like the existence of the king in the memory. That feeling came overwhelmingly with this seemingly gentle tap.

It gritted its teeth and tried hard to move its body. However, no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't move much at all.

Four tentacles quickly defended the head. The next second, there was an earth-shaking loud noise, and the ground rippled. This time the shock wave directly set off more than ten meters high, and a heart-breaking scream rang out among the flying sand and rocks.

"Zizzizi!!" The master's body fell like a meteor, falling straight into the hole 10,000 meters below. The mouth in the eyeball spurted out large globs of green mucus, and all the tentacles were sluggish as if they were cramping.

"This bastard..." Its eyes reflected a branch hanging from the sky, occupying its entire pupil, and gritted its teeth: "This despicable life..."

"I... am Taichu... the master! I travel across the heavens and all realms, and countless planes crawl under me... We... are the real masters of this universe. Just because of you... Just because of your deeds Waiting for life..."

Before he finished speaking, the tentacles surged up like a wave, stabbing Wolfsbane directly.

He is not willing to give in!

I will never be willing to die in my original place! And he died at the hands of a native!

Just when thousands of tentacles were about to approach Wolfsbane, a black light flashed in the sky.

The ultimate purity, just like the sword light in anime. Among the blue sky and white clouds, a black line lingers in everyone's eyes for a long time. After the black line, thousands of Taichu's tentacles broke at the same time.

"Ha..." Master Heishan gasped, his throat a little dry.

At first, when he saw such a huge master body, his first reaction was to mobilize all the monks in the imperial capital. His demon body was only a thousand meters in size, which was not enough for this monster to fit into its teeth. As a demon cultivator, he also knows how important the size of the demon body is.

However, there was no chance for him to take action. Only now did he understand what Xu Yangyi meant when he said "trust me" to him just now.

"The first person under Nascent Soul..." After a few seconds, he sighed with emotion: "Well deserved."

"This kind of power, for the demon body, is infinitely close to the Nascent Soul. If the demon body is not used too much under the Nascent Soul, it will fall into a long sleep. If he...the Nascent Soul doesn't come out, who can compete with it?"

"Zizzizi!" The heart-rending scream interrupted their conversation. From the severed tentacles of the Overlord, green mucus spurted into the sky, as if a green rainstorm had fallen here. Wherever it fell, the ground was moist. Sizzling. However, Wolfsbane was completely unmoved.

The ancestor of all poisons killed gods with poison, why would he care about the poisonous blood of the master?

The eyeballs trembled sharply. It felt that its script was completely out of control, with an almost perfect start and a broken ending, and it even forced out the opponent's true body. This...why is this? Until now, he still doesn't understand why a good hand of cards turned out like this!

Starting from Nanming Lihuo, the plot completely deviated from the direction. Now it is like a fish on the chopping board, with no power to fight back.

The branches rustled and trembled with gentle movements, as if a lover was lifting the lover's ears and hair under the moonlit night. In the eyes of the master, it was as cold as hell.

"Shasha!" The branch that covered the Lord's gaze came with a roar. It screamed, and all its tentacles formed a huge flower-shaped shield in front of it. The next second, the entire shield was smashed into the ground!


The sound continued, followed by several more roars, "Boom, boom, boom!" This time, it was not just a drop of three meters, but... a sinkhole with a radius of dozens of kilometers was punched out of the ground!

The roaring sound lasted for dozens of seconds before Wolfsbane's branches quietly spread out. There was a black mist below, full of green mucus. The master's body looked like a torn flower, with broken tentacles everywhere, and the green mucus gathered into a A small pond, with the eye in the center looking at the sky in shock, shrouded in the shadow of wolfsbane, coughing up blood.

It tried to mobilize its other tentacles, but found that the terrifying poison had completely cut off its nerves. Now the only thing that can move is the main body.

The red-black light flashed above the head, cold and ruthless, like Sun Wukong under the Wuzhi Mountain, with nowhere to escape.

A branch of Wolfsbane slowly pressed down, and the space made an unbearable clicking sound. For the first time, the Lord felt death approaching. At this moment, he mobilized all his tentacles and squeezed his eyeballs out. Each tentacle lay respectfully on the ground and said in a trembling voice: ""

This superior life form from another world finally issued a weak plea for mercy.

It no longer has any hatred or malice. The demonic body has been defeated from the front. Now there is only endless fear in his heart, and there is also a thought that is so small that it is humble: to survive.

What answered it was a thunderous sneer in the air. The black spiritual energy surged like a tide, pressing down on it without stopping!


I don't want to die!

I can still evolve! I'm just a newbie! I am a perfect life form!

"Boom!!!" With a shocking loud noise, Taichu's body cracked every inch and turned into countless Taisui, big and small, running away crazily in all directions.

Hide...escape! leave here!

Get away from this monster!

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