
Chapter 762: Beheading the Overlord (I)

Xu Yangyi took a picture with one palm. Wolfsbane's huge body looked bloated, but in fact it was like an arm.

There are thousands of black lights under his palm, but there is no figure of the master.

It's not that there is nothing. The master at this moment transforms one into two, two into three, and three into infinity. It rushed like a tidal wave in all directions.

Here... there are mortals!

Just dozens of kilometers away, there are groups of food!

As long as it enters the body of a two-legged sheep, it can survive. When the World War comes, it will have plenty of opportunities.

"Zai Sui...Zai Sui!!" Its true body was hidden in a piece of Tai Sui, crawling like flying, looking back with horror and resentment: "Once I have a chance to leave here... once I can return to Taichu Legion... X... ...Xu Yangyi! Just wait...I will make a comeback one day!"

"The original land cannot be moved, but you are just a mere person... If I don't devour you completely, it will be difficult to understand the hatred in my heart!"

However, before he could finish his thoughts, the whole ground shook violently!

"Kalara..." The fragmented voice resounded through the ground, and the next second... From a very far away, endless vine roots, with scarlet barbs, exuded a poison that no one should approach. The spiritual energy rushed out with a bang!

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

Taichu's dream, its ambition, and its murderous intention were shattered to pieces by the root system covering dozens of kilometers in radius at this moment, and were wiped out.

"Field!?" High in the sky, before Master Heishan could speak, Tianzai suddenly took a deep breath.

"It is indeed a domain..." Master Heishan looked at it twice and said doubtfully: "A domain is based on the origin of a monk, forming an absolute zone of its own. In the domain, you can use the five elements of your own spiritual energy at will. The higher your cultivation level, The higher the level, the wider the field. It seems that he was almost advanced just now... It is not impossible to realize the field in the later stage of Jindan."

Master Tianzai shook his head, his eyes were like fire: "This... is the realm of completing the form."

"In other words, once he advances to Nascent Soul, his domain will be like this."

"What?!" Master Heishan suddenly turned his head: "A complete domain? It is impossible to master the Golden Elixir Stage in any case! Only Nascent Soul is possible! For example, Pope Saint Peter of Light. His domain is 'Supreme Glory,' Wherever the light is, it’s almost always teleportation. Fellow Taoist Wolf Venom... he also has a complete field?”

Master Tianzai's eyes became calm again, but he nodded affirmatively: "This domain should be of wood attribute, and can only be opened in the form of a demon body."

He didn't say another half sentence.

Domains... are also hierarchical.

The reason why he was able to withdraw from the Nascent Soul with just one word was because his domain was an extremely rare realm of life and death. The next step was the Yin and Yang domain. Among the Nascent Soul, the domains were also divided into different categories. Compared to the White Sammu of Sand, the single aura of Fire Phoenix is ​​much more powerful.

And Xu Yangyi's field...

He couldn't understand it!

"" The Lord looked at the chasm in the distance in astonishment, his heart feeling cold.

How big is Wolfsbane, and how many of its roots are there underground?

It dare not think.

The only way is to rush over. But... after the extremely insidious battle just now, does it dare?

Those roots are not strong, as if they are saying to it, "Come on, destroy me." The only thing is that it is tall and big! Thousands of meters high, each one is a hundred meters thick. Forming a fence between life and death, airtight. It can even think that if it rushes out and destroys even one branch, it will be a disaster for it to split into such a small one.

Once upon a time, there was a kind of fishing net in the world. Because the mesh was extremely small and of excellent quality, it could catch countless fish every time. It is called a leak-free network. Later, it was completely banned because all finger-sized fry were caught.

At this moment, it feels like it has entered a net that has no leakage, with no way to the sky and no door to the earth.

But, this is not the end.

Just when this row of 1,000-meter-long fences was unfolded, thunderous "rumbling" sounds sounded from beneath the ground! An extremely ominous feeling rushed into the mind of the master, and the next second, it saw a scene that completely lost its fighting spirit.

"Puff...Puff puff puff!!!" Barbs several meters thick and dozens of meters long suddenly rushed out from the ground! Not only was it airtight, it was almost possible to see the positions of all Tai Sui. After each thorn rushed forward, with a scream, one Tai Sui must have been impaled on the thorns.

Immediately afterwards, these Tai Sui quickly turned black from within the body, and then there were no spiritual stones left at all. The neural network belonging to it was completely severed.


All neural networks are necrotic!

He could even "see" in his mind that the green dots were decreasing one by one. Like the death knell.

"Arena?" In the sky, Tian Zai's eyes were solemn. He had never seen such a strange field. Trap the enemy and force them into a decisive battle.

This is not a field that only uses wood spiritual energy. If that were the case, it would not be possible.

"Puff puff!!" There were more and more countless barbs, and in an instant they were in front of Tai Sui where the master was hiding. It had almost no thought and shouted with all its strength: "Spare your life! Spare your life!!"

"I'll tell you everything about what's down here! Just beg for my life!!"

"Pounce!" A barb rushed out just a few centimeters in front of him, and then the entire sea of ​​thorns stopped.

"Heh..." Heishan Zhenren took a breath of cold air in the air. Just a few minutes ago, the world below had turned upside down. Looking down from where he was, the ground was desolate, with a majestic plant in the center and a sea of ​​barbs all around. It was simply a country of wolf poison.

What a terrible destructive power.

And that kind of terrifying toxicity, this is simply an existence in the absolute domain, this kind of demon body... really exists?

A leaf rolled in front of the trembling master on the ground, and Xu Yangyi's voice without any emotion sounded: "Come up."

The master no longer had the slightest desire to fight at this moment, defeated... completely defeated, why didn't he kill him in the Tower of Babel when he hadn't reached the Golden Core? Now this kind of demon body, it can't compete. As for the demon body alone, its strength is close to that of the Nascent Soul.

This piece of Tai Sui is several meters in size, and now it slowly retreats, revealing the eyeball inside that has shrunk to only one or two meters in size, and climbed up the branches carefully.

The crowds from all directions had already fallen silent when the wall of thorns appeared just now.

"This is the cultivator..." A young man showed an extremely envious look in his eyes: "It's not an exaggeration to say that he can destroy the world... Is this the Jindan Patriarch?"

"Absolutely! Apart from the Jindan Patriarch, who has such terrifying destructive power?" "Hehehe... Before, I thought that the tentacle monster was a monster, but I didn't expect that the real monster was still behind." "I have to kneel down to watch this video, but fortunately I recorded it all." "Fuck! Today has completely overturned my worldview! No wonder Jindan Zhenren has such a high status!"

"If you don't practice, you're just living in vain!" "I heard that in the first fifty-year plan, there will be a cultivation university, and it's a Jindan Zhenren lecture."

However, a voice quickly interrupted their conversation.

In the sky, hundreds of cultivators drove various spiritual lights and magic weapons, rushing quickly, pulling out dazzling fireworks in the sky. On the ground, countless police cars, armed police vehicles, and rows of armed soldiers surrounded Tianshou Mountain like a tide.

The master, you can't escape even if you have wings.

The master who saw all this closed his eyes in great pain. He turned into Andre and humbly knocked his noble head on the leaves.

The advanced life form was defeated in the origin.

Unwilling, unwilling, angry... At this moment, it can only be intertwined into a river called "obedience". It knows that this is the only way for it to survive.

"You have five minutes to impress this real person." Xu Yangyi's voice sounded directly in the master's mind: "In addition, transform into another form. It's too tiring to talk to you in this form."

He did not retreat from the appearance of wolf poison. At this moment, he seemed to be the center of wolf poison, a complete spiritual form, and he didn't even know where he was.


In the wriggling, the face of a monk who fell in the Tower of Babel appeared. The branches and leaves of wolf poison seemed to nod: "The timer starts."

After a few seconds of silence, the master seemed to be considering something. Five seconds later, it gritted its teeth and said, "There is a forbidden existence sealed below."

"You should know that the Zhenwu Realm and the Earth have been fighting for tens of thousands of years. One by one, great monks who were famous all over the world fell in it. Two thousand years ago, the last battle ended. In the Tower of Babel... there are a total of seven great monks who are omnipotent."

It paused. Everything is difficult at the beginning. Since it has started, there is nothing to hide: "'God of Fortune' Zhuge Liang, 'Devil of Desire' Asmodeus, 'Baopuzi' Ge Hong, 'Shiva' Sulbi, 'God's Prophet' Ibn Rahman, 'Demigod's Will' Achilles. The last one... is the corpse you saw..."

It took a deep breath: "'Ancestor of Ten Thousand Corpses' Ying Gou."

Ying Gou?

Eternal Corpse King?

Even Xu Yangyi was stunned when he heard this. That terrifying yin aura, a body covered with S-level treasures thousands of years later, turned out to be the Corpse Ancestor Ying Gou?

Ying Gou, Hanba, Jiang Chen, Hou Qing, the four corpse kings, only Ying Gou does not exist in any records. There are unofficial histories saying that it is the ancestor of the four corpse ancestors, extremely mysterious. Who would have thought that it was sealed tens of thousands of meters underground?

No wonder Zhu Changluo can survive, this is simply the best corpse breeding ground!

"To guard the Nanming Lihuo?" He asked with a burning gaze.

"No..." The master finally wanted to spit out the biggest secret in his heart, extremely nervous, and the voice floated out from his teeth: "Even the Nanming Lihuo and Ying Gou are serving something nearby."

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips. Innate Spirit Flame, the ancestor of all corpses, is actually just serving one thing?

What is that?

Before this question was asked, he suddenly had a flash in his mind.

"XYD." He blurted out, looking directly at the master: "XYD... is nearby!"

The master suddenly looked up and looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief.

"You... really do know its information!" Its body moved back a few inches without making any sound: "XYD is the biggest secret in this world! As expected... As expected, Quetzalcoatl passed it on to you!"

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