
Chapter 763: Beheading the Overlord (Part 2)

Before he finished speaking, the surrounding wolfsbane immediately rolled back, squeezing it tightly inside, and it let out a scream as if its body was about to be squeezed.

"Are you answering my question, or am I asking you?"

The voice was as cold as ice, and the master grinded his pale teeth resentfully, but he did not dare to say a word.

After a long time, the leaves unfolded, and the master did not dare to mobilize his spiritual power to resist, and slumped in place.


"Yes..." The Lord suppressed the surging murderous intention in his heart, X... Just wait, one day, I will give you one thousand percent of everything I have suffered today!

After I evolve again and again, you will never be my opponent!

Taking a deep breath, it continued: "Sixteen hundred years ago, the Great War of All Realms ended, and the earth was victorious. These seven remaining great monks spent decades collecting the fragments of the All the treasure remains next to the crystal wall system on the earth interface begin to refine something."

"That... is an extremely terrifying magic weapon. Even in my bloodline memory, I have never seen this kind of magic weapon. It ignores time and space and is extremely huge. In the end, they hid this magic weapon in a top-secret place , the message was divided into more than a hundred segments and flown around the world.”

Xu Yangyi pondered: "Then, why is Yinggou here?"

The Lord immediately said: "Because, this magic weapon is not completed. They only cast its body. The body alone cannot achieve the result of protecting the earth. The core of any magic weapon, material, and creation is warmth and nourishment, and sacrifice is Top priority.”

"However, their time is running out. They can only create the form of the magic weapon, but before completing it, in order to prevent accidents, the aura must be absolutely covered. This time is very long and requires hundreds or thousands of years of refined fire, and Placed in a very sunny place, they can’t wait that long, so…”

Xu Yangyi's spirit body closed his eyes. He had already guessed what was going to happen next.

The Ancestor of Ten Thousand Corpses has extremely strong Yin Qi. If it weren't for the connection between the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra and Nanming Lihuo, he would never have been able to discover that the other party was sealed in Yinggou's chest. This is why the ruler was so shocked at the beginning.

The Corpse Ancestor seals all spiritual energy, making it absolutely impossible to be discovered.

"So, they tried their best to send Yinggou out, and also sealed the Nanming Lihuo used for sacrifice into Yinggou's body? And Yinggou finally came to this land of the Sun?"

"You know better."

Silent emotion.

These are the ancestors of the earth. Even if some are on the right path and some are on the devil's path, when extraterrestrial civilizations attack, they all stand together resolutely. Aliens like the Jie sect are still in the minority.

The Corpse Ancestor, with a body of extreme yin, has a great fear of thunder and innate spiritual fire. However, because its physique can completely seal the spiritual energy without being discovered by anyone, Yinggou actually chose to sacrifice himself, sealing Nanming Lihuo into his chest, and rushed from the Tower of Babel into the Ming Tombs, covering tens of thousands of kilometers! Passing through Malacca, crossing the Red Sea, to the Suez Canal, Egypt, and the Sahara. Along the way, the other party was enduring the burning of the innate spiritual flames.

Sun Wukong was forced into the alchemy furnace by Taishang Laojun. And Ying Gou put the alchemy furnace into his chest, even if his immortal life ended.

Just to leave the last inheritance to the earth.

Just because the earth still has the strength to fight in the next war of all worlds!

His chest felt a little tight and he was beating violently. He was not sure whether he would do this if he was Ying Gou that day. The real me smiled at the sky from the side of my sword, leaving my liver and gallbladder intact.

"This junior will accept your inheritance." He murmured in his heart and looked at the master with cold eyes.

What this monster wastes is not the earth's time, but the opportunities that all the earth's senior monks have exchanged for their blood and lives. A ray of hope for the earth!

He had a murderous intention in his heart.

"You were born during this time." His voice was calm and he said slowly: "I guess, when you saw Ying Gou being burned by the innate spiritual fire, you probably thought this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Any The corpse king carries the spirit fire for tens of thousands of kilometers, and it all ends in death. So, you are possessed by Ying Gou? "

The Lord said respectfully: "At that time, I hid my body on him and escaped. However... just when Yinggou was about to arrive, it discovered me. I originally wanted to devour him, but was finally sealed here by him. ”

"Do you know?" Xu Yangyi said calmly: "If you just answered 'yes,' I'm afraid you are already dead."

Such a person cannot be ruined by Taichu.

It doesn't deserve it.

"When did this happen?"

"Sixteen hundred years ago."

Xu Yangyi nodded. At this moment, something suddenly flashed in his mind, and the elixir of photographic memory was activated again. He looked at the big hole in the distance in shock: "One thousand six hundred years, the Tang Dynasty? Could this be..."

Words from a stargazer.

In the Tang Dynasty, the immortal died in the Forbidden City!

Everything, after these few words, finally filled up the last fragment.

This immortal turned out to be the ancestor of all corpses, Ying Gou!

He understood... At that time, Ying Gou ran to the dragon's veins, endured the severe pain of being burned, and with just a will, didn't it look like a shooting star falling on fire to outsiders? Where did he get the ability to kill a nearly immortal master?

Everything is clear.

The Lord observed his words and continued: "This lord has sealed me in this land. It took me nearly a thousand years to open this passage."

No wonder it asked me about XYD. It probably only knew XYD and guessed that he was near Ying Gou. But this place was too big. In addition, Ying Gou blocked all spiritual energy, so even it couldn't find him.

It hatched so many Tai Sui, probably not just to add them to its body like armor, but also to search for XYD's whereabouts all over the mountains.

Xu Yangyi said slowly: "Do you... know what it is? Where is it?"

"I don't know."

He looked directly into the eyes of the master: "Really don't know?"

The master lowered his head and couldn't see his expression: "I don't know, I only know that the seven great monks called it the protective artifact: Qiankun. I don't know its function."

Xu Yangyi looked at it for a full minute, then retracted his gaze: "The last question."

"What is the first battle?"

The master's body trembled slightly, and it was this question that it was most afraid of.

"Speak." The voice was neither slow nor fast, but it brought him great pressure. He gritted his teeth and touched the ground with his forehead, his voice slightly ethereal: "Fight first... is the rule of the Ten Thousand Worlds War."

"The Ten Thousand Worlds War is a war of ascension. All the planes under the Seven Realms will participate in the war. Countless geniuses collided, some planes won, and some planes disappeared. However... the Seven Realms simply don't have so many people. They can't take care of every plane. According to the unwritten rules of Xu Kunlun, only the top three hundred will have important figures from Xu Kunlun participate. The elders of several major sects will even appoint disciples on the spot and directly take the selected lucky ones to ascend, thus avoiding the life and death tribulation of ascension."

Xu Yangyi's voice was ethereal: "Do you think this is lucky?"

"You abandoned your home planet and fled in the face of battle, and you actually think you are lucky?"

The master did not answer this sentence. The two had fundamentally different worldviews and values. Instead, he lowered his head and said: "Some planes ranked lower also have geniuses, but because of their lack of strength, they only have senior disciples. Their vision is far less than that of the elders. In order to balance this situation, the seven realms jointly proposed the first battle qualification competition."

"Once a realm with a genius wants to get more attention, it can launch a first battle at the cost of advancing the time of the Ten Thousand Realms War. And... the first battle cannot be refused. If one party proposes, the other party must accept..."

Before he finished speaking, the whole wolf poison suddenly burst out with a fierce murderous aura. The master's whole body was involuntarily alert.

Inside the wolf poison, Xu Yangyi's face was filled with cold murderous intent: "You went through such a big circle just to tell me that you moved the clock of the first battle and let the Earth and the Zhenwu Realm both embark on the first battle qualification competition?"

The master did not answer.

Dare not answer.

Xu Yangyi's eyes were like knives, slashing through the master's body inch by inch. Although it couldn't see, it still felt a chill.

After a long time, his voice sounded indifferently: "Do you want to live?"

The master suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashing with a strong desire to survive: "Yes! I am willing to follow you! I have the blood inheritance of the Taichu Legion! You are the one who will ascend. Once you ascend, you will definitely face the entire Taichu Legion! I..."

"Turning over and seeing."

This sentence made the master stunned in place.

Turning over and seeing...

Turning over and seeing!

This inferior life... What do you think it is? A panda?

Turning over... Letting a higher life roll over... How abominable!

Then, it rolled over.

The round eyeballs, covered with tentacles, looked disgusting no matter how you looked at them, but they rolled out of a cute meaning. It was really hard to imagine.

And, it looked at the wolf poison with a look of begging for mercy.

"Very good, you have pleased this real person." Xu Yangyi smiled slightly and said, "Then, you can die."

The pupils of the master's eyes suddenly became sharp: "You..."

Before the voice fell, the surrounding leaves rolled up together, and only a heart-wrenching scream was heard. However, at this moment, a brilliant green light suddenly burst out from the leaves!

One after another, the green light began to spread along the leaf veins that wrapped around the master. Those leaf veins actually formed a huge talisman. The green light was so strong that the sky turned green.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi looked at his spiritual body in astonishment. His spiritual body actually began to gradually materialize. No... It was not him who materialized, but the golden elixir in his chest.

The golden elixir assimilated with the seed given by the feathered serpent.

"This..." Not only it, the master was also stunned. It still had a trace of clarity at this moment. It looked at the green talisman wrapped around its body in astonishment. It seemed that a seed-like shape appeared in the rushing dragon veins, in a prismatic shape, flying towards the master slowly.

At this moment, the master's whole body trembled.

Natural enemy!

In its spiritual consciousness, it screamed madly, not knowing what this was. It only knew that this was a natural enemy! Terrible, very terrible!

Taichu, who lived by devouring others, felt the fear of being devoured for the first time.

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