
Chapter 764: Counter Devour

"You..." It looked at the wolf poison without saying a word. A strange talisman suddenly burst out from the prismatic seed. At the moment when the talisman flashed, it suddenly burst out with a silent sharp hiss.

It was indeed silent, but all the space around it was shaking! It was as if the master roared a terrifying sound wave. The area within a radius of hundreds of meters was shaking.

"This... this is... decomposition? I am being decomposed? No, that's not right... this is swallowing! I... am being swallowed by him?!"

Its body was slowly dissipating, and the neural network in its mind collapsed inch by inch. It could no longer maintain its human form and slowly turned into the most original eyeball. It looked at the wolf poison with an unspeakable fear in its pupils.

"You... can actually devour Taichu?"

"I died in your hands. I didn't die in the hands of the Seven Realms, but in the hands of you, a native of the Origin Land... I understand. The reason why other Taichu dare not come to the Origin Land is that they are afraid of you... The Origin Land has something that the enemies of all realms fear."

"But you can actually devour Taichu! You... as long as you take a step out of the Origin Land, you will definitely be hunted down by the Taichu Legion of all heavens and all realms! Hehehe, I have seen... I have seen your death..."

"Boom!!" It wanted to say something, but its eyeballs were suddenly completely integrated into the talisman, leaving only its unwilling and resentful eyes, and the green light flashing up to the sky!

Swish, Yu Linling, the biggest source of evil on earth, the only demon that escaped from the Tower of Babel, was killed here.

"Just now... what was that?" In the sky, Heishan Zhenren narrowed his eyes and asked.

Tianzai did not speak, because - he didn't know!

He was a little stunned. What happened to the golden elixir in this era? As a Nascent Soul, all the actions of the Golden Core are clear to him. Qi Refining is elementary school, Foundation Building is junior high school, and Golden Core is high school. He is at least a college student, right? And with his cultivation, he can afford a master's degree, right?

Can't see what happened just now?

He can only feel that an extremely evil spiritual power has disappeared.

"Senior?" Heishan Zhenren asked again. In his impression, the Nascent Soul is the pinnacle of this world, the Supreme of the Supremes, it is impossible not to know.

Tianzai Zhenren was calm and looked into the distance with his hands behind his back: "Sorry, I was distracted just now, what happened?"

Wolf poison covered the sky, Xu Yangyi looked at his hands in astonishment, and a spiritual power of the Golden Core level spread in his body.

There was nothing wrong, but it seemed that he and he complemented each other like yin and yang, blending in harmony.

"I... swallowed the master?"

He looked at the prismatic seed with some disbelief. He didn't recognize the talisman on it, but he could clearly read the content of the other party.

Father of all things.


Founding Yuanling!

He suddenly remembered a passage, which he thought was a dream.

He was unconscious and suspended in a quiet void. Suddenly, a huge hand spread out in the air, giving people a sense of boundless sacred majesty. A green prismatic seed slowly fell with the other party's hand.

"Chaos repaired half of the earth and turned it into a seed. After countless years, this seed took root and sprouted. It... is called wolf poison. And the spiritual energy that was absorbed turned into the last guardian of the earth. It is called... Quetzalcoatl. My mission is to protect the last seed of human civilization and control the other half of the awakening of wolf poison. Until today."

"I have heard that if one day the lamp keeper lights the world lamp and does not extinguish it, wolf poison will usher in a complete awakening. I have always thought this is a legend. So... the seed in your body, I... gently knocked open its shell..."

He stared at his hands in a trance, feeling the power that originally belonged to the master: "In other words, when Chaos left, he also discovered his own evil thoughts, so he had wolf poison, so wolf poison has the ability to kill gods? Because it originally came from the gods? So... Wolf poison and Emperor Senluo... have been opposite ends from the beginning?"

"If one day we become one... it devours me, or... if I can devour it, then will this legendary father of all things reappear?"

At this moment, in the deep and incomparable universe, a pair of eyes like stars slowly opened.

It was like the center of the Milky Way, surrounded by bright stars. As the eyes opened, the stars shone, but this white hole-like thing could only see one eye.

Around him, dozens of phantoms stood respectfully with their hands down, their feet on the void, and each breath was enough to make any world tremble, like an eternal stone sculpture.

However, some of them held tea sets, and some held musical instruments. Perhaps they had been standing still for hundreds or thousands of years, but they were like servants, and they did not move at all without the master speaking.

"How long have I slept?"

A shadow immediately whispered, "One thousand three hundred and twenty years, Your Majesty."

"Is that so..." After a long time, a magnificent voice like a god sounded. His eyes looked to the other side of the Milky Way: "Who controls the legion closest to the Origin Land?"

"The Void Legion, Your Majesty, was appointed by you one thousand five hundred years ago."

Silence, the owner of the voice seemed to find this figure from a long life and endless memories. After another hour, the voice spoke faintly: "Does he have any news to report?"

"Please let Your Majesty know."

"One of my people disappeared in the Origin Land. Let him find him and give me an answer."

"Yes." The shadow did not hesitate at all. Although he did not understand why the disappearance of a low-level "subject" would make His Majesty so concerned, he knew that His Majesty's decision had never been wrong.

The god-like eyes slowly closed, and no one heard his soft muttering.

"Chaos... Father..."

"Is my brother finally going to awaken..."

"I really look forward to him standing in front of me, and the brothers killing each other... Is this what you want to see?"

The majestic Milky Way fell silent again.

At the same time, a few light years away from the earth, on a huge spherical plane, golden eyes opened one by one, covering the entire planet.

"The spiritual power fluctuates slightly, but the quality is very high. It actually crossed light years to invade the neural network of Taichu. One of my subordinates seems to have fallen into the hands of the other party?"

"No... not just fallen, it seems... was swallowed? This is impossible. This saint has traveled through the plane for 57,300 years. Although I was promoted to the level of legion commander only 1,500 years ago, I have swallowed countless objects, and there has never been such a perfect life as us."

"Interesting... very interesting. To thank you for arousing my interest, this saint decided to cast a ray of eyes on you."

"In the name of the commander of the Void Legion under the command of Emperor Senluo."

All this is too far away from Xu Yangyi, and he doesn't know this.

He only feels that the endless spiritual power in the meridians is surging up, and it will soon be uncontrollable.

The suppression of the two major realms, coupled with the strong medicine of swallowing the master, and the Nanming Lihuo constantly warming the meridians in his body, he feels that he has reached the edge of advancement.

"Boom boom boom..." In all directions, the air, which was originally as calm as a lake, suddenly fluctuated, and green lights covered the sky and poured into the center like rivers and seas. In less than a moment, the huge wolf poison disappeared, and Xu Yangyi's figure reappeared in the original place.

Heishan Zhenren raised his eyebrows and was about to go over, but Tianzai Zhenren immediately stopped him.

"Wait a minute."

Heishan Zhenren was puzzled, but the next second, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

Spiritual energy... Countless spiritual energy, all black, rushed towards Xu Yangyi from the sky in all directions as if it was sucked out, madly.

"This is..." He was stunned for three seconds, and then suddenly looked at the other party. Even he had a hint of disbelief in his eyes: "Advance to... the late Jindan?"

Not only him, but all the cultivators near Changping at this moment saw this scene.

At the horizon, a black spiritual energy was condensing, spinning, and roaring, blackening the sky above Tianshou Mountain, forming a huge cloud cave with a radius of one kilometer, as if brewing and waiting.

Moreover, countless spiritual powers gathered from all directions, and the black ocean became the most eye-catching picture in the clear sky and white day, far exceeding most natural phenomena.

The strong wind whistled out of the cloud cave, sweeping down thousands of flowers and rolling wild waves. Some small stones on the ground were blown away by the strong wind, forming a sandstorm with flying sand and rocks.

"This, this is?!" Near Changping, a man in his forties was listening to music comfortably in an Audi. Suddenly, he turned his head to look at the sky. What he saw was a dark spot on the horizon, and the cloud cave that was spinning and stirring the clouds made him stunned for three seconds, and then he rushed over suddenly.

The Audi was parked innocently in the middle of the road. It caused a lot of scolding.

Xiangshan, a forbidden mountain range, is covered with red maples. Suddenly, several exclamations were heard and three streams of light shot up into the sky.

"Did you feel it?" An old woman in front of her was excited, with a proud look on her face: "Such a strong spiritual fluctuation! This, this must be a Jindan ancestor who is advancing!"

"This opportunity is too rare!" Behind her, there was a man who looked to be about 22 or 23 years old, handsome and handsome, but wearing a Zhongshan suit from the Republic of China period, with an equally excited face: "This ancestor is simply a blessing to the public! We are just one step away from entering this supreme realm! If we can watch the ancestor enter once, The benefits of upgrading to the next level are self-evident!"

"What a kind heart of a bodhisattva." Next to them was an old man who seemed to be in his fifties. He was much calmer and sighed, "My life is coming to an end. If I can get a sudden enlightenment, it would be a good thing. I don't know which ancestor didn't retreat in the cave. I choose to upgrade in the wild. This kind of scene may only happen once in fifty years. The last time was the wolf poison master in Nanzhou who formed a golden elixir. That scene, tut tut..."

If Xu Yangyi knew what they said, he would definitely curse out loud.

He is willing?

Who doesn't know that it is safest to set up various restrictions in the cave? Upgrading now? If there is any unexpected accident, it will be too late to regret. Especially, this is still near XYD, Yuchang has not been found yet, and there is Ying Gou's body below.

"Fuck!" He saw the colorful lights in the sky and finally cursed a word he hadn't cursed for decades.

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