
Chapter 765: Earth Heritage (I)

In fact, it was not just the light in the sky. On the ground, all the mobile phones of the people in the cars were pointed at him.

He will definitely be on Baidu's hot search tomorrow.

"What on earth is this?" "Too mysterious, people can actually cause the celestial phenomena to move. I must send my son to check if he has spiritual roots!" "Isn't this simply a superman? And he is from the Silver Age!" "Record it quickly! Hurry up! I'm afraid I won't be able to record the same thing in my lifetime." "Who has a power bank? Fuck, my phone is out of power!"

Heishan Zhenren had a very complicated feeling in his heart. He felt that Tianzai Zhenren beside him seemed calm, but his heart was definitely not calm.

In less than a hundred years, he was in the late stage of Jindan and Yuanying was in sight. What a speed of cultivation!

Due to the rapid progress, there was no strength emptiness at all, and the opponent's strength was equally strong. They all knew that this was not impossible, but it took countless life and death, and the spiritual power was completely polished and rounded in life and death to obtain it.

"Yuanying is in sight." Tianzai Zhenren repeated it for the second time, and with a wave of his hand, the infinite black and white spiritual light completely sealed off the surroundings.

At the scene, the black cloud hole in the sky has pulled out a small cone-shaped spiritual cone. Once the spiritual cone falls and the spiritual energy is poured into the top, that is when the promotion begins.

Under the spiritual cone, Xu Yangyi's face was full of entanglement. If he was about to curse, then now someone knows his expression, 99% of the cultivators will definitely spray him to death.


Are you still unwilling to advance to the late stage?

Do you know that we are still in the early stages of Qi Refining/Foundation Building/Golden Core? Have you ever considered our feelings!

The late stage of Golden Core is a watershed. Perhaps those above the Golden Core can be called great cultivators, but the real people will never use this word indiscriminately. Only cultivators who have entered the late stage and are in sight of the Nascent Soul can be called great cultivators. There are only a handful of people in China who are in the late stage of Golden Core. One-fifth of the number of people in the twenty-odd Golden Cores.

Suddenly, there was a tremor around him, visible to the naked eye, the entire sky, a thousand meters in radius seemed to be absorbed by him, and all the scenery became blurred. Then as he exhaled, it returned to its original state. From then on, it kept repeating.

"Hmm?" Tianzai Zhenren's eyes became serious: "In the blink of an eye, the sky and the earth changed color? This is... the characteristic of completely refining the spiritual energy of the Jindan stage and starting to form the spiritual energy into an infant! What is he doing?"

Heishan Zhenren's eyes flickered, he knew he couldn't do this. Xu Yangyi's current changes seemed simple, but in fact they were not. Instead, the spiritual energy in his body had condensed to a certain extent, and he had begun to explore the infant stage, so he could absorb spiritual energy on such a large scale!

"How did he do it?"

He found that wolf poison was a magic box, and he could never guess the next layer after opening it. He had been shocked countless times, but it was not enough.

Xu Yangyi sighed to the sky.

He really couldn't do it himself.

However, there was something that had been hidden for a very long time, so long that he almost forgot it because of too many things. As the Eternal Dan Sutra King was ignited, he could absorb spiritual energy and finally floated up from his dantian.

Golden apple.

At the beginning, he ate half of Yue Zhenren's golden apple, which almost caused the other party to turn against him. What he was waiting for was that after he could absorb the spiritual energy, the absorption speed would cause a qualitative change, and now it finally fully exerted its effect.

In his sea of ​​qi, a flame was in the middle, no one could shake it, a butterfly trembled and hid in the corner, never doing the stupid thing of moths flying into the fire. And the golden apple was not in its original state, but turned into a sky full of golden talismans, each of which was extremely mysterious, forming three rings that were nested with each other. Three rings surrounded the Nanming Lihuo like a moon.

As the Nanming Lihuo continued to boil, a bunch of flaming red lotuses floated up and dissipated, countless spiritual energy gathered here, rushing to his limbs and bones, but... the speed of this absorption was too fast, and the amount was too large! He hadn't tasted the taste of spiritual energy for too long, even comparable to the Sky Burial Festival in Kaiyun Realm! That magnificent and endless sea of ​​spiritual energy!

These spiritual energies entered the Nanming Lihuo, and the impurities were quickly refined, turning into the purest mutant wood spiritual energy, which was input into each of his meridians and major acupuncture points. The motor of the Eternal Pill Scripture King with the Golden Apple started at full power. Compared with his previous version, he didn't know how many versions had been upgraded! It went directly from 286 to WIN7.

This was the rhythm that forced him to advance.

"No, I can't advance now. It's... too unsafe here." He hesitated for a long time. The opportunity to advance was hard-won. However, after making up his mind, he immediately began to suppress the spiritual energy.

"Is he stopping absorbing?" Tianzai immediately felt that the spiritual energy around him had returned to normal, and looked at Xu Yangyi in astonishment. The boundary of the great cultivator, the other party actually gave up like this?

It took only half an hour to think about it. The next time may be fast or slow. Who can say for sure? Especially when the war of the ten thousand worlds is coming, one more level of realm means one more chance to save his life. The other party...really gave up?

What he saw, Heishan Zhenren also saw, and he also didn't believe his eyes.

Which cultivator would give up advancing?

However, there really was someone doing this in front of him!

"If it were someone else, I would call him a fool." After a long time, he retracted his gaze and said in a deep voice: "But... now I just want to say that he is confident."

After that, he looked up to the sky and sighed: "There are talented people in every generation, and each of them leads the trend for hundreds of years. It seems that our era is over."

"You are too kind." Tianzai looked at Xu Yangyi with admiration: "Our era is not over."

"It is not the arrival of the next generation."

"This generation of Xuanyuan Sword Master is far from the previous generations. The new Jindan is still very immature. This is not their era yet. They can't take over the stick in our hands. But... the era of Wolfsbane has come. ”

"That's all. Don't underestimate yourself. It is Wolfsbane who rises, not the next generation."

For dozens of minutes, he vomited blood alternately.

At first, Xu Yangyi was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, but when he made up his mind to close his spiritual energy absorption, he was no longer the one vomiting blood.

"What's going on?!" In the sky, a foundation-building monk looked in the direction of Tianshou Mountain in shock: "Failed? No, no! This, is the advancement canceled?!"

"What did this ancestor think?!" Countless monks who came to watch were very depressed. They were about to run away, but the other party canceled?

"Can the advancement of the golden elixir be cancelled?" "Oh my god... this real person... is he crazy to say disrespectful words?" "Be careful! It is not for us to discuss the matter of the real person." "Haha , Stop pretending to me! I don’t believe you’re not depressed!” “Well, I rushed out after finishing the retreat, but I didn’t expect that this real person... well... is different.”

Baba came here, but you told me you didn’t want to play anymore?

What about beacon fire and the princes?

Do you have the guts to try to gather your strength again? If you dare to gather together, I will...I will dare to come again!

The cloud hole in the sky finally slowly dissipated after ten minutes. I don't know how many people flew back with extremely depressed mood.

Xu Yangyi won't care about this. He has the strength to beat him so willfully. If it's not safe, I won't play anymore. Isn't it okay if I don't advance?

With the golden apple and Nanming Lihuo's super strong core, he believed that the next advancement would be very soon.

Master Heishan and Master Tianzai stood in mid-air. After completely suppressing the urge to advance, Xu Yangyi saw the two of them, cupped his hands in the air, and flew towards the bottom of the cave.

"This son will become a great person in the future." Looking at his back, Master Tianzai praised him for the third time.

"It's absolutely extraordinary to be able to suppress the urge to advance. I have never seen anyone suppress this urge when facing the late stage of Jindan." He gently stroked his beard: "It's easy to say not to advance, just close it. Aura is enough, but the difficulty is the desire to reach the top. Although it is not a big deal, it is enough to show his character."

"The heart of cultivation is so strong, and I have good luck. I am not blind yet, and the next era will definitely belong to him."

Leaving everything behind him, Xu Yangyi seemed to fly slowly towards the hole. After entering the huge pit of 10,000 meters, he felt the spiritual consciousness of Master Tianzai withdrawing from his body, and he immediately sprinted with all his strength.

This feeling of having spiritual power close to you and not worrying about running out... is so good.

In the past, when was there not a time when elixirs were not always ready for supplementation? Only now, the weightless elixir contained in the storage ring suddenly feels heavy. It was so heavy that he wanted to wave it away.

"No one will come now, because it was me who killed Taichu, and all the trophies below belong to me. This is the default rule of the cultivation world. The more golden the elixir, the less likely it will be violated. It is very safe."

"But there is not much time. The cornucopia must not be discovered, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. This is also my promise. And... the corpse of Ying Gou below, this is a treasure that is equal to or even higher than the cornucopia. No one can see it. Once you reach Nascent Soul..."

His eyes moved slightly. In his hands are the two corpses of heaven and earth, as well as Ying Gou's corpse... enough to refine three incarnations. All three are made of materials that are hard to find for thousands of years, and they came into his hands by fate. His external incarnation must be different.

"The most important thing is XYD. I must find it myself, and as soon as possible. Otherwise, when others come in, they will find the corpse ancestor Ying Gou and the cornucopia."

With his body as electric as lightning, he didn't have much time. Soon, he arrived at the cornucopia.

"Well done." Chunjun Sword Spirit transformed into a handsome prince-like young man in white, sitting under the money tree, not even half a step away from the soul-fixing bead. Gently blow a jade flute, the phoenix flute sounds, the jade pot turns light, and everything around you seems to come alive and beat lightly.

Xu Yangyi stood still, cupped his fists and said, "Junior and senior say goodbye. If we say goodbye today, I'm afraid we will never see each other again."

"It's better to miss each other than to miss each other." Chunjun put down his jade flute without raising his head, and said calmly: "Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. Boy, it is true that you have the aura of two holy swords in your body, but it does not mean that The other holy swords will follow you."

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and decided to speak out. No matter what the result was, at least he had tried hard.

"I promise that no one can disturb the soul of Mingguang Sect. And I will try my best to reach the status of your former master."

The jade flute flicked gently in the air, and the white jade fluttered. The golden dragon outlined on it seemed to come alive. The exquisitely crafted accessories made him look like a troubled young master. He said with a half-smile: "Do you know why I chose Zhu Changluo?"

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