
Chapter 769: Great Monk

Outside Tianshou Mountain, the entire ground suddenly rumbled.

"What's going on?" On the Tianshou Mountain Expressway, countless ordinary people watched the scene in front of them. Fifty years ago, the Ming Tombs scenic area was destroyed, and Tianzai Zhenren personally moved a mountain to suppress it and designated it as a forbidden area for a hundred years. From that day on, this world-renowned mountain was completely silent.

They couldn't remember the overwhelming online videos fifty years ago, nor could they remember why the Ming Tombs were destroyed. But the scene in front of them made countless people stunned.

The black light rushed straight into the sky, and the terrifying pressure was overwhelming. It went straight into the sky for 90,000 miles, as if the dark golden hoop stood upright, and even the clear sky was pierced with a huge cloud hole.

The golden monkey raised the thousand-pound stick, and the jade sky cleared the dust for thousands of miles.

"What's going on?" "Such a big noise, could it be the Jindan Patriarch?" "Impossible! Who is the Jindan Zhenren? The world's supreme being, even the leader has to give him face. In such a broken place?"

The monks didn't care about the surprise of the mortals. The area around Tianshou Mountain is no longer deserted, but a community of monks. At this moment, countless Qi-refining and foundation-building monks, and newly relocated small families, all rushed out in shock, looking at the sky in amazement.

"Buzz buzz buzz..." The black spiritual energy column was as large as 5,000 meters, becoming the only color in this world, and even the sun's light was plundered. As soon as these monks ran out, their legs softened immediately, and they all knelt down on the ground like radishes in the soil.

"The real person... is the ancestor! It's the Jindan ancestor!" An old monk was so scared that his face turned pale, and he touched the ground with his forehead: "It's not an ordinary Jindan... This, this kind of spiritual pressure is much stronger than the few real people I have had the honor to see from afar!"

"Late Jindan?!" A cultivator who had reached the great perfection of foundation building looked at the sky in disbelief: "Great monk? There is another great monk in my China? Which ancestor is this?!"

"No wonder this place is closed!" "It turns out that there is a great monk who is in seclusion to break through the late stage. No wonder, no wonder!" "We have lived next to a great monk for more than 30 years? It's really a great fortune!"

What happened in the outside world, the underground didn't know anything. Xu Yangyi's face was calm, and all the Qiankunhai was like an arm, just as he slapped it. The ground below trembled quietly, and a broken goose feather fan appeared in the center of the lava sea.

At the moment of appearance, he felt that everything around him was cleared, and his spiritual consciousness was brought to a void space without any consciousness.

This space was only black. In the endless black, a blurry figure with a feather fan and a long scarf appeared silently, sitting in a wheelchair with his back to him.

"When drunk, I feel the vastness of the universe, and when idle, I know the length of the sun and the moon." The voice of the figure behind him was calm, and he shook the feather fan lightly, saying lightly: "It's not bad that you can see through the magic weapon of the main writer of the true appearance."

Feather fan and long scarf... claiming to be the true appearance...

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, and bowed his hands in submission and said: "Hello, senior."

This is a spiritual consciousness left by the other party. Thousands of years have passed, but it still exists, which shows that the other party's realm was high at that time.

The other party couldn't hear it, but his admiration was sincere.

First Jiang Shang, then Sun Bin, five hundred years ago Zhuge Liang, five hundred years later Liu Bowen.

It turned out that the universe was his work, no wonder he had a cheating device like Danling with photographic memory, but it took fifty years to analyze it.

The figure seemed to look at him, but it seemed not to look at him. Not too fast or too slow, like an ancient well: "He who can analyze the universe must be from the world of no return, and he must be protected by luck. If he were from other planes, he would have been dead long ago. Junior... you, come here."

Xu Yangyi took a few steps forward, and just as he stepped out ten meters, a brilliant golden light rushed into his mind with a speed and power that could not be rejected at all.

Seven Star Divination!

This magical power suddenly appeared in his mind.

It is not an offensive magical power, but...a kind of prophet, or even a type of foresight. It can predict good and bad luck, which seems useless, but unless a cultivator is complacent, once he enters the major secret realms, its role is self-evident!

And...everything can be calculated!

It can calculate good and bad luck at any time, it can predict the fate of the world, it can calculate a person, an event, a direction, or a country, a world, or a galaxy. As long as the realm is sufficient.

"This is a magical power I created recently. My disciple Jiang Boyue is a mortal and cannot pass down this method. I swore that if anyone can perfectly reverse the universe, I would give this method to him. Ying Gou told me that there would be no one who could do it. So I made a small modification. As long as I can break this eight-door golden lock formation, I will... not let this method be lost."

Is this the eight-door golden lock formation?

Xu Yangyi looked around in astonishment, with great pride in his heart.

This formation can stop 100,000 Cao troops.

It's a pity that it can't stop him today.

"Go. You can come here, I think the war between the worlds is coming. If one day we meet in other worlds, you and I will have a drink and talk happily."

After saying this, Zhuge Kongming's figure suddenly disappeared. Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness also returned to his body.

He was stunned, and after thinking carefully, the method and steps of the Seven Star Divine Calculation were all in his mind, not an illusion.

Below him, all the golden lights were like coiled dragons, quickly combining onto the feather fan. "Ka Ka Ka!" The golden light was thousands of feet high, illuminating the entire underground, forming a pure golden storm with a radius of tens of thousands of meters.

"Buzz!" With the sound of a dragon's roar, thousands of golden lotuses suddenly rose up in the golden clouds, and lotuses regenerated in the lotuses. Above the ninth floor, there were immortals and beasts from all directions, golden light leaping, precious light leaking out of the ground, and sharp energy across the sky. An extremely huge golden object appeared on the seabed in the golden clouds.

Tens of thousands of meters wide and tens of thousands of meters high, as it appeared, all the lava rolled back and rushed towards the center.


A huge four-legged tripod.

It is engraved with flowers, birds, fish, insects, and all kinds of creatures. Just standing in front of it makes you feel an indescribable feeling of insignificance. It is obviously a magic weapon, but it exudes an unspeakable power.

Tens of thousands of meters above, Chunjun's body suddenly stood up, took a deep look below for several times, smiled with emotion, and sat down again.

As if nothing was his business.

Below, there was a sound of sword sound, and the fish intestines suddenly rushed out from the ground and returned to Xu Yangyi's arm.

"Is this the world-protecting artifact left by our ancestors?" Its artifact spirit floated out, looking like fire at the towering cauldron tens of thousands of meters tall: "What does it do?"

Xu Yangyi touched the tripod with emotion: "It has only one effect."

He lowered his voice and turned it into a stream of spiritual consciousness into Yuchang's ears.

After a few seconds, Yuchang's eyes flashed and he took a deep breath: "So that's it... That's it!"

At this moment, the golden light in the cauldron converged, spinning continuously, turning into a talisman the size of a fingertip.

Although it is small, it hides countless mysteries. With Xu Yangyi's current understanding of the talisman, he felt like there was a bang in his head when he looked at it.

"This is this?" He looked at the talisman in confusion. It was a square, and on each corner, there were talismans spreading into the void, and then quietly submerged into it. The entire square rotates slowly, and is completely composed of small talismans. It looks like a three-dimensional object, but also like a flat surface. Slowly rotating in the void.

Before he could finish speaking, the square suddenly turned into a golden light and rushed into his left eye!

Suddenly, a hot feeling rushed over. Although it was violent, it was not intense, and it was not the kind of fire that would burn your mind. Instead, as if an ancient tree had taken root, something grew from his left eye and spread to his brain.

He tried to look at it with his spiritual sense, and all the talismans he had analyzed gathered into a golden river, imprinted in his mind, and he would never forget it.

"You have succeeded in the Tao of Talisman. Now you can be called a master." His consciousness became blurred, and Yuchang's voice sounded: "Have a good rest. After ten days, the certificate of Talisman that represents Xiaocheng will be completely integrated into your body and mind. Then Time is the real master.”

"Now, when you refine an elixir, it is no longer possible to be inferior to the Jun Dan."

Feeling sleepy, Xu Yangyi closed his eyes with a smile. There is golden light under the eyelid of the left eye.

Ten days passed quickly, and he opened his eyes again. But his left eye has returned to calmness. But if you look closely, you can see a mysterious square hidden in his pupils.

He stood up, and a powerful spiritual power from the late stage of Jin Dan spread throughout his body. The powerful feeling that permeates the bloodline fills oneself.

"What a powerful force..." His eyes moved slightly and he suddenly kicked upwards.

The dragon steps on the mountain!

However, this time when the divine dragon stepped on the mountain, there was no movement at all. It was as calm as water. Not to mention the phantom of the blue dragon, there was no sound at all.

Just half a second later, the layers of magma in front of him exploded! Layers are lifted thousands of meters high! A crisp dragon roar resounded throughout the space, and just as the vast magma rain poured down, a huge dent with a radius of five kilometers appeared on the sea of ​​magma.

No matter how much the magma spreads, within one minute, the indentation is impervious to water and fire, and it is clearly engraved on the sea of ​​magma.

The dragon, running in the clouds and mists, hiding its soul in the rivers and seas, is invisible and shadowless, and no one can see its face in the sky.

This is the real dragon stepping on the mountain. You can't see the dragon taking action, you can't see the blue dragon probing its claws, and only the terrifying scars on the ground are left.

"At least three times more!" His eyes were scorching: "Now that I meet the Black Mountain Master, I can defeat him within six hours."

"Don't be complacent." Yuchang is educating his own students: "First, you don't have your natal magic weapon, and you don't have the golden elixir in the later stage, which is too unfavorable for you to face the true martial arts world. Second, after you advance to the golden elixir, you can't be complacent." It’s too fast. Although it has a profound foundation, there are still many things that need to be considered.”

Xu Yangyi nodded.

There is still much to do. For example, he needed to go to the Tagule family in person, no matter how many golden elixirs they still had, but in front of a great monk, Tagule Cain had already ascended, and he didn't think anyone could stop him.

In addition, it is the spiritual sea of ​​Kaiyun Realm. After the golden elixir, it was too hasty, and now it is time to absorb a wave. There is also the trade between the two worlds that was handed over to Mao Baer. I don’t know how it is doing.

Finally, even his former member has done what he should do, and he really wants to see how the other person is doing.

In his mind, the faces of Zhao Ziqi and Chu Zhaonan appeared, and he suddenly remembered that he wanted to refine the elixir for Chu Zhaonan to restore the sea of ​​qi. But fifty years have passed.

Thinking of this, he could no longer sit still. He took a step forward and slowly disappeared.

"Why, you are in a hurry to go back and refine the natal magic weapon? You must not wait for the natal magic weapon. You must be cautious and cautious." Yuchang said in a deep voice.

Xu Yangyi smiled: "I'm not in a hurry for my natal magic weapon. I already have an idea."

"However, fifty years have passed and I am not here. Have some people forgotten the alchemy path again?"

Yuchang smiled and said: "Refining the natal magic weapon requires a lot of energy. The alchemy path is your path to wealth and must not be cut off. I can't tell you are still a little money-crazy."

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