
Chapter 770: Accepting a Disciple

The two chatted and laughed, feeling relaxed. Ten minutes later, they appeared above Tianshou Mountain.

There was no strange vision or spiritual power. The foundation-building cultivators and Qi-refining cultivators could not feel it at all. Almost no one noticed his reappearance.

But, almost.

In the air opposite, a chariot made of various magic weapons stood in the void. The moment he appeared, a jade whisk slightly swept aside the curtain, and the voice of Heishan Zhenren rang out: "But Langdu Daoyou?"

"Yes." Xu Yangyi smiled and bowed: "Heishan Daoyou is also here?"

Heishan Zhenren did not answer.

Inside the curtain, he squinted at Xu Yangyi. At a glance, he felt that the other party's spiritual power was as deep as the sea, as deep as the mountains. Just standing there with his hands behind his back, he actually had the momentum of a master.

He couldn't tell the depth of the other party's spiritual power!

As a Jindan with many years, he knew that there was only one answer.

The other party's strength was above his! And it might be more than a little!

"The sea is wide for fish to leap, and the sky is high for birds to fly." With a leisurely sigh, a red cloud came out, and Heishan Zhenren stood in front of him, solemnly clasping his fists: "From now on, the name of Langdu Zhenren will be feared by all. Even this Zhenren can hardly compare with you, a great cultivator who has just passed a hundred years."

"You are too flattering." Xu Yangyi smiled and bowed: "Has anything major happened in the past fifty years?"

Heishan Zhenren laughed and waved his hand: "Come, get in the car."

"This Zhenren will take you a ride, so we can talk slowly."

The Cultivation Court is not far from Tianshou Mountain, at least for Jindan Zhenren, but Heishan Zhenren deliberately let the carriage drive slowly, and slowly told Xu Yangyi about the changes in the past fifty years.

In the wide and soft carriage, there is almost no vibration, and the gold and jade inlaid seat is very comfortable. The soft couch. The coffee table is full of spiritual wine and spiritual fruits, and the rich spiritual energy makes the boys outside the car drool.

Until landing at the door of the Cultivation Court, Xu Yangyi was silent.

The changes are too great...

These fifty years have been earth-shaking. Under the huge pressure of the Zhenwu world, the earth has shown a terrifying research power. Various weapons that could only be seen in science fiction movies have appeared one after another, and three of them can even cause devastating blows to Jindan Zhenren.

In his third year at the bottom of the lava sea, Zhenren Gusong and Zhenren Heishan came forward in person. The former founded a cultivation university with the support of the government. Three in each province. As long as you have spiritual roots, you can enroll for free. In the war of all realms, foundation building is the core combat power, Jindan is the mainstay, and Yuanying is the backbone of a world. The existence of Jindan and Yuanying is more of a deterrent, like a nuclear weapon. The number of people who refine qi and build foundations is the key to determining victory or defeat.

The era of national cultivation has arrived!

And Zhenren Heishan swept the demon cultivation world across the country, and anyone who did not obey his orders was killed. The demon cultivation world is now on the same front as humans. Like an arm to use a finger.

In addition, in the past fifty years, the cultivation civilization has exploded after accumulating for thousands of years. Taobao has specially opened a cultivation store, which must be certified by the cultivation alliance. The companies of various cultivator forces have gone from being secret to being open. After obtaining the qualifications, they have begun to develop the spiritual stone mines on the earth. Even if it is tens of thousands of meters under the sea, as long as you can invite Jindan Zhenren, you can still mine it.

Cultivation and civilization are now completely integrated together, and there is no difference between them. And the Internet, this era of information explosion, there is no shortage of news about cultivators, even as much as stars.

Male and female cultivators who are good-looking and have high cultivation are now more popular than stars. The "college entrance examination champions" in major provinces are now lonely, replaced by "cultivation champions." When a newborn baby comes out, the first thing to do is to detect the aura in the hospital in addition to distinguishing between men and women.

The aura content of all human beings is now all posted on the international network. America, the European Union, China, India, and Greece have formed an organization called "Shentong". All the divine families on the earth, the top families of various countries, and the major Jindan Zhenren all have information on it. Shentong will test newborns around the world every day. Once the aura content is found to exceed the specified value, someone will immediately pick them up and send them to study in a college system similar to Tiandao.

Yes, now the Heavenly Dao is not the only one. Each country has its own cultivation civilization environment and its own systematic learning.

He asked about Chu Zhaonan and others, who he cared about the most. Heishan Zhenren smiled strangely and told him that his agent was now a little rich. As for Chu Zhaonan, he was taken in by Gusong Zhenren himself to recuperate. Although the Zhao family is not a first-class family now-because there are too few people left, no one dares to move.

Including his former members of the Xingtian Corps, they can basically walk sideways in the cultivation world.

"White clouds and gray dogs." Xu Yangyi picked up a glass of spirit wine and drank it all: "This is really a bit like an online novel."

"Not yet, most online novels are naked violence. At least the earth has not yet reached this point of fighting violence with violence, but abiding by the law."

At this moment, the carriage stopped in the void, and the surrounding curtains were lifted up. His voice fell leisurely: "Heishan Zhenren, Langdu Zhenren, meet Dean Tianzai."

Xu Yangyi looked around and unknowingly entered the scope of the cultivation court. Everything was still so familiar.

"Please." As soon as Heishan Zhenren finished speaking, a faint voice resounded through the heaven and earth. Just as Xu Yangyi was about to take a step forward, he suddenly paused.

There was a familiar aura outside the door...

Early stage of foundation building? More than 60 years of cultivation?

Has anyone ever met such a person among his acquaintances?

"Why?" Heishan Zhenren asked in confusion.

"Fellow Daoist Heishan, please go ahead. I have something to do. I'll be here for ten minutes." He smiled, and in a flash, he disappeared in mid-air.

In a secluded place at the door, a man with the emblem of the Cultivation Court on his chest was looking at a young man in front of him with a cold look.

"Fellow Daoist, I've made it very clear." The cultivator was in the middle stage of foundation building. He took a step forward, and the spiritual energy of his whole body was silently released, suppressing the spiritual energy of the young man opposite. The other party was obviously in a bad mood. A hint of murderous intent flashed across his eyes, but he did not retreat a single step.

"Unless you produce evidence, the master must have evidence, otherwise, you can't go in today."

The young man gritted his teeth and still bowed: "Daoyou, I have also made it very clear. When the master accepted me as a disciple, he only said that I would go to him after I succeeded in cultivation. I came here today to ask where the master is."

"You don't even know your master, and you still come to the cultivation court to find him?" The cultivator finally lost his patience: "Daoyou, you have been here for a few months, right? Don't you know the rules? There is no order without rules. What do you think this place is? This is the bedroom of Tianzai Zhenren, the strongest Jindan in China. You can go in just like that?"

He glanced at the young man up and down: "Again, you are not allowed to enter without proof. Who knows what you are doing in there? Do I have to let him go just because everyone comes and says he is a disciple of the Zhenren?"

"I'm talking to you, go back to where you came from! The foundation building now is much more watery than the foundation building before. I'm in a good mood and won't pursue your problem. Otherwise, hehe..."

He really had enough!

When he heard that the disciple of the real person was coming, he greeted him in various ways, until he habitually asked for proof, but there was none.

He still greeted him, but this was the rule, so he asked the other disciples of the real person to say casually that they could give him face and let him in without seeing the proof. He checked the real person's number on the computer.

However, there was still no!

It was not until the other party said that his master had only met once that the monk's face darkened.

What is this?

This is swindling! Looking at the real person's thigh, he wanted to hug it! He actually flattered a liar for a long time!

"Enough!" The other party's refusal to give in made him snort coldly: "Get out! Don't come here again, otherwise, don't blame me for sending the guards to detain you! This is the cultivation court, and the real person Tianzai is in charge here, it's not so easy to get out!"

"Shh" At this moment, a smile came from the air: "Chicken Feather Token."

"Who?" The monk turned his head suddenly, but he couldn't see anything. Suddenly, a trace of nervousness rose in his heart, staring at the void: "Who is here? This is..."

"This Immortal knows that it is the court of Fellow Daoist Tianzai... Haha, interesting, Fellow Daoist Tianzai has never said so, but you are pretending to be powerful here."

"Plop!" As soon as the voice fell, the young man and the cultivator knelt down at the same time. The young man was fine, but the cultivator's face turned pale and trembled in an instant.

Jindan Immortal!

Dare to call yourself this Immortal, and say Fellow Daoist Tianzai, you must be the Supreme! But... but what are you, the Supreme, eavesdropping on!

He was so depressed that he almost vomited blood, but he didn't dare to show it at all. The fear in his heart surged like a tide, and he trembled and said: "No... Immortal, you, you listen to my explanation..."

The cultivator didn't dare to move at all, shrinking and sweating.

"Okay, let's go." Xu Yangyi looked at the void calmly, really too lazy to compete with a foundation. Then, he looked at the young man with some surprise.

He walked over from the void and looked at the young man: "I can't believe you have actually cultivated to the foundation building stage."

He snapped his fingers, and the young man's arm unconsciously raised, and a red tattoo appeared faintly at the base of his thumb.

"Greetings, Master!" The young man took a deep breath, and the arrogance of that day completely disappeared, leaving only a capable and slender figure. He didn't kneel just now, but now he half-knelt on the ground without hesitation: "Disciple has lived up to your expectations!"

When he knelt, a black light flashed in the air, and the passers-by around and the monks in the practice court were all stunned.

A great gift to the master!

And in the air, the young man standing still in the air looked young, but he had a bottomless golden elixir pressure on his body, which was not fake at all!

"Fuck!" A passerby dropped his coffee on the ground and said incoherently: "Jin, Jin, Jin, Jin, Jindan Patriarch?!"

"The living Jindan Patriarch?!" "Become a disciple! Who the hell is so lucky! To become a disciple of a real person?!" "Don't you want to give me this kind of stimulation so early in the morning! My son hasn't even entered the kindergarten for cultivation!"

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