
Chapter 771: One person achieves enlightenment

When the monks not far from the training court saw this scene, they all half-knelt on the ground and said loudly: "Congratulations to the real person! Congratulations to the real person!"

Although this real person was unfamiliar.

"Get up." Xu Yangyi smiled and looked at the man opposite: "You get up too."

"Don't worry, don't tell me off. The former prince, Lin Chaofeng."

"I did what I said. You not only fulfilled the promise that day, but also did better. From today on, you are the founding disciple of my Wolf Poison Real Person Xu Yangyi. I will give you a Taoist name, and you will change it to Wangchen. How about it?"

Wangchen, forget the past, forget his identity as the other party's prince in the club with Zhao Wuye that day in Lin Chaofeng's club. From now on, he is only the founding disciple of Wolf Poison Real Person.

"Disciple Wangchen, obey the master's order!"

"Okay." Xu Yangyi was in a good mood. Is this considered the founding of his own Taoist lineage? Although he hasn't figured out which road he is walking on. Yangguan Road is still a single-plank bridge.

"Master, I don't have anything to give you. Just a small gift for your apprenticeship. Please accept it." He waved his hand, and a crystal clear jade bottle opened. It was filled with five-colored pills. When the jade stopper was pulled out, a strong medicinal fragrance filled the heart. The eyes of all passers-by and monks lit up.

Wang Chen took the jade bottle with surprise. Although he didn't know what it was, the strong spiritual energy was real. As long as he smelled it, he felt that the spiritual power of his whole body surged up.

"Excuse me, Master, what is this?"

Xu Yangyi smiled and said, "A little thing."

"Pills?!" At this moment, all the monks in the training court were stunned for a few seconds, and then an old monk who looked over 70 years old exclaimed and looked at the jade bottle with burning eyes.

"Pills?" This sentence made the whole audience silent for a few seconds, and then all of them raised their heads, even with a hint of fanaticism in their eyes.

In the modern history of China, there are only five recorded cases of pills. Three of them were sold at sky-high prices. They were all treasures of the alchemy family. They were sold only when the family fell into decline. Otherwise, they would never be seen. The last two times were both related to one person.

Wolf Poison.

Eighty years ago, it was a glimpse and won the first place. Fifty years ago, it was a miracle again, but it disappeared suddenly for unknown reasons both times.

The first three times, only a few were auctioned, but this real person has a large bottle in his hand. This...

"Meet the real person of wolf poison!!" "Congratulations to the real person for his great progress!" "The real person has been in seclusion for fifty years and has achieved great magical powers! I am really proud of him!" "Congratulations to the real person, congratulations to the real person!"

Maybe it was just a routine greeting just now, but this time it was sincere. That's the elixir! The Chinese alchemy was able to explode twice, but the original body disappeared. It won't happen this time, right? It won't happen? It really won't happen?

Some things are like a hook, deeply hidden in people's hearts. They can't be seen at ordinary times, but once they are seen, they are enough to evoke the deepest temptation in their hearts.

Wang Chen remained calm and quietly looked at his master. To be fair, the two are very similar, but not in appearance. No, it's not just in appearance. They both look calm but wild, enough to make girls scream. But more importantly, it's the temperament.

That kind of cold killing intent, Lin Chaofeng was once a prince, with a lot of blood on his hands, and he didn't feel any psychological barriers to killing people and stealing treasures when he transformed into a monk. And Xu Yangyi used to be sharp, and he went into seclusion for several long periods of time, but he hid his wildness deep in his heart.

How could he meet a master whose personality is actually not much different from his own...

He didn't speak, but he was convinced in his heart. Especially when he saw that all the monks at the scene didn't dare to raise their heads, and there were many late-stage foundation-building and great perfection monks who he couldn't afford to offend now, he only felt that the back of his master was a mountain. Although they looked about the same age, he couldn't even think of replacing him.

A person's reputation is like a tree's shadow.

"No need to be polite." Xu Yangyi waved his hand, wrapped Wangchen's body, and turned into a black light and rushed to the headquarters of the cultivation court.

There was complete silence, and it was not until ten minutes after he left that someone dared to speak slowly.

"Is the Wolf Poison Patriarch going to leave this time..." An old man looked at the headquarters with a burning gaze: "The pill... that's the pill! He only gave me a bottle. At that time, I almost wanted to kneel down and kowtow to him and worship him as my master."

"Haha, come on, you can worship him if you want? Do others like you? Can Jindan Zhenren accept disciples casually?" "The pill has appeared in the world for the sixth time! I just hope that God will not let Wolf Poison Zhenren get into trouble again!" "Being a disciple of Wolf Poison Zhenren, no, even a pill boy... Oh my God! I can't even think about it!" "Too extravagant, a priceless pill, a bottle at hand, but I didn't even dare to scream just now..."

The hearts of countless people were burning. The pill had long been a myth after it was lost. It could bring back the dead and turn bones into flesh and bones, and improve cultivation by leaps and bounds. As long as the corresponding pill was found, it would be nothing. Now others just have a bottle, needless to say, this Wang Chen will be a hot figure in the future! I don't know how many people who want to ask for or buy elixirs have to go to him to pass the test. I have practiced for hundreds of years, but it is not worth a word from the real person, a bottle of elixir.

Xu Yangyi doesn't care about their thoughts at all. He has already walked to the door of Tianzai Zhenren, but his spiritual consciousness falls on Wang Chen.

The spiritual roots are dual spiritual roots, and the aptitude is unexpectedly good. Water and soil spiritual roots complement each other. This is not too important. What is important is that the other party has been calm all the way, and has not been timid because of too many foundation-building cultivators along the way.

As a disciple of Jindan, he admired this magnanimity. If your founding disciple still needs to be in awe of Foundation Establishment, then it’s okay not to.

"Do you have any magic weapon?"

Wangchen immediately stopped on his knees and said respectfully, "No disciple."

Prince Lin Chaofeng does not know how to kneel, but Wangchen knows how to kneel to his master.

"No need to be too polite in the future. I'll see Master Tianzai later, and I'll pick up some small things as my master."

Lin Chaofeng's eyes flashed.

What the other party said was to pick, not to give.

The difference between one word and another indicates a numerical problem. He had no idea how long Xu Yangyi had been a robber in the Tower of Babel, but now he was just glad that the master was not stingy. Whether it was the bottle of inexplicable treasure at the beginning or the "picking" of magic weapons, everything was clear about the master. The atmosphere of respect.

I found the right master...

He breathed a sigh of relief, his last worries gone. What he fears most is that Xu Yangyi doesn't recognize him, and the second is that his master has a bad character. After all, he didn't show much of it in the club last time. Especially... I was not a good person before.

"Thank you, Master." Xu Yangyi said no, but Wangchen still saluted respectfully and meticulously.

Walking to Tianzai's Tianzi gate, which had never been opened before, Xu Yangyi handed over his hand: "I've met senior."

There was no sound. After a few seconds, an old voice floated out: "Is the retreat over?"

"I got something occasionally." Xu Yangyi said with a smile.

"Haha." Tianzai's laughter came from behind the door: "It's not just occasional gains, nor small gains. In the later period of a hundred years, you will have gained a lot."

Xu Yangyi's heart moved. He put his hands behind his back and moved his fingers in a strange trajectory.

Seven Stars Divine Calculation.

The first time he used it, he wanted to calculate the fate of Master Tianzai, but it didn't last long, and he couldn't deduce the fate of Nascent Soul. However, he felt that it should be possible to deduce the opponent's fate in the war of all realms.

As his fingers swiped, seven magic formulas, including Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang, flashed by. His heart suddenly lit up. Two seconds later, he looked at the door thoughtfully.

The road ahead is bleak, with green mountains at the top and yellow springs at the bottom. Neither place is visible.

What does it mean?

Does this mean that...even the law of heaven cannot deduce the fate of the real person Tian Zai? Or are there too many variables in the War of All Realms? Unable to predict accurate results? Or... I can't reach my own level?

The other two are fine, but if it's the second... the War of All Realms is full of dangers! Not even Nascent Soul Lord can predict the outcome! So what about Jin Dan Zhenren? Wouldn't it be more dangerous?

"Fellow Taoist Wolf Venom, your spiritual consciousness suddenly fluctuated?"

The corner of Xu Yangyi's mouth moved slightly. Tian Zai didn't even know that he had already made a fortune for him. This seven-star divine fortune teller was really invisible.

"I remembered something."

Tianzai's clear voice came out: "On that day, when I saw the black light bursting out from Tianshou Mountain, I knew that my friend's retreat was over. Something happened, and I hope that Master Xu will put the overall situation first."

"It just so happens that I have something important to report to you, senior." Xu Yangyi spoke first, detailing the matter of the Ming Tombs and the first battle. Tian Zai was silent for a moment and said solemnly: "What I said is also related to this. I hope that fellow Taoists can broadcast the Tao seeds and teach the way of alchemy without hesitation."

"I have lived for too long, and I know how terrifying the Alchemy Way is. It can be said that with the Alchemy Way, the cultivation civilization is complete. It is an indispensable part of the history of practice, but unfortunately... forget it, Wolfsbane Way Friend, there are nearly a hundred cultivation universities across the country that all have pharmacology courses. I know that you are not dead, and there is no way that a monk like you will die halfway. "

"You only need online professors. The Lingzhi family and Danye company in each province have sent their own capable experts, and the whole of China is preparing for you alone. I promised them fifty years, if fifty If you haven't come out this year, this course will be cancelled. Fortunately... I hope you will recruit many disciples. Before the war of all realms, in the last less than a hundred years, even if the global cultivation world cannot be fully improved, someone must be able to refine the low-level ones. Here comes the elixir."

Xu Yangyi nodded, he thought the same thing, elixirs require a large environment. Moreover, it was only one hundred and sixty-five years before. He had been in seclusion for fifty years, and was advanced by the master for several decades. Now, the time is actually less than seventy years!

Seventy years later, countless Star Destroyer Motherships, Holy Lands, and Caves will come to the sky above the Earth and launch the most brutal attacks on the Earth.

"A week later, juniors will be teaching face-to-face classes at the first training university, the Imperial Capital Campus."

"Good." Master Tianzai put down his heavy heart: "You don't know, in the past few decades, I heard that it was a preparation course for alchemy. In the first twenty years, there were huge crowds of people. But as time went by, you disappeared. The monks who had gone out before had to join the alchemy industry, and there were many complaints. At this time, the number of alchemy classes is already very small, and even dozens of universities have proposed to close it, and it is difficult to find the teaching staff. "

Xu Yangyi said calmly: "However, I am back."

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