
Chapter 772: The True Lord Returns

Tianzai chuckled, as if he had just seen Wangchen: "Just come back, who is this?"

"My disciple." Xu Yangyi smiled: "The founder of the mountain. Wangchen, I have met senior Tianzai."

Lin Chaofeng was able to become the crown prince of a province back then. His methods and vision were so brilliant. When he heard that his master was called senior, he knelt down without hesitation: "Junior Wangchen, I have met the dean!"

Even if he thinks about the possibility in his mind, no matter how brave he is, he can't help but feel tight in his heart.

But at the same time, I felt extremely honored. If it is true... Even through the door, you can really see the beauty of the sky. Especially, this place did not come by yourself at all. How many people want to hear a word from China's number one golden elixir, but they can't. He But the master can take him directly here, no one dares to stop him.

Once again I felt the strength of my master.

"Okay." A white brilliance flashed in the crack of the Tianzi gate, and a simple but clean Taoist robe appeared in front of him: "I have nothing to give you. This is my magic weapon for self-protection in the past. Before the golden elixir, do not strive for power. If you are eager to win, your life is the first priority. Unless you are like your master, your strength, mind, and luck are all the best choices in the same realm."

These words are something that ordinary Jindan disciples would never hear from Tian Zai. Not to mention receiving congratulations from a true king. Only disciples of Wolf Poison, who are in the late stage of the Hundred Years Golden Elixir, are eligible to obtain it.

"Thank you, senior." Wangchen took it. He originally thought it was an ordinary Taoist robe, but it suddenly disappeared from his body. A black and white light that only he could see circulated around his body. Xu Yangyi was stunned, and then he clasped his fists with emotion: "It's too precious."

This is a trace of Tianzai's natal aura. The actual realm of Tianzai Zhenren is Nascent Soul.

He finally understood why Jindan disciples had no fear even when walking sideways. All golden elixirs will give their disciples the magic weapon of their own spiritual energy. With this kind of thing, those who don't have the golden elixir will be almost unable to kill the golden elixir disciples, and even if they are killed, the chance of killing them is low.

"It's your first time to come to the monastery. Go shopping by yourself. Then go find my real agent and let him settle you in. I'm going to Romania."

After saying that, he turned into a black light and flew away. Wangchen slowly walked around the practice court.

The heart of Chinese spiritual practice, it is resplendent, antique, and exudes a splendid atmosphere.

"I have met fellow Taoist." Just after walking out of the garden, several monks in the middle stage of foundation building came over. Among them, there was also a foundation building Dzogchen, but she sincerely held her hand. The old woman of Dzogchen was smiling, as if watching To his son-in-law: "I am the third elder of the Ming family, have you ever heard of me?"

Ming family?

Although Wangchen didn't have much contact with the world of cultivation, he had heard of this famous family of demon cultivators. He immediately cupped his hands and said, "I have admired your name for a long time. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"It's a pleasure to meet you. It's a pleasure for me to meet you." The old woman showed no airs at all. She looked at the dishes and smiled and said: "I wonder if I am lucky enough to ask you to go to the Ming family to talk about it? Contemporary Mingshen Will definitely welcome you.”

Perhaps Master Fuyun's founding disciple is not worthy of the Ming family's respectful welcome, but Master Wolf Poison's founding disciple is.

Whether it was his title as the number one person under the Nascent Soul or the way he held the alchemy in his hand, everything was worthy of being welcomed by the Ming family.

Danxia Palace, they had some struggles. However, after such a long time, my Ninth Sister and Master Wolf Venom still have an old relationship. Couldn't this entanglement become an opportunity?

"I..." Wangchen hesitated a little. The master had never said that. As the founding disciple, his past experience told him that relying on favor and being arrogant and forgetting who had his current status would be courting death.

"Go." At this moment, a voice sounded in the ears: "Say hello to Sister Ninth and tell them that if you are free, I will go to the Ming family to see the old people. Let them take care of the old people. "

Wangchen immediately bowed his hands respectfully. Just as the old woman was about to speak, he interrupted: "Master just said, say hello to Ninth Sister. Ask the Ming family to take care of the old people from back then. He also said that he would come over when he has time."

"Dong dong dong!" Suddenly, all the surrounding foundation builders were half-kneeling on the ground and said with great sincerity: "I will obey the decree of the real person!"

The people in front led the way, and the old woman immediately said to the others behind her: "Let Xiaojiu dress up! Cancel all activities today! Please prepare your gifts for Mingshen! Also, go and find out who was there that year! Send them away immediately Go for one! Three million middle-grade spiritual stones, right away!"

They left, and not far away, several monks gathered looked at the old woman's back fiercely.

"They got the upper hand." "Huh, our Ouyang family was also in Danxia Palace back then, but the Ming family got the first round, so we were lucky." "Haha, it was not the Ming family that was lucky, but this Wangchen family. Fellow Taoist, just watch, if Master Xu doesn’t retreat, the day when the alchemy path breaks out will be when Fellow Taoist Wangchen becomes really popular.”

Xu Yangyi withdrew his spiritual consciousness and flew towards the west at full speed.

The war of all realms is about to begin, and the earth must be heavily armed secretly. The real martial world... In a few decades, it should also start from the other side of the galaxy.

There wasn't much time left for him. Before that, he had to know the solution to Angel's curse.

Otherwise... his heart will be restless, his mind will be restless, and his thoughts will not be accessible.

"I'm sorry." He took a deep look in the direction of Sahara, that woman, who had been a watchman for decades. I don’t know if I’m cold or lonely.

"Sorry for the waitting."

"However, I probably couldn't break into the blood clan's lair before. Only now do I have the strength to ask Tagule about the secrets of pure blood. Because... any pure blood demon clan is a taboo topic for a race. You...will understand me, right?"

"When I come back from Romania, I will come to the Eye of the Sahara to see you. I won't visit my father-in-law for the time being. I'm worried that he will beat me to death..."

While muttering to himself, his figure had turned into a stream of light, but the moment he stepped out of the western country, a terrifying pressure immediately enveloped him.

"Xu Yangyi..." A god-like voice sounded from the air: "You...give me your life!!"

Before he finished speaking, endless black clouds suddenly appeared in a radius of thousands of miles, day turned to night, and even the bright moon hung high in the sky. In the boundless black clouds, thunder light spread across the clouds. Within a few seconds, a huge cloud hole formed in the sky. With a loud bang, a giant hand composed of thunder rolled down from the sky.

In an instant, Xu Yangyi's face turned as white as snow, and the terrifying pressure made him unable to move at all!

Nascent Soul True Lord!

And obviously knew him!

However, at the critical moment of life and death, he had no time to think about this. Taking a deep breath of spiritual energy, Golden Apple and Nanming Lihuo exploded at the same time. The spiritual energy in their bodies expanded to the limit. With an angry shout, the confinement exploded inch by inch!

"Hahaha!" Tian Tian's laughter was filled with unbearable murderous intent: "You can actually break through the confinement of the True Lord, good, very good! But... you must die!!"

"I will not kill you right away. I will capture you alive, Sisi Lingchi! If I don't let you go through thousands of hardships, it will be difficult to understand the hatred in my heart!"

Who hates him so much?

Gun Lei couldn't hear clearly at all. He gritted his teeth and made a "boom" sound. The talisman on the back of his hand flashed. The fish intestines appeared in his hand. Thousands of meters of black air rolled up. In the infinite black world, a bit of cold light flickered. The fierce killing intent actually broke through the void in front of him.


However, it did not thrust out. This sword was so sharp that it caused some ruptures in Zhenjun's imprisonment. However, his right hand seemed slow but was actually fast, leaving countless phantoms in the sky and waving them in a semicircle.

"Boom!!" Behind him, the Thousand-Armed Guanyin suddenly appeared. This move was actually a stab plus the Phaseless Guanyin. Facing the Nascent Soul, he used it as his most powerful killing move!

Both become one.

Then, without even looking, he turned around and ran back.

Obviously the other party does not dare to enter the national border.

The direction he ran was surprisingly Qingcheng Mountain.

"Rumble!" A bright sword light flashed in the sky, as if it was about to cut into the night. The Thousand-Hand Guanyin's unparalleled thorns were dripping, releasing thousands of graces in this sword. The huge thunder hand actually disappeared at the same time as this move. Crazy thunder and lightning raged in the air, turning an area of ​​10,000 meters into a sea of ​​blue and white thunder.

The wind howled and the clouds turned green. Xu Yangyi's figure had disappeared, and among the black clouds, a figure slowly walked out.

"You can actually take Yuanying's move?" The figure looked into the distance and stretched out his palm. There was a trace of scratched blood on the index finger and middle finger.

"But if you don't pay with your life today, how will I deal with myself!"

"You...must die!"

The figure of "Brush" stepped forward and disappeared in mid-air.

There were still a few kilometers away from the border, and Xu Yangyi could already hear the thunder and lightning rolling behind him. The figure stepped into the void, like a demon coming, and his speed was far faster than him. He was afraid that he would be caught up within ten seconds.

And he finally saw the other person's face clearly. In other words, the other party simply wanted him to die clearly and did not hide it.

Master Yue!

Sure enough, he has advanced to Yuanying!

There were mixed feelings in his heart. The other party had swallowed half of the golden apple. He had a deep understanding of the terrifying absorption speed of the golden apple. The advanced level was unexpected but reasonable. but……

He is his father-in-law...

And I really have no face to face him now. The other party obviously had real murderous intent. There was no trace of the friendliness on his face that he had back in New York, but a solemn expression. Anyone who gives their daughter to the other party and now doesn't know whether he is alive or dead will be so furious.

"You still dare to escape?!" Zhenren Yue stepped a thousand meters away and stared at Xu Yangyi. He didn't have a trace of Nascent Soul magnanimity, he was just a crazy father: "Ben Zhenjun has been waiting for you for fifty years. Nian! If I don’t tear out your bones today, it will be even harder to face Angel’s spirit in the sky!”

"Where did you get the nerve to run away!!"

At this moment, Xu Yangyi suddenly turned around, bowed deeply, and paused for just a second. Yue Congruo's figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and slapped his Tianling Gai with a palm.

"Angel is not dead yet."

"Brush!" The palm suddenly stopped, Yue Congruo's red eyes full of murderous intent were fixed on him, Xu Yangyi was also sweating, gritting his teeth and waiting for the other party's decision.

This is your own cause and effect.

He is a man. He must solve this kind of thing by himself. He has no responsibility at all. Let alone a man, what kind of monk do you call him?

"Speak clearly to Ben Zhenjun..." It can be heard that Master Yue suppressed the murderous intention in his heart: "If there is even the slightest lie, Ben Zhenjun will put you in a dilemma between life and death!"

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