
Chapter 773: The Blood Clan’s Lair (I)

What is retribution?

Retribution is that you just said that your father-in-law might beat you to death, but the cruel father-in-law really wants to beat you to death.

The two men faced each other in the air. Xu Yangyi told Yue Congruo about the things in the Tower of Babel bit by bit, most of which were not concealed.

After a long time, Yue Congruo's murderous aura gradually disappeared, but he still looked at Xu Yangyi unkindly: "In other words, Ben Zhenjun's daughter is now cursed with pure blood. She is trapped in the Tower of Babel?"

Xu Yangyi nodded.

"Then you still dare to hang out outside?!" Yue Congrao's anger that had just calmed down exploded: "I tell you, I am just a daughter. If she has any shortcomings, I will not sacrifice your blood to my Yue Congrao." Congrao will never show up in the spiritual world from now on!"

Xu Yangyi sighed: "I'm going to Romania."

"Romania?" Yue Congruo sneered twice, with a cold light in his eyes: "I have been the son-in-law of the blood clan for so long, and I have never heard of a curse on pure blood, let alone a solution to this curse. I'm warning you, you'd better give me an answer I can agree with, otherwise..."

"No matter whether there is Nascent Soul behind you or not, I will kill you!"

Xu Yangyi was not angry.

He completely understood Yue Congruo's psychology. The other party had a long conversation with him in New York back then, and he understood how deeply this unique Nascent Soul loved Angel. It could almost be said that he couldn't give the moon to the stars, and he didn't dare to give the sun to the moon. The other party had barely touched Angel's finger, but in the end, it became a Wang Fu Stone in his own hands. If it were other Nascent Souls, I'm afraid they wouldn't spare him anywhere in the world.

Yue Congruo snorted coldly and walked away. A voice came from the sky: "I am waiting for you here. If you dare to bypass this country gate, you... better pray never to leave China!"

The night sky is silent. Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly and flew straight towards Romania.


Salata de vinete, eggplant sauce. Platou taranesc, a meat and vegetable platter. Plus a wide variety of Romanian sausages. This constitutes a very sumptuous lunch that can be found everywhere in Romania.

Tall oak trees can be seen everywhere, and the national flower white rose blooms in various flower beds in the restaurant. Barrels of wine were opened in the sun. In this country full of drugs, guns, and the spread of the mafia, peace and tranquility are projected.

In the capital Bucharest, the Catholic power is overwhelming here. Passing through the narrow Turkish Strait, opposite is Turkey, the starting position of Islam against Catholicism. Bucharest is full of strong fusion styles of Catholicism and modern architecture.

Of course, with the spread of the mafia, drugs, and guns, there is something that everyone deeply taboos but never mentions, which also grows silently in the dark night.


"When..." The knife cut off a piece of Mici, which is a grilled sausage made of minced beef. It is a very common and delicious food in Romania. The silver fork put the sausage into the mouth, and the long and strong fingers picked it up. A crystal clear goblet, slowly tasting the red wine from one of the five major wine countries in Europe.

He wiped his mouth lightly with a white napkin. Under his sword-like brows were dark eyes. The young Asian man's movements were chic and elegant, but the waiter standing next to him was trembling with fear and even had cold sweat on his head.

"What's your name?" the Asian young man asked casually, shaking his glass.

"Appointment, appointment, Ionescu... Your Excellency..." The waiter's voice was trembling.

"Oh, my surname is Xu, and my other name is Wolfsbane." Xu Yangyi looked at the waiter in front of him friendlyly: "If you can, I hope you can take me to the Tagule family's clan this afternoon, okay?"

"Crash!" There was a messy sound of cups and plates. The waiter's face turned pale and he knelt on the ground with a plop. He put his hands on the ground and his voice was trembling: "Your Excellency, please, please let me go. I'm sorry! I, I don't know where I am. I offended you! Please..."

Xu Yangyi frowned: "Don't be so nervous. I'm not a man-eating monster. Why does it seem like I'm going to kill you?"

Ionekus didn't dare to answer, he was just a vampire in the early stages! The Marquis was in his eyes, and he never thought he could see the Grand Duke!

When he heard that someone asked for his services, he was still secretly happy. He needed money, no, all the monks in the qi training period needed money. After the establishment of the Cultivation University, the qi training period of the earth is now in a state of blowout. Some people go to One moment he was a college student, and the next moment he became a monk that everyone envied. However, this also caused a mixed bag of fish and dragons in the spiritual world. Unfortunately, he was that fish.

Unexpectedly, when he came over and saw it, he turned out to be an archduke!

He almost fainted on the spot.

"Lead the way." These two concise words interrupted his thoughts and unsaid words.

An hour later, Xu Yangyi stood in a deep underground passage of Huolezu Monastery. One hundred meters underground, there is a huge group of mausoleums. I don't know which king is buried here. The lights are extremely dim, and huge demonized vampires hang upside down above their heads. The red gaze barely dares to stay on them for a second. Extraordinarily quiet.

I don't know how many there are. Just like the ocean, the pungent smell of blood almost turns into substance here. A river of blood surrounded tens of thousands of meters of buildings, making this place feel like hell.

Just as he stepped down the stairs, tens of thousands of red eyes opened above his head, and the sound of bat wings spreading formed a wave. Almost at the same time, an old voice came out: "Which gentleman is coming?"


Silence, for a long time, the old voice said faintly: "Please."

The sound of flapping wings fell into silence in an instant, and the red light curtain like the ocean fell one after another.

"Mr. X." Ten minutes later, the magnificent main tomb chamber had been transformed into a magnificent European-style palace. An old man with triangular ears and exposed skin covered with age spots: "Long time no see... I heard that you are doing well in China?"

The face is old, and the aura all over his body is not fake at all.

Half-step Yuanying!

That kind of majestic spiritual power was vaguely shrouding Xu Yangyi. He was not moved at all and smiled: "Not bad."

"I am Grand Duke Afanalon, the current patriarch of the Taguler family." There were only three people in the magnificent palace. The old man snapped his fingers, and a man who looked like a butler behind him immediately brought a bottle of wine and slowly poured it: "The blood of the previous generation of saints, mixed with fresh red wine. The taste is sweet, without any bloody smell."

The fire was burning warmly. Xu Yangyi took the wine glass and stared at the old man and went straight to the point: "A holy medicine, the highest level."

The old man's eyes flashed, and his deep reflection was reflected on the wine glass: "The price?"

Xu Yangyi leaned forward and looked directly into Afanalon's eyes: "Pure-blooded vampires, do they have a secret way to die for others?"

"Of course." Afanalon rubbed his chin and gently shook the wine glass: "But... I'm curious, this is a secret of the vampires, and no more than ten people know it. How did you know it?"

Eyes After a moment of handover, they all calmly took it back: "Secret."

"Oh..." Afanalon sipped a mouthful of blood: "I think I should have the right to know."

Xu Yangyi crossed his fingers, placed them on his abdomen, crossed his legs and smiled: "What if I don't want to?"

"Oh, young man, I think everything has a price." Afanalon licked his lips comfortably, looking at the relief of Genesis on the roof: "The importance of pure-blooded vampires to the continuation of the tribe, you can't understand, you just need to tell us why and where, that's enough."

"If you want to get, you must pay, right?"

Xu Yangyi smiled even more deeply: "I think the holy medicine of the Holy Shadow level is enough as the price of this news."

"Enough is enough..." Afanalon played the armrest leisurely, and his eyes swept over Xu Yangyi meaningfully: "But... forget it, how about drinking this glass of wine first? This is pure wine, no blood added."

Xu Yangyi did not comment.

The blood-red wine was like a waterfall under the sun, pouring into the silver cup below with an intoxicating look. Afanalon poured the wine himself, and his old face was calm. However, the official who seemed to be only in his thirties took a step back without making a sound.

The wine was poured slowly, and Afanalon said slowly with a bewitching voice: "You are really brave... This place is called King Lear's Tomb, and no one has stepped into it for more than a hundred years. I admire your courage, but the negotiation between Jindan is not just about fairness or not, but also about courage, don't you think?"

"I heard it for the first time." Xu Yangyi smiled and looked at the red line and said, "Is there anything else?"

"Of course." With a light "dong" sound, the wine bottle flew into the hands of the butler, and Afanalon flicked the wine glass lightly: "There is still strength."

"Swish!" The wine glass actually made a buzzing sound like a dragon's roar after a seemingly powerless flick, rushing towards Xu Yangyi as fast as lightning! In his eyes, this is no longer a wine glass, but a bloody bat!

"This is the first time I've heard of this. I thought all transactions of the golden elixir were fair." Xu Yangyi seemed to ignore it, but his smile remained the same.

Afanalon smiled lightly: "Then... you will know in the future, maybe starting from this Grand Duke."

"Swish!" In a few seconds, the blood-red bat turned into a blood-red bow and arrow! The red light was about a foot long, completely wrapping the wine glass. Afanalon's strong control of spiritual power actually created a strange aura that blurred the space in a small space.

The next second, the wine glass was firmly grasped by a hand, and Xu Yangyi took a sip slowly as if he had caught a fly.

"Good wine." He closed his eyes and exhaled comfortably: "It tastes mellow and fragrant. It is indeed a good wine."

Afanalon's pupils shrank suddenly, and the waiter more than ten meters behind him took a breath of cold air and couldn't help but step back several steps!

Caught it...

Caught it without any injury!

This shot was by no means simple. Afanalon condensed most of his spiritual energy, and with his terrifying spiritual energy control ability and micro-level control, he turned a glass of wine into a weapon that could beat the early Grand Duke to a rest for a few months! Even if it was the middle or late stage, it would not be easy to take it. The other party actually took this cup at the late Grand Duke level!

How many Grand Dukes stepped into the Taguler tribe and were forced back by a cup, but now an overseas monk took it steadily!

As Xu Yangyi finished speaking, the luxurious chair under him shattered into pieces of powder. Afanalon's eyes softened instantly.

It seems... Although strong, it is not enough, and it is still below me...

"I think, Mr. X, this glass of wine, you may still..."

Before he finished speaking, the next sentence made him stand up suddenly.

“I think, Patriarch Afanalon, if it weren’t for the European barrier, I would have drank this cup of yours easily.”

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