
Chapter 774: The Blood Clan’s Lair (Part 2)

"You!" The housekeeper's eyes suddenly turned red, and finally two canine teeth grew rapidly, and then retreated several meters again. Even Afanalon stood up straight and stared at Xu Yangyi's eyes.

Yes... they all forgot that just like China has a national defense formation, Romania also has one! It is a wonder that a great monk of Cain's level cannot come up with a national defense ban, because it is too common, they have forgotten this.

Now that he has been reminded, his eyes have changed when he looks at Xu Yangyi.

This cup, the other party took it without any pressure, only the chair was broken. In fact, which Grand Duke - except for the Grand Duke Xu Yangyi who has no time to build a power, who else has no idea about the strong in the world? Although Xu Yangyi's combat power assessment is kept secret in China, he also knows a little bit.

In the later period, taking a half-step and a finger is already shocking. Now I remember that the other party is still in the restriction of the national defense formation...

The room was dead silent.

After ten seconds, Afanalon smiled and nodded deeply: "Eight of Hearts, why don't you bring a chair? Do you want Mr. X to talk while standing?"

"Wait." Xu Yangyi also stood up, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and looked into his eyes with a smile: "This Grand Duke wants to know, can we trade now?"

Afanalon seemed to have heard the biggest joke, and shook Xu Yangyi's hand affectionately: "Dear X, this is a good joke of mine, I don't think you will take it seriously, right?"

Xu Yangyi also smiled and shook his hand: "Of course."

Sitting down again, Afanalon's eyes no longer had a trace of contempt. He knew clearly that the man opposite could really cross the level to kill. He didn't know whether the other party could defeat him, but he couldn't take risks with the Taguler family.

The revenge of any Jindan Zhenren is absolutely terrible. Once X deliberately wants to make things difficult for the Taguler family, he can kill all the blood clans he sees before he arrives! Will the Taguler family never leave Romania from now on?

"The deal is done." He stopped smiling and his voice calmed down: "A holy medicine of the Holy Shadow level, extending life span by two hundred years."

When the first four words came out, Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly shone, and a scorching light flashed across his eyes.

Established... that is to say, it really exists?

A pair of silver scissors appeared in Afanalon's hand. He gently trimmed the cigar and said in a deep voice: "But, it doesn't exist either."

Xu Yangyi's eyes were slightly cold: "I don't think it's time to joke now."

"This Grand Duke is saying that the Tagul family doesn't have it, but there may be a way to remove the pure blood." Afanalon lit the cigar, and a cherry flavor rose. In the smoke, he spoke slowly: "First of all, I want to let you know. No matter who the pure-blooded vampire is, if he is not dead, as long as he is willing to come back, he will be the next patriarch, and he will also be the next patriarch. No matter what his relationship with you is. "

"Second, if he has turned into a stone statue, he must be dead now. Deader than dead. He deceived you, sir. The blood talent of pure-blooded vampires can exchange life for life. I guess he is either your closest comrade-in-arms or your lover? This is a talent that can be called against the sky. Anyone who has only one breath left can be revived in any state. "

He paused and suddenly changed the subject: "Have you seen the corpse of a vampire? I mean those who died of natural causes, not those who died in battle. "

Xu Yangyi shook his head.

"Stone." Afanalon took a deep breath and raised his eyebrows and said: "Any vampire who died of natural causes will eventually turn into a stone statue. Once in this form, it means that he is completely dead. Pure-blooded vampires are no exception. I have seen that once a pure-blooded vampire uses the trick of exchanging life for life, he will definitely enter death, not eternal sleep - I think he said so to you. Is that right? "

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and his heart sank.


How could it be? The girl who had always been following him around and sticking to him, and he finally accepted her against his principles, the girl who gave her life for him and turned into a waiting stone... is dead?

He didn't care whether the other party was a vampire, but he cared about her life and death now!

He came to Romania with the last ray of hope and entangled with this half-step old monster, but got such an answer?

"This is impossible." The cup in his hand was unconsciously "clicked" and a sentence floated out from his teeth: "She told me that she was just sleeping. Afanalon..."

He raised his head, his eyes were calm, but the murderous intent shook the whole room.

"If you dare to tell a lie, I promise that I will kill every one of you who comes out of the blood clan. I will kill you until no one dares to come out again."

"You are so bold!" The butler finally couldn't help but stepped forward and shouted angrily: "Facing the patriarch of the Tagul family..."

"Boom!!" Before he finished speaking, his figure was blown away like a meteor and suddenly fell into the wall. The fireplace was hit and shattered, and the terrifying spider web pattern spread from the place where it hit. The butler said nothing and fainted.

"He should thank you." Xu Yangyi looked at the red wine in the glass and said without emotion: "If you hadn't taken action, he would be more seriously."

Afanalon's eyes became deeper: "You have to tie up your own dog better."

Just a moment ago, he felt a terrifying murderous intent. As if he had walked out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, he immediately beat the butler away. Because he knew that once this murderous intent broke out, the butler would probably be completely useless.

He couldn't afford to lose the face of being deposed as his personal butler in the Blood Clan, and the Tagule family couldn't afford to lose it.

"Continuing with the topic just now." He immediately changed the subject: "Yes, the pure-blooded vampire is dead. However, there is another way to bring him back to life."

He stopped speaking at the right time and raised two fingers: "Two copies of the Holy Shadow level. This involves the top secrets of the Tagule family."


Afanalong licked his lips, raised his hand, and a bloody light curtain completely isolated three meters around the two people. The voice was also very cautious: "It doesn't exist on earth, but it must exist in the upper world!"

"The Vampires are not from the earth. Think about it, everything on the earth, in all the major kingdoms, is created by God, or it is the incarnation of desire like the devil. What about the Vampires?"

"It's not through cultivation, it's just a mutation caused by being bitten by a bat. This is the second creation, and it... is not a native species of the earth."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered: "Evidence?"

Afanalong took a deep breath and quickly formed seals with his hands. In an instant, golden light flashed in front of him, and in less than five seconds, a torn piece of paper appeared in front of him.

It was only the size of a fingernail, and spiritual energy penetrated into it, but nothing could be felt. I can only feel a bloody, majestic vitality.

"Guess where it comes from." Afanalon's smile was slightly ferocious: "Forget it, I'll tell you. It comes from a place you would never expect."

"True martial arts world!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly shone, and he looked at it. Sure enough, there was the word "Zhenwu" on the corner of the piece of paper.

"Before, I didn't know what this meant. But until you mentioned the true martial arts world, I suddenly understood."

"This piece of paper is a sacred object of the Vampire Clan, and its origins are even older than Lord Cain! Do you know how it was left behind?" He came closer, with an extremely mysterious smile: "Because... it bit the... Hidden in Lord’s bat belly.”

"That bat is no different from an ordinary bat. It only has this piece of paper. It bit Lord Cain. So Lord Cain became the original vampire. Don't you think their relationship is very mysterious?"

Xu Yangyi took the piece of paper, pondered for a moment and then said: "It seems that if I don't look for you, you will come to me."

"Yes, my second condition is... If it is possible in the war of all realms, we must find where this piece of paper came from. That is the real clan of the Vampire Clan. I believe that we are just a giant The branch of the blood clan is probably still an extremely small branch outside the world. The real blood clan must have a way to solve the mystery of pure blood. "

"Take it, sir. Once there are high-level vampires nearby, it will immediately send out a prompt. It's like... you are looking for them."

Xu Yangyi put it away without hesitation and took a deep look at Afanalong. He felt that the war between worlds would be extremely dangerous and they would not have time to find the clan's land. Ask him to charge.

This was a conspiracy, but he didn't feel disgusted. He had to do this.

He hasn't asked his woman to die for him, but he has a habit of singing every night.

"Come to me in ten years." Leaving these words behind, he turned into a stream of light and left Romania.

Returning like an arrow, he arrived at the gate of Huaxia. He hesitated for a long time and finally chose to stand in front of Yue Congrao. Made everything clear.

"Ha..." Yue Congruo looked at him coldly: "Aren't you afraid that Ben Zhenjun will kill you?"

"Of course I'm afraid. But I don't think you will." Xu Yangyi said solemnly: "Because I will do my best to find traces of the vampires."

"You think Ben Zhenjun doesn't?"

"You can, but you are not in the late stage of the Hundred Years Golden Core. I have much more time than you. I have access to more secrets and secrets about the upper world than you do."

Yue Congrao took a long time to look away and sighed quietly: "Actually, I didn't kill you the first time. Now I don't want to kill you anymore."

"This is Angel's own choice, and I always respect her choice. Including...her own life. I want to see if the man she gave her life for is responsible."

"If you don't go to Romania, you will die. If you dare not come back and face me, I will kill you to the ends of the earth." He turned his head and looked at Xu Yangyi: "But, you did not escape."

"Angel didn't choose the wrong person."

The father-in-law and son-in-law were relatively speechless. After a long time, Yue Zhen finally left: "I leave this matter to you. I hope I can still drink your wedding wine during my lifetime."

When the building was empty, Xu Yangyi looked at the starry night sky and breathed a sigh of relief.

Maybe, for a long time.

Maybe, soon.

But if the love lasts for a long time, how can it last day and night?

Angel walked into his heart, in a tragic way. With a selfless dedication. Therefore, he will repay her and do everything a boyfriend should do.

One life for another life, one heart for one heart.

This is responsibility and responsibility.

Even if he steps across the galaxy, he will find the true origin of the Vampire Clan.

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