
Chapter 775: Sudden Happiness (I)

The lonely Milky Way. Eternal existence.

Here, there are things that humans cannot imagine, and there are limits that humans cannot touch in their eternal lives.

Here is the beginning, and here is the end. In the bottomless darkness, there are countless planes as majestic as the earth, separated by dozens, hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands of light years, scattered in an orderly manner. They have not been connected for millions of years.

In a dark corner, here, a flat continent stands majestically. This is the real round sky and square earth. On the uneven horizon, there are mountains and deep seas. Between the mountains, seas, lakes and swamps, rare birds and animals that are completely different from the earth fly over the eaves and walls. Palaces that look like ancient Chinese buildings are scattered all over the land.

There are also seven-color streams rolling in the meantime, shining brightly. Countless flying magic weapons that are not visible on the earth at all, some are thousands of meters long, and some are hundreds of meters long, rising from the horizon. Below the horizon, there are jagged rocks, and countless knights riding bull-headed eagles are pouring out from below like a tide.

Just outside this world, there is no starlight.

No, it's not that there is no starlight, but that there is an endless, dark fleet that blocks the sky for tens of thousands of kilometers around.

Among them, there are six extremely terrifying puppet beasts, birds, snakes, deer, scorpions, sheep, and tigers, each of which is about 100,000 meters in size! Dazzling runes flash all over their bodies, and brilliant spiritual lights run through them, outlining a light that makes the galaxy pale in comparison.

Each of them has no eyes lit up, and on their heads, they are all engraved with several ancient characters.

Kill, kill all, wail, nothingness, supreme, human face.

Star destroyer!

On their sides, densely packed flying swords and flying boats were like locusts surrounding them. The light of the stars shining on them turned into a bloody color, surrounding this world for tens of thousands of kilometers, forming a terrifying sea of ​​killing.

However, they are not the top. Just above this boundless sea tide. There are two high mountains. One of them is full of flames, and magma erupts from time to time, like the Flame Mountain. The other is covered with flying snow, a crystal, like the Antarctic glacier.

Around them, small suspended mountains and reverse flow lakes that cover the sky and the sun stand in a forest, each with a suffocating aura.

"Zhurong Divine Sect. Hanhai Fairy Palace..." On the Sorrowful Star Destroyer, a middle-aged man wearing a crown and a nine-dragon robe, holding a golden cup, looked solemn, but with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes swept across the entire world like a knife.

The whole world is out.

"This is the strength of our Zhenwu Realm. After two thousand years of testing, it's finally time to make a move." He put down his wine glass, stood up, and looked into the depths of the universe, as if he saw another opponent of his in the depths of the infinite universe.

"Wherever the sword points, it is invincible."

"The Chaofeng Realm under the Zhenwu Realm has come to apply." "The Pokong Realm under the Zhenwu Realm has come to apply." "The Linlang Realm under the Zhenwu Realm will obey your majesty's command." "The Tianlan Realm under the Zhenwu Realm has come to apply!"

A series of magnificent voices rang out around, and as huge space cracks opened, small fleets swarmed out like bees, making this endless fleet larger and larger. Bit by bit, they built up straw until it became the last straw that crushed the opponent.

"How many years will it take to sail?" The man in the dragon robe retracted his gaze and asked in a deep voice.

A female voice came from behind: "Your Majesty, fifty years, fifty years later, we will arrive at the World of No Return."

"Fifty years..." The man smiled: "I really want to see their expressions in fifty years... They dared to propose a fight first, they want to die, we have to fulfill their wish."

"After thousands of years of testing, the World of No Return is rich in resources and can swallow up a large world. These losses are nothing. If you don't make progress, you will retreat. Since we have received the order to exorcise demons, we should naturally serve with all our heart."

"Beat the drums, march."

With an order, all the flying boats, flying swords, holy places, caves, and blessed places all raised huge flags.

At this moment, there are no regions, and all the flags have only two blood-red characters.


Boundless, vast as the sea, covered with stars and the sky, exuding a terrifying oppressive force.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz..." At the moment the flag was raised, a white light boiled in the area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles, comparable to the glory of the Big Bang. The next second, the space twisted sharply. After a full week, there was nothing here.

The Zhenwu Realm was already rushing towards the earth at full speed.

No one would know what happened in the depths of the universe. No one would know that the Zhenwu Realm had already dispatched its entire army, and even the entire interface was attacking across space. However, the earth has never relaxed. Sahara, Antarctica, the Arctic, the Cape of Good Hope, the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean... one by one, super-large-scale military fortresses that could only appear in science fiction movies appeared on major strategic points.

No soldiers were slack, and the troops of various countries had even begun to merge. Countless missiles pointed directly at the sky. After the moon, dozens of newly added satellites monitored almost every blind spot on the moon.

There are also... space interception satellites, China's "Shenlong" system, the United States' "Aegis" system, Russia's "Grizzly" system, France's "Napoleon" system... and so on. Around these systems, 5,000 kilometers outside the moon, there are also space strike weapons.

All of their buttons are in the hands of the head of state, commonly known as the black box.

As long as the order is given, even if it means destroying the moon, it will be done at all costs.

This is a war between cultivation and technology + cultivation, a war of conquest and submission, a war of master and slave.

No one can give in.

All of this is reported in the news of various countries every day. As time gets closer, the heavy industry, military industry, chemistry, and physics of the entire earth are highly developed and unprecedentedly expanded. Everyone is united and in a solemn atmosphere, no one can relax.

The storm is coming, the dark clouds are pressing on the city, but the city is not destroyed.

In the silent urgency, the cultivation world on the earth is also developing at a high speed, and it is more and more closely integrated with the mortal world. In a few decades, it has completed a journey of hundreds of years.

Spring goes and autumn comes, and it is time for the cultivation university to recruit students again. Everyone knows that entering the university must go to the real battlefield, but the number of people in the cultivation university has never decreased. Under the government's daily reports and guidance, the awareness of the national war has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Dan Dao Department?" A senior looked at the few people who came to report, and his mouth twitched.

The once glorious alchemy has no practical breakthroughs after all. The crucial Xu Zhenren left, and now only about 100 people apply for the exam every year. This is so small that it makes people want to cry when facing the average base of 20,000 people in a university now.

"Why did you choose this department?" "Yes, I heard that this department will be cancelled. It's better to choose the spiritual plant department. All major alchemy companies are scrambling for it." "Alas... I can't help it. I don't have enough points. Only the alchemy department has low admission scores. Didn't I choose the spiritual plant department?" "I heard that the professors of the alchemy department are all from the alchemy company. What kind of alchemy department is this?"

When they found out that there were only about 100 people who signed up for the alchemy department, except for a few people who were not excited, everyone else smiled bitterly.

This is probably the record of the department with the fewest students since the establishment of any school...

"What can we do?" A girl put the box into the storage ring, whistled in dissatisfaction, covered her hat, and lay on the bus seat and muttered: "If the admission score was not low, who would be willing to come? In the past, they had to ask for this and that affinity, but now they just want someone to come, what a poor family."

The girl next to her shrugged: "I heard that if it wasn't for the Tianzai Zhenren stopping it, this department would be cancelled. All the major Zhenren want to cancel this department that exists in name only."

"I don't know if I can change my major." "Which other department doesn't have Jindan Zhenren's online teaching textbook? Only we don't have it, tut tut tut... people can't compare."

A car drove to the school with a lot of complaints. As the smallest major, the accommodation is naturally in the three far areas - far from the canteen, far from the teaching building, and far from the sports field.

Time passed quickly. After the military training for admission, the special training for monks, and a month of practice classes, it was finally time for the Dandao Department to teach.

In the first professional class of the freshman year, whether willingly or not, all the freshmen got up early and came to the classroom early.

Not because they wanted to listen, but because the lecturer, Professor Ruan, was a special consultant of the famous Danye Company, and... he was in the late stage of foundation building!

There were too few people, and all the freshmen in the Dandao Department were listening to the class in a lecture hall. When all the students entered, they saw this embarrassing scene and shrugged their shoulders in self-mockery.

Since I'm here, I'll make the best of it... Let's see if I can change my major in the future.

"Dinglingling" the class bell rang, but, strangely, Professor Ruan was not here this time?

Five minutes, ten minutes... A full fifteen minutes passed, and Professor Ruan still didn't come!

"What's going on?" Finally, a student with a bad temper couldn't help but shouted: "Even if we are learning a side subject, why don't you even want to teach?"

"Yeah, it's the first class, why doesn't the professor come?" "Have we been completely abandoned?" "Oh my god... Can I choose a new major? Stop making trouble, okay?"

The classroom was filled with complaints. At this moment, a white light flashed on the podium, and everyone quieted down.

Professor Ruan came out. He was a man who looked to be in his sixties. However, at this moment, he didn't show any sign of dejection at all, let alone a trace of perfunctory. Instead, his face flushed with excitement, and his eyes were shining.

"Classmates!" His voice trembled a little: "Just now, there was an emergency, and the school received a temporary notice. I tell you, you are blessed!"

Everyone at the scene smiled, and all sneered in their hearts.

Can we stop making trouble? We can still play happily.

"Time is precious! I won't say much, please continue to watch. Next, please welcome Jindan Zhenren - Langdu Zhenren to give you an online class! Please welcome him with warm applause!"

No applause.

Instead, you look at me, I look at you, everyone's eyes are as big as copper bells.

What to do?

Happiness comes too suddenly, we can't believe it, what to do?

"Golden Dan Ancestor?" A light curtain unfolded, everyone stared at the light curtain with dull eyes, and finally a classmate trembled and said: "Our father doesn't love us... Finally, there is a Golden Dan Master teaching?"


Three updates today, because I forgot yesterday

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