
Chapter 776: Sudden Happiness (Part 2)

Twenty years ago, almost all the Jindan Zhenren went to the battlefield and spread what they learned to the students without reservation.

The Zhenwu Realm is about to invade. Under this invisible pressure, anyone on Earth will not hide anything.

If you lose, you will be a slave. Only by winning and completely crippling that terrifying alien visitor! Can they become the master!

All major departments have their own practice textbooks, but the Dandao Department does not have one. However, today, it suddenly has one! And it is a special class! This honor stunned everyone.

What is a special class?

It is not an online course, but a real online video! Facing the whole country and even the world's online video! One-to-N tutoring!

Dead silence, dead silence to a terrible degree.

Suddenly, all the mobile phones in the offices of major professors received a text message "Because Langdu Zhenren personally tutored the Dandao course, the relevant courses will be pushed down in turn. There is no time limit, when it ends, when it continues."

In the professor's office, countless white-haired practicing professors looked at each other, and everyone's eyes were filled with disbelief.

Originally, there was only one person in charge of the alchemy, and that was Langdu Zhenren. However, this Zhenren disappeared for fifty years. If his information had not turned gray, I am afraid that everyone would think he had fallen.

"Langdu Zhenren... is back?" After an unknown period of time, an elderly woman asked in a trembling voice: "Is the special teaching... the first time, or... will it be like this in the future?"

Alchemy... Alchemy!

As a cultivator, although these two words have been lost for a long time, they have long been integrated into people's hearts. Whether it is online novels or the few auctions in history, the performance of elixirs has been mythical. They are actually like other students, from expectation to disappointment, from enthusiasm to coldness. However, just when they were the coldest, that man actually came back!

"Crash!" A chair fell to the ground, and the professor on the chair turned into a white light and disappeared, and everyone came back to their senses. A professor with glasses and a square face took a deep breath: "This is Professor Chen from the Danye class..."

"Hua La! Hua La!" Before he finished speaking, several professors turned into streams of light and disappeared at the same time. How could the professors related to Dandao, the talisman department, the refining department, the spiritual plant department... How could they hold back when they heard the news?

The remaining professors pondered for a few seconds and disappeared at the same time in an instant.

The outbreak of Dandao has benefited not just a few people, but billions of people! An entire industry!

Danye and capsules are afraid that this industry will disappear because of the outbreak of Dandao. Spiritual plants are even more impatient. No... Not just them, it can be said that any cultivator, any cultivator who wants to make progress and reach the Golden Elixir realm, can't sit still.

A strange scene appeared in the cultivation colleges across the country. The professors who were not giving lectures all turned into streams of light and rushed to the Dandao class that they would not step into at ordinary times. And there are more lecturers and directors who have already rushed over with excitement!

"Swish" Wuhan Xiuxing University, right next to Wuhan University, in the Dandao class tiered classroom that no one would step into for ten thousand years, pieces of white light descended almost at the same time, and at first they were still picking empty seats. Later, more and more white light appeared! There was no room to sit down at all. Finally, a white light appeared on the stairs, and actually chose to stand and listen.

"Oh? Professor Wu?" An old man looked at the old woman with a gloomy face in the middle of the stairs and smiled: "Are you late? Didn't expect it?"

The old woman snorted coldly, and then looked around unhappily. She is a special professor of Wuhan Xiuxing University, who is grabbing a seat for her?

However, the more she looked, she found... She couldn't be unhappy.

One by one, the old professors who were rehired were no less qualified than her. Going forward, there were all the powerful factions of the school, the teaching department, the school affairs department, the secretariat, the practice department, the publicity department... Almost all the powerful people came, making the classroom that could only accommodate 200 people almost packed.

All the students were stunned, really stunned.

No one expected that so many people would come to a Dandao class! It can be said that the school is packed with people! It is completely different from the past when there were few people!

A feeling of pride rose from their hearts. Yes... Who doesn't want their department to be popular? Entering important departments and finding jobs in the future are all practical things. Now, they finally feel that their extremely unpopular department should... maybe... spring has come, right?

"That's Professor Cao from the Refining Department. I have attended his class. I heard that he was taught by a master and is very proud!" "Look! Look over there! Do you see that old man! The one wearing a Zhongshan suit! Professor Mi! Not to mention his master, he is a talisman master himself!" "Haha, look at the third row, the old lady. Professor Su, I heard that he is only one step away from becoming a talisman master! Distinguished professor!"

The Imperial Capital, the first cultivation university in the Imperial Capital, commonly known as the First Cultivation University, is the first cultivation university in the country and has a transcendent status. Because their president is Tianzai.

And the professors gathered here are almost above the professors from all over the country. Many of them are rare old ghosts who can't be seen once in a hundred years.

However, at this moment, in the tiered classroom of the Yixiu Great Alchemy Department, countless white lights flashed, and figures appeared at the same time.

"Today has come..." In the white light, an old man stepped out with emotion: "I never thought... In my lifetime, I can still hear the holy sound of the alchemy. If I hear the Tao in the morning, I can die in the evening."

"Haha, Mr. Zhao, you are late." "Old Zhao, you are actually alarmed. Aren't you going to close the golden elixir to death?" "You only have thirty years left in your life, so you are still in the mood to see it. Alchemy class?”

Faced with the ridicule, Mr. Zhao twisted his beard and said with a smile: "I learned from Wuyouzi, and I was a member of the Alchemy Sect six hundred years ago. Other things may not allow me to get out of seclusion, but the reappearance of the Alchemy Way, I have to Come."

At this moment, a vast majesty reigned over the whole school.

Like a god, like a king. One side of black and white Tai Chi rotates on top of a cultivation level. After being stunned for a moment, all the students and professors of First Xiu University raised their hands and shouted with great excitement: "Welcome the principal! Welcome the dean! Welcome the ancestor Tianzai!"

Real people are shocked!

Everyone in the alchemy classroom was stunned.

Why... Master Tianzai is also interested in alchemy?

The number one golden elixir in China, Master Tianzai is here in person, what an honor it is! This is tantamount to advertising the Alchemy and Taoism system across the country!

"Meet the real person!" Just when everyone was stunned, the alchemy department classroom, the podium was filled with golden light, everyone half-knelt on the ground, and said in fear.

"Okay. Get up." A dull voice came, and a golden phantom appeared on the podium. The Alchemy Professor immediately stepped aside and joked... Although he was a famous spiritual cultivator in the country, he still knew how much he weighed against the Jindan Master.

They don't know that at this moment, not only Tianzai, but also all the universities within the monks' fiefdoms across the country are experiencing golden elixir phenomena!

"Welcome Master Fuyun!" "Welcome Master Xuanyuan Sword Master!" "Welcome Master Gusong!" "Welcome Master Shanjun!" "Welcome Master Mieri!"

No one is willing to give up this feast. The more advanced they are in cultivation, the more they know that cultivation is not easy, and they will never miss any opportunity to improve themselves.

Among them, most people are still taking the elixir. There is no way, there is nothing better than the elixir. But now...the prototype of the legendary elixir appears, how can they not be in a hurry?

Each real person stood proudly in the classroom without feeling anything inappropriate. Of course, what is wrong is only the students who are so nervous that they dare not sweat or say a word, but their eyes are filled with envy.

What a pity, they are just practicing Qi! Why did the senior foundation builders suddenly gather together, and now Master Jin Dan is here!

After a full ten minutes, the light screen suddenly flickered, and everyone, including the real people, fell silent.

The previous ones were appetizers, but this is the main meal.

"Hello, fellow students, I am Wolf Venom." A young and handsome young man appeared on the light screen, and immediately, the eyes of many female cultivators lit up. Of course, including a small group of male cultivators...

Xuanyuan Sword Master raised his brows. Decades later, this guy... has now reached the level of national attention...

Next, the Chairman and Prime Minister should receive him personally and truly participate in national affairs...

The golden elixir has a circle of golden elixirs. Golden elixirs with insufficient foundation, insufficient strength, and insufficient character cannot enter. Such as floating clouds, such as the newly promoted Mie Ri and Huang Dao. No matter how brilliant they were before, when they arrived at Jindan, everyone had a strong balance in their hearts.

If it is not a truly powerful golden elixir, it cannot enter the Council of Elders at all.

Of course, Master Xuanyuan Sword has no such worries, even though he may be the weakest generation in history, but...

Who calls him the second generation Xiu?

The background is hard, that's the truth, the emperor's sword Chi Xiao is still in his hand.

He turned his eyes and felt even more emotional. It's true that he has a background, and Wolfsbane... is really coming up step by step.

"I'm convinced." He murmured and continued to watch with concentration.

All the colleges and universities were silent. Xu Yangyi's voice continued: "First of all, I want to affirm one thing for all the students. That is the effect of the elixir. I think I am the most qualified person in China to say this."

No one objected, but his eyes became even more intense!

The elixir...has become a myth, and they want to know the truth behind the myth.

"I can tell you with certainty that the effect of elixir is more than ten times that of liquid elixir."

"Wow!!" As soon as he finished speaking, all the professors present at the elixir, capsule, and Lingzhi gasped for air!

ten times!


"Of course, medicines are three-pointed poisons. It is not feasible to rely solely on elixirs to improve your realm. The effects of elixirs are special. For example, I once took the barrier-breaking elixir, which is one of the most common elixirs. Its function is to increase the effectiveness of breaking through physical barriers by more than 30%. I believe that many Taoists are trapped by physical barriers, especially those with outstanding talents.”

In front of the light curtain, Mie Ri, Huang Dao, and other golden elixirs all flashed their eyes when they heard these words, and then secretly clenched their fists.

Nothing else... this elixir alone is worth their huge investment of manpower and material resources!

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