
Chapter 777: Sudden Happiness (Part 3)

"However, elixirs are not always beneficial. Most of the elixirs collected by major families now contain poisons. These poisons are very mild, but when accumulated, they will have a great impact when advancing to a greater realm. Therefore, I don’t mind taking pills.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in front of the light curtain felt tense in their hearts.

Are elixirs harmful? one said anything?

I don’t know how many people have their hearts racing. If there are such side effects, then I really don’t know which one is better than the elixir solution. The alchemy that had been rumored for so long turned out to be like this, which made them feel a huge sense of loss.

But the next sentence almost made them jump.

"However, what I am talking about is just ordinary pills."

"Among the elixirs, there is one called the non-toxic elixir. By chance, I know most of the non-toxic elixirs for Qi refining, foundation building, and several other golden elixir stages."

"I guarantee that these prescriptions will have no worries."


There was no one at the scene who was not an old man. This sentence had caused great waves in his heart, but his face remained calm.

Without it, the situation on the scene is too complicated. Behind the professors are countless Danye families and Lingzhi families. They all have more or less ancient prescriptions in their hands, but they don’t know whether they are poisonous or not. Now no one wants to expose themselves.

They didn't want to be exposed, so the students didn't care. Suddenly, a low-pitched discussion started.

There were seniors here, so they didn't dare to say much. They only dared to talk in what they thought was a quiet voice, but they didn't know that it had already reached the ears of the seniors.

"Oh my god...non-poisonous elixir? Isn't that like adding a free booster to the monks?!" "This kind of elixir must be very rare! It must be difficult to refine! There may be a lot of medicine!" This is alchemy... Let me just say, if something has been passed down for thousands of years, if it has such side effects, who would use it?"

However, it's not over yet.

Xu Yangyi's voice continued: "Of course, the barrier-breaking pill is just the most common pill. I have an almost irrefinable pill in my hand: the Xuanxuan Pill of Life and Death. It can resurrect people before they die. , has really reached the state of being on the verge of death, but still alive. This pill... can make people reach a small level immediately after recovery. "

"What?" Master Gu Song of Sichuan University raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but whisper.

Fortunately for him, there were countless professors present. Almost all of them stood up and looked at the light curtain in disbelief.

Is this a joke? Are you kidding? Or are you joking?

Are you kidding me? This... this state is indeed difficult to achieve, but in the secret realm, it is not absolute. But once it is really achieved, then... the saying that if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed later, it is a perfect interpretation!

"Immortal...Advanced to a smaller realm? Oh my god..." A pale old man from the second cultivator in the Demon City stared at the screen, half-rising and half-sitting as if he wanted to eat Xu Yangyi. His posture was extremely funny, but his hand holding the armrest was trembling.

He has been an expert in elixirs for countless years. elixirs have always promoted spiritual practice. Such an effect that is rare but cannot be achieved is something that elixirs can never achieve!

It's going to change...

I don’t know how many experts in elixirs, spiritual plants, and capsules had this idea in their minds after hearing this sentence.

The elixir market... The elixir market that existed more than two hundred years ago may now be completely overturned!

However, this is a favorable market restructuring. If it were normal, they would definitely oppose it. After all, the elixir market has touched too many Jindan Zhenren's cakes. However, now, there is no objection.

The army of the Zhenwu Realm is pressing down on the territory, and now it may have set off from the other side of the galaxy. If you still can't distinguish between righteousness and small profits, you are the real enemy of the people!

No one dared to speak.

They suddenly realized that this Master Wolf Venom was probably not as simple as teaching. He was using his own crude methods to directly shorten the gap that he had left for fifty years, which was to reorganize the elixir market!

But... But why do I not want to resist at all when faced with such a rough reorganization when I am backed by the big market of alchemy liquid?

"Up to now, I have taken several elixirs. Once, it is an elixir that increases the percentage of spiritual consciousness every time you advance to a higher level. The medicine is derived from Wugen Jiuqu Water, which is the most rare medicine. Today, I will not Let me tell you the details. What I am telling you is an industry, a lost industry. It is to open this door for you. I am not a master or a master, I am just a climber climbing this mountain with you. Take a few steps early."

"Now, let me tell you, the first thing this mountain requires is hard work. The pharmacological properties of countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the cultivation world must be thoroughly understood. The second thing is wealth. Without wealth, it is impossible to cultivate alchemists."

“Finally, this sentence must be remembered.”

On the light screen, Xu Yangyi's face became solemn: "Refining alchemy is life-threatening."

"Exploding the furnace, this is the most common danger. To enter the alchemy path, someone must escort you. But the real danger does not come from this."

"Alchemy has a vassal creature called an alchemy spirit. It... can be encountered but cannot be sought after. I have been refining alchemy for decades and have only seen the alchemy spirit twice. Among these two alchemy spirits, one of them was the alchemy spirit. Obtained photographic memory. Another time, whenever I hit the magic power, there is a chance of adding a negative status."

"Zi..." This time, the students were fine, and the professors and even the digital elixirs couldn't help but gasp. As for the golden elixirs, their eyes flashed almost at the same time.

During the foundation building period, the magical power has basically taken shape. Being able to add negative states to magical powers is a matter of chance, but how do they not know that sometimes life and death can happen in an instant? If it is triggered at this time... its benefits are no less than a protective magic weapon!

Not to mention this, the photographic memory is equally coveted. Think about it... Human memory is limited. Sometimes a place can be clearly connected to one's future exercises, allowing one to establish a sect, but he cannot remember it and forgets it. Or when they first acquire a magical power, before the magical power becomes instinctive, how many monks make the wrong spell?

When acquiring advanced skills, how many monks spend ten or even more than ten years trying to get in touch with the current skills?

Time is life, strength, and realm. This sentence is so suitable to be used in the world of spiritual practice!

"If there is such a magic pill... I will be invincible in the exam..." This is the mentality of many students. Of course, this is also Xu Yangyi's mentality.

I regret not getting this elixir when I failed...

"However, any elixir spirit is offensive. Ordinary elixir spirits are fine, but...according to my understanding, once ancient beasts, ancient demons, mythical beasts, fairy beasts, true dragons and true phoenixes appear, they will definitely That’s where the big danger lies.”

"These elixirs contain extremely powerful opportunities. But they are also powerful. I estimate that once an ancient beast-level elixir appears, it will be stronger than the golden elixir. However, the emergence of the elixir and the grade of the elixir Relatedly, there are nine levels of elixirs. I can barely refine the fifth level, but I haven't tried it yet. The first four levels are the emperor's and the assistant's. When you reach the emperor level, you can be called a master."

"As I said before, this thing can only be encountered but cannot be sought. This is also the reason why every alchemy apprentice must be protected. Once an alchemy spirit appears, it is an opportunity. It is very likely that the apprentice will not be able to cope with it."

Everyone was in a daze after hearing this.

Dan Ling... There was no flinching in their hearts, only burning heat.

Ordinary ones can achieve such a strong effect, so... what about the legendary true dragon and true phoenix?

What opportunities there would be!

All old monks know that it is not the fear of danger, but the fear of opportunities! Trapped to death in longevity.

"But..." Xu Yangyi changed the topic: "The most powerful elixir spirit is not a real dragon or a real phoenix."

"What else?" In a university, Master Mie Ri pursed his lips and couldn't help but mutter to himself.

The world of Alchemy... was so splendid that it actually made him look forward to it.

"The most powerful elixir is the humanoid elixir. I have only read about it in ancient books, so I dare not speculate on its power."

Humanoid elixir!

The elixir transforms into a spirit!

The eyes of all the students exchanged with each other with twinkling eyes. In a flash, a new door opened in front of them. The beginning was clear, and they finally understood what they had chosen.

"I...seem to have chosen the right major." One student sighed with emotion: "I'm proud of this's so rich, I have a hunch that I will be like a fish in water in it!"

"As beautiful as you?" "Just you? I'm the one who's like a fish in water!" "Haha, the class hasn't even started yet, and you're already fighting?" "I also have a hunch that the first humanoid elixir must come from me. !" "Then wait to be slapped to death?"

What people fear most is not torture, but the lack of hope.

Today, this ray of light illuminates all alchemy systems!

So what about Sanyuan? So what if the classroom is poor?

I also have a real Jin Dan! And this world... is so wonderful! Parallel with danger, this parallelism brings them strong heartbeats and fierce expectations!

Time passed minute by minute. I don’t know how long it took. Xu Yangyi finally said: "I’m sorry to disturb everyone’s time. Let’s go back and digest it first. We’ll see you again in three days. I’m still teaching in person. If you want to record it, that’s fine. It can be spread. , but price tags are prohibited.”


I don’t know how long it took, but thunderous applause spontaneously rang out in the lecture halls of major spiritual colleges.

Not only from students, but also from professors and all monks.

If you benefit the people, the people will naturally remember the person who benefited you.

"Finally, I want to recruit twenty elixir boys. The requirements are: Be familiar with pharmacology. At least be able to distinguish most treasures from heaven and earth, and have sharp ears and eyes, and quick reactions. High-level elixirs are a protracted battle. Every time they are refined, I feel like my body has been hollowed out." Xu Yangyi made a joke: "I advise everyone not to try high-level elixirs if they are not high-level, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences. In addition, I will hold an elixir auction in six months. My agent is the host. Please tell me.”

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

No one spoke, but everyone's eyes flashed with heat.

Dantong... and Dantong, the master of Wolf Poison who reappeared the way of alchemy, this status cannot be summed up by the word Dantong.

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