
Chapter 778: Life Magical Treasure (I)

The first alchemy lesson is over.

As for how strong the reaction was on the Internet, and how much the shock was to the spiritual world, Xu Yangyi didn't want to care at all. All he knew was that he had been on the hot searches for a month, and all of them were in the top three.

At this moment, he has locked himself in the training room under the Forbidden City. A huge alchemy furnace appeared, surrounded by hundreds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures spinning around.

He didn't plan to attend the auction himself, just leave it to Mao Baer. The other party is currently busy in Kaiyun Realm, and he has not seen them since he returned from the Ming Tombs. After making two calls to Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi, he dove in here.

Fahua Dan.

This is the focus of his auctions.

Really good elixirs are not about improving cultivation, but about giving monks some special abilities, such as Explosive Qi Pills.

As for the Fahua Pill, its effect is to permanently increase the spiritual consciousness of the monks by 5%.

Don't underestimate this 5%. The war of all realms is coming. For reconnaissance, 5% is likely to be the line between life and death. It is difficult for satellites to monitor the monk's method, and only the monk's own spiritual consciousness can search for it. In the war of all realms, I don’t know how many scouts both sides will send, and how many scouts will stain the line between the earth and the moon with blood. This 5% can give the earth a little more chance of winning.

Anyone who understands will understand how good it is. As for those who don't understand... then they don't understand.

Two months later, he walked out of the secluded place and gave his last lecture. He clearly refined a batch of basic elixirs. According to his progress at that time, he thought it would be enough for acceptance in two months.

He smiled and played with the jade bottle in his hand. This was a solid elixir specially refined for Chu Zhaonan. Although the name was ordinary, the effect was anything but ordinary.

It... can extract the spiritual energy in the human body from the meridians and gather it into the muscles and bones.

For ordinary monks to use it, this is courting death. Chu Zhaonan was destroyed because of his spiritual energy, so he couldn't just sit back and watch. After thinking for a long time, he decided to tell the other party that he had never left any trace.

Physical training.

Solid pills, as well as Chaoyang pills in the foundation-building stage, all have the same effect. For people like Chu Zhaonan who cannot absorb spiritual energy, this is probably the last way.

After applying the cleaning technique, he walked into the majestic Qianqing Palace. A few months ago, he entered his own fiefdom, and now he lives alone in the huge Forbidden City. Of course, it's a no-go zone.

As soon as he entered the Qianqing Palace, a plump figure rushed over with a whoosh of lightning, his claws holding Xu Yangyi's shirt, and he burst into tears.

"Your Majesty! Our child! Our child!!!"

Damn it!

Xu Yangyi looked over in shock, what kind of painting style is this?

A plump husky, wearing a cheongsam and a decoration on his head, burst into tears and stuck out his tongue: "Your Majesty! Our child was only a few months old! It's just gone! It's all Concubine Hua! It's all her! Fill it in My two kilograms of red flowers! I hate them so much!”

The elixir of photographic memory came into play at the right time. Xu Yangyi waved, and a serving Qi Refining monk bowed respectfully outside the hall: "Your Majesty... Master Xu, what are your orders?"

"If you ever watch a romantic drama like this in the future, I will blame you."


After kicking the dog away, Xu Yangyi sat on a chair. A cup of spiritual tea had been brewed. He casually said, "The Legend of Zhen Huan?"

"Have you seen it too?" The dog's eyes were bright, and its huge body jumped on Xu Yangyi, trampling on his snow-white shirt with black dog paw prints everywhere: "I just hate that... you have not given birth to me, but I have given birth to you. old."

Xu Yangyi looked at it in silence for a few seconds.

A few seconds later, there was a canine scream, and a plump figure flew a hundred meters outside Qianqing Palace.

"You are violent." Mao Baer gasped and came back: "Hitting is kissing, scolding is loving, kissing and loving plus kicking... I think next time you want to kiss me and love me, you can do it a little gentler... …I really can’t accept your strenuous activities!”

"Shut up." Xu Yangyi rubbed his eyebrows: "How about the Kaiyun Realm deal?"

Mao Baer stopped talking in an instant, held his head, and walked out shakily: "The sun is shining brightly today... I'd better go back to Qingliang Hall to smell the fragrance of Huanyi..."

It failed to move.

Because Xu Yangyi's leather shoes stepped on its tail.

"Every time you talk about money, you always mean it." Xu Yangyi slowly sipped the tea: "How much did you make? I want to use it."

"No, I'll pay for it."

He turned his head and looked at Cat Baer in astonishment. How could a dog be so shameless? Saying without blushing that the trade between the upper world and the lower world was lost? How stupid can this person be to compensate? How much psychological training does it take to embezzle something so shamelessly in front of yourself?

Probably because he felt that the credibility of this sentence was too low, Mao Baer turned his head resentfully: "Why do we have to worry about money every time? Don't you think this is a waste of time? On such auspicious days, we should listen An promised song, look at Wan Guiren’s dance.”

Xu Yangyi suppressed his smile: "I want to cast the magic weapon of my destiny."

Mao Baer finally straightened his expression, but he still discerned the possibility of Xu Yangyi's words with his small dog eyes.

The possibility of cheating it to get money.

As a broker who has been poor for so long, he said that he really enjoys counting money every day and does not want to spend any money.

The tail was pulled out from Xu Yangyi's feet and he flicked it twice impatiently: "How much?"

"I don't know." Xu Yangyi mused: "I have some ideas to prepare for the auction in a few months. In the Golden Core realm, some things cannot be bought with money and can only be bartered. And the best place to barter is at an auction.”

"I still have a few elixirs to practice. This is the final elixir, the real highlight of exchanging things with those golden elixir fellow Taoists."

Mao Baer leaned slightly, indicating that he was not interested... The sunset on the horizon was very red... even though it was daytime now.

"You host."

"Diaoyou~~~My lord, I will do whatever you want me to do. You, too, if you don't say important things in front of me, why are you hiding it?"

Mao Baer turned around with a "Sheng" sound and looked at him with bright eyes: "Give me the list and I promise to bring it back to you!"

Xu Yangyi smiled and rubbed the dog's head angrily. Mao Baer narrowed his eyes comfortably, swayed his tail left and right, and suddenly wrinkled the skin on his eyes in an anthropomorphic manner: "Are you in a bad mood?"

"How do you get better?" Xu Yangyi looked up at the sky: "I don't know how far unimaginable enemy is rushing towards the earth day and night. I don't know how much blood will be shed, and I don't know how many people will die. . Now every day that passes, there is one less day.”

In the true martial world, the Sword of Damocles hangs above the earth.

No one can truly relax without falling down or unsheathing for a day.

In the storm, people are left with only the determination to survive. On the contrary, it is the long wait before the storm that makes people's hearts burn. Restless.

"You give this storage ring to Dachu. One more thing, take care of my business, if you don't want me to find another CEO."

"And you?"

Xu Yangyi waved his hand and entered another training room.

The Forbidden City is worthy of being a fiefdom. He took over almost all of Anxiang Zhenren's business, including the pharmaceutical room, the weapon refining room, and the talisman room. No one who can cultivate the golden elixir is just a showman.

However, now everything is easier for him.

He entered a simple meditation room. The realm of real people is different from that of foundation building and refining qi. Once the spiritual energy is in place, he cannot advance even if he is dissatisfied with the cause and effect. Therefore, people in the realm of real people meditate a lot, thinking about their own cause and effect and looking for the root cause. And this kind of place is quite private and quiet.

The training room is built in a garden, with tall pines, handsome old trees, and colorful flowers blooming one after another. A gurgling spring water flows down the hill and pours into a handful of clear springs below. Lotus flowers bloom on the spring, and golden carps ripple in the pond. Occasionally, red dragonflies and birds fly across the lake. There are soundproofing arrays, air-forbidden arrays, and sight-blocking arrays. Stepping into this place is enough to make people relax.

In this independent space of about four to five hundred meters, there is an antique pavilion. There is a white jade stone tablet in the pavilion, three meters high. A mahogany table and a rattan chair.

Xu Yangyi sat on a chair, holding a cup of spiritual tea, and looked around leisurely: "Fellow Daoist Dark Fragrance will actually enjoy it."

"When you reach this stage of Jindan, you won't be able to enjoy it anymore." Yuchang's figure floated out and said with a smile: "Do you have any ideas?"

"There are roughly a few, but I still want to hear your suggestions."

"Okay." Yuchang said loudly without any pretense, "In the Jindan period, you haven't actually fought to the death with a real monk. Calculate your battles carefully, Wei Chenyuan and Zhu Changluo are the masters. Among them, Wei Chenyuan counts. You can’t fight to the death, you don’t have the intention to kill. Zhu Changluo doesn’t have a magic weapon. Oh, by the way, there is Nangong Wujiu, let’s not mention that.”

"The greatest use of a magic weapon is not to enhance magical powers. It is to extend the time of the battle. You should have noticed that the magical powers used by Mistertin and I are extremely powerful, but do not consume much spiritual power. This is a magic weapon. Characteristics. Counting the talismans in the magic weapon must be a top priority, unless some extreme magic weapons take a moderate approach."

He glanced at Xu Yangyi: "In the foundation building stage, it is the first time I touch the magic weapon, and my spiritual energy is not enough to use the magical power a few times. Of course, you are an exception with the Void Spirit Immortal Body. Your fighting time is much longer than other monks of the same level. However, this time it is a war. You are likely to fall into an endless sea of ​​foundation-building and Qi-refining monks led by Jin Dan. It is not uncommon to trap Jin Dan to death. Top priority.”

"Find a balance between cost reduction and power, and at the same time look for your own weaknesses to create corresponding magic weapons. Only after that can you see whether they have the potential to become spiritual treasures. The materials must be selected from a million, and at the same time..."

He paused and continued: "To become a spiritual treasure, first, the properties of the magic weapon must match the owner's. Second, the magic weapon needs to have its own sustenance. This is a very important aspect. It can be said that the magic weapon does not become the master's sustenance." Magical treasures can never become spiritual treasures, so the number of spiritual treasures of sword cultivators is far greater than that of ordinary monks, because they are obsessed with swords and rely on swords. One sword is eternal."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "I roughly guessed it, spirit, spirituality. Treasure, magic weapon. Without spiritual magic weapon, the weapon spirit can never be born. So, I chose it."

He stood up, waved his hands, and a black curtain suddenly appeared, with countless golden words shining like stars.

"I think this is the most suitable thing for me."

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