
Chapter 779: Life Magical Treasure (Part 2)

Yuchang looked at the unfolding black tide in astonishment: "This is..."

Xu Yangyi slowly stroked the black tide. It was a broken scroll, and the names on it seemed to be written in golden light. Every time his finger passed through it, the trembling of the soul deepened.

"You... want to use your own family tree as your life magic weapon?" After a long time, Yuchang turned his head and looked at Xu Yangyi deeply: "Little guy, the formation of spiritual treasures is not simple, and the deeper the better. The deeper the bond, the greater the possibility of forming a spiritual treasure, but... the magic weapon is severely damaged, and you will also be severely damaged. You... don't tell me to use it as a protective magic weapon."

Xu Yangyi did not speak again. After a long time, he seemed to have made up his mind and pondered: "If possible, I want to design it as a functional magic weapon."

Yuchang smelled the fragrance and knew the elegant meaning, and looked at Xu Yangyi deeply: "You... do you want to design it yourself?"

No wonder he was surprised.

Attack, defense, speed, function, and magic weapons are the four major categories, among which the functional type is the most difficult and complex. Some can shrink the earth into an inch, and some are like purple gold gourds, swallowing everything. There are even functions such as saying what you want and killing.

"Are you sure?" Yu Chang did not stop him, and said carefully: "A functional item that fully matches the cultivator is much more difficult than the top three. Even if the design idea is wrong, it will leave a lifelong regret. The pain of re-refining the life magic weapon is unimaginable. Moreover, the original magic weapon will be completely scrapped."

"I want to try." Xu Yangyi raised his head, his eyes were more determined, and he flicked his fingers, and a golden pill shot towards Yu Chang.

Yu Chang carefully wrapped it, and the pill unfolded in his hand, and his eyes moved immediately.

There are no ten pill patterns on the pill. Each pill pattern represents a layer of medicinal effect. Jun Dan, ten percent medicinal effect, ten pill patterns. However, this one has none.

Those flashy pill patterns representing medicinal effects have all disappeared and turned into a talisman. It's like a plant that is pulling out.

Having lived too long, he naturally knew too much. He took a deep breath: "The emperor among pills, the pill pattern becomes a painting... Is this... the emperor pill?"

He flicked his finger, and the golden pill flew back. He said with relief: "When did you break through? Even in the ancient cultivation era, the emperor pill... was enough to enter the major sects and hold important positions. You can be called a master now."

"Is it enough?" Xu Yangyi looked into Yu Chang's eyes. With an old grandfather by his side, he really didn't have to worry about these things.

Yu Chang thought for a long time: "Practice makes perfect."

"It doesn't need to be too complicated. Qiankun's talismans are classics. You must remember that complexity is not the best. What you need now is to engrave the talisman you want to engrave most in the smallest range, and leave blanks for the others. Once you have the opportunity to be promoted to a spiritual treasure, these blank spaces will be the expansion of your talismans."

Time is like flowing water. In the blink of an eye, five years have passed.

Five years ago, an auction of elixirs finally overturned the world of elixir. After almost all the spiritual plant masters, elixir masters, and talisman masters from China gathered together, all the Jindan masters came. An auction became a grand event in the cultivation world. Under the appraisal of the whole audience, the elixir, this ancient and new industry, finally ushered in its spring.

The following year, the Chinese elixir alliance was established, and Xu Yangyi served as the chairman. In the same year, the number of applicants for the elixir department of major cultivation colleges exceeded 2,000, twenty times more than the previous year!

In the same year, 80% of the elixir and capsule companies, and the Jindan masters behind them gathered together to entertain Langdu Master in the Old Summer Palace. Only elixir, capsule, spiritual plant, and cultivation futures traders with A-level qualifications or above in the country were eligible to join. The banquet lasted for two days. Even India, Japan, Russia, South Korea and other countries, there were a lot of A-level qualified businessmen who came here under the order of their own Jindan.

At the end of the same year, all the Danye capsule companies attending the meeting announced that they would shift their focus and build Dandao research institutes in several famous mountainous areas across the country within the next year. The Baili family in Sichuan, the Wu family in the cave, the Gao family in Jiangxi, and the Sima family in the three northeastern provinces all established their second headquarters in the imperial capital after an unknown overnight negotiation in the Forbidden City.

This year is called the Dandao Year.

In the third year, many refining masters began to enter the Forbidden City and stayed there for several months. When asked by outsiders, they kept their mouths shut.

In the fourth year, the fifth year...some people were able to initially refine the simplest elixir, and all of them were invited to be guests of honor in major companies.

However, Xu Yangyi, the number one in Dandao, has not appeared since the fourth year. Four years, a round of college graduation, what should be taught has been taught, and the rest depends on each person's understanding. The school has records of every class he taught. And the dozens of Dan children recruited five years ago, now all of them have been familiar with the Dan formula and medicinal materials, as well as some introductory knowledge of Dandao in the past few years.

Years turn into songs, time passes like flowers. In the blink of an eye, twenty years have passed.

The Forbidden City is still the Forbidden City, welcoming countless tourists. Some people died, some were born, some were happy and some were sad, but it was helpless that the flowers fell and the familiar swallows returned.

This is how Jindan Zhenren is. In the blink of an eye, the youth has aged. In the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed.

However, the huge restricted area in the Forbidden City is still not accessible to anyone. It's just that now there are many monks that Xu Yangyi had never seen before his retreat. They keep coming in and out. Wangchen no longer has a trace of arrogance on his face, and he sits in meditation at the gate of Qianqing Palace with a sword.

Twenty years have passed, and he can take pills at will, and he has no shortage of skills and magic weapons. He has already reached the peak of the middle stage of foundation building.

"Fellow Taoist Wangchen." Lin Chaofeng's name has been submerged in the long river of history. Hearing this familiar voice, Wangchen raised his eyes and looked calmly at the fat man in front of him: "Li Shi, you are well."

Li Jushi is a monk in the late stage of foundation building, but he bows to Wangchen to the end without any pretense. He smiles like a spring flower: "Thanks to the ancestor of Wolfbane, everything is fine. The pill market this quarter is still Climbing up the internet, I came here specifically to pay my dues.”

Wangchen nodded with a smile: "Just leave it to me."

A trace of regret flashed in Li Jushi's eyes, and he handed over a jade slip and asked tentatively: "The ancestor has not left seclusion yet?"

"How can it be so easy for Master Jindan to go into seclusion?" Wangchen said calmly: "Where are the governments of various countries? Is there any new news?"

Li Jushi glanced left and right, moved closer, and whispered: "I heard... the moon in the well has reached 78% concentration... haven't you seen the news? Countries have fully opened up their own technology and weapons arsenal..."

Wangchen's eyes flashed: "Not before, what happened?"

"I heard that there is some movement on the other side of the moon. Hidden Dragon Base, as well as Area 51 in the United States, Borobudur in India, and the Pantheon in Greece, these top-secret organizations have all gathered at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. It is said that there It’s the first front.”

Wangchen nodded: "Master, come out and I will inform you."

"That's it, thank you very much." Li Jushi smiled and cupped his hands, then turned into a stream of light and left.

After the people left, Wangchen looked down at Qianqing Palace. Master... If you are right about the War of All Realms, it will break out in less than forty years. Now that there is even a trace of movement on the moon, why don't you come out?

Right now!

"Crash..." Suddenly, the whole ground began to shake! Wangchen suddenly stood up and immediately flew into the air.

Streams of light rose from the ground. Looking from the air, the entire space was roaring!

"Carrara..." Countless stones, and even cars, slowly rose from the ground, about a few decimeters, and were lifted into the air in front of everyone's dumbfounded eyes, like puppets on strings.

"What's going on?" "What happened?" "Check it immediately! What's going on?"

In the Al-Aqsa Mosque, yellow people, white people, and black people are almost gathered together at this moment. In the area of ​​several kilometers below, all the masters of heaven have been moved from China and placed here. Now, almost all the scientific researchers in white coats stood up, looked at the roaring earth above their heads, and then immediately looked at the screen in front of them.

"MY GOD..." A white scientist took a quick look and gasped: "It's global...The whole world is shaking!"

A Chinese man, with his fingers flying like flying, countless numbers reflected on his glasses, his expression solemn: "But the source of the earthquake is not on the earth!"

"Sora..." A Japanese woman, with an afterimage almost appearing on her hand, bit her lip tightly: "5000 メートル above the earth!"

At this moment, the door opened with a bang, and a dozen special forces in camouflage uniforms filed in silently. A Chinese three-star general and a white three-star general walked in at the same time.

"Calling Tianyan No. 1 immediately! We need all the pictures!" The Chinese general tapped his fingers on the table, his movements were slow, but his voice seemed to be urging him: "Within ten seconds, it is necessary."

"Beep beep beep..." In less than ten seconds, eight seconds, a huge light curtain appeared in the center of everyone. The four light curtains formed a square and slowly rotated.

"OH... FUCK..." A light curtain tens of meters high illuminated every corner, and those who saw the scene above were completely stunned.

"信じられない..." "God...I can't believe it!" "What the hell is this?" "???..."

There were exclamations and low gasps, everyone was shocked by the things above. The two admirals stayed for a full minute, then turned their heads and looked at each other.

"It has begun..." General Huaxia said with a look of solemnity on his face: "There are still forty-two years...Last year, there was a large-scale spiritual energy fluctuation on the moon. Today...should be the prelude to the beginning of the World War."

The white admiral nodded and said in fluent Chinese: "I suggest that a meeting be held immediately. All commanders and above, who are here now, must participate. In twenty minutes, we must end this meeting. Discuss how to report to heads of state and the United Nations.”

Both of them agreed, and then looked at the light curtain again.

Is it finally... coming...?

Decades ago, sets of horrific data were transmitted to the earth, all indicating that there was an unimaginable behemoth, a vast starship fleet, heading towards the earth.

With killings, conquests, death knells and funeral songs, it traveled through dozens and hundreds of light years and rushed towards the earth.

Now... this horn is finally blowing.

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