
Chapter 780: Life Magical Treasure (Part 3)

The huge underground cave is brightly lit, with a huge furnace in the center, about twenty meters high and seven to eight meters in diameter. Right in the middle of Tai Chi, gossip spreads around. Tongues of fire roared out from the cracks between the eight trigrams, swaying the cave in red shadows.

Xu Yangyi sat cross-legged in the middle, his eyes slightly red. In the furnace, a shadow like a black dragon leaped. With every leap it made, all the surrounding fire waves suddenly jumped up from the ground, turning into red lotus flowers and dissipating in the air.

The silence of silence. After a long time, Xu Yangyi took a deep breath. Just at the edge of the training room, there were piles of colorful spiritual stones. And all of them are top-grade spiritual stones. With his breath, like a river flowing into the sea, streams of colorful spiritual energy rushed straight into his seven orifices, and the upper layer of the spiritual stone pile turned gray visibly to the naked eye.

As the spiritual energy entered his body, a thunderous "boom" sounded in the void. Immediately afterwards, his skin slowly turned from bronze to red. After a few seconds, he even sweated profusely all over his body, and white gas was secreted from the top of his head.

"One thousand medium-grade spirit stones every day, no wonder you are going all out to promote the Alchemy Alliance." Yuchang glanced at him half-heartedly: "In five years, the newly opened pill market has made hundreds of thousands of spirit stones. Stone. Elixir and capsules are slowly being withdrawn from the market and have great potential in the future.”

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly, but did not open. He said slowly: "Who would have thought that fully activating the Eternal Alchemy Sutra would require such a huge fuel expense?"

"This is just the Golden Core stage. If the realm gets higher and higher, I really don't dare to think about it."

Yuchang frowned slightly, then looked at the cauldron in front of him, looked at him again, and smiled knowingly: "I have rarely seen you so cautious. Relax. You have done a good enough job."

Being lightly patted on the shoulder, Xu Yangyi also smiled. He breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes, looking at the furnace with a burning gaze: "Perhaps for seniors, such things can even be called crude. But for me, it is to be with me. It’s inevitable to be excited.”

"As long as you have the heart, it's not bad." Yuchang smiled and looked at the furnace: "The accumulation in the first fifteen years, the drawings, and the refining in the next five years. You are very good... You didn't ask me, but you paid a high price It’s really good to hire a side master who would rather discuss than reach out.”

"Heaven rewards hard work, learning the Tao rewards hard work, industry rewards excellence, and humanity rewards sincerity. Not to mention the spiritual energy that is polished bit by bit because of the refining of the magic weapon. Little guy, the accumulation of these twenty years will definitely be compensated in the future. "

Xu Yangyi's eyes were calm, with a hint of heat hidden in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "Only when you have experienced it yourself can you remember it in your mind."

Yuchang looked at the elixir furnace with rising flames: "There are still six hours to start the furnace, aren't you nervous?"

Xu Yangyi smiled: "The tiger roars and the dragon sings about the sky, and the falling flowers flow into the water. It's been twenty years, six hours is nothing."

Don't be impatient.

Suddenly, the entire ground began to rumble and shake!

"Earthquake?" Yuchang frowned, then immediately took a breath and said almost in unison with Xu Yangyi: "That's not right!"

"This is my real estate. There are Jindan-level restrictions outside. It is also the headquarters of the Alchemy Alliance. Alchemy should not be affected by foreign objects. I have warned you countless times. This is definitely not an earthquake." Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes slightly: "Could it be... …Which Taoist friend is here to cause trouble for me?”

"I'm afraid no one would dare to do this except Tian Zai. But he just asked you to refine a pill that will increase your life span for a hundred years. It's definitely not him." Yuchang also said.

At this moment, a paper crane quietly emerged from Xu Yangyi's chest, and Wangchen's respectful but shocking voice sounded: "Master... something big has happened... You'd better come out and take a look. In addition, there was an emergency call from the Hidden Dragon Base in Jerusalem just now. Please You go to Jerusalem immediately. All the Jindan masters in China with a fighting strength of more than 500,000 souls will go there."

at this time?

He gritted his teeth and looked at the cauldron behind him: "Tell them that I am now releasing the natal spiritual treasure, and they will understand. In six hours, I will leave for Jerusalem immediately."


The voice disappeared, and Yuchang glanced at him worriedly: "You can't be distracted. It's the last moment to come out of the oven, so you can't be confused even a little bit."

"I know." Xu Yangyi sat down again and let out a low roar, and a wolfsbane root system spread, wrapping up the entire room.

However... it still hasn't stopped!

"Beyond my realm?" He looked around in shock: "What on earth is it? It's beyond my realm?"

Before he finished speaking, something suddenly lit up in his mind, and his eyes were like a tempered sword, staring straight at the sky: "You... are finally here."

Yes...the earth is shaking.

Not one place, one province, one city.

Instead, the entire earth is buzzing.

Because it felt... an extremely huge existence that was no weaker than itself, approaching it quickly. Getting closer and bigger.

The fighting spirit comes from the planet itself.

No longer thinking about these things, Xu Yangyi hugged Yuan Shouyi, cleared his mind, and stared at the fire.

The war of all realms... is about to begin!

He suddenly understood that the so-called war of all realms did not start after the moon in the well had been condensed. The space passage behind the moon should be completely opened after the moon in the well condenses, but... it doesn't mean that the Zhenwu Realm cannot pass through before.

When the two worlds are at war, the other side will definitely have time to set up their front.

"Before the World War, firstly, I must take out my own magic weapon. Secondly, Qianli Buliuxing must be improved to a higher level! There should be enough time. In the past few decades, I have consolidated my foundation. Next It should be overwhelming. And the third one..."

"It's time to open the list of merits at the Tower of Babel."

Mistertin had been put into the Tower of Babel by him a long time ago, and he should have been nursed back to health by now.

Two holy swords, his natal magic weapon, and the King of the Eternal Alchemy Sutra, this is his confidence to face the Golden Alchemy of the True Martial World!

Time seemed to suddenly slow down, one minute, ten minutes... Six hours later, the cauldron in front of him suddenly erupted with a burst of dragon roar, and a black dragon figure roared out from it. The entire furnace exploded into pieces!

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and the spiritual energy in his body quickly concentrated on his hands, and his fingers flew. There must be control talismans in the magic weapon. Now he is activating these talismans to complete the first compatibility between himself and the magic weapon.

"Roar!!!" This magic weapon is very weird. It is covered with a black dragon that is tens of meters long. However, when it is rolling, it is not filled with spiritual energy, but a series of terrifying figures, either holding a sword or holding something else. The magic weapon appears and disappears like a sea of ​​clouds.

"Brushing" between his hands, a mysterious talisman slowly formed. Xu Yangyi bit the tip of his tongue, and a drop of golden blood condensed, infusing spiritual power and spurted out.

A drop of blood instantly turned into a golden rain of light, covering the entire black dragon. Countless flames rolled back from all directions, burning the entire room into a flaming hell. If countless fire dragons were spiritual, when the golden rain and mist submerged into the dragon's body, they all swarmed up, and suddenly the dragon's roar shook the sky. Golden runes appeared one by one on the dragon's body.

"Come together!" Xu Yangyi scolded lightly, clasping his hands together, and golden light spread between his palms. At the same time, the black dragon let out a cry in mid-air, and the golden light shone on its huge body, like chains, and rushed towards his Tianling Gai.

"Boom!!" There was a loud noise, and the entire Qianqing Palace was shaken. A milky white shock wave spread in all directions, and all the trees groaned lowly.

When the monks around Qianqing Palace, whether they were reporting to the Alchemy Alliance or the bodyguard monks, saw this scene, Wangchen was the first to kneel on the ground and said loudly: "Welcome Master to come out of seclusion!"

"Thump thump." Immediately afterwards, dozens of monks behind him knelt down, shouting with extremely hot envy and admiration: "Welcome the ancestor to come out of seclusion! I wish the ancestor great success in magical powers!"

Before he finished speaking, a black dragon shot straight into the sky in the Qianqing Palace, with a radius of more than ten meters and a length of hundreds of meters. It was completely composed of black spiritual light. As it moved, a suffocating spiritual energy spread into the air. In the haze, figures turned into figures and disappeared.

"No courtesy." Xu Yangyi's voice came from the sky: "Wangchen, please guard this place, and I will test your homework when my teacher comes back."


Brush, the black dragon goes away. Go straight to Jerusalem.

However, just after flying out of the imperial capital, the black light in the sky suddenly disappeared. Xu Yangyi's figure looked towards the sky not far away. Even the fish intestines took a breath, transformed into a body, and looked at the sky in astonishment.

Just above their heads, a huge cloud hole was slowly forming.

With a radius of one kilometer, all the white clouds in the sky were distorted and stirred by an invisible hand, and even the sunlight was bent. The white clouds in the sky slowly rotated, creating a passage leading to hell. Purple runes circled around the cloud cave. Thunder flashed inside, electric dragons swam around, and deep stars were faintly visible.

Around the cloud cave, countless helicopters and fighter jets were flying. Below, a 10,000-meter isolation zone has been isolated, and countless people outside are competing to take photos.

"Super Teleportation Array." Xu Yangyi and Yuchang said almost in unison. After twenty years of study, although he could not recognize most of them, the runes unique to the teleportation circle were clearly visible.

"It's more than that." Xu Yangyi took a step forward and looked at the cloud cave solemnly: " there something different in this place?"

"True martial arts world?"

"No." He denied with a deep look: "It's... Xu Kunlun."

"I have felt their spiritual energy in the Tower of Babel. That kind of spiritual energy... is completely different from the earth, as if it were a high-ranking immortal. There is no concealment... what are they going to do?"

There was no answer, only the terrifying aura overwhelming the sky, like the mouth of hell being opened, from which endless demons would pour out.

After observing for ten minutes, Xu Yangyi turned into a stream of light and flew towards Jerusalem at a faster speed.

There should be the answer you want.

With lightning speed, the holy city of the Three Religions, which I had already visited once, was clearly visible in my mind. However, what is completely different from before is the scenery and atmosphere here.

From outside the holy city of Jerusalem, endless Muslim believers spread out like a wave, dozens or hundreds of miles away. Ancient flags fluttered in the wind. Some are eagles and some are scorpions. Believers wrapped in black or white cloaks, holding a Koran in their left hand and a knife in their right hand, stood ready.

"Islam has been fully preparing for war decades ago." Yuchang's voice came: "It's not just them, Catholicism, Hinduism as well. Those flags you see are their true strength that has been hidden for who knows how long. In the end, The pious defender. The Sword of God.”

Xu Yangyi did not speak, his eyes had already fallen outside Jerusalem.

There... there is also a huge cloud cave!

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