
Chapter 781: Monument to the Heroes (I)

The stream of light in the sky was so conspicuous that the believers on the ground seemed to have never heard of it. They kowtowed step by step. The cohesion of religion was best interpreted at this moment.

Xu Yangyi flew over a sea of ​​black and white, his heart moved, and he counted with his fingers.

No harm.

He breathed a sigh of relief and moved faster.

In the sky above Jerusalem, several golden elixirs were sitting cross-legged, looking around in all directions just like before. Sensing his aura, a woman raised her head and said lightly: "Who?"

"Huaxia Zhenren, Wolfsbane."

As he spoke, the figure got closer and closer, and the woman's eyes suddenly flashed under the veil: "Is it you?"

Xu Yangyi clasped his fists slightly, but at this moment, several golden elixir-level spiritual energy surrounded him. Each one fluctuates slightly.

"What does this mean?" He stopped, slightly displeased: "Invite me here, but now I am not allowed to go? Is this the way of hospitality in the Holy City of the Three Religions?"

No one spoke.

Light flashed beside him, and two figures appeared in the void. Although it was silent, everyone had an incredible look in their eyes.

Gharib, Ala'i, and women. Xu Yangyi suddenly understood and smiled slightly at the three of them: "Three fellow Taoists, you are well."

These three people were the three golden elixirs who were chasing him in Jerusalem that day.

The three of them didn't speak, they didn't know how to speak. The memory of monks is stronger than that of ordinary people. They remember clearly what happened within a hundred years, so... it is even more clear that the person in front of them escaped from under the nose of Jindan during the foundation period! Moreover, His Excellency the Prince personally took action and failed to catch the other party!

And decades have passed... the other party has actually reached the late stage of Golden Elixir! ?

This is too farfetched!

"You...good." Alayi, who had an old face, reacted first. The other party's visit this time was completely different from the last time. Last time, they could denounce the other party as a heretic. This time, the other party attended the meeting as Jin Dan Zhenren.

But...why do I feel so unhappy and sour?

"Now you..." The woman hesitated, not because she didn't believe it, but because she simply couldn't believe it! After decades of being in the late stage of Jindan, she knew very well who was gathering inside. None of them were qualified to step in. Only a handful of people at the top of Jindan were qualified. And this person... is not only late, but also qualified to join the membership?

When she saw the Wolfsbane information on the information, she never thought it was this person.

"I think it is necessary to introduce it again." Xu Yangyi was in a good mood and smiled politely: "The great Chinese monk, Wolfsbane, was once called X. I wonder if some of you still remember me?"

of course I remember!

The three people's eyes intertwined. Who doesn't remember the scene of the riot in Jerusalem?

The woman's lips opened and closed, closed and opened again. After a few seconds, she pursed her lips and let out a long sigh. She placed her right hand on her left chest and bowed slightly: "Mr.

"This Grand Duke is simply unbelievable..." Gharib finally spoke, looking deeply at Xu Yangyi: "The decades of Jindan late stage really make this Grand Duke feel ashamed... God protect us, I hope everything we have in the past will disappear."

No one wants to go against the monks who were born in the late centuries of the Ecumenical Period. And... he is a great monk with more than 500,000 souls!

Xu Yangyi did not answer immediately. The eyes of the three people suddenly flickered. There was a vigilance in their seemingly calm eyes, and they looked at Xu Yangyi closely.

"Of course." After a few seconds, he smiled and said, "Can I go over?"

He breathed a silent sigh of relief.


The three people immediately gave up the aisle and watched the light disappear. Behind him, the three Grand Dukes said: "I still can't believe it... Even if the cultivation civilization has changed greatly in the past few decades, the great monks in the late Grand Duke period... You didn’t just say it, did you?”

"In any case, Islam cannot establish such a strong enemy. Later in the century, he...although I don't want to admit it, he has great hope of advancing to that realm."

Alayi's eyes flickered, still immersed in the scenes of that year and the fierce conflicts today. After a few seconds, he said in a deep voice: "At least, everyone has talked about it today. Prepare a gift, I think, we personally congratulate Mr. With the title of Grand Duke, this unpleasant past has completely passed away."

Ignoring their shock, Xu Yangyi quickly arrived outside the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and someone immediately picked him up.

"Is the person here?" The suit was thrown away casually, and the Haituibu immediately caught it respectfully and hurriedly replied: "Here we are, the only one missing is you."

"lead the way."

Instead of taking the elevator, he walked into a teleportation circle. When the dizziness dissipated, he was already in a room a hundred meters in size.

A table about fifty meters long was placed in the middle. On the left, there were all three-star generals, some from China, some from Europe and the United States, and some from other countries. To the right, on every seat, sat a monk with a calm expression and no anger or authority. The moment he stepped in, dozens of eyes shot towards him.

There was a black man who seemed to have stepped out of an ancient tribe, with totems drawn all over his body, and a string of human bone beads floating a few centimeters above the seat. There were white ladies in evening gowns. An Indian woman with a high nose, deep eyes, a red dot in the middle of her eyebrows, and a veil covering her face. There is also the real Montenegro.

Xu Yangyi raised his brows slightly. There were eighteen people in total, and each one of them had such strong spiritual power that he had to treat them with caution.

All of them are great monks with more than 500,000 souls!

"Master Wolfsbane, please take a seat." The person presiding over the meeting was a Chinese general. Without any unnecessary nonsense, he immediately pressed the button on the table. In an instant, four light curtains appeared in the room in a square shape.

He went straight to the point, without even a hint of politeness, and there was no time for introduction. You can only imagine what the current situation has become.

The light curtain lit up, and all the real people's eyes narrowed slightly. It was a hologram of the Earth, taken from unknown satellite. However... at this moment, there are hundreds of thousands of cloud holes in the earth's atmosphere! Make the earth look like a broken honeycomb!

"There are so many." A middle-aged woman wearing an evening dress smoothed her blond hair: "I thought there was only one."

"If it is one, we will just seal the news. There is no need for you to come all the way here in person." The first general faced the eighteen strongest golden elixirs in the world without a trace of anxiety, with a majestic face and a loud voice: " A total of... one hundred and thirty-two hundred, covering all large and medium-sized cities on the earth, as well as major important areas."

After a long silence, an Indian man with his head covered said in a deep voice: "The reason?"

"If you knew, there would be no need to invite you all!" The white admiral also stood up: "There is no reason, no warning. The earth's atmosphere... just suddenly opened up a hundred thousand huge cloud holes. And..."

He pursed his lips and opened the ultra-thin handbag on the table with great caution. With his fingers flying, rows of numbers appeared on the cloud cave.

"The aura is wrong."

"This is not the spiritual energy that belongs to the earth. There is a spiritual power boiling in it that is beyond our understanding. We have learned that these are 100,000 super teleportation arrays."

No one spoke.

The two admirals spoke very tactfully, but everyone understood the underlying meaning.

Cross-border strike!

It is very likely that the first wave of cross-border strikes in the real martial arts world is coming!

They blocked the moon, the space station, intercepted satellites and surrounded the earth like a subway barrel, but... the other party actually opened the teleportation circle directly from the atmosphere? Indiscriminate bombing of the entire planet?

The think tank who made this inference simply couldn't figure out how our ancestors could defeat such a terrible enemy?

"This is not the True Martial World." Just as everyone looked solemn, a calm voice sounded: "This is the teleportation circle of Xu Kunlun."

"Who are you?" The blond woman turned to look at Xu Yangyi: "Master Wolfsbane. Oh, yes, I admire your courage to face the world back then."

The implication is that courage is commendable, but such a big thing cannot be speculated on. The ultra-large teleportation circle is something that a great monk should explore. You are sitting here as an insider and an initiator, so please don't speak nonsense. Every word you say as an insider may have an impact on the world situation.

"Dang" Before Xu Yangyi could speak, Master Heishan gently put down his teacup and said coldly: "Master Wolfsbane is stronger than me. Anna, you'd better be careful what you say."

Everyone's eyes flickered. Anna glanced at Xu Yangyi in surprise. How old was he? The moment he came in, even the eighteen most powerful monks tacitly agreed. Because if it weren't for this man, the earth wouldn't even be able to fight back now. They never thought that Xu Yangyi was also sitting here as a great monk.

"Aren't you kidding?" An old white man frowned slightly and looked at the real person from Montenegro: "This joke is not funny."

Xu Yangyi picked up the tea cup and took a sip as if no one else was watching. As he drank it, a violent spiritual energy burst out!

"Boom boom boom!!" Like a lead, his spiritual energy just exploded. The eighteen rays were not much weaker, and even a flat spiritual energy suddenly rose up. In an instant, the room turned into a sea of ​​spiritual energy that formed a substance.

This is not targeted.

This is instinct... the instinct that top masters have when facing the same top masters. When a male lion roars at another male lion in the pride, it will inevitably cause the other male lion to roar.

"I think." Xu Yangyi put down the tea cup gently: "Everyone should have no objection."

Eighteen eyes looked at each other in shock, but disappeared silently like a tide. The blond woman took a deep look at Xu Yangyi: "You are very good."

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, stood up, and said to the two generals: "Let me reiterate again, this is not the Zhenwu world, this is Xu Kunlun. Xu Kunlun opened the passage to the earth and built this huge teleportation circle. I don't know. What to do. But it shouldn’t be a bad thing.”

"How do you know this is Kunlun?" The Chinese general looked directly into Xu Yangyi's eyes: "I think you should see this picture before you are 100% sure."

The white admiral smelled the fragrance and understood its elegance. His fingers moved, the light curtain flickered, and an image of... the moon appeared on it.

"Huh..." "Unbelievable..." "Is it already to this extent?"

On the screen, behind the entire moon, there was a void crack almost as big as the moon. Meteorites and shooting stars slowly floated out from it, as if the pupils of the god of death were staring at the moon.

"Three thousand two hundred kilometers in diameter." The white admiral finally stopped his fingers and said with a heavy figure: "Through the accidentally transmitted spiritual power fragments, it is deduced..."

He took a deep breath, put his arms on the table, and spoke to everyone with a trembling voice: "One hundred and thirty-six million souls."


"There is a terrifying demon behind the moon, and it is already heading towards the earth."

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