
Chapter 782: Monument to the Heroes (Part 2)

No one spoke.

Everyone understood what 136 million meant.

Yuanying Zhenjun was only at the level of one million spirits, and Jindan Zhenren could only count in the hundreds of thousands. How many cultivators were there in Zhenwu Realm? How many motherships were there?

This was definitely a full-scale attack!

After thousands of years of probing, the other party finally stretched out its fangs from who knows how many light years away, without reservation, and beat the drum of killing from who knows how many light years away.

The heavy number made everyone speechless. After a long time, Admiral Huaxia looked at Xu Yangyi: "Are you sure?"

"Are you sure this is Xu Kunlun?"

"Mr. Langdu, you have to know that your judgment may be related to the lives of everyone on Earth. We have no clue, we can only trust you and start investigating from your theory."

The white admiral looked at Xu Yangyi deeply and bowed: "So, please confirm your answer."

"One hundred percent answer."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and said loudly: "I am sure, and I am sure."

"This is the teleportation array of Xu Kunlun. I don't know what they are going to teleport. But it has absolutely nothing to do with the Zhenwu Realm!"

The breath of the spiritual energy of the upper realm, the transformed self of the mirror flower, will never make a mistake.

"Beep beep!" At this moment, all the screens in the room suddenly rang, and the four light screens flashed, and immediately switched to a white old man.

"General Paulov, General Ma, I think you must see this."

Without a word of nonsense, the screen was flashing, and this time, even all the golden elixirs stood up silently.

In the cloud cave...something appeared!

It was not a fleet, nor a cultivator, but a stone tablet. A huge stone tablet about a hundred meters high and twenty to thirty meters wide. It slowly fell to the ground from the cloud cave with a roar.

"What is this?" Heishan Zhenren looked solemn, and he could not figure out what was going on. He immediately asked: "Spiritual power index? I suggest that if it exceeds ten thousand spirits, missile attack immediately."

There was no immediate answer. Everyone looked at Paulov. He looked at the screen in astonishment, and turned his head for a few seconds before saying: "Fifty spirits..."

Fifty spirits?

Fifty cultivators who had just entered the Qi Refining stage?

"It's really fifty spirits." General Ma also looked at the laptop, and then looked up at the light screen in confusion: "What... is this?"


Finally began to land on the earth.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered, and then he immediately disappeared on the spot. The other Jindan were stunned for a moment, but they reacted immediately and disappeared almost at the same time within a second.

"What happened to them?" Paulov asked, suppressing his uneasiness. It's so weird... Abnormal things are demons. Such a huge teleportation array actually teleported 100,000 100-meter stone tablets with 50 spirits?

General Ma's eyes moved, and then he and Paulov reacted almost at the same time, exclaiming: "Jerusalem!" "There are also cloud caves outside Jerusalem!"

The speed of Jindan Zhenren was so fast. While they were still exclaiming, the 18 Zhenren had already tacitly surrounded the cloud cave. In their eyes, a stone tablet that was extremely small compared to the cloud cave fell like weightlessness, faster and faster, and with a "bang"! It suddenly hit the ground.

There was no abnormality.

All 18 rays of light shot over, and just as they approached, a hazy white light shone on the stone tablet. Lines of blood-red words slowly appeared on the stone tablet.

"This is..." Heishan Zhenren took a step forward, and just as his hand was about to touch the stone tablet, it was blocked by the white light and could not enter even half an inch.

"Swish... swish..." As if a god picked up a pen to write, the first line of words appeared quickly.

Zhenwu Realm, Holy Land Zhurong Divine Sect, Ancestor Moyun, spiritual power: 8.12 million spirits! Shadow Realm.

No Return Realm, Cultivation Court, Tianzai Zhenjun, spiritual power: 8.97 million spirits! Life and Death Realm.


A stone stirs up a thousand waves!

Eighteen eyes intertwined with each other, even they felt a layer of white sweat on their backs!

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips tightly, but his fists were clenched and cracked. Yes, these are words, words composed of meaningless words, but at the moment of seeing these words, a surge of fighting spirit rushed straight to the top of the head! The blood in the whole body was boiling!

Here it comes...

Finally it comes.

The declaration of war, the decree of the upper seven realms, finally arrived on Earth at this moment!

That's right, this is not the Zhenwu Realm, this is a declaration of war. The Ten Thousand Realms War is at least a war allowed by the upper seven realms. This declaration of war must reach both sides, telling everyone the strength of your opponent, and... the possibility that you can live on your knees. Or... standing on the other side's territory with the glory of flags fluttering.

"Swish..." The second line of words appeared again.

Zhenwu Realm, Holy Land Hanhai Fairy Palace, Moon Shadow Fairy, Spiritual Power: 7.79 million spirits, Zero Degree Domain.

No Return Realm, Vatican, Holy Light Murad, Spiritual Power: 8.3 million spirits, Forbidden Light Domain.

Vatican, Saint Peter of Light almost cursed out loud, what kind of magic weapon is this for reconnaissance! It even found the one hidden deep in the Holy Light Vault!

Next, the words continued.

Zhenwu Realm, Beiming Dynasty, Beiming Emperor, Spiritual Power, 7.2 million spirits, Kingly Domain.

No Return Realm, Mecca, Alam Khan of the Sky, Spiritual Power, 8 million spirits, Sky Domain.

Zhenwu Realm, Great Jin Dynasty, Jin Houzhu, Spiritual Power, 7 million spirits, Rebirth Domain. No Return Realm, Greek Capital Ross Family, "God Killer" Uryen, 7.9 million spirits, Glory Domain.

Zhenwu World, Eastern Tang Dynasty, Prince An, spiritual power, 6.82 million spirits, distortion field. Not returning to the realm, "King of Garuda" Dirang Jwala, 7.62 million souls, mandala realm.

One by one, some people who have never seen or even heard of the Nascent Soul Lord were completely revealed to everyone by Xu Kunlun!

They didn't know that at this moment, crowds of spectators and monks from all over the world had gathered around various stone monuments in this sudden state.

In Tokyo and Ginza, among the busy traffic, suddenly a car hit the front, and the front rear-ended it again, one after another, and there were actually more than a dozen cars in a chain. However, the driver of the car immediately rushed out and watched in astonishment as the stone monument in the center of Ginza burst into white light.

In Dubai, several top wealthy people hurried out of the Burj Al Arab Hotel and looked at the 100-meter-high stone monument in front of the hotel with solemn expressions.

"Immediately take a photo and convey it to everyone in the group." A Middle Eastern man in a white robe, with a heavy face and a wine glass in his hand, said in a hoarse voice: "Then, start counting the group's current funds and fixed assets."

"President, what are you doing?" a woman next to him asked doubtfully.

The sea breeze blew up the white robe of Hunter, and the man turned his head with a solemn look on his face, but with a smile on his lips: "Can't you tell?"

"This... is an invitation from the God of Death. A comparison of the strengths of the two sides. The letter of war is placed on our table. Do you still want to be alone?" There was a hidden bloodthirsty in his eyes: "To borrow an old Chinese saying, overturning How can there be eggs under the nest? This time, whoever takes a step back will not be able to live on the earth. The country will not allow it, the citizens will not allow it, and even the earth itself will reject it.”

"No one can tolerate the existence of cowards in the war of annihilation."

Microsoft headquarters, Redmond, USA. A slightly fat man sat at the desk and looked at the scene in front of him. After a long while, he sighed resolutely: "He didn't tell lies."

"This day...has finally arrived..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he pursed his lips, a flash of determination flashed across his fat face, and grabbed the phone: "It's me, informing the Federal Reserve that we need to calculate Microsoft's liquidity and fixed assets."

After making the call, he stood up, looked at the white light in Washington not far away, and tapped on the window with trembling fingers: "We are just mortals..."

"We don't have any cultivation materials to contribute."

"But we can contribute the US dollars that fill New York Harbor. Zhenwujie... You are all out, so why aren't we all united?"

Huaxia, Qin Dynasty Group, Shanghai headquarters, a man in his late seventies sat at a large conference table. Within ten minutes, all the senior officials of Qin Dynasty in the headquarters gathered together and looked at the projector solemnly.

"Let's vote." The old man turned around and stood up on crutches: "Donate 30% of the fixed and current funds of the Qin Dynasty. Everyone, let me say it again, we have no retreat."

Silently, all hands were raised.

No hesitation.

"Very good." The old man raised his eyes: "Notify the four major banks that our group requires asset accounting."

Financial groups from various countries are moving.

Although they had donated hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars before this, to the consortium, this was still a drop in the bucket. Their gold coins could fill the entire Pacific Ocean. They didn't really break any bones.

They believed most of Xu Yangyi's words and made preparations, but they could not fully invest because of this sentence. This was true for them and the same was true for other countries. Everyone left a way out.

However, the current situation has told them that there is no way out.

No retreat, no retreat!

To retreat means that the whole earth is kneeling and offering its knees to the Zhenwu world. Only by moving forward indomitably and working together can we truly stand a chance in the war of all realms.

The appearance of one hundred thousand stone tablets has been told to everyone on earth. Throw away your last illusions. This is not a lie or a rumor. Your opponent is no more than a life or death away from you.

Mitsui Consortium, Sanwa Consortium, major royal families in the Middle East, European and American super companies...these extremely wealthy consortiums all looked towards China with their old eyes.

Thank you……

They did not say these silent words, nor did they name them, they just hid them in their hearts.

Above the stone tablets, the light is getting hotter and hotter. The eyes of all parts of the world, almost the whole earth, are focused on these one hundred thousand stone tablets. Each legendary name shines brightly.

Zhenwu Realm, Luofu Cave Heaven, Ancestor Shensheng, 5.72 million spirits, the realm of all things.

As soon as it appeared, there was a line of words next to it, tit for tat, as if two sharp swords were unsheathed at the same time, and there was a silent sword sound in the air.

The Realm of No Return, the Divine Family, the Tirasong Family, the Phoenix of Fire, 6.9 million spirits, the Chaos Realm!

Names that have been heard or not heard of in the cultivation world appear in the eyes of billions of people on the earth. This is the foundation of the earth. The silent Nascent Soul Masters in the so-called divine family are not sleeping, but just silent.

Today, here, all of them showed off the three-foot green blade in their hands.

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