
Chapter 783: Monument to the Heroes (Part 3)

The sound of "swish swish swish" was endless, and the names shone one by one.

Zhenwu Realm, Qianxu Blessed Land, Wuxiang Laojun. 7.6 million souls. Bugui Realm, Tagule Family, "Immortal King" Xidro Tagule, 8.7 million souls.

Zhenwu Realm, Beiming Dynasty, Supreme King, 6.9 million souls. Bugui Realm, Covenus Family, "Full Moon Shadow" Ochuande Covenus. 7.96 million souls.

White light was like a tide, and in an instant, a total of 30 names jumped on the stone tablet, and the top combat power of both sides was fully disclosed!

In the universe, pairs of deep eyes looked at the earth through countless light years. On the earth, the same pairs of calm but more mysterious eyes shot through the layers of the sky and looked at the endless void.

Nearly 10 million top monks collided!

But, at this moment, the names of Tianzai Zhenjun and Moyun Laozu at the top all sank down, and all the names below dropped down.

In Egypt, beside the stone tablet, hundreds of men in white robes guarded the man sitting on a golden chair in the center. The man waved his fan, but his eyes were fixed on the stone tablet.

"Sir, this..." said an attendant.

"This... is the fighting power of the princes of the two worlds." The man pursed his lips, his eyes were like fire: "We... are no worse than the Zhenwu world!"

"Look! Tianzai Zhenjun of China, Prince Shengguang Murad of the Vatican, Prince Alamuhan of Mecca, and the ones behind, which one is not stronger than them?"

He took a deep breath and looked at the sky: "We will not lose."

"The earth will never lose."

Before he finished speaking, the stone tablet not far from them actually burst into a golden light!

It was not white light. This time, the light was all golden. It was not hazy, but overwhelming. Wherever it passed, it was like an endless sword whistling, the wind and clouds rolled back, and the rivers turned upside down!

One line of words, only one line, not two lines like the ones below, appeared on the stone tablet in the golden light. At the top, the names of Tianzai Zhenjun and Moyun Laozu actually sank down together, and all the names below dropped down a column.

However, this line of words was like a cloud of smoke covering the eyes, and it was not clear, as if someone's name was about to appear, but was still hesitating.

Under the Eiffel Tower, countless people gathered together, people from all over the world, they looked at each other, as if they all thought of a possibility.

"This... is there another Yuanying Zhenren to appear?" "There is only one name... that is, the strongest? No one can match it?" "Unbelievable... and... then, it is more than nine million spirits?" "Who is it? Is it us... or the Zhenwu Realm?"

This name is very important. Very important.

Once both sides reach the final stage where the Yuanying must take action, this person... is likely to make the balance of victory begin to tilt.

The whole earth seemed to be filled with the sound of heartbeats, except for the animals that were unaware. Humans, monks, and demons, they really felt the heart beating in their throats. Gritting his teeth, he looked at the stone tablet.

In China, beside the Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River, the current Xuanyuan Sword Master held Chixiao in his hands, knelt on his knees, and held it respectfully in his hands. He said in a deep voice to an old man in a Tang suit in front of him: "Master, please draw your sword."

No answer.

After a long time, the voice sounded: "Why draw your sword?"

"When a strong enemy attacks, you must fight! You can't avoid fighting!"

"I am not talented, but I know that our predecessor killed the Zhenwu world spirit with one sword and died on the spot. As a junior, how can I shrink back?"

"Please draw your sword, senior!"


Five minutes later, the whole land, tens of thousands of meters around the old man, was roaring, and all the grass and trees, even cattle and sheep, flew up as if exhausted.

Chi Xiao let out a cheerful cry, and turned into a red phoenix and rushed into the old man's hand. At the same time, a sharp sword light cut through the wind and waves and shot straight into the sky!

The old man did not know when he had appeared in the air at a speed that was almost teleporting, and he flew away with one step and one song. Every step and every word made the sky tremble.

"Ten years of sharpening a sword, the frosty blade has never been tested."

When these two sentences appeared, all weapons within a radius of tens of thousands of meters, even kitchen knives, made a mournful cry, and then, in the stunned eyes of the housewives, countless swords broke through the window and flew out of the air.

"Today I will show you who is unfair."

After the last two sentences, the old man's figure disappeared.

I don't know how many miles away, Wei Chenyuan looked at Tai'a in his hand in astonishment, and he couldn't hold it at all, and he actually flew towards China. Yuchang, who was far away in Jerusalem, exclaimed, broke away from Xu Yangyi for the first time, and rushed towards China.

In the sky, the earth's protective formation, the broken sword, made an unbearable humming sound, as if... a divine weapon that drank human blood, sealed for a thousand years, was about to be unsheathed again!

Xu Yangyi looked at his hand in astonishment, and then suddenly looked at China. He could feel... an extremely powerful sword energy, bursting out from China!

"Is this... the Xuanyuan Sword Master?"

"Except for him, who can give an order and return all the swords to the sect?"

China, Wanli Canxue breathed a sigh of relief, but the next second, the Hukou Waterfall in front of him let out a thunderous roar!

The stone trench swallowed the thin smoke, and the sky poured down and roared with thunder. The endless river water rushing from above was actually rolled back! Like a giant dragon looking back!

The nine-bend Yellow River was blocked at Hukou.

"Swish!" At the same time, the first line of words finally appeared on the stone tablet!

The ? generation Xuanyuan Sword Master in the Realm of No Return. Spiritual Power: 999,000 Spirits! Domain: Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect.

New York, Times Square, this moment is silent.

Even if they are just Qi Refiners and mortals, they know what this is talking about.

Yuanying combat power! Prince combat power! The top super cultivators in the two realms!

Hearts are howling, nerves are screaming, anyone who sees these words will only have a sense of belonging and a strong desire to fight.

Whether mortals or cultivators. Whether Qi Refiners or Yuanying.


Earth, never retreat!

At the moment the golden handwriting appeared, the entire Times Square, regardless of white, black, or yellow people, all gave a thunderous cheer!

There is no Zhenwu Realm!

This is the first! The real first!

Xuanyuan Sword Master, out of retreat.

This kind of shock, this kind of honor, the heat of advancing and retreating together, has no national boundaries, no race, and crosses the heart.

"We are strong, we are strong!" I don't know who shouted this sentence, and suddenly, the whole Times Square was full of people.

It was not a shout, but a roar that was hoarse and seemed to roar out the hot blood in his heart.

"Never retreat!!!" "Let those bastards go back!!" "X didn't lie! It's really a war of all realms!!" "Nearly a hundred years of preparation is for the next glory!!" "Guys! Take your weapons! What are you waiting for! The Earth Allies are waiting for us!!"

The imperial capital, the center of the Forbidden City.

Tianzai Zhenren, who has never shown his true body, has a face without sadness or joy. He sits cross-legged in the void, no longer hiding the spiritual pressure on his body, and the majestic spiritual power bursts out!

This is not showing off.

This is confidence!

This is confidence for all warriors and people on Earth!

Yuanying is here, he will not fall, and the emperor will not fall.

"Buzz buzz buzz..." The black and white Tai Chi coiled, covering most of the Forbidden City, but it was so friendly to the people of Earth. I don't know how many people knelt on the ground devoutly at this moment, their eyes full of bloodshot fighting spirit, and they knelt down sincerely.

"It's true..." After a long time, Tianzai Zhenren looked far away and looked at Jerusalem: "In fact, in the past hundred years, have all countries been worried and concerned?"

"You said that the earth did it, but there was also uneasiness in my heart. But today, everything has become true."

"You...changed the earth."

He lowered his eyes and looked at the stone tablet. As calm as he was, his voice trembled slightly: "I wonder which generation of Xuanyuan Sword Master finally drew the sword?"

"We... are very strong!"

He closed his eyes, his eyelids trembled slightly, and repeated again: "Really strong."

In Qingcheng Mountain, a green dragon roared up from the mountains, and the voice of Xu Fangyuan, who had never appeared before, enveloped the entire Taoist ancestral land: "Let the headmaster come to see me."

The voice was like thunder, domineering and majestic, but all the Taoists in the mountain were stunned for only a second, and then their legs trembled with excitement and they knelt on the ground: "Welcome the ancestor!" "Welcome the real lord to the world!!"

In the back mountain of Qingcheng, three pairs of old eyes opened and looked at the front mountain in disbelief.

"Is this... the pressure of the Nascent Soul?!" "The True Lord has appeared... the True Lord who was missing last time has finally appeared!" "Good, good! Good!! I defeated 300,000 enemies here in Qingcheng Mountain a thousand years ago. This time, I will definitely kill them again!"

In the Vatican, Pope Saint Peter of Light walked quickly and rushed straight to the Holy Light Dome. He seemed to have not noticed the salutes from the cardinals on the way.

"Your Excellency!" He pushed open a door that had never been opened before, and his breathing was a little hurried: "You..."

Inside, there was an ordinary priest.

Very ordinary, ordinary to the extreme, he gently took out a Bible, slowly turned the pages, and answered slowly: "Finally... this day has come."

"X didn't lie." He closed the book, his eyes seemed to see the stone tablet through thousands of mountains and rivers: "My opponent should choose this Moon Shadow Fairy?"

Saint Peter of Light took a deep breath, took two steps forward, and grabbed the old man's hand tightly: "Murad... 300 million believers have gathered in the Vatican, including 30 million monks, 10 archdukes, 8,000 marquises, 22,000 earls... There are also 5,000 holy knights, 3,000 ascetics, and... me, the Pope, 10 cardinals, 3 cardinals, and 4 saints. The foundation of Catholicism is all here."

"I... give it to you."

The priest smiled and shook his hand: "If you were not so obsessed with power, with your qualifications, you would have come to me long ago. step. However, I don't blame you. Our foundation, faith, someone has to give up practice. It's either you or me. "

"You are the light in the open, and I am the shadow behind you."

He straightened his face and said in a deep voice: "I am afraid that the entire Catholic Church will disappear in this war. Are you sad?"

St. Peter clenched his hands and said in a hoarse voice: "No matter what."

"I have received the grace of the earth and mankind, and I have to repay it because it is an obligation. The obligation of every monk on earth. Do you think I don't even have this responsibility? If I were so cowardly, how could I have come to this point today. "

The priest smiled and clenched his hands: "Very good."

"Then, let's see if this powerful enemy that has come across light years can devour the holy light. "

One city after another, one mortal, monk, and 100,000 stone tablets, let most people on the earth see the content above. A long-lost unyielding and bloodthirsty factor hidden in the peaceful years quickly boiled in the blood vessels and then exploded wildly.

No one was willing to surrender.

No one wants to live on his knees.

Live as a hero, die as a ghost hero, still thinking of Xiang Yu, who refused to cross the Yangtze River.

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