
Chapter 784: Monument to the Heroes (IV)

"Ah..." The dark universe, a majestic shadow extending hundreds of thousands of kilometers, is rapidly advancing towards the solar system. Wherever it passes, meteors and meteorites all turn into dust.

It is hazy, somewhere between virtuality and reality. Next to this shadow of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, there are 300,000 cloud caves, and tall stone monuments, like the earth, stand in every corner of the shadow.

Space folds.

The equipment and technology of the Zhenwu world far surpass that of the earth, even more than a century ago. This is their confidence, their trump card.

The earth is like a peeled egg in front of them.

However, at this moment, blessed places turned into phantoms, caves formed by water flow, air, and even monsters, three glorious palaces with a radius of 100,000 meters, and two ice towers that towered over everything. A hymn to fire. Among them, they all let out a leisurely sigh.

"Unexpectedly... there are more than nine million spiritual monks." In the Flame Mountain, an old voice sounded: "It's simply unbelievable..."

His voice was like a bell, reaching the ears of almost all the top monks. Then a steady female voice sounded unhurriedly: "It's really hard to believe that this person... will soon cross that line and reach the next level."

"The True Lord of the No-Return Realm is stronger than us." On the Killing Star Destroyer Mothership, a man wearing a dragon robe and a glazed beaded crown stood tall, looking at the vast star map in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "But , This is within our estimation. Although the news is not good, it is not beyond expectations.”

"What are you afraid of?" An old man's voice was extremely gloomy, like a poisonous snake in the darkness. He hoarsely said: "Zhenjun Nascent Soul will not take action unless it is absolutely necessary. There is no way to enter our mothership group without returning to the world. , can’t deal a fatal blow to us, but we can descend into the atmosphere at any time, so why don’t we know?”

A woman's voice rang like a silver bell: "You can't say that. Although in our eyes, the Nascent Soul of the Non-Returning Realm is a tortoise in its shell, but don't forget, once we break through the Realm of No-Returning's protective circle, we will finally You have to land, otherwise you won't be able to annex it then..."

"When the time comes... I'm afraid they won't dare to destroy the earth and will have no choice but to kneel down to us." The old voice in the Flame Mountain said: "Nascent Soul is the last move that determines the direction of the war. Everyone, please do not underestimate the enemy. No. Returning... is very strong.”

"We are the trump card and the deterrent. The endless foundation-building monks are the foundation for our victory. Especially Jindan... Jindan Zhenren is on one side, and the number and strength of Yuanying Zhenjun are the final trump card. We don't Maybe the first thing to come to the Realm of No Return is the next Golden Elixir List on the Heroic Spirit Monument.”

"They are our biggest obstacle. They are also the most powerful guns and swords on both sides. Only by relying on them can we annex the entire No Return Realm."

An hour passed.

People forgot about their work, and the crowd around the Hundred Thousand Stone Monuments became more and more dense. They also forgot about time, and even their bosses also forgot.

At this moment, almost everyone on earth is watching the comparison of strength between the two worlds.

Thirty Nascent Soul Lords, the pinnacles of the two realms, are facing each other tit for tat here.

There was no flash of swords, no screams and no fear, only the murderous intent that was spread across an unknown number of light-years.

This... can even be a weight that can tip the balance of war.

But the light did not stop, and turned into green, continuing to spread on the stone tablet.

Silence, as if breathing had stopped.

The peak combat power of the golden elixir is crucial. After all, Nascent Soul is too far away, and what the other party wants, the Earth's think tank also wants. Because, there are still nuclear weapons on the earth that are the same deterrent-level killer as Nascent Soul Lord.

Nuclear weapons are not commonly used, but missiles are.

Same reason.

In Zhongnanhai, almost all the senior executives of Huaxia gathered together and looked at the screen solemnly.

The real winner, the most brutal Shura field, is about to appear now.

At this moment, a burst of exclamations erupted on the earth again!

Not a line.

But one!

A name with a lingering green light, dimly reflected under the Nascent Soul and on the stone tablet, is the well-deserved number one person in the Golden elixir!

I don't know how many monks held their breath. Countless heads of state gripped the armrests tightly.

All eyes are on you.

"Brush!" Green light shot up into the sky, and the name finally became clear.

Not returning to the world, the real person Wolf Venom, spiritual power: 1.43 million spirits! Physical training!

"You!!" In Jerusalem, Master Montenegro suddenly turned back to look at Xu Yangyi. He couldn't believe his eyes. His chest rose and fell sharply, and he turned to look at Xu Yangyi, but couldn't say a word.

Yes, he knew that Xu Yangyi was very strong, but he never expected that he would be so strong that he could break through a million souls! one can tie it!

The first person under the true Nascent Soul! Recognized by the Seven Realms! There is no golden elixir in the world of true martial arts that can rival it!

Because of the relationship between cause and effect, the realm of Yuanying is a very mysterious issue. Some monks can reach the level of Nascent Soul with a million souls - no, most monks have a million souls of Nascent Soul, and only a handful of people with more than a million souls can reach the level of Nascent Soul. Once these monks advance, one can reach the level of Nascent Soul. Four or five of the same realm!

Not only him, but all the monks in Jerusalem looked at Xu Yangyi as if he had seen a ghost when they saw this line of words. This group of top real people in the world never expected to kill such a dark horse!

"One million and four hundred thousand spirits?" The blonde woman looked at the stone tablet and made sure that she was not mistaken. Then she looked at Xu Yangyi and then at the stone tablet. She would rather believe that she was mistaken.

Jindan with more than one million spirits?

This... how can people believe it?

Xu Yangyi looked at his hand in astonishment. He had been in seclusion for fifty years and then twenty years. He knew that his foundation was completely solid, but he did not expect that after advancing to the late stage, his spirit power would reach such an exaggerated number!

"Ethereal immortal body?" He suddenly thought that this was the only explanation. The eight-fold spirit power vortex, but the sixteen-fold one was difficult to open. However, it was enough for him to stand out from the crowd.

Behind them, the eight Jindans of Jerusalem looked at each other. Ghalib, Alayi, and the masked woman were even more unbelievable.

"He... has more than one million spirits?" The woman gasped: "How is this possible... Does it mean that even if the three of us go together, we may not be his opponent?"

"It seems so..." Alayi looked at Xu Yangyi with an extremely complicated look. This cultivator who was still struggling in his hands a hundred years ago... has now reached this point? This... is almost terrifying?

"Prepare a new gift. It seems that our previous gift was too light."

In the universe, the shadow of hundreds of thousands of kilometers was silent.

The people on Earth and the cultivators saw it. They also saw it. No one expected that the first golden elixir that appeared actually belonged to the realm of no return! And it exceeded one million spirits!

"More than one million spirits?" The majestic voice was filled with cold murderous intent: "Or a physical cultivator?"

"Your Majesty, don't be angry. Maybe the upper realm miscalculated." "Yes, this is unlikely. One million spirits are enough to impact the Nascent Soul Realm. How could he still be in the Golden Core Realm?"

"Get lost!" Before the voice fell, a violent aura swept them away. The voice said coldly: "Missed?"

"Will the upper realm miscalculate?"

"Pass on my oral order... Geniuses are emerging in the Zhenwu Realm, let those little guys who are usually arrogant move. Kill the wolf poison and reward five million high-grade spirit stones!"

As he spoke, hundreds of eyes opened at the same time in the three dynasties, two holy places, thirty-six blessed places and seventy-two caves of the Zhenwu Realm.

Just now, it was a peak confrontation and a war between Yuanying Zhenjun. And now, it is the kingdom of the pride of heaven and the territory of a generation of prodigies!

"Buzz!" In a dark room on the Human-faced Star Destroyer, a pair of lonely eyes suddenly opened.

Although it was also dark, the other party's eyes were deeper than this darkness. With a cold and ruthless look that has not changed for a hundred years, he looked at the void vaguely.

"One million and four hundred thousand spirits of the golden elixir?"


A few seconds later, the voice sounded again: "Interesting... Very interesting..."

"I am not an ignorant person. One million spirits... This is too exaggerated. However, I want to know how long you can hold out against our five sons of Dajin?"

"It would be a great pity and a great blessing to kill a peerless genius like you."

As soon as the voice fell, a buzzing sound came from around him, and a little green flame burned, reflecting a scene like hell.

There were four people behind him, and the room was full of weapons. At this moment, it was the four people who made the buzzing sound, like puppets.

"I am the leader of the five sons of Dajin, Xiaoxiangzi, the 'Five Ghosts Confining Souls', and I will kill you!"

In Zhurong Divine Sect, a towering volcano erupted. In the endless lava, a woman covered in fiery red talismans walked out naked from the lava rain. Hundreds of waiters around immediately brought golden basins, jade wheels, spiritual water, and Yangzhi Ganlu. All the others half-knelt on the ground and shouted: "Welcome the Saint to come out of retreat! I wish you great magical powers and invincible Dharma!"

The woman had no expression on her face. She waved her hand lightly, and the dozens of meters of gauze around her flowed to her body like colorful clouds from all directions. With every step she took, the space under her feet actually spread cracks, as if it could not bear her weight.

"A physical cultivator with more than one million spirits?" Her eyes were also red. She looked into the distant void and opened her red lips lightly: "What a... exciting opponent."

"I, the contemporary Saint of Zhurong Divine Sect, 'Xura Burning Heaven' Lan Yirong, hereby announce that your head belongs to this palace."

With a light "clang", in a holy place full of lotus and all made of water, a handsome young man broke the string in his hand, with a touch of strong shock in his eyes, he looked up and murmured: "More than one million spirits?"

After a long time, the sound of the piano started again, mixed with his smile: "Perhaps, it should be I should teach you the meaning of the phrase "one tree cannot support the whole thing alone."

"I am really surprised... This is a place that is so dilapidated that it can produce a genius like me. Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that I can't challenge you alone."

A song of "Ten Sides of Ambush" popped up, and the voice was like flowing water: "But... do you really know why we dare to cross the border to attack?"

"This is a war, not a fight."

"I, 'Faceless Yama' Tao Qing, will reserve your life for the time being."

In an ice-blue room, a giant sneered and stared into the void. Around him, countless waiters did not dare to raise their heads. In front of a stone tablet, a handsome man dressed in black, holding a sword and leaning on a spear behind his back, staring at the word "wolf poison" with a burning gaze. There was also a room full of dry bones, and a bald old man laughed and said, "Genius? Very good... Genius is what I like most..."

“I will not refuse this reward.” “Interesting, you dare to call yourself a genius in front of our Zhenwu Realm. I’m afraid you don’t even know how you died.” “My hands…are itching…” “Hehe…I have been in the Zhenwu Realm for three hundred years, and everyone who sees me will kneel down and talk to me? Just you? How dare you call yourself a genius?”

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