
Chapter 785: Monument to the Heroes (V)

On the stone tablet, after Xu Yangyi's name appeared, a second name appeared.

In the Zhenwu world, the Zuo protector of the Zhu Rong Shen Sect has seven hundred thousand spirits. Not returning to the realm, "King Shura" Kunal has ninety-three thousand souls.

In the Zhenwu world, the Chang Ling tribe offered sacrifices, with 630,000 souls. If you don’t return to the world, the true man of Montenegro has eighty-seven thousand souls.

The cheers of the earth are getting louder and louder. Each person has more than 200,000 souls more than the other. Once they face each other, they will be completely crushed.

More than one hundred thousand spirits is another level.

Cheers came and went, but they didn't know that in the Zhenwu world far away in the sky, the fleets of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, the real great monks, the peerless genius, the paradise of heaven, the three dynasties, and the top monks of the two holy places were not moved at all.

Nascent Soul...they lose.

Jindan, they still lose.

But...the real fangs are only beginning to unfold now!

As time goes by, the Earth's Golden Core Real People have been completed, a total of 372 people, but... the Zhenwu World is still going on!

At first, no one paid much attention to the extra one or two, but after ten...twenty more appeared, everyone stopped cheering.

The picture shows the poor dagger.

This is the ultimate move in the true martial arts world!

Nascent Soul is the intimidation, and Golden Elixir is the peak combat power that can be used in battle. As time goes by, the number of golden elixirs in the Zhenwu world... has reached 437 people! And it’s still increasing!

Now there are 200,000 to 300,000 spirits, and even 190,000 spirits of golden elixirs have appeared, but this is a golden elixir... this is not foundation building! With more than a hundred thousand, you can still be in control!

In the vast universe, in the terrifying fleet, someone finally burst out laughing.


"This is our strength."

"Strength, so what? This is war, not a battle of wits."

As the light shimmered more and more, everyone on the earth finally became silent.

Too much……

There are dozens more golden elixirs than there are on Earth, which is enough to cause a qualitative change!

In Jerusalem, Xu Yangyi looked at the stone tablet in astonishment. Although the stargazer reminded him that the Zhenwu Realm is bigger than the earth, much bigger. But he didn't expect at the time that the vastness of the area... would bring about an explosion in the number of practitioners!

That's right... The earth is not without the foundation building of two hundred thousand souls, but the power of Jin Dan Zhenren's golden elixir cannot be compared to the foundation building! There are dozens more golden elixirs... This huge pressure is like a mountain pressing on the hearts of all people on earth.

The golden elixir is like this... Where's the foundation building?

Where is the vast amount of refining qi?

"Fellow Daoist..." Heishan's real voice was a little dry. From the beginning when Wolfsbane dominated the top list and the whole world was in a state of excitement, to now it has suddenly taken a turn for the worse. It only took a few dozen minutes.

What did he want to say? Even he was in a state of confusion at this moment. He looked at Xu Yangyi unconsciously and didn't even know he called him by his name.

He spoke, and the others woke up as if from a dream. The eyes of the eighteen most powerful monks on the earth intertwined, and everyone could read the worry in the other's eyes. Finally, they all looked at Xu Yangyi.

Xu Yangyi calmly turned his head, looked at everyone, and stretched out his hand: "I will give my all and die."

In one sentence, all the gloom in everyone's hearts disappeared.

That's right... I've been practicing for hundreds of years, why can't I see things as clearly as a young monk?

Is it because of this that I have to kneel down? Like a humble slave, welcoming the arrival of the king of the true martial arts world?

They can't do it, the monks can't do it, the people can't do it, and the earth can't do it either!

Hundreds of millions of years of biological evolution, thousands of years of civilization, and finally licking the soles of someone else's shoes?

"I didn't see through it." Master Heishan laughed loudly and put his hand on Xu Yangyi's: "Yes, we... have no way to retreat, and we must never retreat."

"I would rather die standing than live on my knees!"

"GOOD." Anna also came back to her senses, smiled slightly, and placed her hand on Montenegro's hand: "I have lived long enough, so restrained... Jin Dan has not let go of the battle for too long. It seems that Zhenwu The world is enough for us to kill."

A black man's hand came up: "We are the backbone of the backbone, and the princes will not take action until the last moment. We must not be chaotic, let alone retreat."

Put your hands together one by one, and then hold them tightly.

The childish movements convey the sincerity of never giving in.

Wherever the Tao is, even if there are tens of thousands of people, I will go there.

In Zhongnanhai, all Chinese leaders have stood up.

They did not expect that after the great victory of Yuanying and Jindan, the terrifying mouth of the devil would slowly open.

Silence, now the number of Jindan people on the stone tablet has reached 490! Even the chairman couldn't help but tighten his grip on the armrest.

"Chief..." A deputy minister swallowed, looked at the golden elixir stage stone tablet with 490 people, gritted his teeth and said: "What should we do..."

" to fight?"

how to spell?

No one answered, because the next sentence was: Fight or not.

Not only China, but also the whole world felt this way after seeing this weirdly long list of golden elixirs.

The President of Russia, the President of the United States, the Prime Minister of Japan, the Prime Minister of France...all the top-secret conference rooms representing the highest authority, people who can only be seen on TV, are now in a dilemma.

This requires great decision-making, great courage, and courage from those in power.

Time passed minute by minute. Two minutes later, Chairman Gao's expression returned to normal and he said calmly: "Let all nuclear weapons and intercontinental missiles be in a state of readiness."

"Chairman!" A middle-aged woman covered her mouth and trembled, "This, this is nearly 500 real people!"

The Prime Minister turned his head: "Deputy Minister Meng, what do you mean?"

The woman calmed down and bit her lip and said: "Why not...we can negotiate peace?"

Silence again.

This time, it was the Prime Minister who smiled and said: "I never exercise my privileges."

"But today, I really want to exercise it once."

He smiled and looked at Deputy Minister Meng: "In front of the comrades of the Political Department and the Personnel Department, I formally inform you, Deputy Minister Meng, from today, now on, you are no longer a deputy minister. Stand by."

Deputy Minister Meng was stunned.

Before she could speak, Chairman Gao said coldly: "Negotiations, there haven't been enough peace talks in China's modern history!!"

"This is not a human war, this is a plane war, a star war. How dare you propose peace to me? Those who are not of my race must have different hearts. Don't you understand this principle?"

"Prepare to draft the documents in front of all the ministers." He turned to the secretary and said: "China, there is no option for peace talks. Whoever wants to negotiate peace in the world is the enemy of mankind."

"Yes!" An admiral said excitedly: "You mean..."

"Fight!!" The chairman and the prime minister spoke at the same time. No, not just them, at this moment, the heads of all countries in the world said this sentence almost in unison.

"Fight! Never withdraw troops! Fight as the third world war!" "K?mpfen! Die erde Kein rückzug!" "Let's draw them down... let's decide!" "Δεν μπορε? να υποχωρ?σει...Ποτ? δεν υποχωρε??!!"

Different voices interweave into the same meaning. Facing the war of extinction, no one can retreat.

Whoever retreats will be the common enemy of the earth!

Not only the monks are determined to die, but also the hubs and all-out centers of the mortal world of major countries have issued the same sentence.


It is better to die in glory than to live in disgrace!

Who cares about the five hundred real people, even if they face the Lingxiao Palace, they will have to fight to the death!

Another hour later, all the names appeared.

In the world of no return, there are 372 golden elixirs, and in the world of true martial arts, there are 497 real people!

"Swish!" Just as the names were displayed, the whole stone tablet burst into a golden light, and then three golden characters were engraved on the top of the stone tablet.

The monument of heroes.

"Once someone dies, the name will become gray and stay on the stone tablet forever."

"Once the war of the ten thousand worlds begins, any cultivator of the same realm or beyond the realm killed by anyone will be recorded after the name."

One hundred thousand stone tablets formed a wonderful resonance, and these words were transmitted to everyone's ears.

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly, and he had quietly left while everyone was still immersed in the shock of the monument of heroes.

Without alarming anyone, he knew that the curtain of the war of the ten thousand worlds had been torn apart at this moment, and all the actors on both sides had come on stage, and Xu Kunlun issued an ultimatum. The next few decades would be the last time for everyone to prepare for war and fight bloody battles in the sky above the earth. And the government must guide public opinion because there are too many golden elixirs in the world of true martial arts.

However, he still had a crucial thing to do.

Crossing Jerusalem, he headed straight for Africa. A few hours later, he had arrived near the Eye of the Sahara.

"You're here." With a voice that seemed to be unchanging from ancient times, his eyes quietly blurred, and the whole person suddenly disappeared in the desert.

After a long absence from Lingshu, the stargazer sat in the moon in the well and looked at Xu Yangyi: "Have you finally decided to leave one step ahead?"

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

"According to the time, the monument to the heroes should also arrive." The stargazer was surrounded by blue mist, and he raised the part that seemed to be his head to look at the sky, and the stars were shining all over his body: "You have seen the strength of the Zhenwu world, aren't you going to protect yourself?"

Xu Yangyi simply laughed: "So what?"

"The Yuanying of both sides is equal, and our Yuanying is nearly a million stronger than theirs. The Jindan is stronger than them by 100,000. This real person really doesn't understand why he should protect himself."

"But they have more than a hundred Jindan real people than you." The stargazer spoke slowly: "In war, this is more than a hundred troop. This is still Jindan, have you ever thought about foundation building and Qi refining? These more than one hundred extra Jindan command thousands of foundation building, enough to sweep across a province. "

"In addition, this is just people. The monument of heroes cannot count "things". You don't have any magic weapons and monks that can break through the atmosphere. As long as the Zhenwu Realm docks on the moon, countless fleets will attack. You have no way. Passively beaten, the other side can use the moon as the front line and advance inch by inch. Do you think there is still a chance of winning? "

He said deeply: "Little guy, once entering the war, no matter how strong the individual force is, it will be overwhelmed by the tide of monks..."

He didn't finish, Xu Yangyi shook his head and interrupted him: "Why do you only talk about the war of monks?"

"Then?" The stargazer asked in confusion.

"I don't know what the Zhenwu Realm is like." Xu Yangyi looked at the moon in the well in the sky and said calmly: "But if the earth wins, it will win a hand over mortals. "

"Oh?" The stargazer was surprised: "This is the first time I have heard such a ridiculous statement. "

Xu Yangyi smiled and said, "Do you know what a nuclear weapon is? Do you know what a space station is? Do you know what a satellite is? What a space interception weapon is?"

"The mortals on Earth are completely different from the mortals in the Zhenwu Realm. Monks cannot attack the moon, but perhaps... mortals can."

Guan Xingzhe smiled, "It's a fantastic idea, but I don't reject it."

Xu Yangyi said calmly, "The two sides are evenly matched, why should I retreat? The Zhenwu Realm that despises mortals will pay the price... That's all. I'm not here to discuss this with you."

"Please open the Human Merit List. I need to contact it at any time."

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