
Chapter 786: Final Preparation

Stargazers are neither sad nor happy. As the oldest race in the upper seven realms, they are the longest-lived creatures. He has seen too many life and death, such as the battle between the two immortal worlds hundreds of thousands of years ago, the collapse of the Milky Way, and the counterattack of Nanzhan Continent. For example, the birth of Taichu and the formation of the Chain of Seven Realms. Another example is the transition from the Great Xia God Realm to the Earth. He no longer takes pleasure in things or feels sorrow for himself.

He can treat Xu Yangyi kindly. First, he treats everyone like this. The only person in the world who can move him is Taichu, the original evil.

Secondly, he owed Xu Yangyi a huge favor.

His fingers pulled out a piece of blue star thread, and the stars all over his body flickered quietly, and a mysterious triangle appeared between his hands.

"You know I can't refuse your request."

"If it weren't for you that day, I would have disappeared into the long river of history." The triangle is completely made of talismans, and six blue rays of light form a shape that keeps spinning: "However, the three major treasure houses were created by the top monks of the Great Xia God Realm. Even I can't open it for you alone."

"The principle of its setting is that any monk who belongs to the non-returning realm can obtain the merits of heaven after killing foreign enemies. Don't ask me what heaven is, you can understand it as the will of the world and plane consciousness. Maybe, you have achieved it We can get some clues about the realm after Taixu.”

"But after several world wars, it has been damaged. If Quetzalcoatl hadn't buried something in your body, which is closely related to the Tower of Babel, otherwise... I wouldn't be able to open it. And now, you are the only one can use."

"You are unique and the only one."

He raised what seemed to be his head and seemed to look deeply at Xu Yangyi: "To be honest, I'm looking forward to meeting you in the Seven Realms. It should be a very interesting sight."

"Brush!" As he finished speaking, the triangle burst out with an orchid light, wrapping everything around it. Under the strong light, Xu Yangyi closed his eyes unconsciously, and his spiritual consciousness was also blocked.

After a moment, the blue light receded like a tide, and Xu Yangyi was shocked to find that he was standing under a huge Buddha statue!

The Buddha's whole body is golden, and the twelve-grade lotus pedestals rise and perish from the golden light all over his body. It sits in the universe, closing its eyes in nothingness. It is several thousand meters in size, like a towering hill.

The Buddha Wheel behind him shone brightly, and as rays of golden light quietly scattered from the back of his head, the shadows of all things slowly diffused and disappeared.

"Ha..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and stretched out his palm, but just one meter in front of the sculpture, countless ripples were emitted. At the same time, pure white characters slowly appeared around him, and finally... ...actually filled this space!

"Is this a human-level treasure trove?" He licked his lips excitedly and looked at the words line by line. After just a few glances, even though he had already met the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra, he couldn't help but feel hot in his heart.

"Hua Sheng Mu can be cultivated into the external incarnation in the Golden Core stage, but it cannot be advanced. One thousand three hundred years. In exchange for merit, one thousand points."

"The broken lotus platform, where an Arhat once stood, allows the practitioner to instantly realize a learned magical power or technique, which is only used by Buddhist practitioners. Exchange for merit, 1,500 points."

"The Qilin Beard is the mixed beard that the true body Qilin shed when he was young. It has both fire and gold elements. It has a chance of mutating into the light element spiritual roots. Exchange for merit, one thousand five hundred points."

"Teng Shelin, Teng Shelin sheds her scales for the last time after she grows old. It is extremely poisonous. It is a treasure cultivated by Nogi Reiki monks. If worn for a long time, it has a chance of mutating into an extremely rare poisonous spirit root. Redeem for merit: two thousand points."

One by one, all are unheard of. Some comparisons are only at SSS level now, but... even the current SSS level is calculated by kilogram! The earth only produces so much in a year! There are even many more above that can no longer be classified.

For example, medicinal herbs that are more than a thousand years old!

This is a treasure for refining elixirs. The older it is, the longer it absorbs spiritual energy, and the higher its effectiveness. He is confident that if he gets this level of medicinal herbs now, he can refine the imperial elixir 100% of the time.

His eyes passed bit by bit, and suddenly, he stopped.


"There are thousands of people who can reach the Earth Ranking, but the real Bodhi tree has fallen Bodhi. One tree has one Bodhi, one leaf has one Tathagata. This tree, and the Tathagata, are both 'one,' only. They only grow in Nanzhan Continent, It is a tree in the realm of the Great Xia. Once it falls, it will be scattered in the wind and no trace will be found. After another thousand years of cultivation, the Bodhi seed can also be used to develop ideas and draw inferences from one example. "

"A person has seven orifices and can possess seven bodhi seeds. However, as the bodhi seeds reach the later stages of the realm, the effect becomes lower. Great monks are already used to seeing disturbances, and it is instinct to draw inferences from one instance. Therefore, they only guard against people's merit list. In the upper two realms It will be of great benefit.”

"Exchange for merit: one hundred thousand."

Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly.

Finally, there were tens of thousands, and suddenly jumped to one hundred thousand.

He himself knows whether Bodhisattva is good or not. Now Bodhisattva and photographic memory are his most commonly used talents and have even become instinctive talents. They seem useless, but in fact they are omnipresent.

"It's a pity. If I have enough merit, I might consider redeeming it." Looking at the dazzling array of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, he felt that his pockets were empty. Spirit stones are useless here. Unexpectedly, as soon as I finished saying this, a voice rang in my head.


"Confirmed to be a non-returning monk."

"Who?" Xu Yangyi raised his head in shock and looked in all directions, but he couldn't find the person speaking.

The voice was cold, mechanical, and programmed with the sameness.

No one answered him, and the voice sounded again: "I am definitely qualified to open the human merit list. He is the first person to open the human merit list in two thousand years. His number is Dong Qisu, Jiaomujiao. He has fifty thousand points of human merit."

Fifty thousand points?

Xu Yangyi was stunned. When did he gain human merit?

However, Bodhisattva's quick thinking immediately made him react - this is Taichu.

"I have not had any contact with the outside world. Only Taichu can give me these merits."

Then came the trouble of happiness.

Need not?

How can it be! The war of all worlds is close at hand! It would be great if it could be strengthened even more!

But how to use it is a question.

He sat cross-legged in the void, thinking about it for several hours, constructing various possibilities, and then opened his eyes.

“If you leave no stone unturned, you must advance one or two levels higher.”

"Now that Nanming Lihuo is in hand, according to what is said above, the more you roast the forged muscles, bones and skin, the better the effect will be. The rest is the body-refining treasure medicinal bath. There is no better place than this."

With his mind made up, he just thought about what he wanted to exchange, and the question "should I exchange it?" immediately rang in his mind. After he nodded, white lights floated out, with a strong medicinal fragrance, completely surrounding him.

"Thousand-year-old dragon bone flower...thousand-year-old crane can't buy these things outside!" Looking at the things floating around, he put them all into the storage ring with a burning heart.

There was a wave of blue light in front of him. When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to the Tower of Babel.

He bowed his hands towards the stargazer and walked towards the Holy Sword Stand, where Mistertin was still being nursed.

"Are you sure you don't need my help?" Stargazer said calmly from behind: "You know, as long as you use the token I gave you, no matter who is the leader of the Minglong Clan, you will be a guest."

Xu Yangyi waved his hand without looking back. Leave only one sentence.

"The next time this real person comes, it will be the time of exchange."

His figure disappeared, and the stargazer didn't know what he was thinking. After a long time, he slowly closed his eyes.

"This son... has a bright future."

After coming out of the Tower of Babel, he returned to China a few hours later.

On the TV, the personal speeches of the President of the United Nations and heads of state from an hour ago were still being played. He has no time to see it anymore, every minute of time is precious. He immediately called Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi to come over. He also ordered Wangchen to have the waiter prepare a banquet for mortals.

The two arrived soon. Looking at the two familiar figures, Xu Yangyi personally welcomed them out. Wangchen's eyes flashed, and he took a deep look at the two of them, keeping their looks in mind.

Although Chu Zhaonan is now a mortal, he has not aged. He sat on the sofa calmly and lit a cigarette: "I thought you had forgotten me."

Zhao Ziqi looks much calmer. He is now the head of the Zhao family. Although the Zhao family only has a few people, it has developed rapidly in recent decades. The timid young man finally became mature after taking responsibility.

"Brother." He smiled and cupped his hands, then immediately made a face: "I said...didn't you promise to help me change my body? I haven't been married for decades, and I'm still very tired."

Xu Yangyi smiled and forgot about this matter. The elves have no gender. Zhao Ziqi is still the handsome and flawless young man, but it is a pity that he is blond and blue-eyed.

"It's hard on you."

"It's just a joke." Zhao Ziqi picked up a cup of tea and took a sip: "If you get something, you have to give it. The elves are very sensitive to spiritual energy. This body is much stronger than mine before. I haven't planned to change it yet."

The two joked for a while, and Xu Yangyi turned around and held Chu Zhaonan's hand: "I'm sorry for you."

"I have been thinking about how to compensate you. Because of me, you have gone from a promising monk to where you are today..."

"Stop it." Chu Zhaonan blew out a smoke ring, interrupted the words of the first person under Yuanying, and said leisurely: "You are overthinking. I never regret anything I have done. Even if it is wrong, it is still a part of life. Accumulation. And I don’t think I did anything wrong.”

Xu Yangyi was a little stunned.

Chu Zhaonan could not say such words before. Over the past few decades, people have changed. At this moment, he really felt like things have changed and the stars have moved several autumns.

They have matured, and the years have carved traces of maturity on them, taking away the arrogance they once had.

Without saying anything, he took out the bottle of elixir and stuffed it heavily into Chu Zhaonan's hand. He frowned slightly as he looked at the other person and immediately said forcefully: "Take it."

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