
Chapter 787: The Calm Before the Storm

Chu Zhaonan did not put it away immediately. Instead, he threw the bottle of pills that countless people envied like a glass ball and asked nonchalantly: "What is this?"

"The pill that can allow you to practice again. For physical cultivation, only I can make it, and I have only made this little in the past ten years."

Chu Zhaonan's movements suddenly stopped.

He looked at Xu Yangyi in astonishment. It would be a lie to say that he had no regrets about cultivation. It would also be a lie to say that he did not hate Nangong Wujiu. After Xu Yangyi killed him, he had given up. He never thought that he could practice again.

"You said..." He stared at Xu Yangyi blankly, unable to say a word.

"That's right." Xu Yangyi also looked into his eyes: "Da Chu, we don't have much in common, but you are a good friend. When I was on the Black Killing Order, you called the police for me. You didn't hesitate to offend the foundation. At that time, we were still small Qi Refiners. Jerusalem, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid there would be no me now."

"I am very grateful to you, really. I don't have many friends, but you are one of them who I don't meet very often."

Zhao Ziqi blinked and looked at the two of them. Suddenly he understood something and took a breath: "Brother, what are you doing..."

"Listen to me." Xu Yangyi looked at Chu Zhaonan: "Whatever you want, just tell Wangchen. If you don't understand anything, you can always find me. I... If I survive, I will wait for you in the upper realm. Da Chu, Ziqi, don't let me down. I don't want to be alone in the upper realm."


"Ziqi." Xu Yangyi turned to him: "I will be in seclusion soon. The Ten Thousand Realms War will come soon. The strength of the Zhenwu Realm... is really beyond your imagination. You must live well. Definitely."

Zhao Ziqi pursed his lips and nodded desperately

Chu Zhaonan looked at the jade bottle in a trance, then suddenly smiled and patted Xu Yangyi's shoulder hard: "Why are you jealous? Go ahead."

"Just wait for me." He suppressed the smile on his lips, and a touch of the heat of a genius appeared in his eyes: "Back then, I was only one level lower than you. I believe that I will catch up with you soon!"

The meal was very hot, and Wang Chen also participated. They all knew that this was the last meal before the war of all realms, or... it was also the last dinner for several of them to get together.

No one knew whether they could survive.

Everyone should accept their fate.

Time passed quickly. From the second day, 70% of the cultivators in the world entered seclusion. The mortal world on Earth was running at full speed, and some taboo projects were all moved to the laboratory.

Five years... ten years... fifteen years... thirty years, forty years.

The atmosphere of the entire earth became more and more tense, and invisible pressure was brewing in the universe, and no one could relax.

Thirty years ago, China took the lead in researching the "Xingtian" defense system, with firepower that could cover one twentieth of the moon. In the same year, the technology of Xingtian was distributed to major countries around the world.

Twenty-two years ago, a total of 48 space stations were launched, equipped with the Xingtian atmospheric interception system, with a firepower coverage of more than 4,000 kilometers.

Fifteen years ago, the latest generation of aura detection system "Zeus" was successfully researched in Germany and launched in the same year, which included 500 kilometers outside the earth's atmosphere into the reconnaissance track, and complemented the Xingtian, becoming the most perfect space defense of the second civilization of the earth in 5,000 years.

Ten years ago, the research of the US "Bald Eagle" space plane was successful, which can protrude 50 kilometers outside the atmosphere. This news is more exciting than Xingtian and Zeus. Facing the powerful enemy coming across the border, the earth finally has some power to fight back. In the same year, the technology of Bald Eagle entered the world, and all aircraft were upgraded.

Over the past hundred years, the earth has seen countless new science and technology, and scientific research capabilities have gone through hundreds of years. Faced with heavy pressure, no one can relax.

"Earth, maybe it really wins over mortals." This was Xu Yangyi's last sentence at the emergency dialogue between important practitioners and mortals held around the world three years ago when the Moon in the Well reached 99% condensation.

Everyone is waiting. The initial frenzy, passion, excitement, and indomitable spirit are now like a sword sheathed, silent and speechless.

Some things are not said because the long wait has become instinct. Any country on Earth has experienced the loss of a country and the founding of a country. The long history of thousands of years has long engraved the words "never surrender" into the bones of all nations.

Forty-five years, in the blink of an eye, the time is too long but too short, so long that too many young people have become old, and so short that a quarter of the projects of the Earth Plan have not been completed.

It was a moonless night, and there was a sudden downpour in the sky.

"Is it... close at hand?" He did not open the protective shield, and the rain slid down his old face. His eyes penetrated the dark sky and shot straight into the sky.

"Father, you?" In the Vatican, some newly ordained clergymen gathered around an old monk and asked in confusion.

Just now, the unknown priest looked up at the sky and sighed leisurely. It was obviously very ordinary, but this sigh made them feel anxious, and they didn't know why.

They only knew that this priest was personally appointed by Pope Saint Peter of Light to read the doctrine and bless the most promising clergy. The clergy who received the blessing of this old priest will be transferred to an absolutely safe place in the next ten years. Even if the earth is destroyed, they will not appear.

Everyone knows that this is a backup.

In order to ensure the backup of the inheritance of the doctrine, the Catholic Church did not go to the battlefield, but they have a heavy responsibility. Similarly, the identity of this old priest is absolutely noble and terrifying.

"The vast, warm tranquility. It seems to walk down the starry sky. This is a perfect moment." The priest suddenly read a poem by Verlaine of France, turned his head, and looked at them kindly: "Do you think this is ordinary rain?"

"Is it hard, isn't it?" A nun asked doubtfully.

The priest smiled. In his eyes, it was not rain between heaven and earth. Instead, it was... a thousand threads of spiritual threads!

Sprinkled out from the moon in the well, 99% of the moon in the well turned into spiritual rain at this moment, pouring on the earth.

With his smile, all the windows opened, and all the clergy looked out in confusion. As soon as they took a look, they all exclaimed.

"What is this?" "Is it going to start... The war of all worlds... Is the tranquility of twenty-five years finally going to break out..." "Unbelievable..."

The rain is pouring backwards.

In other words, it flies from the ground into the air! Every drop is sucked into a vast and boundless cloud hole in the sky with an imperceptible faint luster!

There was no thunder, no lightning, only layers of black clouds, forming a vortex of hell, and in the vortex, a magnificent aura outlined mysterious talismans.

"Beep, beep!" In Jerusalem, the global alliance base that never stops working day and night, a shrill alarm suddenly sounded. A yellow man with bloodshot eyes raised his eyes, stared, and stayed for five minutes.

Under the main brain of the Heavenly Dao, a rotating light curtain suddenly appeared in all directions. At this moment, the picture on the screen was fully projected, and everyone saw this scene.

"Drip... drip... drip..." The whole room could only hear the dripping sound that seemed like a heartbeat at this moment. They all knew that this indicator light would never light up, because it was related to the Moon in the Well.

It would only shine at the moment when the Moon in the Well was completely completed.

Crisp and low, as if this was the only sound in the world that occupied all human senses.

On the light curtain, just outside the earth's atmosphere, the Moon in the Well burst out with a light that penetrated the sky and the earth, as if it was going to pass through the night, and the place where the earth was facing it had actually begun to transform into daytime.

Next to the moon in the well, a red number was extremely dazzling.


"Alarm, the spiritual energy index exceeds the standard, and the detection object is about to collapse. Repeat: Alarm, the spiritual energy index exceeds the standard..."

"99.91%... It is expected to reach 99.92% in an hour."

At this moment, the door was opened, and a group of armed soldiers walked in silently. Paulov and General Ma separated the crowd, and their eyes swept through them one by one, and finally looked at the four light curtains in the air.

The red eyes were full of bloodshot, and the voice was not trembling, but it seemed that after the autumn, the ground was full of killing: "They are coming."

"Prepare to issue a global red alert."


Finally coming...

The war of the Ten Thousand Worlds spanning a hundred years, the opponent of the Earth, the Zhenwu World, is already very close to the moon.

The night demon knocked on the door from a distance.

In the Eastern Hemisphere, it was two o'clock in the morning. In major cities, there were still people who were not asleep. They might not have noticed the pouring rain outside, but then, the people who were still awake stood in front of the window as if they were pricked by needles.

"Swish..." A white light lit up from the darkness, swaying mottled light and shadow on the ground, appearing in an instant and disappearing in an instant.

This is not light.

It is like sunlight, turning from night to day, lasting for a full minute, and then slowly disappearing.

"This is..." In a scientific research institute, a researcher stood in front of the French window in a daze, looking up at the sky.

A teenager who was playing on the computer stood up and opened the window. He didn't know if it was an illusion just now. Then a few minutes later, another white light shone on the earth, and the night turned again.

He watched quietly, and the sea that had been calm for a hundred years splashed at this moment, rolling up thousands of piles of snow.

"Swish..." The white light was endless, like the sun in the sky rising and falling at a very fast speed. The boy was not surprised, and did not ask why. He grabbed the curtains in his hand.

At this moment, the computer on his desk suddenly made a "beep" sound. He was stunned and rushed over immediately.

On the computer, there was a website.

A website with billions of daily views.

A line of red words appeared in the center of the dark green website: Earth Alliance Forces, Logistics Department, open for applications.

3:10 a.m., Earth, Global Logistics Department recruiting soldiers.

The boy's fingers trembled a little on the keyboard. The white light outside the window was shining, and the night was rotating. Three seconds later, he typed his name.

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