
Chapter 788: Zhenwu Arrives (I)

In the Forbidden City, Wangchen was meditating when suddenly, a gentle knock on the door sounded. He immediately returned from his fugue state and opened his eyes.

"Master?" He was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to greet him, Xu Yangyi waved his hand and stepped out of the Forbidden City. Look deeply at the sky.

Wangchen didn't know what was going on, so he walked over and stood behind the other party. After a long time, Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Do you feel it?"

Wangchen was stunned: "Master, please clarify."

Xu Yangyi looked at the black sky quietly, and his short broken hair was blowing in the night sky. His voice was not as solemn as before the war, but there was only a kind of chilling suffocation: "I have never felt such a powerful spiritual energy... "

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole ground suddenly started to tremble slightly.

"Crash, la, la, la..." The tremor was very slight, not even enough to wake up a sleeping mortal. However... with these tremors, small trees and small stones in all directions flew into the air together, as if a devil's mouth opened in the universe, swallowing everything on the earth silently!

In the huge Forbidden City, the glazed tiles that had not been damaged for hundreds of years were clanking like cracks. After a few seconds, they flew towards the sky like dragon scales flying upside down.

"This, this is..." Wangchen took a breath and looked around in shock, what on earth is going on? Is this a black hole explosion above the earth?

Xu Yangyi looked at the sky and suddenly smiled: "The True Martial World...has arrived."

At this moment, all over the world, whether it is a remote town, a higher-level county, a bustling provincial capital, or a world city that never sleeps. All advertising screens, TV sets, and projection buildings suddenly lost their signals. Change it to a solemn image.

"What is this?" Shanghai, Lujiazui, a city that never sleeps with lights and feasting, when all the screens and buildings were replaced with the same picture, everyone looked around in shock.

"This is... the moon?" The crowd slowly gathered at the Aurora Tower in Lujiazui, below the Citigroup Tower, and looked at the unparalleled unified scene in all directions in surprise. A young man wearing a hat pursed his lips: "Could it be..."

In New York and Times Square, all the electronic screens were in a flash. Before anyone could express doubts, a shocking scene appeared on them.

The moon in the well burst into white light, and the spiritual energy condensed for hundreds of years was rushing in it, pulling and roaring, as if it was twisting into something unknown.

White light pierces through the atmosphere and plunges into the earth, rendering the moment when night and day intersect.

"Pa..." Below the theater area, a middle-aged man dropped his handbag on the ground and looked at the advertising screen in shock. Around him, several men from the speeding party stopped quickly, lifted up their sunglasses, and opened their mouths slightly, nervously. Shaking his head: "MY GOD..."

The Eiffel Tower in Paris is composed of auras on all sides. A light curtain of about several hundred meters surrounds the Eiffel Tower. There are more and more people below. The tourists who were awake, the locals, and those who were shouted out all looked up to the sky.

A deep voice appeared: "I think, as a human being on Earth, I am qualified to witness this historic scene."

"No matter whether the earth continues or not, whether it is night or day, this scene should be engraved in the hearts of everyone on earth."

"Those who are watching this scene, no matter where you are, now, at this moment, is the time for you to take up arms. No matter whether you are young, strong or old or weak. Because, they...are here."

"Boom!!!" Jing Zhongyue, which had stood proudly above the earth for more than a hundred years, exploded at this moment!

The runes are like flying elves, beautiful and pure. If they didn't know it in advance, they would just think they were fireworks. No one would have thought that such ethereal spiritual flowers would be the prelude to a bloody battle.

In the space, pure white fountains rippled, and runes dragged long tails of light, impacting in all directions.

The east wind blows thousands of trees into bloom at night, and even blows them down, and the stars are like rain.

The dark universe and gorgeous flowers fly in a fixed order, drawing endless spiritual lines in the air.

"Oh my God..." In Berlin, a man in a bar was holding a beer, but he couldn't drink it.

The whole bar was silent, and the scene that could only be seen on TV now appeared in front of them, thousands of meters away above their heads. They are not professional soldiers, they are just mortals. This extraordinary spectacle, even if the cultivation world has been integrated for hundreds of years, is still unacceptable.

"これ... Su Qing らしい光景は..." On a fishing boat in Hokkaido, several crew members trembled as they watched the white light above their heads split the sky into countless fragments, which was brighter than the aurora.

"It's really hard to believe..." "Is it finally here..." "The sight of the destruction of the world is truly unbelievable." "Heer zal ons beschermen!"

Although shocked, there was no screaming or panic. A hundred years of psychological construction played a huge role here.

This is just human.

In all major military regions, orders were issued in an orderly manner.

"Within three hours, activate the joint defense system." "The 73rd Division is on standby." "The 32nd Division of the Practice Guard is on standby." "The Hyperion is ready."

No one in the military districts around the world rested. At this moment, like a precision machine, they executed every order accurately. It was issued from the capitals of major countries, like a spider web, spreading all over the country in an instant, and finally condensed on the earth to form a solid shield.

A colonel took the order, walked outside the building, and looked at the flow of night and day in the sky. Then he took a deep breath and left resolutely.

No surprise, no shock. A hundred years of preparation, these things have been engraved in the bones, and the only thing left is the determination to fight to the death.

And determination does not need language, it is pale, only the blood stained by actions is true.

Time passed by minute by minute, the eighth hour, the ninth hour... nine hours and thirty minutes, the same voice sounded all over the world.

"Spiritual energy condensation, 100%."

"Compatriots, get ready, the war of all worlds begins now."

As soon as the voice fell.

"Boom!!!" A white light of thousands of kilometers burst out from the center of the countless spiritual patterns spreading in the sky. White light shone directly on the moon, covering the entire moon. Around the huge black hole behind the moon, runes appeared quietly, carrying an extremely ancient atmosphere, as if they had been waiting there for hundreds or thousands of years. They shone one after another.

That desolate and ancient atmosphere was transmitted to everyone's heart through the light curtain.

The heads of state and senior dignitaries of various countries had already sat down in the top-secret conference room. Unlike usual, now, they were followed by a seemingly ordinary man, and in the man's hand, a black box was handcuffed.

The nuclear weapon launch button.

Life and death, no mercy, no roses, only killing and swords.

At this moment, they had all stood up, and almost no breathing could be heard. Japan, the United States, China, India, Greece, Europe... all eyes were on the light curtain.

"Alarm, alarm, the spiritual energy capacity exceeds the detectable range. 160 million, 178 million, 190 million..."

"200 million!"

The piercing alarm sounded, but no one turned their heads. "Kara... Kara..." After dozens of seconds, a sound of glass breaking came, and then the surface of the more than 4,000-kilometer space crack was covered with endless cracks. With a loud "boom", a layer of spiritual energy visible to the naked eye drifted into the universe.

"Woo woo woo..." The first sound was a desolate horn. The Milky Way filled the surface of the moon. The sound was filled with endless blood and conquest, and it sounded from the bottomless crack.

More than 4,000 kilometers, the huge demon crack flashed twelve red rays.

"This... is space." The British Prime Minister leaned forward on the table, staring at the light curtain with an eagle-like gaze: "In a state of weightlessness, it can still make a sound..."

"Boom..." As the twelve red lights got closer and closer, a dull sound resounded across the back of the moon. Ten minutes later, there was another "boom". It can be seen with the naked eye that the meteor belt and meteorite belt next to the moon actually trembled together!

"Damn..." The German Chancellor straightened his tie and licked his lips with a bit of rapid breathing: "What the hell is this monster?"

Not only them, but the eyes of the world have seen this scene and heard this sound. The whole earth is witnessing the true appearance of the aliens killing in the movies they have seen countless times.

"Boom... Boom..." Not slow or fast, it seems to step on the tip of people's hearts. Tens of minutes later, most mortals all gasped, and even the well-trained soldiers in the army opened their mouths slightly and stood up in shock.

"Oh my God..." "MY GDO..." "This fucking... is really a monster!"

Beasts, birds, snakes, deer, scorpions, sheep, tigers.

Killing, beheading, wailing, nothingness, supreme, human face.

Six super monsters of hundreds of thousands of meters or even hundreds of thousands of meters slowly emerged from the black hole. The thumping sound was nothing else but the sound of them walking! Twelve red lights are their bloody eyes.

Wandering in the galaxy, walking in the universe.

Star destroyer carriers!

They have a strong exotic style, with talismans all over their bodies and red flashes in their eyes. With every step, black gas spurted out from nowhere, which was somewhat similar to the steam age, but the cultivation technology was much more advanced.

In front of them was the moon. The giant beasts of hundreds of thousands of meters had occupied several tens of thousands of meters of the moon. It was obvious that they were docking, like six huge spiders, lying on the moon.

In London, a young man bit his lips tightly and looked back at the moon in the sky.

There... six devil-like shadows suddenly appeared!

"OH... FUCK..." He clenched his fists, but his legs did not go weak and he knelt down.

But... it was not over.

At this moment, in the night hemisphere of the earth, everyone looked up at the sky. The bright moon suddenly turned into a nest of demons. From the endless shadows behind, under the shining of the moon, countless, overwhelming tiny black dots, like bees opening a beehive, burst out!

"Swish!" The Prime Minister of China stood up suddenly, his face solemn. They could see it clearly.

This is not a bee...

Meteors and meteorites were ejected from it. With a rumbling sound, as if tearing the galaxy apart, shadows appeared in it, giving people goosebumps and hair standing on end!

Endless, like mountains and seas, the black flags are faintly visible. The moon is like a flying mirror, and the clouds form a sea tower. The 30,000-li river flows east into the sea, and the 5,000-foot mountain rises to the sky.

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