
Chapter 789: Zhenwu Arrives (Part 2)

That is... millions of flying swords, tens of millions of pavilions, hundreds of millions of flying boats, and countless caves and blessed places of various forms. Some are a suspended mountain, some are a quicksand river, some are an ancient tree, and some are a piece of bones... Every one of them has extremely rich spiritual energy on its side, bursting out like a tide from the crack of hell, guarding the six giant beasts.

I can't see how many there are, I can only hear the crazy alarm in the room rising "210 million spiritual energy, 215 million... 220 million... 230 million!"

They move slowly, but with boundless evil spirit. The endless flying boats, flying swords, and palaces on their sides surround these six behemoths like stars surrounding the moon. Like the black clouds around the demon god, they come from the sky.

The silent universe, the magnificent black tide, pouring out from the black hole like a tide. Thousands, tens of millions, hundreds of millions, forming a black hole-like dark cloud behind the moon.

"Woo woo woo..." Another horn sounded throughout the Milky Way, and the satellite scanned bit by bit. Everyone saw that above each flying magic weapon, flags were fluttering, and countless people seemed to be heavenly soldiers and generals, dressed in black, ancient Chinese costumes, not messy at all, staring coldly at the blue plane below from space.

The huge army with endless shadows filled the entire black hole that was larger than the moon. Quietly, quietly like the god of death who plundered the soul, quietly looking at the blue planet in front.

The Zhenwu Realm has arrived!

A huge impact.

"Heh..." All countries, mortals took a breath of cold air. Although they had expected it, when they really saw this scene, it was a double tremor in vision and mind. The feeling that the knife was already on the neck was extremely clear.

The word "Zhenwu" that covered the sky and the Milky Way. Thrilling!

"It really is... locusts passing through." The president of Greece gritted his teeth and pursed his lips and said.

However... this is not over!

"Master... what is this?" As more and more fleets of various types from the Zhenwu Realm were coming, the moon was already covered with a layer of black waves. Wang Chen, who was watching this scene in the imperial capital, suddenly spoke up. Although he was shocked, he did not forget his sense of propriety.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but his mood was extremely heavy.

All fleets...

Whether it was the star destroyer carrier hundreds of thousands of meters ahead, the cave paradise tens of thousands of meters away, or the space shuttle hundreds of meters away, they all dragged a long chain behind them, light blue, covered with talismans. It looked indestructible.

He had an extremely ominous premonition in his heart.

"Hua La... Hua La..." Slowly, not only him, but everyone discovered that these things... were actually just like cows pulling carts?

"Still, there are more?" "This is impossible... It's not over yet?" "This, this is at least tens of millions of flying boats... The light of the moon has been blocked, and there are still?!" "Oh... God, is this the so-called alien?"

The next second, all the people on Earth saw that a red fire dragon rushed out of the magnificent space crack of more than 4,000 kilometers!

"Roar!!!" The dragon roared and was composed entirely of flames. It hovered above the moon and vented its dragon power in the sky above the earth. However, it only occupied half of the crack.

At the same time, a phoenix cried, and an ice phoenix raised its head and cried loudly, also circling the moon, like a dragon and a phoenix playing with a pearl.

"Buzz buzz buzz..." The whole space was shaking. On the monitor, all the monks in the Zhenwu world half-knelt on the ground and shouted respectfully to the back: "Welcome the two holy places and the three dynasties to come!"

"Zhenwu wins! Win! Win! Win!"

The voices of hundreds of millions of monks shook the galaxy, and even the stars were dimmed.

"Boom boom..." Even the moon was humming. A floating mountain full of flames and an iceberg made of ice slowly moved out of the cracks almost at the same time.

At this moment, the moon was half red and half frozen.

"Two holy places..." On the earth, Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth. Sure enough... the finale was at the end. The two holy places, Zhurong Shenzong, Hanhai Xian Palace, and the three dynasties behind, Beiming, Dajin, Dongtang... Zhenwu Realm really attacked from the whole world this time, without reservation.

It seems that those chains are pulling them, right?

Even the foundation of the holy place and the palace have been moved here. There is no room for compromise in this battle.

Stand to win, or kneel to live.

After dozens of minutes of strong vibrations, the meteorite belt outside the moon collapsed together, and two behemoths of more than 200,000 meters finally appeared in front of everyone. Just behind them, there are three huge palace groups, each of which is no smaller than the Forbidden City, and even twice as large! Hidden in the darkness, slowly approaching with the footsteps of the god of death.

However, the most eye-catching thing is not them, but the five figures sitting cross-legged in the air above the two holy places and the three palaces.

One old man, one woman, and three middle-aged people.

They sit here, and it is impossible not to attract attention. Around them, the space is slightly distorted, and even a kind of light that is almost Taoism spreads from their bodies.

Next to one person, ice lotuses are blooming, covering a thousand meters. Another person is covered in flames, and a thousand-meter phantom is like the reincarnation of the God of Fire, rising and falling. There is another person behind whom dragon energy is swirling, shaking the world. The fourth person has countless resentful spirits beside him, who are reborn from the dead. The last person, even he himself, seems to be distorted by space.

"Domain." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "The top five Nascent Soul cultivators in the Zhenwu Realm."

Almost at the same time, the eyes of the five Nascent Souls opened together, as if they saw everything on the earth through the layers of the sky.

On Earth, Xuanyuan Sword Master, Tianzai Zhenjun, Murad, Wu Ruien, and Dirang, the five people also met their gazes without flinching.

"I am the old man, Mo Yun Patriarch." The old man in the front slowly stood up, stepped into the void, and shook the galaxy: "People from the Unreturning Realm, I know you are watching."

The answer to him was the silence of the universe.

"There is no compromise in this battle. If you kneel down and beg for mercy now, I and the other five can promise not to kill those of you who obey."

"If the Zhenwu Realm invades the Earth, I will also promise..." He smiled slightly, and his robe fluttered without wind: "Destroy a city, massacre a city. One person in the Zhenwu Realm dies, and a hundred people on Earth are killed."

"Life and death are in your hands, choose carefully." He looked around the galaxy like a dragon: "Surviving is better than anything else."

There was still no answer. The hundreds of satellites surrounding the Earth and the ten newly built space stations that had been built for decades did not respond at all. There was no signal light.

Patriarch Moyun turned around and raised his hand gently: "Kill."

"Leave no one alive."

As soon as the words fell, the four Nascent Souls stood up together. The woman spoke lightly, but her voice was as loud as a bell: "Holy Light Murad? Wash your neck and wait for me. On the day when the No Return Realm falls, I will kill everyone you know in front of you."

"Aram Khan of the Sky?" A man rubbed his fingers gently, as if he didn't care at all: "The name is very strange, but... you can only shrink in the No Return Realm, like a turtle, and be eaten away by us bit by bit."

"God Killer?" The third man sneered: "You are so bold. This True Lord doesn't even have the mood to meet you for a while. You... just follow the No Return Realm and be buried in peace."

These words were clearly transmitted to the earth. All the people on earth heard it and a surge of evil fire rushed to the top of their heads!

"Shameless!" "Shameless!" "Yeah! It's obvious that we are stronger! We can't speak, so we just follow them?!" "Come down and fight if you dare!"

Their words didn't reach too far. In the Forbidden City, Xu Yangyi looked at the light curtain with a serious expression. Wang Chen called out to him several times but there was no response.

"Master?" After a few seconds, he woke up as if from a dream and pondered for a moment: "Wang Chen, the two holy places and the three dynasties are the top combat power in the Zhenwu world. Look, these buildings... are they still dragging what?"

Wang Chen looked at it carefully, and sure enough! Behind the five major buildings, there is a longer iron chain.

What are they dragging?

What is worth dragging?

An extremely ominous feeling surged in his heart, and he gritted his teeth and bowed: "Master... This... Could it be..."

"That's right..." Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and sighed: "The entire army of Zhenwu Realm is dispatched, why are they still leaving the empty plane?"

"They... dragged all the planes here..."

Before he finished speaking, as the five major buildings moved forward, the 4,000-kilometer crack suddenly let out a wail of grief that was overwhelmed.

"Ka... Ka... Kakakaka!" In the universe, like cracked glass, terrifying cracks spread rapidly, followed by a shocking "boom"! An unimaginable behemoth appeared in the universe.

Ka la la la... The surrounding void bloomed with purple brilliance, and then exploded wildly from the back! It was as if a terrifying monster was squeezing this glass window open.

No... It's not squeezing open, it's violently smashed! A purple void crack reached tens of thousands of kilometers and shook together! It was as if a purple scar was cut off from the painting of the night, and even the surrounding stars were dimmed.

"MY GOD..." The President of the United States, who had not moved just now, finally stood up at this moment.

Not only him, but all the people around him stood up, slightly opened their mouths, and looked at the unimaginable monster in the light curtain.

In every city on the earth, everyone saw that a huge shadow appeared above the earth. The crowd that was roaring just now was now silent.

They saw the unimaginable scene in the universe, as if the universe had exploded, and thousands of red flames gushed out of the purple cracks - that was the raging fire caused by the friction between the meteor cloud hole and the air.

This line of fire was tens of thousands of kilometers long, and then with a heart-shaking crashing sound, a towering continent appeared above the moon.

That was a parallel continent, completely different from a spherical planet. Below were rugged rocks, and above were lush greenery, with mountains, water, vast oceans and land. Countless pavilions and towers in ancient Chinese style can be vaguely seen, and countless monks are flying on swords and walking in the air, proudly coming to the world.

Its volume is more than twice that of the earth, lying across the universe, blocking all sunlight and moonlight, covering the earth under its shadow. A circle of white halo is around it, and a raging fire is burning outside. Chains are tied to it.

"Zhenwu Realm... actually dragged their foundation? Their plane?" The chairman of China stood up in shock at this moment, holding the handrail tightly: "Immediately... calculate the volume!"

"It's out..." Beside him, the secretary's voice sounded bitterly: "The diameter of the earth... is 6,300 kilometers... It... has reached 14,000 kilometers..."

"Zhenwu Realm, it wants to fight us to the death!"

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