
Chapter 790: Battle on the Moon (I)

"Boom boom..." The purple scar disappeared, leaving only a faint line in the Milky Way. However, the main body of the Zhenwu Realm in front of it, which was bigger than the earth and covered the sky, could not be ignored at all.

Outside the protective formation, a raging flame burned, which was caused by the friction with the air during the plane travel. But it could not invade the Zhenwu Realm protective formation at all, as if a red fire mountain was burning above the earth.

At this moment, all the people on the earth who were watching this scene had their eyes wide open and their mouths slightly open. Some covered their mouths, and some shook their heads in disbelief.

"FUCK..." "GOD... This, this is simply..." "Is this a real plane war? This... This thing that is bigger than the earth..."

"What the hell..." In China, a man stood in front of an office building, his hand holding a coffee trembling slightly, and the people in the company beside him all covered their mouths lightly, looking at the projection office building opposite in disbelief.

"What a monster..." In the central square of the Netherlands, countless people sighed under this extreme depression.

Huge pressure

The sky was filled with murderous intent. The kind of strong pressure that makes people's hearts jump out.

Even the ground was stained with a faint red, like the flames burning on the surface of the Zhenwu Realm, and like a faint bloodstain.

The heads of state, think tanks, and senior officials of all countries looked extremely solemn. No one thought that the Zhenwu Realm was also determined to win and even dragged its own plane over!

Supplies are one of the elements to win a war. The Earth had analyzed this point before the station, but the facts were far beyond everyone's expectations. The Zhenwu Realm also burned its boats and directly pulled the entire plane!

"Bang!" The Japanese Prime Minister's fist silently hammered on the table, making a muffled sound, his face was ashen. This battle... The tragic situation, the long time, and the dangerous process were probably far beyond the Earth's assessment on that day.

At this moment, a harsh sound came from the light screens of all countries.


"The statistics are complete."

"A total of 550 million spirits."

This sound woke up all the heads of state. Can't mess up... Almost everyone took a deep breath at the same time. As the highest authority in a country, they must not mess up.

In the top-secret meeting room of Huaxia, next to the light curtain, dozens of screens were directly connected to the world's leaders. The chairman sat down without saying a word, looking at the ceiling, and said in a deep voice after a long time: "I suggest that the black box be activated immediately."

Nuclear weapons!

The biggest killer of mortals on earth!

For hundreds of years, more than a dozen space stations and dozens of interceptor satellites around the earth are filled with hundreds of nuclear weapons, all for this moment today.

Silence. However, after a few seconds, one voice after another sounded.

"Agree." In the White House, the US President was the first to respond, spinning a pen with his fingertips and supporting his cheek with one hand.

"Nuclear weapons can only be used outside the Earth. This is the best time." He looked up at the sky, which was casting a blood-red light because of the burning of the huge Zhenwu Realm, which was more than twice the size of the Earth. He said coldly: "I think we should prepare a grand welcome ceremony for them."

"Agree." The German Prime Minister was the second to agree. He clasped his fists on the table, holding his nose, and said word by word: "Even if the moon is blown down, they must not be allowed to set foot on the Earth."

"No objection." "Agree." "Since they dare to come, let them see the strength of the Earth." "Stop them outside the country. I totally agree."

Everyone around heard this, but no one spoke. It's just that their tightly pursed lips and rapidly rising and falling chests have betrayed their hearts.

This... is a nuclear weapon...

Since the birth of the Earth, it has been banned worldwide. It is the real Pandora's box. Once opened, it will destroy the Earth. Now... it is actually fired in space!

It is conceivable that in a dozen minutes, dozens of minutes, here... will be a terrifying scene.

Destruction of the world.

"Chairman..." A think tank member finally couldn't help it and trembled: "You... we... really have to..."

"We have to." The chairman said firmly, but his voice also trembled slightly. He knew that no matter whether he won or lost, it would have a huge impact on the outer edge of the earth, and he would be the first person to open this magic box.

However, this kind of infamy must be borne by someone, and now is not the time to worry about these things.

The monster stays on the earth for one day, and the earth will never have peace.

It's better to suffer a short pain than a long pain.

Clear the scene. Everyone left, except the chairman himself.

Only one person can know the launch button and password of any country's nuclear weapons.

The Zhenwu world would never think that the moment they landed on the moon, the earth had prepared a super gift package for them.

On the video screen, none of the heads of state of all countries could remain calm at this moment. They... were all the people who opened this magic box. The box that was originally exploded in Japan and banned by the world, now they have become sinners of the earth again.

The United States, China, Russia... The three major nuclear superpowers, the heads of state even trembled a little when entering the password.

The crisp input sound of "click, click" echoed throughout the video. One minute later, the three people closed their eyes at the same time and sighed quietly.

"God/Lord/Ancestors, will forgive us..."

"Ding..." With a crisp sound, the eyes of the heads of all non-nuclear countries fluctuated slightly.

It has begun...the first round of war has begun silently.

"What the hell are you doing?!" The Sydney Opera House was crowded with people. An impulsive young man looked at the screen. The shock had passed, and what was left was full of fighting spirit. He stood on a step and roared: "Just Let these bastards show off their power above us!"

"Where is the Earth! Where are our hundred years of preparation?! What on earth are we doing?! Why hasn't the space station moved yet! We have no complaints about the tax increase over the past hundred years! Just to let these bastards shit on our heads?!"

"That's right! Why don't you fight back!" "Take advantage of their unstable footing to catch them off guard! What on earth is the Earth doing!" "Where did all our money go? More than a dozen space stations! The space interception system doesn't activate? Look. "Star Wars, are you still talking about etiquette?"

It's not just Sydney... all the major countries and cities that responded have set off a hot wave!


The earth rises to the challenge!

We must not cower here like this! Hundreds of years of technological development are no joke! They know they have the ability to attack outer space!

But why not attack? !

What is the government worried about?

"Charge! Let's go back!" "Lad den lort ved os!" "Lass die schei?e, dass WIR Schlecht!"

All kinds of roars resounded across the sky. This was not anger, but an unyielding roar, a roar for war. Although the earth still does not have an interstellar aircraft carrier, it must not tolerate the other party showing off its power over itself!

The Vatican spreads for dozens of miles, and hundreds of millions of believers gather here. They all saw the scene on the light screen. Believers, paladins, ascetics, priests, and bishops. At this moment, they even stopped praying to God, their eyes were burning, and they also had a fierce fighting intention.

God will never allow those who blaspheme!

"Your Majesty!!" In front of the Holy Light Vault, seven paladins in golden armor stepped forward, half-knelt on the ground, and shouted almost with all their strength: "Knights of the Rose Holy Light, please fight!" "St. Andrew Royal The Knights are asking for a fight! "The Knights of the Holy Cross are asking for a fight!"

Behind them, there was a vast sea of ​​people, hundreds of millions of people silent, but the look in their eyes said everything.

Saint Peter of Light held the scepter tightly, and no one could see that his hands were shaking. His long sleeves covered everything. Behind him, ten cardinals and three cardinals were all staring at his back in silence.

"Don't be anxious." His voice was as calm as water, and he looked at the sky: "This... is the calm before the storm."

"Have you... seen the technological attack that overturned the universe?"

"We...are different from pure cultivation in the Zhenwu world. I agree with X's words. If the earth continues, we will eventually stand at the top, then we will be better than mortals."

Christians are humble. But the Muslims of Islam are different.

Koranic Creed: The prophet walks the world with the Koran in one hand and a sword in the other. The first prophet Muhammad opened up the Islamic land in blood and fire.



Mecca, the holiest place for Muslims, the largest mosque and the Haram. Alam Khan in the sky and Bai Sammu in the sand sit cross-legged in the air. Around them, there are also hundreds of millions of believers spread for dozens of miles, but here, they all raise their sabers high and roar at the sky.

Ancient Middle Eastern flags are flying here, the inheritance of the Pharaoh's guards, the inheritance of the high priest... and so on. However, Sha Zhi Bai Samu also did not give the order.

"Wait." His voice rang through the air: "The storm is coming."

At this moment, the whole world suddenly fell silent.

The space station opens.

More than a dozen space stations and dozens of interception satellites were opened slowly and silently at this moment.

A dense swarm of signal lights flashed and kept flashing, like the drumbeat of a battle between two armies. With the murderous intention of the earth, they all aimed at the huge and boundless Zhenwujie fleet.

"What is this?" On a flying boat, a male monk stood on the bow and looked at the dozens of tiny things with laughter: "Just these gadgets? They are very weird. I am One man can destroy them."

"As small as maggots." On a three-hundred-meter flying sword, a female monk inside sneered and looked at the blinking signal lights in the sky: "Is this a non-returning cultivation civilization? It is so primitive that it is backward."

However, some people don't think so.

Among the six Star Destroyer Motherships, several majestic figures stood proudly in front of them. For some reason, they always felt uneasy in their hearts.

"Increase the protective array." A figure said to the back.'s too late.

Carrying the infamy of several prime ministers and the anger of the earth, dozens of missiles slid silently into space. The next second, with their long light tails, they exploded and flew towards the real martial arts world!

The earth was silent again for this second.

Everyone understood why they were silent just now.

"Nuclear, nuclear weapons?" I don't know who shouted this sentence, followed by overwhelming cheers!

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