
Chapter 792: Battle on the Moon (Part 3)

"Swish..." As her voice fell, a green light suddenly rose from the body of the Zhenwu Realm.

It was a sword.

An extremely ordinary peach wood sword.

"We can't give them a chance!" The attack worked, and all the leaders on Earth immediately made a decision.

Opportunities are hard to find.

In this battle, the Earth took the lead, so they must pursue the victory. They also knew that there was a 99% chance that the Zhenwu Realm could not be shot down by nuclear weapons.

A volume twice as large as the Earth... 500 million spirits... Even if the nuclear bombs were fired, the Zhenwu Realm could not be smashed to pieces.

But now, what they have to fight for is morale!

The nuclear weapon button was pressed again, and in an instant, the signal lights on all space stations and interception satellites flashed again.

"Dare to use force against me?" Yueying Xianlao sneered and turned to look at the peach wood sword in the sky above Zhenwu Realm. At this moment, the opponent's body was shining with blood-colored runes. Tens of thousands of cultivators were sitting on the side, chanting ancient spells, and streams of green spiritual power gathered on it.

"Don't fight it." "This thing is equivalent to dozens of Jindan attacking at the same time. As the top combat force in Zhenwu Realm, you must not get hurt." "We can't let the thieves of Bugui Realm have a chance to take advantage of it. When the Seven Swords of Meteorite attack, it's time for us to pay our blood debt with blood."

Yueying Xianlao's eyes fluctuated slightly, and after a few seconds, her figure flashed and she had returned to Hanhai Fairy Palace.

At the same time, the main body of Zhenwu Realm suddenly burst out with a golden light that illuminated the universe, and endless talismans formed a huge halo, which not only enveloped Zhenwu Realm, but also all the fleets below.

"Swish, swish, swish!" At the same time, dozens of nuclear bombs rushed over with scorching light tails.

"Boom boom!!!!" There was a continuous earth-shaking roar, the moon trembled visibly, and all the planetary belts outside turned to ashes in an instant.

"Hit it!!" "Hit it again! Hahaha! Now you know how powerful we are!" "Do you underestimate the earth? Today I will let you know the power of the earth!"

On the earth, there was a cheer. However, it was quickly silent.

In the smoke of the universe, a magnificent light covered the moon, and the main body was unscathed.

That huge figure, that terrifying halo, dominated the moon like a space fortress, and dozens of nuclear weapons went down, but did not cause any damage!

"This..." A man looked at the screen in astonishment. The god-like nuclear weapons did not cause any damage?

Xu Yangyi sighed slightly and looked down with a fiery look.

This is a battle for morale.

It is also the first head-on confrontation after the Zhenwu Realm dominated the moon.

The cultivators did not go out, but the strength of the two planes collided. Even the Nascent Soul cannot intervene in the battle in outer space. This is to consider which of the two planes has better basic strength.

Who is more resistant, who can hit the other side more, who... can drag it out longer.

Plane war is not a one-day war.

"Kill!!!!" The eyes of the two sect masters of Hanhai Fairy Palace and Zhurong Divine Sect shot out scorching light. If you want war, we will give you war! Give you a war to the death!

This word, like an imperial decree, was transmitted to the entire Zhenwu world and the ears of hundreds of millions of cultivators. The emperors of the three dynasties, sitting on the dragon throne, also sneered and said, "Let's do it... Don't let the ants of the No Return Realm look down on us!" "Give and take, this is the way to treat guests." "My Zhenwu Realm dares to cross the border. Does the No Return Realm really think that a fluke can be regarded as a victory?"

In the outside world, all the cultivators knelt on the ground and shouted enthusiastically with a landslide and tsunami: "Zhenwu Realm wins! Win! Win! Win! Win!"

A strong green light emerged from each fleet and gathered into the peach wood sword on the Zhenwu Realm. In an instant, the sword grew in the wind, one foot, one meter, ten meters, a hundred meters, a thousand, ten thousand, a hundred thousand!

Ten minutes later, a giant sword of 800,000 meters was lying in the void!

The whole body of the talisman was shining, the green light was flashing, and the peach wood sword was actually facing the earth.

The sword of Damocles hanging high in the sky

"This sword can attack hundreds of worlds and is invincible. Three thousand eight hundred years ago, this sword destroyed the Hansheng World. Two thousand years ago, this sword destroyed the Wuyou World. Four hundred years ago, this sword destroyed the Fengling World..." The voice of the ancestor Mo Yun sounded in the void, like ice: "Today, I... will give you a sword."


There was only a green light between heaven and earth.

This sword, with the flames of friction with the air, began to rapidly split, one into two, two into three, three into infinity, and turned into thousands of sharp swords, covering the space and stabbing straight towards the earth!

"Boom..." Not long after, everyone on the earth looked up at the sky in shock, and there... Endless huge cloud holes began to appear. New York, the imperial capital, the magic city, Paris, Tokyo, London, Sydney... Over the big cities, the sword of killing has been cut down, breaking through the earth's atmosphere, with the light of killing, stabbing innocent people.

"This..." All the prime ministers on the earth stood up again, looking at the sword rain in amazement.

Just like the Zhenwu Realm had never thought that the Earth had nuclear weapons. The Earth had never thought that the weapons of attack from the plane of true cultivation civilization were so powerful!

The petals fell in a riot of colour, like bright peach blossoms, and as fast as thunder.

"Check!" A head of state immediately turned around and said to the people around him: "Count the spiritual power! See if our defense formation can prevent it!"

"Already, it's out!" Several scientists behind him pointed their fingers quickly, and with a scream of beeping, they were all stunned.

"Speak to me!" The prime minister, who was usually gentle as jade, had a ferocious look on his face at this moment. Below... are the people of the earth, and they also have their own people! How did the dinosaurs disappear? A large meteor hit the earth, and this time... it was an endless, 100,000-meter meteor shower!

Humans will become extinct, but resources will not! The Zhenwu Realm will cut off the roots of the earth with this move!

So vicious.

"How much is it! Give me an answer!"

Silence, two seconds later, a scientist trembled and said: "Two hundred thousand spirits..."

"Also... it is a blow comparable to that of a Jindan Zhenren... only... only about 100,000 spirits weaker than our nuclear weapons... but..."

Deathly silent.

No one spoke.

But what, everyone understood.

But... this is a meteor shower!

Just now, the earth only had a few hundred thousand, and the other side retaliated with a meteor shower! From the beginning, they didn't intend to give them a way out!

"Start Zeus system!" "Start Xingtian system!" "Start all space interception systems!"

In the universe, thousands of satellites, dozens of space stations, and space interception satellites around the earth all burst into light.

"Swish..." "Swish, swish, swish!" Missiles rushed towards the giant meteor shower from the moon with scorching tails of light. The Milky Way bloomed with suffocating flowers of the other shore. The collision of technology and practice caused a storm on the moon!

"Ka... Kakaka!" Finally, the moon could not withstand such a terrifying spiritual power fluctuation, and a crack appeared.

There are many satellites on the earth, and there are also many missiles on board. But... there are more on the other side!

With a loud rumbling sound, peach wood swords were intercepted outside the earth's atmosphere, but more swords rushed into the atmosphere with boiling spiritual power!

At this moment.

"Buzz buzz buzz..." Above the earth, there was a sudden violent vibration. The vibration was so strong that everyone felt it, no matter where they were.

"What's going on?" "An earthquake?" "Why is there an earthquake at this time? Is it caused by those swords above?"

"This is..." Xu Yangyi did not speak, but took a step forward, looked around in surprise, and finally looked at the sky.

"Master..." Before Wang Chen could speak, Xu Yangyi raised his hand with a flickering look and interrupted him: "This is not an earthquake."

"You...maybe you haven't looked outside the atmosphere."

"There is another line of defense there."

"An ancient line of defense."

"They...can't rush in. Just like we can't break into the main body of the Zhenwu Realm." He closed his eyes and felt the surging spiritual power from all directions: "The Yuanyings of the Earth are also ready to take action."

As if to confirm his words, in the next second, countless green spiritual energy entangled in the direction of Europe and America, and a towering tree took shape silently in the entanglement of spiritual energy!

It exudes terrifying spiritual power, and the canopy covers the whole of Europe. Most of the giant swords hit it and collapsed.

At the same time, above China, a broken golden sword hummed, golden light penetrated the sky, and the shadows of flowers, birds, fish, insects, people and animals flowed endlessly. Then, it was simply swung out.

One sword, 9.6 million square kilometers!

A brilliant white light enveloped China, forming a mysterious halo, and all the swords shot from the moon turned into ashes!

In India, an ancient statue rose. In America, a crystal skull rose slowly, and in Russia, a broken spear, with a white bear shadow, appeared in the far north.

Each one carried a surging spiritual power, which was no weaker than the protective formation of the Zhenwu Realm! Just after intercepting 99.9% of the swords, dozens of ancient magic weapons that filled the sky above the earth emitted a dazzling purple light, and between each one, a series of talismans were pulled out. In less than five minutes, a spider-web-like super formation had formed above the earth!

The protective formation of the earth!

However, there were still some remnant swords that slipped through the net and rushed down.

The top combat power of the Zhenwu Realm watched indifferently. This was also within their expectations. Any world has a protective formation. It is better to see it earlier than later.

"You saw us, so we naturally have to see you too." Yueying Fairy said lightly.

The hundreds of swords that were missed fell like meteors, drawing black and red flame tails in the air, illuminating the sky. However, just as they were about to fall, a black and white hand silently stretched out from the sky above the Forbidden City in China, spanning tens of thousands of miles, and gently held up a sword. Then, Tianzai Zhenjun, who was sitting cross-legged in the sky above the imperial capital, looked like a thousand-handed Guanyin. All three swords that fell in the north of China were lightly caught in his hands.

"How dare the light of a firefly compete with the bright moon?"

He looked at the sky lightly, squeezed it lightly, and the three swords in his hand turned into ashes.

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