
Chapter 793: Golden Elixir Guarding the National Gate (I)


The whole world is silent.

It was as if they finally understood that their home planet, the Earth, also had extremely profound foundations.

"Just...what was that?" After a long time, someone covered their mouth in surprise and looked at the people around them in disbelief.

No one knew, because there was excitement and discussion all around.

In that meteor shower, not one of them fell to the ground!

The heads of state of all major countries were relieved, breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down on their chairs a little weakly.

Their nerves finally relaxed, and they looked complicatedly at the huge thing covering the moon.

They knew that the first confrontation should end here.

So far, no one can break into anyone's shell. Next, wait for the opponent to deploy and take root on the moon, then the real battle will begin.

"Immediately summon the real people from all countries to prepare for discussion."

In the Forbidden City, Xu Yangyi looked away. The first collision was over, and there would be no war in the near future. It was time to load up the weapons and be ready for action.

At this moment, Tianzai's voice rang in his ears: "Please come to the practice court. Emergency proceedings before the war are started. All real people will be present and cannot be absent."

He immediately flew towards the practice court, passed through layers of guards, and landed fifty meters underground, finally arriving at a conference room he had never been to before.

The style is pure ancient Chinese style, resplendent and magnificent, with the true form of Lord Tianzai sitting above. More than thirty golden elixirs are located on both sides. Nothing is left out.

Just behind everyone, a world map dozens of meters large filled the hall. Made entirely of aura, it is similar to a holographic movie in a science fiction film.

The unbearable calm.

The waves surged in the storm.

But True Monarch Tianzai is like a boulder in the ocean tide, standing firm and motionless.

"Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, Yaoguang. Tianfu, Tianliang, Tianji, Tiantong, Tianxiang." His voice was like a red butterfly in a dream, floating alone, with a thousand-year-old gaze. Kong Youyou looked at the map: "In the past 140 years, all of China's thirteen major military locations have been here."

"Everyone." He looked at everyone calmly: "Thirteen fortresses, thirteen major national gates. Guard China's thirteen major fortresses! If they are stuck here, no one can enter."

"Ben Zhenjun, I just have one question." As soon as he finished speaking, a fierce fighting spirit that everyone could feel, although not strong, shot straight into the air. Tian Zai's usual gentle voice has disappeared, replaced by a prelude of hot and cold: "Who dares to be this husband?"

Bing, that is the murderous intention towards the Zhenwu world. Flame, that is the scorching heat that is in harmony with the world.

Even if we fight to the last person, I will not die and the earth will not be destroyed.

There was a moment of silence.

No nonsense, straight to the point. Everyone understands what this means, and there are no fools in real life. To conquer the earth, the four ancient countries of cultivation, China, Greece, and India must be conquered! This will bring great shock to the earth. And China and India are closely related to each other, and they will definitely be taken care of by at least half or even more of the true martial arts world!

Of the two Holy Lands and the Three Great Dynasties, one or even two of them must be here. Accompanied by endless heaven and earth. This is a real one man in charge, even if you die on the front line, you can never take a step back!

If you retreat, you will be a sinner of China. Behind them is a country with more than one billion people!

However, the silence lasted only a few seconds, and thirty real people spoke almost at the same time: "Junior, please fight!!"

The fighting spirit breaks through the sky and soars into the sky.

"The king dies in the country, and the emperor guards the gate of the country. Now that there is no emperor, I am willing to guard the gate of the country." Wanli Canxue laughed out loud, stretched out his hand and said: "I will take the gate of the Nanhai country. I want to see it. , who dares to act wild under my three-foot green front!"

"Brush..." A ray of blue light flew into his hand, and a jade plaque with the words "Yao Guang" written on it said "Dragon and Snake Walking". True Monarch Tianzai said: "Thirteen national gates, thirty golden elixirs. Taoist friends are not allowed to go there alone."

Wanli Canxue turned around and said, "Which fellow Taoist is willing to participate in this grand event with me?"

"I am willing to go." A somewhat sinister voice came, and Liang Jiugong, the real person of Liang, walked out with his hands behind his hands: "I can't hold back my ten thousand corpse puppets..."

"Good." Tian Zai looked up to the sky and screamed: "Since ancient times, no one has died, and his loyalty will be remembered by history."

Before he finished speaking, four voices spoke out almost at the same time: "I am willing to go to the Southwest Gate!"

Huang Dao, Destroying Sun, Qing Yue, and Flowing Fire, the four real people actually stepped forward together. Master Qingyue smiled sweetly: "You two fellow Taoists, I have taken a fancy to this country, why don't you give in?"

"Haha, I and Master Qingyue have guarded the Small Thousand World together, and they haven't killed anyone for hundreds of years." Although the handsome-faced Master Liuhuo smiled lightly, his fighting spirit was as hot as fire: "I'm afraid... the current world of cultivation has already Don’t you remember that eight-armed Zhu Rong?”

"It's wonderful." Master Tianzai waved his hand, and the southwest jade tablet was divided into two and fell into the hands of Huangdao and Qingyue: "Western China, from Kashgar to near Iran, are all small countries. They will definitely seek asylum, nothing more than China, India, and Jerusalem, do you know how important they are?"

"You must live up to the great trust." Master Qingyue gently held the jade token, with murderous intent already overflowing in his hands, and his voice was as cold as ice: "My Xianyin Thirteen Killers may not have had enough to drink the blood of the enemy chief for a long time."

The jade tokens flew out without any hesitation. Who has practiced so far and doesn’t know how to write the word “responsible”?

If it belongs to him, he must carry it up. There is no room for retreat. As a real person on earth, he will never retreat even half a step!

There were fewer and fewer jade tokens. Xu Yangyi and Master Heishan looked at each other and took a step forward at the same time. Xu Yangyi stretched out his hand and said: "Then, at the Northeast Gate, I will be the Zhang Yide at Dangyang Bridge."

"Fellow Taoist, please wait." Master Heishan stepped out almost at the same time: "Northeast Base, I am also fascinated."

Two auras rolled towards the jade tablet in the northeast at the same time. However, no one scrolled.

The atmosphere that was once full of pride suddenly became silent.

The eyes of several real people moved slightly, what? Is this...unallowed by True Lord Tianzai?

Are two real people not allowed to guard the country?

Do you think Wolfsbane is getting younger? Not worthy of the big responsibility? However, Master Heishan is a real person who has been around for many years, so why is it prohibited?

"Senior, what is this?" Doubt flashed across Montenegro's childlike face, why? Is this questioning their strength? In front of so many golden elixirs?

Even if they had other arrangements, they would never let go of the opportunity to guard the country and confront the Zhenwu community face to face!

They won't accept other arrangements!

"You two are not in a hurry at the moment." True Lord Tianzai said slowly: "Let other fellow Taoists choose first."

The scene was a little awkward, Xu Yangyi pursed his lips: "I promise that if they want to pass, they have to pass over my body. Why don't seniors give juniors a chance?"

"No." True Lord Tianzai just shook his head. Even though they were extremely dissatisfied, the two of them could only press it.

"Senior, what do you mean?" As soon as he stood back to his original position, Master Heishan's suppressed voice of displeasure reached Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness: "Are you afraid that we can't shoulder such a big responsibility? I will kill one of you from the true martial arts world. Come and kill a pair! Even if the country is stained with blood, they can't take a step forward! You are the one who told the world about the war. Why shouldn't he believe me? "What's more important than guarding the country?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head, watching the jade cards being taken away one by one, his heart burning with fighting spirit.

He's going to fight this battle! He asks for a fight!

If you can't fight this battle, you can't defend the country as a golden elixir. How are you different from maggots?

Seeing that the real people ahead are about to face each other with the Holy Land Dynasty of Zhenwu Realm and Dongtian Paradise. As the first person under Nascent Soul, how could he sit still!

"Senior!" Seeing that the last jade medal was taken away, Xu Yangyi finally couldn't bear it anymore, took a step forward, and looked directly into the eyes of True Lord Tianzai.

Can't sit still...

Regardless of conscience or responsibility, he absolutely cannot tolerate not going to the front line!

But the flying generals of Dragon City are here, and they don't teach Hu Ma to cross the Yin Mountains!

However, the map is already blank. The coefficients of the thirteen major bases are issued, and all real people will never give in. They also have their own responsibilities. They also want to fight hand-to-hand with external enemies.

At this moment, two golden rays of light suddenly flashed on the map! Two golden jade plaques suddenly appeared.

Seven kills! Yellow banner!

The corresponding location is...


Imperial capital!

East China Sea! Magic City!

The political center of China! economic center!

He suddenly understood the intentions of True Lord Tianzai, and the blood in his body suddenly boiled. He clasped his fists deeply, and his fierce fighting spirit made his voice slightly erratic: "Junior Wolfsbane! Apply to guard the Demon City!"

The two most important regions in China, but the real people who have not received orders are Fuyun Zhenren, Gusong Zhenren, Xu Yangyi, and Heishan Zhenren.

Tianzai didn't answer immediately. He waved his hand and the Tianheng jade plaque fluttered in his palm, as if he was also hesitating. After a long time, he said in a deep voice: "Master Heishan, Master Gusong."

"Yes." They both bowed.

"Huangban Maritime Base is located two kilometers outside Lujiazui. It is a strategic location in the Yangtze River Delta. Its geographical location is extremely important. Once it is lost, the gate to eastern China will be in danger. Is Master Heishan brave enough to take on this important task?"

Master Heishan took a deep breath and stood tall: "Unless I fall, I will definitely not be able to take a step forward in the world of true martial arts!"

"Good." Master Tianzai was silent for two seconds again. The Tianheng jade token flashed and flew into the hands of Master Heishan: "You will be blooming in an instant, leaving your name for eternity... Take care."

He said things that had never been said to a real person before.

Just as they know the importance of the geographical location of the Bohai Sea and the East China Sea, it is impossible for the Zhenwu community not to see that what awaits them is a danger that exceeds that of other bases! Once the Magic City falls, the impact on the entire China will be called an earthquake. They must stick here with the determination to die! Even if the country is stained with blood, he will not hesitate!

After issuing the jade token, Master Tianzai looked at Xu Yangyi.

He didn't speak, and neither did the other person. Their eyes met, and there was only pure enthusiasm in their eyes.

"Ben Zhenjun is very hesitant." Tian Zai finally took the lead to speak: "You don't lack strength, you lack experience. Especially the experience of commanding tens of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions of wars. Any real person here, Thousands of people have participated in large-scale secret explorations.”

"Of course, Lord Benzhen thought, if you have no experience, how could you have reached this point. This is the most important jade medal in China, I have thought about it over and over again, and I still feel that I should give it to you."

"Maybe you are inexperienced, but you have a pure heart. This heart can stop a million-strong army."

"Master Wolf Poison, Xu Yangyi takes the order. Master Fuyun takes the order!"

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