
Chapter 794: Golden Elixir Guards the National Gate (Part 2)

"Junior is here." "Fuyun takes the order!" The two stood up at the same time and said in a deep voice.

Tianzai took a deep breath: "The Imperial Capital... is the heart of China. Once the Bohai Sea falls, the Imperial Capital will be in danger. If the Imperial City falls again... China will be in danger. Do you... do you know how heavy the burden is on you?"

"Junior knows."

"You may face two major holy lands and one of the three major dynasties. This must be the main force of the Zhenwu world. It is even more likely that you will face a joint attack from the most powerful cave heaven paradises, and the sea, land and air will unite to dominate the Bohai Sea. Are you…confident?”

Xu Yangyi heard the other party's hesitation.

But so what?

Who else would give this jade plaque to me!

Without opening a word, Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy moved slightly, and he wrapped it towards the Seven Kills jade tablet in Tian Zai's hand.

The eyes of the other real people flickered slightly, and even the other party was stunned.

Silent movements are clearer than words.

If I don’t fall, Bohai won’t fall!

Master Tianzai did not stop him and still relied on Xu Yangyi to take the jade token. Xu Yangyi then smiled and said: "It's nothing more than a cup of wine and a cup of wine, and ten years of light in the rainy night in the rivers and lakes."

"The moment I stood up, I never thought of escaping."

Just as he finished saying these words, the Liuhe Karma Light in the golden elixir flashed again, and this time it finally became a small pillar of fire.

"Great kindness." Master Tianzai sighed and said, "I'm not wrong about the person."

After all the jade tokens were distributed, he looked deeply at everyone. Even though he was so old, his heart was boiling with passion.

It is these people... these people from every country... who usually enjoy the world's worship, but when life and death are at stake, they all stand up.

It is these people who form the most powerful line of defense against the Zhenwu world.

"The True Lord cannot take action casually." He said solemnly: "Once the True Lord takes action, the war must have reached the final moment. Whichever side takes the lead in taking action will immediately form a Nascent Soul War. If I take action against their troops who have come down, they will Dare to attack our city immediately. This is the real deterrence. Never use it until the last moment."

He bowed again: "Please."

After coming out of the practice court, the two real people who were partners did not leave, and they discussed how to work together.

Master Fuyun walked beside Xu Yangyi silently. He was extremely worried. The scene of the golden elixir auction that year was still vivid in his mind. What he is most afraid of is the Master Wolf Venom. Who would have thought that... He was just practicing qi, and within a hundred years he would reach the stage of a great monk in the late Golden Core stage?

And... Master Tianzai must have played some trick this time! He actually divided himself and the other party into commanders and deputy commanders!

How will he face this upstart?

"Fellow Taoist Wolf Venom." Looking at the figure in front of him, he felt mixed emotions in his heart. Finally, he smiled: "Please stay."

Xu Yangyi turned around, and even though Master Fuyun's face was well concealed, he saw an extremely unnatural and even uneasy look.

The thought of revenge just passed by in a flash. At the time of human survival, do you want to take revenge? He is not so petty.

"I..." Master Fuyun gritted his teeth and let out a long sigh. If he had known this, why would he say at first, "I have an SSS-level treasure of heaven and earth in my hand. I don't know what it is, so I asked Master Wolfsbane to show it to me."

Xu Yangyi looked at each other with a smile.

Fuyun Zhenren... The real person who was as big as Mount Tai and Beidou is now begging for his own glory.

"Kaiyunjie." He suddenly said lightly.

Just after he finished speaking, Master Fuyun suddenly raised his head and looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief.

This... is the biggest secret in his heart!

A secret he thought no one knew!

"" As if he had a heart attack, he had forced himself to forget that a century-old matter was revealed. He gasped and took several steps back, and said in a trembling voice: " did you..."

"Don't worry." Xu Yangyi restrained his smile and said sincerely: "Kaiyun Realm, now the real person is the master. I'm just telling you, I know everything, but I haven't said anything for so long. I still come to the Zhenwu Realm. Don't think of me so badly."

"What I want is sincere cooperation."

After saying that, he walked away: "Tomorrow, gather our team and arrange the work."

Watching his gracefully leaving figure, Master Fuyun was stunned for three minutes, and then bowed at almost ninety degrees to face the invisible figure.

There was confusion in his heart. Yes, he was not the real Master Fuyun. He was Zhang Guangyao, a monk who ascended from the lower world to the world. He was satisfied when he reached this stage. At the same time, he also had a deep belonging to the earth. Feelings, otherwise they would not ask for a fight.

However, belonging is always belonging. He also has his roots, but his roots don’t want anyone to know. Unexpectedly, Wolfsbane found out! And... the other party actually knew it and hid it for so long without saying a word!

In his heart, there was a strange feeling of gratitude, even...with a mentality of surrender.

Surrender to the other party's mind and surrender to the other party's strength.

Bow to the end.

"I'm not as good as you."

"This time, I will definitely follow your lead. I will not shirk even a single word!"

Time passes day by day.

Within a week of the Zhenwu World arriving on the moon, all thirty golden elixirs had taken over the fifteen most important bases in China. And all have been raised to red alert status.

For two weeks, nothing happened. The Earth Alliance Army's logistics force has signed up 100 million people, and the number continues to rise.

The Zhenwu Realm still shrouds the sky above the Earth. The moon is no longer visible at night because it is completely blocked. That terrifying shadow reminds everyone that the peace on the surface is only the calm before the storm.

And this storm will be more tragic than the battle on the moon! More bloody!

That... is a real meat grinder.


On the seventeenth day of the Earth calendar, the Zhenwu Realm descended on Earth.

The wind tastes bloody. The peaceful clouds seem to be a little hot.

Between the two tightly stretched bows, the bowstrings that harvest lives, no one can be calm, even if they laugh, they are forced to laugh. Just like the whaling crew on the "Polar Bear" fleet.

The strong vodka was poured into the mouth and flowed down the jaw to the beard. There are a total of twelve Polar Bear whaling fleets. No matter how tense the world situation is, mortals must live. However, they went out to sea for five days without encountering a single whale.

"Oh... this damn guy." The captain licked his lips and looked at the shadows above his head that were terrifying even in the daytime: "Is it because of them that the whales dare not come out?"

At this moment, the sky suddenly sprinkled with endless auroras. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, beautiful and magnificent.

"Aurora in the daytime?" The crews on the twelve ships were stunned for a moment. It is not that there are no auroras in the daytime, but they are extremely rare. Many people have only seen them once in 20 or 30 years. Many people ran on board and discussed excitedly.

In the tense atmosphere, there was a rare relaxation.

The captain raised his eyebrows and was about to close his eyes to rest, but suddenly he jumped up. Then, he trembled and looked at the sky in disbelief.

His eyes first narrowed, then widened, and finally bulged. A second later, he shouted to the deck with all his strength: "Come back! This is not the aurora!!!"

But it was too late.

The next second, all the "Auroras" brought a brilliant light curtain, pulling out a line of human figures, "Swish, swish, swish!" Countless transmission sounds pulled out a line of demon-like human figures in the air.

Starting from the center, to the sides, to infinity! In less than five minutes, the fleet was surrounded by human figures. All of them were ancient Chinese costumes, all black clothes. They looked at the ant-like fleet below with extremely indifferent and mocking eyes.


No one could say anything. A crew member's legs softened, and he fell to the deck with a plop, trembling: "My God..."

Wherever he looked, at the same height, it was pitch black, dyeing the Arctic sky. At least hundreds of thousands. The other party's indifference to life and uniform movements have already shown that this is a well-trained army that regards human life as grass.

Not only that.

Above the hundreds of thousands of troops, there are countless flying boats, and above each one, the huge flags with the words "Zhenwu" are fluttering. But... this is not the most important thing! Above the flying boat, the sky... seemed to be shaking. The intoxicating aurora in the daytime just now was strangely twisted, and the entire sky was sinking like a funnel!

Not just one funnel... but... seven funnels, pulling the funnel of the sky. Like a void singularity.

The strong wind blew a black cloud like a tide. The sea was surging, and all the mortals on the whaling ship knelt on the deck and prayed: "Lord... save us..." "I, I don't want to die yet..." "I just came out to fish..."

"Boom..." God dozed off and didn't hear their prayers. A few minutes later, with a brilliant purple light, the sky seemed to be pulled out of a wound of tens of thousands of miles, and seven huge monsters roared out from the purple-black space crack!

"My... God..." With a "clang", the bottle in the captain's hand fell to the ground, and his heart was gray with death.

That... is a huge floating body, some are hanging mountains, some are reversed rivers, and some are cloud cities. Each one has a strong spiritual energy, and around each one, there are countless monks standing on swords! Countless flying boats guard the left and right.

The two blood-red characters of Zhenwu are like an invitation from the god of death, coming to the night sky.

From the TV, I can't feel the pressure of the number of people, but now it is right in front of me. Once the number of people reaches a terrifying number, it presents... a dead silence that oppresses the soul.

"God bless..."

Before the voice fell, twelve spiritual lights burst out from the cloud city, and the twelve ships turned into ashes in an instant. There was not even a scream.

"What a... plane that exudes stench and inferior spiritual energy..." More than ten voices like gods came from the surging black clouds: "Zhenwu Realm Yuanyang Cave Heaven." "Xu Ling Cave Heaven." "Qian Kun Cave Heaven." "Yun Fen Cave Heaven." "Zen Huo Cave Heaven." "Xuan Yuan Cave Heaven." "Luo Fu Cave Heaven."

A figure slowly floated out from the front cave heaven, looking at the wreckage on the sea with mockery: "King of the Earth."

"Unfortunately, you seem to be unable to hear it."

"Come here." The male voice said lightly: "Piece their bodies together and hang them in front of the cave heaven. Hang them all the way to Bohai Sea. Let those low-end cultivators in the Bugui Realm see that the Zhenwu Realm keeps its word. If they kill one of us, we will kill a hundred of them."

"This..." A guard hesitated and looked at the sea surface: "It seems that they can't see their original form..."

The man disappeared in a moment, and his voice was calm: "The fragments... can't they be pieced together?"

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