
Chapter 795: Battle of Bohai Sea (I)

At the Bohai Seven Kills Base, Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly opened. Taking a deep breath, he turned into a black light and rushed out of the training room.

What a huge spiritual power fluctuation...

Just now, the kind of spiritual power fluctuation that made the sky tremble suddenly appeared near the Russian waters. He knew that it was the trace of super large-scale teleportation. It affects this place across thousands of miles.

"Ancestor! Ancestor!!" Just after leaving the house, the messenger kite had already flown out, and a man's voice with a strong and shocked voice said hurriedly: "Please come to the combat command room immediately! There are nearly ten million soul fluctuations on the Bohai Sea! And it is still going on. Increase!"

"I got it." He calmed down his mentality. The bloody battle was coming. He must not shrink back at this moment, let alone lose his position. After answering calmly, he immediately sent a message to a black paper kite: "Fellow Taoists, the Bohai Sea is attacking, tens of millions of souls and above. I may have to see you again here."

This is a messenger kite unique to Jin Dan Zhenren, the highest level of black. The situation is dangerous, but all the real people look relaxed.

It’s not that I’m not afraid of death, I’m just not afraid.

A last-ditch fight to the death.

"Nanhai National Gate, level above five million. It seems that I can still get away with it." Xuanyuan Sword Master's voice seemed to be smiling, but in the end he couldn't laugh out. He sighed: "Fellow Taoist Wolf Venom... take care."

"The level of the western country gate is also tens of millions, and it is still increasing. Kazakhstan is located between Xinjiang, the Middle East, and India. It has an important geographical location. I am afraid that I will not be spared." Qingyue Zhenren smiled: "When the World War is over, everyone Fellow Taoist, don’t forget to offer me a stick of incense.”

My heart felt a little sour and my blood was boiling. Xu Yangyi put down the kite, closed his eyes, and took several deep breaths. After disappearing, he appeared in the combat command room in an instant.

In front of a huge ring-shaped light curtain, the operating table was filled with mortal scientists, several Void Pills, and a dozen late-stage foundation builders. Seeing him appear, everyone paused in their hands. Just as they were about to speak, Xu Yangyi had already waved his hands and looked solemnly at the ring-shaped light screen in front of him.

The annular light curtain is divided into three parts, one world, surrounding the entire earth continent, and countless red dots appear. The second piece of China, several sea areas, and several major national borders are also densely covered with red dots. Finally, there is the Bohai Sea, right in the "Chicken's Mouth"...the red dots are as dense as a tangle! The entire Bohai Bay turned blood red!

"Fifty-four million souls... Fifty-five million souls... Fifty-seven million souls..." The mechanical voice kept repeating, rendering the atmosphere in the entire room into a solemn one.

Three numbers kept beating on the three light screens and rising. On the world map, the spiritual power index has reached 370 million! The map of China has reached 60 million souls! The Bohai Sea... is actually as high as 13 million souls!

Master Fuyun was already here. The two looked at each other, disappeared again, and appeared in the Seven Kills Base the next second.

"Ha..." Fuyun gasped as soon as he took a look. On the very far horizon, a black line slowly appeared.

That's not the military.

That's...a flock of birds.

Countless seabirds rushed toward them with no screams or neighing, only the overwhelming sound of flapping wings. It was a scene where they felt the natural enemy and did not dare to make a sound, and every ounce of their strength was used to run away desperately.

Thousands of birds flew overhead, but there was no sound on the sea. Even the humid sea breeze was suffocating and depressing.

No wind, no waves.

Just a few hundred meters behind the flock of seabirds, a magnificent piece of black turned the sky black, rushing towards the Bohai Sea with an atmosphere of blood and killing.

Tens of thousands of flying swords Feng Xu Yufeng, hundreds of flying boats piercing the clouds and fog, and above...the majestic seven caves. The roaring spiritual energy vibrated violently, causing monstrous waves that were a hundred meters high and stretched for nearly a kilometer. It was like the resurgence of a giant beast in the sea, landslides and tsunamis, and a butcher's knife unsheathed, pointing at the Bohai Sea without stopping!

The seven caves and heavens came out together... The Zhenwu world was determined to win this battle!

Thousands of mountain birds flew away, and Xu Yangyi and Fuyun took a deep breath together.


finally come……

The Zhenwu Realm did not give the Earth much reaction. Once the war between the worlds that had been planned for two thousand years broke out, no one had any room to retreat. In less than two weeks, they decided to attack the Earth. There are thirty-six caves in total, second only to the two holy lands and the three dynasties, and there are seven in the Bohai Sea! The heart-grabbing tension pushed the adrenal glands to their peak in an instant.

"Meet the enemy!!!" Xu Yangyi roared suddenly. In an instant, the Seven Kills Base shone brightly.

"Buzz buzz..." This huge city in the sea suddenly erupted with golden light reaching the sky, wrapping the huge base in infinite talismans. In the midst of the golden light, the shadow of a Taoist master holding a sheathed sword suddenly appeared. With it as the center, there is a buzzing sound below the sea surface, and countless giant dragon pillars rise tremblingly from the bottom of the sea.

The Nine-Dragon Coiled Pillar was ancient in its vigor and bloodthirsty in its coldness. At the moment it appeared, the phantom of Dao Lord rose up all over the sky. One turned into two, two turned into three, and three turned into tens of millions. Two rays of light went straight to The two coiling dragon pillars on the left and right are like ancient beacon towers. The two thousand-meter-high coiling dragon pillars on the left and right let out a shocking dragon roar, and then continued to spread outward. In an instant, everyone from the Liaodong Peninsula to the Shandong Peninsula was included in the protection scope of the Seven Kills Base!

At this moment, the ports in Liaoning, Shandong and other provinces adjacent to the coast all saw this scene. Everyone knew that the war had begun.

Of course, it doesn’t just start in one place.

There is no cave or blessed land above Jerusalem. But the situation is more terrifying than that of Bohai Sea. After all... China is too big, while Jerusalem is just a piece of land.

The sky is slowly sinking, and the endless sea of ​​clouds surrounds it, forming an exaggerated cloud cave. In the center of the cloud cave, a huge mountain full of flames descends with a bang!

On both sides of the huge mountain, countless monks stand on swords, dyeing the sky red. From midair, they look down on Jerusalem below.

Below... is a sea of ​​countless Muslims, with black and white clothes fluttering in the yellow sand. Ancient flags are fluttering, ready to fight at any time, and everyone draws his long sword, looking at the enemy in the air like a falcon.

Above, nearly 100 million... below, hundreds of millions. The sword battle is across the sky, and the golden air is solemn, and the flags are flying in the sun. In the silent gaze, murderous intent is across the sky.

The eight grand dukes sit high in the air, each holding an ancient Islamic magic weapon in their hands. Before the huge flaming mountain in the sky sank, the eight grand dukes silently picked up the long sword, cut their arms, and blood spilled on the yellow sand.

"Believers. Sinners of Allah."

"Today is the moment for you to express your sincerity to Allah!"

"Jerusalem, the holy city of the three religions, will never fall! The holy land of Mecca is behind us!!"

"Fight to the death!!!" Below, countless flags fluttered, and those ancient, hidden families, legendary divine families, all raised their own flags! In unison, the sound shook the sky.

Ghalib threw the long sword to the ground and whistled: "For Allah!!!"

"For Allah!!!"

One call and a hundred responses, in an instant, thousands of spiritual energy emerged from the underground of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Forming a row of surging waves.

Those were the heroes who had once hunted down Xu Yangyi. Now, they were riding black horses, their black robes flying, holding sickles instead of long swords, like the army of the God of Death. Moreover... every one of them had the aura of the Marquis Great Perfection.

Ten thousand horses roared, their iron hooves trampled on the yellow sand, raising hot dust, and heading for the Flame Mountain in the sky.

"Kill!!!" At the same time, a bloody and old voice erupted from the Flame Mountain. The sky paused, and tens of thousands of flying swords rushed into the air.

At the same time, the Holy Light Dome of the Vatican, Saint Peter of Light raised the Pope's scepter, and circles of misty white light enveloped the entire city!

Just above the Vatican, the same sky cracked, the same huge cloud cave. The difference was that a huge ice palace with a radius of more than 100,000 meters was above the head. The cold was so strong that even the sky began to snow!

Below, no one spoke, only a rolling flag.

Roses, lion heads, eagles, and the extinct Paladins guard the Holy Light Dome. On the periphery, there are tens of thousands of magic-breaking crossbows, and outside, there are strong shields and spears. The outermost layer is nearly 10,000 Paladins with extremely gorgeous armor and holy light all over their bodies. And the ascetics who are removing their body restraints.

A huge holy chant resounded through the clouds, and with each chant, the light on everyone's body condensed a bit. Divine blessing, divine grace, heavenly armor... one after another super-large-scale blessings, fluctuated from the scepter of Saint Peter of Light. It seems that the spiritual power will never run dry.

God's power is like a prison, and God's grace is like the sea!

"The Lord's believers..." After a long time, Saint Peter stopped and looked at the Vatican, which was packed with people. Here, there are monks, mortals, Catholics, and all devout believers of Christianity, coming from all directions of the earth to guard the final holy land of one of the three major religions in the world.

He wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing. He pointed to the sky and said, "The road to glory is right in front of us."

"I, read the Lord's will and crush these invaders!"

"Let them immerse themselves in the Lord's wrath!!" Below, a tsunami-like echo sounded. The next second, thousands of holy knights in front suddenly grew holy light wings on their warhorses and rushed towards the sky.

The dust in Shasaiqiu was pressing down on the city, and the yellow dragon and white wolf refused to court.

Above the Bohai Sea, swords were loaded, blocking the entire Bohai Sea's mountain protection formation. The black tide was approaching.

"Boom... Boom..." Deafening war drums came from the sky, and hundreds of thousands or even millions of monks, dressed in black and riding the wind, charged over the Bohai Sea. There were too many people, and it was hard to tell how many there were.

Just like this sea, there was only water in sight.

The seven great caves arrived at the periphery of the Bohai Sea. At this moment, Xu Yangyi, Fuyun, and everyone else's eyes were stunned, and then they were furious!

Just outside the seven caves, there were corpses and... shipwrecks...

That was all the innocent ordinary people they passed along the way.

Some of them were unrecognizable, with a pool of rotten meat hanging on them. They walked to the front of Bohai Sea with human flesh and blood!

Even if Xu Yangyi could hold his temper, his teeth were grinding at this moment.

But he held back. He knew that this was the opponent's provocation, and as the commander-in-chief, he must not panic!

There was a murderous intent in his eyes that he had never had before, probably... only when facing An Yu. He looked at the seven caves and was determined again that even if he died in battle, he would never let these bastards pass!

"All cultivators..." He stared at the black tide across the sky and said through his teeth: "Get ready!"

"Let one person in, I will hold you accountable!"

"Yes!!" The cultivators, who had long been stimulated by the scene in front of them and turned red, and the 300,000 earth cultivators also all took off and looked at each other with murderous intent.

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