
Chapter 796: Battle of Bohai Sea (II)

Inside and outside the protective wall, the killing intent was boiling, condensing into substance in silence.

The black line was getting closer and closer, and even the expression on the other party's face was clearly visible. Xu Yangyi could even see those eyes that were indifferent to the life on Earth, extremely indifferent, and took killing as fun.

Tens of thousands of meters, ten thousand meters. The black line on the horizon turned into black clouds, and the black clouds turned into black tides, covering the sky and swallowing everything. Just five thousand meters ahead, in the black cloud that was surging like a sky general, thousands of golden lights suddenly flashed.

One after another, strange-shaped, two-hundred-meter-tall stone monkeys seemed to have wings, and nearly a thousand monks from the Zhenwu Realm sat cross-legged in the air around them, chanting ancient spells. As they chanted, golden spiritual energy flowed into the stone monkeys. It became more and more prosperous and brighter, and finally turned into a golden stream of clouds, covering the entire Bohai Bay.

"Sha..." The infinite golden light seemed to have a spirit, jumping in the air like a spirit snake. Just when everyone thought it was Mars hitting the earth, the golden light gathered together and condensed into a golden light lotus tens of thousands of meters in size on the sea.

There were no words, and the dialogue was pale at this moment. All coastal cities in Bohai looked here. The safety of the country's borders was related to the lives of countless people.

Xu Yangyi seemed to have a telepathic connection. With his hands behind his back, the fingertips were lingering with flowing light. He moved slowly according to the number of Zhoutian.

Seven Star Divination.

"I have a question, what is the result of this battle." He pondered in his heart, and after a few seconds, he suddenly raised his head.

Fierce! Fierce! Fierce!

All very fierce!

The Bohai base is in danger!

The oppressive feeling that filled the sky in the void, the sea of ​​people that filled the entire Bohai Bay, the seven caves that dominated the sky, the silent condensed golden lotus... Quiet, quiet to death. It was as if the god of death slowly stretched out its fangs.

"I have another question... How long can we hold out here?"

This time, the time was shorter. Three seconds later, he suddenly raised his head and looked in front of him in disbelief.

Less than six hours! The outer protective shield of Bohai Sea, the SSS-level mountain protection formation, the Jiuzhou Demon Sealing Formation, will collapse completely!

How is this possible!

The Bohai Base, which was built with 13.2 billion spirit stones, was completely presented to the other party in six hours? The Zhenwu Realm can actually do this!

Every time the golden lotus bloomed, his heartbeat accelerated. He calculated again how many people could survive this time.

After a few seconds, he looked up in shock, his hands trembling behind his back.

One person...

In this bloody battle, only one person can survive...

That is himself.

Severely injured.

Gritting his teeth, he slowly said through his teeth: "All troops... listen to orders."

These four words, he said with great entanglement. At this moment, he fully realized the determination and courage of commanding the entire army. Life or death is really a matter of thought.

"All troops..." Close your eyes and take a deep breath: "Attack!!"

In six hours, the Jiuzhou Demon Sealing Array will be broken, which must be related to this golden lotus. Once the Jiuzhou Demon Sealing Array is broken, the Qisha Base will be like a peeled egg. It can't defend the entire Bohai Bay at all! The flies of the Zhenwu Realm rushed into Shandong, the three northeastern provinces, and even... the imperial capital!

"Daoyou!!" As soon as he finished speaking, Fuyun Zhenren immediately said anxiously: "No! Our numbers are far inferior to Zhenwu Realm! Our cultivation equipment is also inferior! Only by holding our ground, delaying them, and waiting for all the cultivation families in China to come to help, breaking through the points, can we have a chance to win!"

Xu Yangyi looked at him deeply: "I understand you, but just now this Zhenren used his magical powers to calculate that the Jiuzhou Demon Sealing Array can't even last for six hours. Zhenwu Realm must have a weapon to break the ban. We can't defend, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, we must fight our way out!"

Fuyun Zhenren looked at him in astonishment: "Six hours?"

Xu Yangyi nodded.

"You...didn't make a mistake?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head. He didn't avoid anyone when he said that. He even let his voice spread to everyone's ears.

"What are you waiting for?" He suddenly raised his voice: "Are you going to disobey the general's order?"

At the Qisha Base, everyone in front of the light curtain pursed their lips, but didn't dare to speak.

Did you really make a mistake?

This is a war, not a fight. The whole army attacks? The Zhenwu Realm is armed outside, and the entire base has 500,000 people facing more than twice the opponent's number? This is a war between the two planes. It's just that it is manifested in the competition between the monks. Your decision is related to the gate of Bohai! It is related to the thousand-year-old imperial capital! It is also related to hundreds of millions of people!

Once the Bohai Qisha Base is broken, the three northeastern provinces, Shandong Province, Hebei Province, and the imperial capital are open. How many people will be wiped out because of your decision?

However, they can't refute the arrangement of the real person. A three-star admiral gritted his teeth: "According to him..."

Before the voice fell, a holy scene appeared on the sea.

"Swish..." The tens of thousands of meters of golden lotus opened layer by layer, slowly rotating, and the golden light spots were like elves, flying in the air as they opened layer by layer. It was more gorgeous than all fireworks, with a moment of beauty in silence and a long-lasting brilliance in silence, but with a bloody eternity.

"Zhenwu Doumu is listed in the heavens." Seven magnificent voices sounded at the same time, echoing in the sky. At the same time, in the center of the golden lotus, a fairy of spiritual light, composed entirely of golden spiritual lines, danced with a red silk ancient mirror in her hand.

One dance, the sea surface shook. Two dances, layers of clouds floated. Three dances, a misty golden light broke through the air from the ancient mirror and shone silently on the mountain protection formation.

The moment the rosy clouds shone, a strong sense of crisis almost made Xu Yangyi's scalp numb. The seven-star divine calculations behind him suddenly became disordered. He roared without hesitation, and the spiritual consciousness of the late Jindan rushed into everyone's ears like mercury pouring out of the ground: "Meet the enemy!!"

"Too late." A cold voice came from the seven caves. The next second, the golden light shone on the mountain protection formation. With a strange sizzling sound, the ice and snow in the Jiuzhou Sealing Demon Formation where the light fell actually melted, and a hole visible to the naked eye appeared silently, and then it became bigger and bigger!

Five seconds later, a fifty-meter hole had appeared!

"How... could this happen?" On the main control console, an elderly doctor stood up suddenly and looked at the light screen in disbelief: "This is the Jiuzhou Demon Sealing Array, an SSS-level array, and it was broken in less than 30 seconds?"

"How is it possible!!" Next to him, a woman stood up suddenly, with such force that she didn't even notice that the teacup was knocked over: "The mountain protection array built with 10 billion spirit stones... is actually... It's vulnerable?!"

The scene was dead silent, but everyone reacted in the next second. An admiral suppressed the feeling of goosebumps all over his body, his hands were shaking, but his voice was hoarse: "Immediately... follow what Master Xu said! Fully activate the Seven Kills! Now! Immediately!!"

"Notify all the cultivators of the Seven Kills! Prepare to meet the enemy!!"

A feeling of suddenly falling from the clouds into the abyss appeared in everyone's mind. The previous second, everyone was ready for a tug-of-war, but no, there was no time! The sharp teeth of the Zhenwu Realm instantly bit through a crack in the Bohai Sea defense line. Only fifty meters, but... the golden light did not stop, and it was still shining! The gap has slowly expanded!

It's like both sides draw cards, throw out their own cards one by one, and surprise the other side one by one, and finally use the king bomb. Only in constant collisions and tests can we gradually understand the bottom cards of both sides.

However, there is no time for them to observe each other's cards, because at this moment, the surging black cloud in front of them, quiet under the nine earths, moving above the nine heavens, just as quiet as a virgin, at this moment, the sky surges, and the devil is born.

"Swish!" The sword light broke through the air. This is not tens of thousands, but hundreds of thousands, millions! The sky seemed to be cut by them, with a fierce murderous intent, and rushed into the fifty-meter-sized hole like a tide!

The leading group of monks, wearing black armor, with twelve strange beast head patterns engraved on it. A monk who was more than two meters tall rushed to the first place with a face full of excitement of killing, and his whole body was lit up with black light, and it actually formed a spiritual spear.

"You bastards from the Unreturning Realm!" He laughed loudly, like a mad tiger: "Give me your life!"

The next second, on the overwhelming flying swords behind him, all the cultivators of the Zhenwu Realm who were flying in the wind, all had a black light on their bodies. "Ka La La!" A sharp burst of spiritual energy, in less than ten seconds, as if practicing countless times, a spiritual spear of 30,000 meters, enveloped all the cultivators of the Zhenwu Realm, and rushed over with an invincible weapon!

"Boom boom" The space trembled, the waves had turned into a tsunami and rushed to both sides, the black tide of the Zhenwu Realm that reached the sky and the clouds was enveloped in the spear, piercing the hole.

"Kill!!!!" The earth-shaking shouts of killing broke out at the same time, and the sky was splashing. The tens of thousands of meters long spear was like Moses's water-dividing staff. Wherever it passed, the sea surface was broken layer by layer, and it crossed thousands of meters in an instant. The killing intent of millions of people, even the golden elixir felt that the heart was squeezed in an instant!

Without saying anything, Master Fuyun gritted his teeth. He couldn't take this move, but he couldn't retreat. While mobilizing his spiritual power, he suddenly tensed up and took several steps back.

Just in front of him, above Xu Yangyi's figure, a breath of blazing flames burst out. The whole space seemed to be scorching.

He faced the hole and the endless gun without changing his expression and didn't retreat a step.

Below, the entire Seven Killings Base was shining brightly, and magic weapons were being activated one by one, and this would take time... If he retreated now, the dam of a thousand miles would collapse at the ant hole.

"This is..." The hot air made Fuyun's pupils shrink. This breath... made him feel frightened. There was obviously no flame, but from Xu Yangyi's feet, even at his fingertips, the space was steaming.

"Kill!!!" In an instant, the tip of the gun was in front of him. Xu Yangyi took a deep breath. Facing the opponent's shocking killing intent, his whole body's spiritual energy exploded like a chess match. His right hand slowly retracted to his waist: "The fourth level of Thousand Miles Without Stopping..."

"The Vermillion Bird of the Four Saints."

"The Vermillion Bird Falls."

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