
Chapter 797: Battle of Bohai Sea (Part 3)

A light punch.

It seemed very light...but when he took action, the space was rubbed into blazing flames! These flames never disappeared. Instead, they grew bigger and hotter. With a loud cry of "Hiss!!", the flames from this punch actually formed red wings behind him! And in the fist wind, a thousand-meter Suzaku shot out!

"Rumble" The moment the flames shot out, thousands of meters of sea water in front of them quietly evaporated, and the void became blurry. The knight in the front of the Zhenwu Realm took a breath and exclaimed: "No..."

Before he could finish his words, he was already crossed by the flaming Suzaku!

"Zizzizi!!" A terrifying scar was torn out in the sky by this punch, spanning a hundred meters, and everything within a hundred meters evaporated.

"What are you waiting for!" Both parties roared at the same time,

What are you waiting for?

An order for all-out war.

No need to wait, as long as they can break through this entrance, the Zhenwu Realm will drive straight into northern China, racing against time, every second is worth dyeing with blood!

"Brothers from the True Martial World, kill them all for me!!" An angry shout shook the sky. Over the seven caves, flags hundreds of meters high flew. The troops that had paused just now were full of killing intent. ! Streams of light and flying swords were like thousands of birds throwing themselves into the forest, pulling out bright curtains of light in the sky. Under the overflowing clouds, murderous intent filled the field.


The sea trembled. The dragon and the snake rise from the land.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi and Fuyun looked at each other, but their hearts felt indescribably calm.

Victory or defeat in an instant.

If the opponent is allowed to rush through this gap, the outcome will be disastrous. Xu Yangyi finally understood what the Seven Stars God meant when he said that it would be broken within six hours. The Zhenwu Realm's attack power far exceeded that of the Earth, and this gap would be completely torn open by the local government. but……

That was six hours later!

not now!

"Seeking death." Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and actually stepped out of the mountain protection formation. Master Fuyun behind him, who was mobilizing all his spiritual power, was stunned.

People all need a sense of security. Regardless of whether they are Jindan Zhenren or not, the Mountain Guard Formation is their barrier. He never thought about going out. His biggest thought was to guard the entrance of the cave behind the light curtain.

This step seems simple, but it is the difference in concept.

"Total Eclipse of the Apocalypse!!" Facing the overwhelming black clouds and flowing light, Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy surged throughout his body. Right in front of him, tens of thousands of people caused a tsunami to erupt on the sea surface. They came with the wind and clouds, singing to the god of death, the kind of killing intent that pierced the sky, the kind of black sky that filled the eyeballs, the kind that blocked the sun The infinite sword light. Even though they were facing foundation building,... this number was too thrilling.

"Activate! Activate!" Below, doctors and generals mobilized their troops. They did not expect that a big hole would be punched out when the Nine Provinces Demon Sealing Formation met. This is a top-notch mountain-protecting formation with nearly 10 billion spiritual stones! Now we can only pray that Zhenren Xu can defend the gap and guard the barrier with one man!

"The sword box set of the 'Diyun' is being activated, 60%...63...65..." "The battle array of the 'Dragon Tooth' is being scanned and covered..." "The Lingtian-type demon-suppressing puppet is activated..." "Seven The will of the main body of the killing base is awakened..."

As their fingers flew, cold mechanical sounds echoed through the room. It only lasted a few minutes, but no one came down easily. Everyone looked at the two figures in the sky.

You must withstand it...

Otherwise, let them rush in from here, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Boom boom boom!!" The bloody light was overwhelming! Behind Xu Yangyi, it was like a Buddhist wheel shining. The entire sea turned black in an instant as the bloody light passed by. Countless fishes surged onto the surface of the water with their stomachs turned upside down. All the monks opposite him spit out a mouthful of blood and screamed when the light hit them. Flying back upside down.

In Yuanyang Cave Sky, the whole mountain is radiant with brilliance, surrounded by green pines and cypresses, and there are many tall buildings and mansions among them. The whole mountain seems to be made of the sun, with thousands of bright lights. In a magnificent palace on the top of the mountain, an old man lying on his back suddenly opened his eyes.

Bloody light enveloped a radius of several thousand meters, firmly blocking the gap behind him. All those who entered the thousand meters returned vomiting blood. However, Xu Yangyi's face became increasingly ugly.


Total Eclipse of the Apocalypse, the king of AOE, a great monk in the late stage of Golden Core within a kilometer range, but he can't kill these early stage foundation builders?

"No... they used a special method to gather everyone's spiritual power into one place. It can resist the magical power of the golden elixir, and it can be broken by the dragon walking on the mountain, but the killing range is insufficient."

what to do?

At this moment, there was a bright stream of light in the sky, and a majestic voice came directly above the head.

"As a real person, what kind of behavior would it be to act rashly?"

"Let me teach you how to be a real person."

"Boom!!" The entire three-kilometer range in the sky collapsed. Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth. According to the unspoken rules, the real person will not take action casually. Once he does, the opponent's real person will definitely take action. The other party...but there are six late-stage real people and one in the virtual infant realm!

This palm was so powerful that thunderbolts rushed through it, like the thunder shield of the Nine Dragon God. The palm of the palm could hold the heaven and earth, and swallow the sun and moon. However, it was more than just one palm.

Just when the red light was taken with one palm, five big hands appeared almost at the same time, covering tens of thousands of meters in radius, and shot towards Xu Yangyi!

Thunder, ice, flames, fallen leaves... Over the Bohai Sea, the seasons are chaotic and the sky is unpredictable. The master of the Sixth of the Seven Cave Heavens did not need to talk nonsense at all and took action directly. This is a war, not a battle of wits. Since the other party dares to take action, don't blame yourself for being crushed to ashes.

"Boom boom..." The six golden elixirs attacked together, the momentum was so great that the sky above Xu Yangyi's head seemed to be knocked down, but he didn't retreat!

Three minutes...

In this second, time seemed to slow down. He took a deep breath and only needed two more minutes. He could even hear the boiling voices of the people in the Seven Killing Base behind him.

He smiled.

Can't retreat.

"Do you think that seven real people can stop me?" He slowly circled his hands like Tai Chi: "This real person... is the first person under Yuanying."

This attack will make you dare not cross the Chu River!

His hands passed, leaving residual tracks in the air, as if the Buddha raised his hands and Guanyin shed tears. Forming a mysterious trajectory.

Fuyun, who was about to rush out of the light curtain, just took a step, and immediately shrank back as if he was electrocuted, looking at Xu Yangyi's back in disbelief.

He... really wants to be Zhang Fei at Dangyang Bridge?

This... is the reason why he can reach the late stage for a hundred years, but stopped after ascending to Earth?

He seemed to understand something, but he also seemed to have not figured it out.

At this moment, there was a thousand rays of light in front of him, just when the six spiritual hands were a hundred meters away from the other side's head. There were thousands of golden lights under Xu Yangyi's feet, and a circle of sacred light pools spread out from where he stood. Rapidly spreading, a huge golden hand was raised up, and the next second, the light, scenery, clouds, and sound in the sky all disappeared.

That was the collision of the spiritual power of the seven golden pills. It set off a terrifying shock wave, which directly deprived everyone of their five senses in an instant.

"Boom!" Mount Tai pressed down on his head, Xu Yangyi groaned, gritting his teeth, the invincible Wuxiang Guanyin finally met an opponent this time, and the six real people attacked at the same time, and actually withstood the attack of the Thousand-Handed Guanyin.

"Kara La" the joints burst, and his right hand seemed to be broken. But in just a moment, he knew that this opportunity must not be missed.

War needs idols. In ancient times, this kind of idol was called a general, such as Guan Yu riding alone for thousands of miles, and Zhao Yun going in and out of Changbanpo seven times.

These people improve the morale of the whole army. Morale determines the outcome of the war.

Now, if the six golden pills can't take him down, he can support the backbone of the Seven Killing Base!

"Huh?" "Good thief!" "You are looking for death!!" What he thought of, the other party could also think of. In an instant, six magnificent voices exploded in the air. Then, the six spiritual powers were more violent than before, and the rivers poured down from the top of the head.

"Stop!!" "Thirteen thousand tiger and leopard cavalry of the Cao family in the imperial capital come to protect the emperor!!" "Ten thousand ghost spirit soldiers of the Mo family in Liaodong are here!" "The Yelu family in Shandong is coming!" "Hold the defense line to the death!!!"

These voices were completely in Xu Yangyi's ears. His eyes were slightly red, and all his spiritual power was integrated into his right arm. In the golden pool, the hand became brighter and brighter, and veins were exposed. Suddenly, he shouted angrily: "Open!!!"

"Boom boom!" The golden light was thousands of feet high, the grass and trees shook the murderous aura, the stars lost their luster, the giant hand holding up the sky roared, dragging six giant hands of spiritual light, and slowly rising. A thousand-meter-high Thousand-Handed Guanyin slowly rose from the bottom of the pool. Thousands of rays of light, the treasure is solemn.

Xu Yangyi couldn't see it, just behind him, in the fifty-meter hole. Countless cultivators were stunned, and their eyes remembered this scene forever.

Even if there are thousands of people, I will go.

This sentence appeared in their minds. That seemingly ordinary back was so tall at this moment. A golden elixir resisted the magical powers of the six real people, and was not at a disadvantage! How exciting it is!

This is their real person! This is the commander-in-chief of the Seven Killing Base!

A middle-aged man was stunned for three seconds, then waved his sword and shouted angrily: "Kill!!!"

This shout seemed to awaken everyone's consciousness. Behind the light wall, a sea of ​​shouts and killings that were no less than those of the Zhenwu Realm rose up.

"Kill!!!" "Never let them take a step forward!!" "Defend Bohai!" "Those who cross the border will be killed!!"

The number of people was not as large as the other side, and Xu Yangyi's hand was not to support the number of people, but the morale.

The strength of a million-level Jindan real person was undoubtedly demonstrated.

"Break!!" The shouts and killings behind him shook the sky. Xu Yangyi had no time to look back, and he couldn't even draw out a little spiritual consciousness to look back. He could only feel the spiritual power rushing like a tide behind him, so warm and so familiar. A surge of blood rushed to his head, and the spiritual power burst out in full force!

With this shout, the divine king pattern on his body flashed, and Mistyting smelled the fragrance and knew the elegant meaning. This palm must win!


Suddenly, all sounds disappeared between heaven and earth.

Thousand-handed Guanyin chopped out a palm in the solemn and magnificent hall.

The clouds parted, the sound faded, and everything was silent. It was as if we had returned to the original "nothingness," and there was only an irregular scar left between heaven and earth, a horrible scar left by a hand.

One palm opened the sky.

Even the army of the Zhenwu Realm was shocked by this palm. With this palm and six exclamations, the six giant hands above collapsed. It turned into a spiritual rain all over the sky.


It's the beginning of the month~~ Last month was 32, embarrassing... I'm not satisfied, I hope that readers can vote enthusiastically this month, thank you

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