
Chapter 798: Battle of Bohai Sea (IV)

This moment was silent.

Time stopped, and the scene was engraved.

All the earth cultivators remembered this scene, and they were so excited that goosebumps all over their bodies and their hair was electrified. The figure of living as a hero and dying as a ghost hero was firmly engraved in their hearts. At this moment, they felt that everything was worth it.

For the Seven Killings Base, for the earth that nurtured him, and for the hundreds of millions of people behind him, he would not hesitate to die here and stain the Bohai Sea with blood.

The cultivators of the Zhenwu Realm were stunned.

The Jindan Zhenren, who was usually omnipotent in their eyes, was resisted by the other side when six people attacked.

The morale struggle rose and fell, and the battlefield had already undergone subtle changes.

Xu Yangyi put his hands behind his back, and the six Jindan attacked at the same time, and they were the best in the Zhenwu Realm. How fierce was the collision of spiritual power. Even he felt that his right arm was unconscious, and his bones were broken into pieces. In the public eye, he didn't even dare to take out the pill and swallow it, so he could only try his best to regulate it.

At this moment, the endless earth monks behind him, shining brightly, finally burst out from the hole that had spread to 100 meters!

"Woo woo woo!" The desolate horn filled the air in an instant, and ancient flags fluttered, pulling out a white figure in the air. Without letting him speak, the same streams of light and sword-like figures all gathered behind him.

The time stopped for just a moment, and the next second, six angry shouts filled the air: "Kill them all!!!"


Zhao Ke's Hu Ying, Wu Gou's frost and snow are bright. The silver saddle shines on the white horse, rustling like a meteor.

Responding to the Zhenwu Realm, there was an equally boundless sea of ​​monks on the earth, thousands of swords came from the west, and fairies flew from the sky. The dazzling streams filled the entire sky in an instant, and the spiritual light reflected, reflecting the sea in a colorful way.

The black sky and the white waves intersected with a bang. Endless spiritual light exploded over the Bohai Sea, raising brilliant spiritual clouds. I don't know how many monks lost their lives in this collision, and how many monks killed the enemy with their own hands, looking at the other side with bloodshot eyes.

Once the bloodthirsty prison is opened, the demons in people's hearts are released.

"Roar!!!" Behind Xu Yangyi, 13,000 golden armors, golden crowns, hundred-flowered battle robes, golden armors, lion-barbarian jade belts, and horses were raised with halberds. They did not charge immediately. Instead, they lined up in a line behind Xu Yangyi like a sea tide, with blood-red war horses under their crotches more than three meters high. A terrifying spiritual energy condensed on them.

"Cao's Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, charge!!!" As several flags waved, all the war horses were silent, bringing up golden clouds, and charged out from both sides of Xu Yangyi in an instant.

On the other side, two old men dressed in black and white impermanence clothes waved mourning sticks, and the ghost soldiers of the Mo family circled in the sky like ghosts.

The formation of the monks is different from that of mortals. It is not a cone formation or a goose wing formation. Once the formation of the monks is deployed, it is a trinity of sea, land and air. At this moment, the ghosts in the sky are circling, and the screaming ghosts make this sky look like hell on earth. I don’t know which family, thousands of angels, monks wearing animal skins are neatly lined up. Every time they raise their hands, an arrow is shot out, and they are transformed into millions. In an instant, the sky is full of green arrow rain.

On the front, the monks who came to apply, hundreds of helmsmen, and major ancient families, their respective guards formed a white wave, and they held up the black cloud of killing in front. The precious light flashed, and there were thousands of auspicious auras.

One side had a large number of people and the morale of the other side climbed to the peak. The moment the two armies met, even the whole space was shaking.

Trembling for human killing intent and human desire.

The wind stopped, the clouds stopped, and the blood was everywhere.

Everyone rushed out around Xu Yangyi. On his side, in the sky, and under his feet, an endless river of light formed. The wind swept away the clouds, making everything in front of him look like a fantasy. The sky had no color, the sea had no color, only infinite spiritual light and the crowd shouting and killing. He quietly retreated to the back, took out a bottle of pills and swallowed it.

"Are you okay?" Fuyun asked nervously.

Xu Yangyi nodded with a pale face. Fuyun pondered for a moment, and a short knife engraved with white clouds appeared in his hands. Just as he was about to rush out, Xu Yangyi grabbed him.


Fuyun was stunned for a moment, and after a careful perception, he found that seven extremely powerful spiritual consciousnesses had locked onto the two of them. It was like a sword on the body. As long as they moved, the opponent would definitely counterattack immediately.

This is shock. The golden elixir will subvert the foundation-building battlefield, but the golden elixir alone cannot occupy the entire plane. The foundation-building cultivators like mountains and seas are the main force. In order to prevent the real people from taking action, the real people of both sides will never take action easily. The opponent has already understood the strength of the real people guarding Bohai after the attack just now. They are not sure of winning, and a rash attack will further reduce their morale, so... the opponent adopted this deterrent method.

"Then don't take action?" Real People Fuyun gritted their teeth: "Our number... is far inferior to that of the Zhenwu Realm, and our morale can only hold up for a while, not for a lifetime!"

"Wait." Xu Yangyi said this from between his teeth, his eyes were bloodshot and he was staring at the ten thousand meter golden lotus. With every beat of the fairy Lingguang, the gap in the light curtain opened a point. He was sure that the opponent would never use his trump card, just like the Seven Killing Bases were not moving now, and the war was not a simple fight between cultivators. When the light curtain was damaged enough to allow the black clouds covering the sky to erupt, that... was the moment of the final bloody battle.

The golden lotus must be destroyed before that.

And the only one who can do this... is himself. Now he has to think about who will stop him and every order of his actions.

There is only one chance. If he doesn't take action, it's fine. If he takes action, he must succeed. Otherwise... there will be no such opportunity again.

"Wait until this real person recovers to his peak state..." He looked at Fuyun: "Let's... take action together."

Fuyun was stunned for a moment, with mixed feelings in his heart.

He understood this sentence.

He couldn't destroy the golden lotus by himself, and Langdu couldn't do it alone. He needed an assistant, and only he could help him here. And he... needed to eliminate all worries for him, and the price... might be his own life.

He ascended from the small world, and came to this day, and he had to give up everything?

The deafening shouts and killings from the outside world seemed to stop. The two looked at each other calmly. After a long time, Fuyun Zhenren nodded with a serious look: "There are things to do and things not to do. This real person is willing to cut through the thorns for fellow Taoists."

Xu Yangyi tried his best to recover himself. Every extra point would make the Seven Killings Base more dangerous. He said in a deep voice: "If you can survive, I will teach you all the alchemy, and some secret methods..."

"Do you think I agreed to it just for these?" Before he finished speaking, Fuyun shouted angrily: "If the skin is gone, the hair will not stay! I have reached the golden elixir stage, don't I understand this truth!"

He looked at the bloody battlefield: "I have a disciple with excellent aptitude. I am afraid I will leave him to you in the future."

Entrusting an orphan.

Xu Yangyi's heart was filled with countless complex emotions, and he nodded: "I will definitely regard him as a true disciple. I will never keep anything to myself."

"Boom!!!" At this moment, a violent buzzing sound came from the battlefield ahead. A white beam of light shot straight into the sky with a radius of one kilometer! Even their position was blown, and their clothes fluttered.

In the light column, the monks of both sides were covered in blood. There were about 20,000 people on each side. The white side had a dragon flag flying with the Manchu characters "Aisin-Gioro" on it. The other side had a big flag with the five characters "Luofu Yaoguang Sect" on it.

Within a radius of tens of thousands of meters, talismans were stirring, pushing away all the people around the two sides. Only two groups of people were left. At the same time, the battlefield almost broke out with pillars of light. The battlefield that covered the entire Bohai Bay was divided into pieces.

This is the power of the family. But it is not the foundation.

Condensed into a legion that far exceeds the casual cultivators and the helmsman, the family has more cohesion. They are like bulldozers. Wherever they pass, the casual cultivators of the other side can't resist at all, and at the same time... they will automatically find tit-for-tat opponents.

Too conspicuous, just like Gan Jiang and Moye, they are clearly visible in the grand battlefield.

There is no dialogue, no words, a total of thirty pillars of light divide the battlefield, and the people in the light pillars have only each other in their blood-red eyes.

Kill one person every ten steps, and leave no trace for a thousand miles.

If you stand in front of me, you must die!

"The last royal descendant of China, the Aisin-Gioro family..." In a beam of light, a man dressed in the Eight Banners Cavalry, covered in blood, could not tell whether it was his or his opponent's, his voice was hoarse, and he pointed his spear diagonally: "Here today, die for the country!"


"Boom!!!" With his order, all the cavalry behind him said nothing, and divine light burst out from their bodies, thousands of horses galloped, and a shocking word was drawn in the battlefield of tens of thousands of meters. Iron hooves were rustling, thousands of cavalry charged, that kind of heart-shaking murderous intent, every hoof seemed to crack the sky!

Just opposite him, the Yaoguang Sect's uniform heavy armored guards, each of them was more than two meters tall, holding huge shields, arranged as a steel Great Wall, sharp spears reflecting the cold light of the scorching sun, and the indestructible spear light pointed directly at the charging cavalry.

All the monks in front must die, but... no one retreated, no one spoke, their masks and armor made it impossible to tell their mentality, but their eyes were as bright as stars.

The momentum of the charge, there is no retreat, the will to break through the enemy lines, there is death, there is no life.

"Herod!!" The moment the cavalry and the heavy armor met, the neighing of war horses resounded through the sky, and thousands of blue dragon horses were pierced directly on the spear tips. The knights on them were silent and died in the moment of the attack like grass, but... I don't know how many people were illuminated by countless golden lights at this moment.

"Heh..." The leader of the Yaoguang Sect, who was sitting in the back, stood up from the golden dragon throne that was a hundred meters long, took a breath, and then burst out with spiritual consciousness: "Hold on! Hold on for this leader!!"

"The cavalry depends on this breath! Hold on! Kill them all!!"

The sound was like thunder, and runes lit up on all the giant shields, forming a magnificent formation. However, before the voice fell, an endless explosion of light had already lit up in front!

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