
Chapter 799: Battle of Bohai Sea (V)

Real dead soldiers.

At the moment of the impact, they were ready to die. They did not rely on cavalry to break through the formation, but on their own lives and everything they had.

"Boom!!!" The self-explosion of thousands of earth monks dyed half of the sky red. These unknown monks dyed Bohai with blood at this moment. No one could even remember their names. They only knew that above the Battle of Bohai, a troop broke through the Yaoguang Sect with their lives.

The old man of the Aixinjueluo family who shouted the charge before had tears in his eyes. These people... were all the top monks in the family, the lifeblood of a family. Today, with one order from him, all of them attacked in a suicidal manner without hesitation, and blew a gap with their own blood and flesh.

Everyone looked over here. Even though countless nameless corpses fell like raindrops in the sky at this moment, the horrible explosion here had already made people see the determination of the earth.

After the smoke cleared, the old man looked at the huge gap hundreds of meters ahead. After looking at the gap, the leader of the Yaoguang Sect, who was standing in front of the dragon throne and was extremely shocked, wanted to roar, but there was no sound. He just whispered in a hoarse voice: "Sacrifice them with blood for me!"

Still silent, each pair of star-like shining eyes was bloodshot. Their brothers, their relatives, opened this road for them, and they... must rush over!

In another beam of light, the two monks faced each other. In the talisman that emptied everything in the outside world, it was divided into a killing field.

Both sides stepped on flying swords and carried long swords. The sword cultivators of both sides faced each other. There was a clear distinction between black and white.

"Swish..." The white earth monks all drew out their swords silently. In this beam of light, the sword light was sharp, and the crisp and uniform "clang" sound was like a dragon's roar.

The black side drew out their swords almost at the same time. The next second, without any dialogue, the two sides' swords intersected with each other, and there was only the sound of swords clashing in the air.

This is the magical power of the sword, this is the world of the sword. The sword cultivator also found a sword cultivator.

Their fight was not as fierce as the cavalry charge, nor as cold as the heavy defense. But... it was the most bloody, with every sword hitting the flesh! Either you die or I die!

"Lonely cloud piercing the sun!" A young sword cultivator, who was like a sword out of the sheath, his white clothes had been dyed blood red, and he cut through thorns wherever he went.

There was also a woman beside him, this was his junior sister, and the two had already tied the knot. They would never separate in battle.

One sword broke several people, the sword light was like a rainbow, and it actually shook the opponent into ashes. The man breathed a sigh of relief. Here, there were swords everywhere, and he couldn't even recognize who was the enemy and who was himself. There were also sword cultivators on his side who were crazy and killed everyone they saw. Such people... have been brought back by the sect master.

He glanced at his lover and met her concerned eyes. The two smiled at each other, and nothing was said. However... Then, the woman's eyes suddenly became sharp, and her mouth opened silently.

A black light, as if cutting through the world, a sharp sword, came like a shadow, went like the wind, and when the sword was put away, the man's head had already flown high.

"No!!!!" The woman was stunned. Just after she screamed heartbreakingly, her body had been split in half by a sword from behind.

In the light column, the battle was tragic, blood was raining, corpses were falling like snow, and countless young or not young monks fell every second, famous monks, unknown monks, all returned to silence at this moment. The white of the earth and the black of Zhenwu are intertwined. The battle formation of the family is a grinding wheel of flesh and blood. In the outside world, the monks who have been killed to the point of boiling blood and seeing red everywhere are even more crazy.

Only instinctively distinguish between black and white, the realm is no longer important here, anyone has countless magic weapons and countless cultivators beside him, just want to kill one person, and he will not hesitate to die in the next second.

"Plop... plop..." The bodies fell into the sea like rain, and countless sharks came to smell the blood, making the sea seem to boil. Xu Yangyi and Fuyun's lips trembled slightly. Even if they had seen strong winds and waves, they were shocked by everything in front of them.

They wanted to pick up these bodies, but... they couldn't.

They couldn't do it, there were too many... even the fish in the sea couldn't eat them all. It was no longer clear which side they were on. They saw countless young faces. After decades or hundreds of years, maybe they will be the new golden elixir, continue to guard this world, and continue to wait for the next war of all realms.

But... before they had seen enough of the cultivation scenery, when they didn't know what this world was, when they didn't know the Tower of Babel, Quetzalcoatl, and the second era of cultivation, they had already fallen in this battlefield that devoured humanity.

How many of their relatives, acquaintances, wives, children, and friends were waiting for them?

Poor bones by the Wuding River, still the dream of the boudoir.

Xu Yangyi's eyes were a little hot, he forced himself not to look at the sea, compared to the horrible scene in the sky, the scene in the sea was shocking, he could not face those young heroes, he could only look at the sky.

"Xu Kunlun..." He said this from between his teeth. He heard about the war of all realms, and he had no feelings, only blood. Only after experiencing the battlefield in person, he knew what heartbreaking blood was. Kill, a simple word, but it made the surface of Bohai Sea thousands of miles long blood red, and the fish swallowed it.

All this came from Xu Kunlun.

His hatred for Xu Kunlun suddenly exceeded that of Zhenwu Realm!

"I swear... if one day I reach a higher realm, I will make you, Xu Kunlun, fall into the lower realm again! No more reincarnation!"

He is not a saint.

No matter who it is, with shouts and killings resounding through the sky, and endless spiritual attacks in front of them, facing the scene of piled corpses, grass and trees, and blood flowing in the river, can still remain indifferent.

As he said this, the six-in-one causal lamp in his heart suddenly lit up, and strangely... the largest lamp in the center began to "crackle" and split into two!

The other candle was completely crystal-colored, different from others, and he could even feel a kind of sacred feeling on it... that the causal relationship of the Ten Thousand Worlds War did not have. High above, holy and unparalleled.

Heavenly oath!

He suddenly had an epiphany. If he did not reach this causal relationship, he would probably never be able to reach the highest peak and would be trapped in the middle three realms. Only by completing this causal relationship can he break through to the supreme realm.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. The gap has now spread to a huge 400 meters! All the cultivators on Earth have been deployed to the battlefield, while the Zhenwu Realm... has only deployed half.

"Daoyou." Fuyun whispered.

Xu Yangyi's lips were bitten unconsciously, but he shook his head.

The six spiritual consciousnesses... are still on them, and have never been removed.

He took out a jade box, and there were three pills in the jade box, all of which were emperor pills. Each one was emitting a bright light, and a green leaf pattern was faintly visible in the center.

He handed one to Master Fuyun.

"What is this?"

"The Black Dragon Pill of Life and Death." Xu Yangyi swallowed a pill: "When you are about to die, this pill will condense the spiritual power of the whole body and reach the peak state, which will last for half an hour. After half an hour... you will fall into a coma for a year. If you don't die, you will be promoted to a small realm. I can only refine three pills in total, and they are only suitable for the Golden Pill Stage."

Fuyun Zhenren swallowed a pill, his voice choked a little, not knowing whether it was for the battlefield in front of him or the more terrifying bloody battle that followed: "Are you going to do it?"

They all knew that if the Golden Lotus was not destroyed, the Seven Killings Base would be broken! Several major provinces in the rear, plus the Imperial Capital, would immediately fall into eternal damnation.

"Wait a minute." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth: "Another... wait four hours..."

Fuyun Zhenren closed his eyes, his eyes trembled slightly, and his hoarse voice: "This Zhenren... understands..."

He understood how painful it was for Xu Yangyi to make this decision.

Four hours... endless cultivators will be killed because of this. Now that the war has just started for an hour, everyone's blood and morale are at their peak, whether it is the Earth or the Zhenwu Realm.

But... their numbers are far less than the Zhenwu Realm, and the other side has six Jindan and one Xuying, and their spiritual consciousness is firmly locked on the two of them. If they rush out now, they will not only have to face the seven Jindan, but also the other side's trump card, and the murderous Zhenwu Realm!

Only... when they really use up their murderous aura and are ready to call it a day, will they have the opportunity to take action. However, this opportunity... needs to be filled with the lives of hundreds of thousands of people!

Thoughts surged like a tide, and the silence between the two was like a knife, cutting people coldly. Fuyun couldn't bear it any longer, opened his eyes and gritted his teeth and said, "But... I don't think it can last four hours."

"Too many casualties... After three hours, this million-level war will definitely have a winner, and both sides will gradually start to use their trump cards. At that time... can we still rush over?"

Xu Yangyi clenched his fists tightly: "Then... wait until both sides have almost used their trump cards."

"The war of all realms is over... If I am still alive, I will personally guard their tombs."

One minute, ten minutes... half an hour, an hour, time passed by, the sea was boiling, the sky was roaring, and suddenly, the sound of drums shook the sky. It suddenly sounded with a desolate and distant taste.

As the drums sounded, the black army that filled the sky retreated like a tide. Everyone saw... In front of the Zhenwu Realm army, hundreds of giant drums appeared at some point. Each drum was three hundred meters in size, and three hundred two-meter-tall strongmen wearing animal skins and painted with runes were swinging drumsticks with all their strength.

"Dong, dong, dong..." The sound was as dense as rain, as if it could pry the murderous intent in people's hearts and make the blood rush to the top of their heads. Fuyun almost stood up suddenly, but Xu Yangyi pulled him with red eyes.

The two looked at each other and saw each other's indomitable look.

Millions of people fought bloody battles, and they stayed alone?

They couldn't do it.

How could a defeated general dare to talk about courage? What qualifications did they have to face this blood-stained sea?

This drum sound... was the drum sound of withdrawal, which did not mean that the Zhenwu Realm would stop. But...

The real storm was coming.

The battle of millions of people was just a drop in the ocean for the Zhenwu Realm, which dragged the entire plane over and died if it failed. At this moment, the battles in Jerusalem, the Vatican, Kazakhstan and other places must be more bloody than the imperial capital. That was the real bones exposed in the wild, and there was no rooster crowing for thousands of miles.

The previous... was an appetizer. When the strength of the earth was truly understood from the competition between the two sides, it was the time for the Zhenwu Realm to take action.

At this moment... it will definitely cause fluctuations in the spiritual power of the space. They will have the opportunity to create clones to escape the surveillance of the seven spiritual consciousnesses! Destroy that devil flower!

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