
Chapter 800: Battle of Bohai Sea (VI)

The blood is still hot.

The sea is red, the sky is red, and the clouds are red.

In fact, it is not the sky and the sea, the earth and the sky that are red, but the eyes of the people who participated in the war.

The momentary silence made the blood-red eyes a little clearer. Suddenly, everyone realized that there was no living creature in this area.

There were no birds in the sky, no fish in the sea, and even the clouds had hidden away, leaving only the blood in the eyes, making this place seem like Shura hell.

In the silence, no one spoke, whether they were enjoying it or feeling the unique tranquility of death, until a magnificent voice came into their ears: "Where is the man who just received a palm from the six cave masters?"

Xu Yangyi said lightly: "Are you looking for death?"

The voices of the two people rose above the drums and resounded throughout the venue. The magnificent voice was indifferent and sneered: "Practicing is not easy. If you surrender, I promise you that you will be the master of a sect. The rules of the Zhenwu world are the master, the master of the blessed land, and the master of the cave. You..."

"Just you?" Xu Yangyi interrupted with a sneer: "The masters of the caves are as useless as the six of you, and the Zhenwu world is no more than that!"

This sentence made the earth cultivators who also retreated and held on to the light curtain a thousand meters away cheer.

"You are Wolf Poison." The magnificent voice was calm and continued, "As expected... there is no false reputation under a great reputation. This real person respects your strength and realm, and you are worthy of being a cultivator at the million-level spirit level, but, in front of the Zhenwu Realm, you are like an ant. The strength of an individual can never compare to the strength of the whole."

"I have done my best. Since you are unwilling to surrender, then... the gate of Hades has been opened to you."

As the voice fell, the Zhenwu Realm cultivators covering the sky flashed away like a black cloud, revealing the true face of the demon behind them.

On the sea surface, a row of strange objects appeared at some point, lying in the sea like a hill.

It seemed to be a living creature, but it seemed not to be a living creature. To be more precise, it was very much like a collection of Taichu. Each one was a thousand meters long, with its feet on the seabed, revealing only the upper part of the chest. To be precise, it was like a floating corpse on the seabed, bloated all over, with human faces and hands all over it, and divided into small areas by talismans that were deep enough to see the bones.

"This thing is called 'Broken.'" The magnificent voice slowly said: "I'll ask you one last time, will you surrender or not?"

"Surrender and we won't kill you!!!" At this moment, millions of people in the Zhenwu Realm shouted in unison, and the sound shook the sky. The moment of tranquility just now was instantly broken by the shouting and killing that pierced the sky.

Xu Yangyi smiled.

"Get lost!"

The moment he lowered his head, his eyes met with Fuyun's, and everyone could see the restlessness in the other's heart.

The close combat ended... The next thing was a super-large-scale collision of magic weapons, and only this kind of collision could make the seven spiritual consciousnesses that locked on him unable to find him for a short time.

A moment was enough.

"I hope you can change your mind." The magnificent voice said lightly: "Kill."

The next second, dozens of huge monsters stood up completely from the sea, and the tide fell from their bodies like a waterfall, and there were many fish that were caught off guard. Then, they took steps that made the earth tremble, faster and faster, as fast as breaking the wind and waves! The huge body and the greater resistance of the sea water were ignored. As they ran faster and faster, the talismans on their bodies burst into thousands of black lights.

He didn't need to remind them. All the doctors sitting in front of the control consoles in the Seven Kills Base gasped at the same time. An old man made a cross on his chest and said in a trembling voice: "Lord... please protect us."

Then, all hands pressed the extremely familiar buttons.

"Buzz buzz buzz!" One-third of the buildings in the Seven Kills Base hummed and rose into the air, spinning rapidly in the sky. One after another, talismans shot up into the sky and lit up, like a magic cube. In less than a minute, a row of huge cannons suddenly appeared.

It was completely composed of buildings. The seemingly unconnected talismans on it were combined together to form a terrifying cannon.

"Roar!!!" Dozens of huge creatures were less than 5,000 meters away from the Seven Kills Base, and their distorted faces were clearly reflected in everyone's eyes. In the Seven Kills Base, the admiral was panting, his hands raised high, and his teeth clenched.

At this moment, there was a dead silence, and you could hear a pin drop.

On the light screen, the numbers kept jumping, 5,000 meters, 4,500 meters, 4,000 meters... 3,500 meters!

3,000 meters!

The overwhelming pressure, like the impact of a meteor, was enough to suffocate people.

"Soul-killing cannon..." The general clenched his fist and smashed it hard: "Fire!!!"

The black clouds pressed down on the city and wanted to destroy it, and the armor light shone towards the sun and the golden scales opened!

"Boom boom!!" All the gun muzzles trembled together, hundreds of white lights sprayed out, and the surrounding sea surface instantly raised a thousand-meter wave. The white light penetrated the sky and the earth, and wherever it passed, the space was pulled out of ugly cracks.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi and Fuyun took a deep breath, and the spiritual energy quietly permeated their bodies.

No one knew... What they were waiting for was the moment when Mars hit the earth, and no one would have thought that the two coaches would go deep alone.

Heart, unusually calm.

Xu Yangyi raised his head and looked at the white lights that crossed the sky. He could even recognize that each of these white lights was enough to destroy half of the city.

At this moment, a black light suddenly rushed out from a cave in the sky that was completely black, with infinite black spiritual energy floating, like a shadow, and seemed to be real or unreal.

Void Spirit Cave.

The black light grew in the wind and turned into a soul-calling flag several tens of meters long in an instant. In the soul-calling flag, a pigtailed boy with a red bellyband, black skin, and red eyes sat upright.

"Spiritual treasure!?" Everyone at the Seven Killings Base took a deep breath. Even if they had already made an assumption, the cultivation civilization of the Zhenwu Realm was far above the Earth, but it was too unbelievable that a cave heaven could easily take out a spiritual treasure.

The little boy opened his eyes, looked up to the sky and let out a "sizzling" scream, grabbed the soul-calling flag and waved it vigorously.

Endless Yin spirits surged out of the soul-calling flag and immediately filled the entire sky. There were so many that it was impossible to count them, and the sky was dyed black. All these Yin spirits surrounded dozens of puppets, forming pieces of Yin spirit shields.

"Boom!" The soul-destroying cannon immediately hit it, and there was a loud sound that shook the earth. The blood-red sea water burst out, forming dozens of fountains of sea tides. Countless sea fish were thrown into the air, stained with blood, and then thrown to the sea surface with wailing.

However, it did not stop.

Countless buildings rose above the Seven Killings Base, and combined with a click, forming a full hundred soul-destroying cannons. "Boom boom" the earth-shaking sound, the terrifying firepower covered the entire Bohai Bay, making it an abyss of light and shadow, and even all coastal cities felt an earthquake.

"Beep beep beep!" Inside the base, everyone looked at the statistics on the light screen, their expressions becoming more and more solemn.

"It has not weakened!" A woman desperately tapped the keyboard, sweating profusely: "The aura of these monsters is getting stronger! And... and more and more unstable! Their aura parameters are twisting wildly!"

"What are they going to do?" The admiral said immediately.

"It's self-destruction." In front of the light shield, Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "This group of bastards..."

Fuyun Zhenren looked solemn, staring at the front, they... could already clearly see every talisman of the god of death.

Dozens of... thousand-meter-long living bombs... once they rushed to the mountain protection formation, the result would be unimaginable!

The throat hurt, but they couldn't move. The opportunity might only be this moment, and there must be no mercy at this moment.

The boy holding the soul-calling banner let out another sharp cry, and the cold wind became stronger, and it actually penetrated all the faces on the puppets. Those faces slowly opened, and the next second, they let out a series of heart-shaking screams!

"Zizizizizi!!!" Ten thousand black lights sprayed from the seven orifices of countless faces. With this explosion, dozens of puppets finally revealed their true faces. The body was extremely twisted, stumbling, and rushed over at an incredibly fast speed. It was obvious that the spiritual power in the body was unstable! It was about to reach the peak of the explosion!

"Buzz!" Just when the puppet entered the distance of 500 meters, the Jiuzhou Sealing Demon Formation suddenly shone with light, and nine ancient tripods, which were completely composed of spiritual power, appeared on the light curtain. All the Panlong Pillars made a low hum, followed by a loud noise that shook the earth.

At this moment, even Xu Yangyi felt that he could not hear any sound.

He closed his eyes. Capture the seven spiritual powers with all his strength.

It was as if the ears were deprived of hearing in an instant, and there was only a bright white light like the Big Bang in front of them. The sky, the earth, the light, the clouds, the sea, these things did not exist at this moment, there was only light, infinite light. And... the shock wave that blew through the sea surface.

I don't know how long it took for the ears to recover their hearing. The Jiuzhou Sealing Demon Formation was still standing, but the light was a little dim. The talismans were obviously damaged in the places that were hit, and in front of them...

In the ocean, a terrifying vortex with a radius of tens of thousands of meters was spinning rapidly.

One by one, the sea fish wailed in it, it was like a black hole, swallowing everything. When the rotation ended, it was an overwhelming super-giant tsunami!


The rainstorm came.

The tsunami of hundreds of meters was overwhelming, blocking everything between the earth and Zhenwu. The violent spiritual vibration made it impossible for any cultivator to see the things within a radius of about two kilometers of the explosion, let alone perceive it.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi's eyes, which had been closed because of the strong light, suddenly opened, and his figure flashed without hesitation. He turned into a black light and rushed straight to the bottom of the sea.

Master Fuyun's eyes moved, and his incarnation was left behind, and he immediately followed.

Just now, the spiritual energy was disordered, and the seven spiritual consciousnesses finally collapsed completely.

If you don't venture into the tiger's den, how can you get the tiger cub?

"Hua La La..." The spiritual energy was like a tide, and it condensed again. Everyone in the Seven Killings Base had an extremely solemn face. But the next second, a doctor exclaimed: "Two, two masters, what are you doing?!"

Everyone looked and found that... the two commanders and deputy commanders had already rushed into the seabed a thousand meters and rushed towards the Zhenwu Realm at full speed.

"Cover!!!" The general immediately understood and shouted hoarsely: "Activate 80% of the weapons of the Seven Killing Base! Fully cover the two real people!!"

An old man was stunned: "What are the two commanders... doing?"

The general closed his eyes tightly, his voice trembling: "The Golden Lotus is indestructible... The Zhenwu Realm has an absolute advantage..."

"They... want to take the enemy general's head in the midst of thousands of troops..."

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