
Chapter 802: Battle of Bohai Sea (VIII)

Everyone in the Qisha base was stunned. Just now, two pillars of light lit up one after another, and they knew... the real person... really rode alone for thousands of miles.

"Attack! Attack!! All troops attack!!" The general could no longer care about many things. It was a great opportunity to cooperate inside and outside! Even if more people were sacrificed, they had to create opportunities for the two real people!

If the golden lotus is not destroyed, Bohai will be in danger. At this moment, the two real people have created excellent conditions, and they must charge!

"Buzz buzz buzz..." The whole base was condensed with spiritual light, and a black coffin with a size of 100 meters appeared above the base. The next second, the coffin opened, and countless flying swords pierced out like flowing light, pulling out a brilliant galaxy in the sky.

This sound was the horn of attack. The Zhenwu Realm never thought that the Earth dared to rush out when it had an absolute advantage in numbers and cultivation civilization. It was unable to launch a general attack at the beginning because the gap was not big enough, and now it was bitten back by the Earth!

Between heaven and earth, the bloody smell that had just dissipated gathered again, and it was even stronger than before. No one spoke, and actions were more powerful than words. Spears and swords flashed in the sky, silently looking at the dark clouds on the opposite side, which seemed neat but actually had some chaos in the center of the Zhenwu Realm Ocean.

They were trying their best to cover up this seemingly slight chaos, but the two spiritual lights that shot up into the sky just now had betrayed everything.

"Bastard..." A man in camouflage clothes, with a spiritual sword around his left and right, his left arm had disappeared, and his eyes looked at the Zhenwu Realm with bloodshot eyes: "Pay back the debt..."

Just now, several of his brothers who had been through life and death with him died in front of him. He was still facing a part of the Zhenwu Realm army, and there was an endless black group of monks behind him, looking at the black and white chessboard with indifference as if watching a monkey show, the feeling of coldness and boiling hatred made him calm down at this moment.

He was not the only one who was calm. In other words, it was not just calm, but a suppressed killing intent, just waiting for the outbreak of contact. Rays of spiritual light emanated from the bodies of the injured monks, looking at the opposite side like tigers and wolves.

Countless flags stained with blood were re-established, and the eyes of the two sides collided on the sea like swords. This time... everyone saw clearly that the reserve troops of the Zhenwu Realm, which had never moved, and hundreds of thousands of troops, finally raised their flags.

"Stop them!!!" In the sky, six demon-like spiritual lights rushed straight to the golden lotus. At this moment, they finally felt a sense of crisis and uncertainty.

Million-level, the first person under the Nascent Soul rushed into the formation. They could not predict what the consequences would be. They could not tell how strong this chemical reaction could be, so the only thing they could do was to stop the Earth army that was planning to cooperate with the outside.

"Let one person cross the border, and kill without mercy!!!" The leader of Yuanyang Dongtian, the leader of Yuanyang Dongtian, screamed to the sky, staring at the figure rushing to the golden lotus below. Damn... Damn! Too bold, it can be said to be daring to the extreme!

"Tengshe Army, attack!!""Mirage Army, all troops attack!!""Yinlang Army attack!!"

"Swish!" The flags were like the sea, and the shouts of killing were like the tide. In order to eliminate this unnecessary variable, the Zhenwu Realm did not hold back this time. Except for 100,000 monks guarding the golden lotus, all the monks rushed to the Earth army that had turned into a spiritual tide in front.


The fierce killing intent broke out again over the Bohai Sea. The Earth side had completely killed red eyes. They only needed an opportunity, an opportunity to pry open this endless black tide. This opportunity was right in front of them. How could they let go of the new and old hatreds?

In the Zhenwu Realm, more than 1.5 million monks covered the sky and the sun. The sunlight had no color. The endless spiritual light and flags blocked all the sunlight that should have fallen into the sea, leaving only a shadow of death.

You want war, I will give you war! Three times more monks than you, enough to crush you into powder!

"Those who cross the boundary will be killed!!!!" Under a black dragon flag several tens of meters long, thousands of Zhenwu Realm cultivators in the form of virtual spirits took the lead and roared at the top of their lungs: "Kill without mercy!!!"

"Zhenwu will win!!!" Behind him, shouts of killing broke through the clouds, and spiritual lights shot up into the sky, thousands of beasts galloped, and arrows flew like locusts. Compared with the silent killing intent of the Earth side, the Zhenwu Realm, which did not hold back, burst out with all its killing intent this time.

The moment when the two armies fought was silent.

But... the white was instantly submerged. Too many... Although the Zhenwu Realm was not as strong as the Earth, the magic weapon protection that was much stronger than the Earth offset some of the gap. Now the full army, more than three times the size, attacked and engulfed the Earth army in an instant.

Locusts crossing the border.

White struggled desperately in the black wave. An Earth cultivator had just killed three Zhenwu Realm cultivators, and his blood was boiling. He was about to roar to the sky, but found that his throat was blocked and he couldn't say a word.


A trace of nostalgia appeared in his eyes, thinking of his fellow disciples, his hundred years of cultivation, and then looking at the long sword that pierced his throat. Smiling, he reversed the spiritual energy in his body.

Dying like this... I don't feel any regret, only a trace of nostalgia... People... are so complicated...

"Boom!!!" At the moment of the battle, hundreds of pieces of spiritual energy exploded and exploded in the Zhenwu black tide.

In the Qisha base, an old man was about to leave with trembling lips and tears in his eyes, but the admiral pulled him hoarsely: "What are you going to do."

"Kill all these bastards..." The old man who seemed to be very well-mannered choked up and trembled all over. He shook off the general and bowed deeply to him. His voice was like thunder and he did not flinch: "Qufu Kong Family! Divine family, please fight! Please fight!!"

In the control room, there were four people including him.

The four middle-aged men bowed together at this moment, their eyes were red. They all saw... on the screen, the number of earth cultivators decreased sharply.

The quantitative change finally caused a qualitative change.

The thing they were most worried about happened. After the Zhenwu Realm did not hesitate to casualties and the whole army was invested, the endless foundation building was enough to gain an advantage on the front battlefield. This is also the reason why the earth began to take a defensive position. Not enough people, can't attack! The Zhenwu Realm has been invincible from the beginning!

"Five surnames and seven aristocrats, the Cui family of Boling asks for a fight!!!" A middle-aged man said hoarsely, unable to bear it any longer. The blood was floating on the oars, and the blood was floating for thousands of miles. The cultivators guarding the Bohai Sea had long been determined to die, but... the continuous explosion of spiritual energy pierced the softest part of their hearts.

No matter how the earthlings fought internally before the arrival of Zhenwu, and how the cultivation families seized resources from each other, today, they are on the same front.

What kind of mentality can make the cultivators choose to self-destruct with all their efforts?

They cannot be immune to the exploding spiritual lights.

"Five surnames and seven aristocrats, the Cui family of Qinghe asks for a fight!!" "Five surnames and seven aristocrats, the Lu family of Fanyang asks for a fight!!" "Five surnames and seven aristocrats, the Li family of Zhaojun asks for a fight! Ask for another fight!!"

The entire control room was silent, and countless operators quietly wiped away their tears in front of the light curtain with their backs.

Perhaps their names are rarely mentioned now, and even very few people in the cultivation world know them. But when you open the history books, their figures are everywhere.

Five surnames and seven aristocrats, or seven clans and five surnames. It is a surname that runs through history books in an era when cultivators were popular.

A true wealthy and prominent family can hardly be judged by the top family. Because any top family must have a deep connection with them.

These five people, plus the Confucius family, represent the last combat power of the Seven Killing Base and the most powerful trump card.

"No..." The general's tiger eyes were tearful, but his voice was calm: "The two real people don't send a signal... You... I don't allow you to attack!"

They hope that Xu Yangyi and Fuyun will send a signal, and Langdu and Fuyun also hope so, but... the situation before Jinlian is urgent.

Xu Yangyi has heard the shouts of killing behind him, and he has seen the reserve army of Zhenwu Realm pulling out black death marks in the sky, but he can only grit his teeth and ignore it, just like the Zhenwu Realm army also ignores him.

In his pupils, there is only Jinlian.

"Stop, thief!!!" At this moment, a magnificent spiritual energy blasted down from the sky, "Swish!" A three-thousand-meter radius was filled with ice, and the ice condensed into a thousand-meter giant hand, grabbing him from the top of his head.

"The Fire-hating Cave Heaven under the command of the Hanhai Fairy Palace!! The Fire-hating Cave Lord Wu Yuntu, come to take your life!!"

There was no time to talk...

Now every bit of spiritual power must be used to the peak, Xu Yangyi can only choose to believe and completely give his back to the other party.

"God King Mark!!"

"Swish!" Under the two wings, spiritual light was sprinkled all over the sky, and two wings were pulled out again. The figure was like lightning, and it suddenly accelerated again! The speed was so fast that it even left an afterimage.

"Boom!!!" The next second, where he was originally standing, layers of clouds floated, Wu Yuntu's eyes were slightly cold, and the world below seemed to become a world of white clouds, endless clouds floated out, and a thousand-meter-tall golden Buddha loomed, majestic and unparalleled.

"The Chinese Immortal Fuyun is waiting for your instruction." With a loud laugh, Fuyun didn't wait for the other party to speak. He put his hands together, and with a loud rumbling sound, the white clouds behind him exploded, and the golden Buddha showed his true form, which was actually five thousand meters high!

And Wuyun Tu was inexplicably between the Buddha's palms. And beside him, a vast starry sky surrounded him like the universe.

Xu Yangyi's footsteps trembled slightly. This move... is extremely strong! It can even reach the late stage of the Golden Core. It must be the only killer move of Fuyun Immortal. The other party must also know that he has to deal with more than one person.

Fuyun... can win.

This thought immediately emerged in his mind. The fighting intentions are different. One side is furious, and the other side... can only die!

"Three Thousand Worlds." The white clouds flew away, and Fuyun Immortal was more sacred than ever before, just like his title, the angry Vajra, like a banished immortal descending to the world, with his clothes dancing without wind. He closed his palms towards the center with all his strength, and every time he closed his palms, blood lines flowed from his seven orifices.

However, as greedy and old as he was, his eyes did not waver at all at this moment.

"The only way!!"

Three thousand worlds, the only way.

"Boom!" The galaxy spun, and Wu Yuntu exclaimed, and thousands of streams of light flew out of his body, and hundreds of magic weapons surrounded him tightly.

Fuyun's hands trembled, his whole body was like blood, but his voice was magnificent and calm: "Maybe I forgot to tell you..."

"Buddha Tao, ignore magic weapons."

"Boom!!!" With his eyes about to burst, he closed his hands with all his strength, the galaxy exploded, and endless blood burst out from the Buddha's hands with a scream.

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