
Chapter 803: Battle of Bohai Sea (IX)

Xu Yangyi took the lead. In front of him, there were about 40,000 to 50,000 cultivators covered in heavy armor, all of whom were at the middle stage of foundation building. They formed a black torrent and a steel wall. They blocked his way.

"Looking for death!!!" He could no longer look at the situation behind him. Even before the red spider lily bloomed, he still felt warm in his heart. Facing these blocking cultivators, he only had Wanli Hanbing.

"Swish!" The figure of Suzaku appeared behind him. Strangely enough, after the fourth level of Qianli Bulixing, the Four Saints Suzaku, the Sky Splitting, the Dragon Stepping on the Mountain, and the Ten Directions Yeyan all disappeared.

He had no magical powers or moves, but his physical strength was much stronger than that of the Dragon Stepping on the Mountain. It can be said that... he really began to enter the entry level of magical powers in every move.

"The Vermillion Bird is falling!"

"Zi!!" With a sharp scream, the Vermillion Bird Atlas of hundreds of meters appeared behind him, and the infinite flames of karma turned into sharp claws, tearing the sky, burning the sea surface, and grabbing the black torrent of tens of thousands of meters in front.

"How dare you!!!" At this moment, an angry shout came from the sky: "Who gave you the courage!!"

"Rashomon!!" "Boom boom boom" infinite yellow spiritual light condensed on the sea surface, and the next second, thousands of meters of spiritual light earth wall suddenly appeared on the sea surface. With a loud sound that shook the earth, the Vermillion Bird's giant claws directly broke through the defense wall, but... it also began to disintegrate layer by layer. But even so, after the hit, the entire black torrent shook constantly. The spiritual light flickered.

A figure appeared in front of the black torrent at the last second. This was a handsome middle-aged man with a golden crown on his head, a long flowing robe, three strands of long beard, and a look of immortality. His eyes shot straight at Xu Yangyi: "You..."

"Get lost!!!" Before he finished speaking, he was greeted by a roar. How could he hold back at this moment? The momentum of the charge, there is only advance and no retreat, the will to break through the enemy's formation, there is only death and no life. Normally, a step back would open up the sea and sky, but here a step back would mean a thousand cuts and pieces!

Mistydin burst out with thousands of golden lights, and countless divine figures gathered around Xu Yangyi. Frigga, Thor, Loki, Heimdall, Hodel... The heroes of the earth reappeared, each holding a sharp sword, pulling out a series of reverse meteors in the sky, rushing straight at the middle-aged man.

In the cloud-divided cave, a pair of old eyes opened and looked down solemnly.

So strong!

This is the golden elixir of a million spirits... Even if he is in the realm of virtual infant, he can't take the other party down for a while.

But... he can't leave. Can't the six real people take down the other party? He doesn't believe it! This is one of the ten strongest caves in the Zhenwu world! He must command the front line here.


The sky and the earth changed color, the sea curtain tilted, and the divine shadow turned the thousand meters around Xu Yangyi into an absolute barrier. One by one, the divine shadows flew in the air, and everything was empty. The middle-aged man took a breath of cold air and slapped his head. A white jade Ruyi appeared and was held in the hands of a child with a baby voice.

The boy, who was still sleeping, jumped up in an instant as if pricked by a needle. His black eyes were wide open. With a scream, the white jade Ruyi burst out a white light like a sea tide. Huang Yuanbao, Bai Yuanbao, Li, Porphyry, Giant Clam, Pearl, Amber, the seven treasures came out together, reflecting this colorful.

However, the comet that was thought to hit the earth turned out to be a one-sided existence when it came into contact!

Xu Yangyi turned into a long rainbow, and rushed towards the Seven Treasures Jade Ruyi without dodging or avoiding. The middle-aged man, who was originally looking at him with only each other in his eyes and boiling with murderous intent, felt a chill in his heart for no reason.

What kind of eyes are these...

Bright, like stars, with clear ideas. No worries.

Bloody, his own shadow was reflected in the pupils, but it didn't exist at all, only the golden lotus. Everything on the road was just a corpse.

Yellow sand pierced through blood armor after a hundred battles, and he would never return until Loulan was broken.

He... really felt the domineering aura of who else but me, and never looking back.

He actually trembled for a moment.

This is a madman... or a person with an extremely firm will... If he blocked him forcefully, his strength would be inferior... I'm afraid... he would really fall here...

He didn't speak, and what was crazier than speaking was the suppression of his temperament. At the critical moment, he shuddered, his heart suddenly twitched, and the boy's Jade Ruyi in his hand swung hastily, and he actually made a circle and crossed a thousand meters.

All the cultivators in the Zhenwu Realm were stunned. Then they were extremely frustrated.


The Luofu Cave Master of Luofu Cave Heaven... actually hid!

The middle-aged cultivator was sweating profusely. He saw that Xu Yangyi didn't even look at him and rushed straight to the tens of thousands of meters long steel wall, as if he didn't exist at all.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He knew very well that if he insisted on stopping him just now, the flowers on the other shore would probably bloom.

"Shame on you." Yunfen Cave Heaven, Yunfen Zhenren snorted coldly, but he didn't blame him. He also felt... the murderous aura of a person who had fought for three thousand miles and a sword that was once a million divisions.

The Luofu Cave Master was wise.

"Boom!" The steel wall, at the moment of collision, actually blocked Xu Yangyi's impact. The Vermillion Bird flames dissipated, and Xu Yangyi had already made hand gestures in it, and his spiritual consciousness expanded wildly. All the cultivators in the Zhenwu Realm looked at each other nervously. Although their eyes under the iron armor were firm, they were a little uneasy.

I clearly can't feel the spiritual energy... but... but why does the air around the wolf poison seem to be boiling and vibrating?

"Stop it, you bastard!" "How dare you do this?!" "You've made it here by sheer luck, are you still expecting to get out safely!"

Three angry shouts resounded in the air. The seven caves were far away from here, and two extremely overbearing spiritual energies fell almost at the same time.

"Xuanyuan Cave Tianlan Ruoming, I will take your life!!" "Fairy Yuanyang Cave Tianlan Lingbo is here, how can I allow you to be so arrogant!?"

One male and one female, one left and one right, one yin and one yang. On the left, the death aura is as dense as hell, and on the right, there are thousands of white lights and sword aura, covering an area of ​​eight thousand meters, forming an absolute death zone!

Xu Yangyi's hand stopped for a moment.

But then, the fight started even faster.

If you believe the other person, you have to believe it to the end.

And...his mind at this moment is like a mirror, spotless and extremely clear. He has already the seven caves, strange flags are raised one after another, brilliant, some are wearing golden armor, but all are locked, The monks covered with talismans have come flying into the sky riding various strange beasts.

A total of thirty to forty thousand...but these things gave him a sense of threat...actually more than the Luofu Cave Master just now?

And around him, all the black-clothed monks were gathering in waves, each floor getting more and more sinister... As long as he was a few minutes late, he might never be able to get out!

"Yunsheng Jiehai Tower!!" "Floating Light Chasing Dreams and Shadows!!"

The real people in the late stage of the two golden elixirs all took action together, how powerful was their power? In an instant, the sky seemed to collapse, and cracks in the void appeared like spider web patterns. In the black air on the left, shadows gathered into Yin spirit soldiers, holding eighteen weapons and killing with endless Yin wind. To the right, there are layers of white clouds and mountains, and thousands of sword shadows are piercing down, concealing murderous intent.

Ignore it... Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and opened the aura shield. Just as the two magical powers were approaching, he shouted loudly: "Wanling Town!!"

For this second, time seemed to stop.

The two magical powers were obviously suspended for 0.01 seconds. What the magical powers needed was the supply of the spiritual power of the monks. Wanling Town directly broke the spiritual consciousness. The sudden severe pain caused the monks within a radius of 10,000 meters to let out an extremely painful cry. The Great Black Wall finally showed a flaw.

But... at this moment, the real person on the other side was by no means mediocre. On the contrary, he was a person with extremely rich experience in fighting. After a pause of 0.01 second, the power was actually reduced by 30%, but he completely constructed the spell and hit Xu Yangyi with a bang. on the back.

This is the first time that someone has been able to use magical powers in Wanling Town.

Even with the divine king pattern and spiritual energy shield protecting his body, Xu Yangyi only felt his eyes turn red and blood surge in his throat. But Qianli Buliuxing has reached the fourth level. Although the speed has dropped a bit, it is still far from being unable to move!

"He is a physical cultivator!!" A majestic voice in Yunfen Cave said angrily: "Ordinary magical powers cannot break through the physical cultivator's defense!"

"Master of Xuling Cave! Master Xuanyuan! Stop him! Do we need this person to take action personally!?"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi had already rushed into the long river of heavy armor, like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep, and the two swords of fish intestines Mistertin were combined. Wherever he passed, human heads flew into the air. The seemingly hard heavy armor magic weapon was in the formation. After the gap appeared, no one could close it.

At this moment, there was a sudden pain in his vest.

An unforgettable stinging feeling rushed into his brain from the wound. He gritted his teeth, forcibly closed his perception, and continued to move forward.

Behind her, Fairy Lingbo had a golden magic awl shining in her hand. She looked at the figure in front of her in astonishment and closed her perception. This was a very easy thing, but it was by no means easy to do it now.

Without the feeling of pain, you don’t know where you were injured at all, and you will probably die without pain in the end. This is a taboo on the battlefield. Killing the enemy is a guaranteed hit on the battlefield, and the opponent does this...

Leave no escape route for yourself at all.

In other words... the things the other party is carrying cannot allow him to leave a way out.

Even if she is an enemy, she feels awe in her heart at this moment.

After being stunned for half a second, she suddenly shouted to the back: "Catch them alive!!"

"I want a living person! He has blocked his five senses! No one is allowed to kill him! No fatal injuries are allowed!! Try to keep him alive!!"

Xu Yangyi couldn't feel anything anymore.

There was blood gushing from behind him, and his body was soaked. The magic weapon was still stuck in his vest, and there was no time to pull it out. But after hearing Fairy Lingbo's order, the monks from the true martial arts world turned out to be a bit jealous.

Invincible and invincible, he cut a bloody path in the true martial arts world.

The opponent's blood is also his own blood. With tens of thousands of monks, it is impossible for him to move forward without getting hurt. Just when he saw the end of the formation, he had become a bloody man.


As he rushed, he was extremely calm and confused. The Seven Star God calculated that he was seriously injured. This level of injury is not as good as the original injury at the Tower of Babel.

Still...haven't we reached the last step?

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