
Chapter 804: Battle of Bohai Sea (Ten)

"Master Lingbo! You are naive!!" Suddenly, two voices came over him at the same time: "You actually want to save this boy's life?! Stupid!"

There are still three thousand meters...

Xu Yangyi's eyes were red, and he looked forward. Two talismans flashed in his hands, and Misteding and Yuchang appeared in his hands at the same time.


He said secretly in his heart.

I can't keep a back hand... In this situation, there is no back hand. If the golden lotus cannot be broken, Bohai will be in danger.

However... at this moment, a golden elixir-level spiritual energy was approaching rapidly behind him. At the same time... this spiritual energy was twisting rapidly.

For the first time, Xu Yangyi looked back.

He looked at the floating clouds behind him in astonishment. A man doesn't shed tears easily, but at this moment, he couldn't stop his eyes from getting hot.

The other party... broke through.

He had a great enlightenment between life and death and broke through to the next realm. He should have celebrated happily, but... he couldn't say it.

The other party had swelled up beyond recognition, his spiritual energy was extremely disordered, and he laughed loudly as he rushed towards the stunned Xu Ling Cave Master and Xuan Yuan Sect Master.

The golden elixir exploded... the red spider lily bloomed.

"I will laugh loudly at the sky and go out. How can I be a commoner?" Fu Yun smiled and took a last look at Xu Yangyi: "Daoyou, take care."

"You are so brave!!!" Yun Fen Dong Tian, ​​Yun Fen Zhenren roared, and his figure finally disappeared from the throne.

"Boom!!!!" Over the Bohai Sea, the first red spider lily exploded.

Infinite spiritual energy exploded between heaven and earth, layer by layer, petal by petal, condensing into a red spider lily thousands of meters long, emitting a spiritual light that reaches the sky, towering over the Bohai Sea.

Time slowed down, Xu Yangyi opened his mouth, and his heart seemed to be squeezed tightly.

Just broke through... before he had time to enjoy the joy of the breakthrough, he chose to self-destruct with more powerful spiritual power...

Just to open up a passage for himself...

Doesn't he know... that as long as the Life and Death Dragon Pill is not dead... he can immediately reach a small realm...

How can he be so... stupid?

In his mind, the image of the greedy cultivator was shattered, and another form was reshaped, and this form will be firmly remembered in his mind and engraved forever.

The spiritual energy shock wave was overwhelming, and the Lord of the Void Spirit Cave and the Lord of the Xuanyuan Sect were rushed out thousands of meters with screams, and all the Zhenwu Realm cultivators around were cleared out in an instant. Only the moment of death and a lonely and proud flower of the other shore were left.

The other party saw the situation clearly. The endless Zhenwu Realm army in front, as well as the three golden pills and the virtual infant were also rushing over. Someone must sacrifice to break through the terrifying encirclement. He... sacrificed himself.

The bitterness in his heart instantly turned into a fierce killing intent. But this killing intent made Xu Yangyi grit his teeth, veins on his neck, temples, and back of his hands jumped wildly, but he rushed towards the golden lotus with all his strength.

If he couldn't do it... what could he do to his colleagues who died in the Battle of Bohai?

The only death!

Everyone was stunned.

The cultivators in the imperial capital, Hebei, and Shandong, all the people in the Seven Killing Bases, and all the cultivators who were fighting hard in front of the light curtain, whether on Earth or in the Zhenwu Realm.

On this battlefield, a Jindan Zhenren finally fell.

"This bunch of bastards!!!" In the Seven Killings Base, the old man of the Confucius Family burst into tears and slammed his head on the table, his voice hoarse: "Seeking a fight... Let me go... Let me kill them all with my own hands!"

"If we don't sacrifice them all, it will be hard to comfort the hundreds of thousands of heroes in Bohai!" "Seeking a fight... The Cui family is seeking a fight again! General Luo, everyone has to die since ancient times! Forcing the real person to self-destruct... How can I let the old ancestor Fuyun feel at ease if I don't torture them to pieces for this revenge!!"

General Luo closed his eyes tightly and clenched his fists.

He didn't dare to open his eyes.

Because once he opened his eyes, he would probably have to immediately order the Five Surnames and the Seven Families and the Confucius Family to attack, but...he kept the last bit of consciousness, he couldn't do that.

At this moment, he seemed to have a telepathic connection with Master Xu, and he sighed in his heart, you...should be as painful as I am now? Especially, you are still watching this moment so closely...

There was a moment of silence on the battlefield. The endless black tide split them into pieces of white, and they looked up at the sky in shock. But when they lowered their heads, the blood in their eyes was even more bloody than the blood.

"Kill..." An old man covered in blood, with about a thousand people beside him, who was already alone, burst into a murderous aura, trembling with the sword in his hand to point at the countless Zhenwu world monks surrounding them, choking and saying: "Revenge for... the real person..."

"Kill them all!!" This self-explosion completely aroused the last wildness of the earth monks. A woman, riding a double-winged tiger, with blood stains on her camouflage uniform and multiple injuries on her body, could not stand up at this moment. After seeing the red spider lily, her eyes were full of tears, and she stood up again tremblingly with the sword.

No strength, but will. "Die for the country!" "Those who retreat will be killed!!!" "Never let these bastards cross the Bohai Bay!" "Hebei Qin family, you can still fight! Who dares to fight!" "Liaodong Yelu family, who will die under my sword!" "The real person is not afraid, why should we be afraid!!"

The bloody dark flags were raised again. Xu Yangyi did not look back, so... he could not see that now the Bohai Bay was almost all black, and there was very little white.

It was a dead black, a suffocating black.

And at this moment, most of the black unconsciously took a step back.

When people burst out with the final will to fight, everyone is Zhao Zilong who can fight ten people with one.

The next second, the entire Bohai Bay exploded with the brilliance of countless monks.

Self-destruct, self-destruct, and self-destruct!

Almost all the remaining monks, those who felt that they could not survive, those who felt that they could not rush out, and those who felt that they had already physically wielded their swords, all chose to self-destruct.

"Boom!" Thousands of earth monks chose the most decisive method. The Bohai Bay was filled with auras, and the entire heaven and earth aura system collapsed completely.

These sounds reached Xu Yangyi's ears, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

"I am the master of Xuling Cave! I will kill you here!!"

Golden elixir Dzogchen...

However, in Xu Yangyi's eyes, there was no wind or waves. No hatred, no joy.

However, Mistertin in his left hand had transformed into a talisman sword at some point, with thousands of auras lingering on it.

A sword.

"Brush..." With one ultimate sword blow, Mistertin was unsealed. Countless spiritual energy burst out from the sword, and thousands of divine shadows flew into the air in Odin's blessing.

The sky was cut and the sea was split. It is indescribable that this sword contains more than just the wrath of Odin's God King. Xu Yangyi also had the intention of killing him.

At this moment, I want to kill someone.

The voice of the Master of Xuling Cave suddenly stopped. Xu Yangyi did not even look at him and flew past silently. There was still the last group of troops in front of him. Those shining golden sect-protecting Taoist soldiers in the sky could not catch up. The last group... was all heavy armor, holding hands. The foundation-building Dzogchen troops of the spear.

Just after he rushed out dozens of meters, the figure of the Void Spirit Cave Master suddenly exploded, and blood splashed all over the sky.

Kill the master of Xuling Cave with one sword.

Mistertin let out a cry, turned into a talisman and fell into deep sleep. Xu Yangyi did not feel sad that he would not be able to use Mistertin in the next few decades of fighting. He only knew that the sword strike just now was not going to cut him off. He might as well die.

"I've avenged you." He said this softly, took a deep breath, and rushed towards the tens of thousands of monks ahead.

"Formation! Formation!!" With a loud shout, the heavy-armored guards erupted into a golden light. The golden light condensed into a 10,000-meter light tiger in the sky, and roared at Xu Yangyi. However, what greeted them was a huge earthquake that shook the mountains and the earth. drink.

"Anyone who stops me will die!!!"

The sound was like thunder, and in conjunction with the flowers of the other side gradually dissipating behind them, the hearts of all the monks in the Zhenwu world were shocked, and the tips of their spears actually trembled.

"You are looking for death!!" There was thunder in the sky. The master of the Qiankun Sect finally returned, with murderous intent on his face. Countless spiritual lights formed a sky-high sword, which was more than three thousand meters long and stabbed Xu Yangyi in the head. .

"It's because of you..." Xu Yangyi's body was like electricity, and his right hand was full of black light. He murmured: "A fellow Taoist who just broke through died in battle."

"You... deserve to die."

Fish intestines, unblocked!

In the sky, Yunfen, who was still five thousand meters down, suddenly stopped and looked down in disbelief.

The space is blocked...

An unspeakable terrifying murderous aura surrounds the source within four to five kilometers below...

It's that sword.

"Two super-grade spiritual treasures?! And they are ancient spiritual treasures? He chose to unblock them?!"

Suddenly, he felt a sense of joy in his heart. When he saw the master of Xuling Cave killed on the spot, he thought that the other party had put all his efforts into it. Only now did he realize that he was actually lucky.

Another sword strike.

Like a glimpse of light, an antelope hangs its horns.

There are no traces and nowhere to be found.

An ordinary sword, a brilliant sword, and a sword of enlightenment.

"Pounce!!" A blood mark appeared on Qiankun Sect Master's forehead, blood spurted three feet high, and he fell down after looking up.

Not even a last word.

"Boom!!!" "Boom!!!" At this moment, two Bana flowers exploded at the same time, making the Bohai Bay transparent.

The petals stretched out, the dazzling beauty, and the eternity of the moment made everyone look at it.

The three golden elixirs... fell within ten minutes.

Just when everyone was momentarily lost in this fleeting beauty, a black beam of light shot straight into the sky!

When General Luo saw it, he was about to turn around and shout for attack, but found that the five people behind him were nowhere to be seen.

"I... If I don't cut you to pieces today, it will be difficult to understand the hatred in my heart!!" There was a loud roar in the entire battlefield, and a majestic voice descended angrily, and then, there was a sound with a hint of Nascent Soul power. The overwhelming spiritual power crazily filled the entire venue for seven thousand meters, and thunder rolled in the sky. Yun Fenzhen's seven apertures exploded with thunder and lightning, and he controlled the wind and clouds with both hands. The sky turned into darkness at this moment, and he slowly descended like a thunder god. He stood firmly in front of Xu Yangyi.

Two of the Seven Cave Heaven Sect Leaders were killed... Bohai was already within easy reach, but they let the other party kill them here... Such a shame... Such a shame!

" I don't kill you in my hand, Yunfen Dongtian will be removed from your name!!"

"Master of Yuanyang Cave! Master of Qiankun Cave! Master of Luofu Cave! What are you waiting for! Kill this beast here and its corpse will hang for thousands of years!"

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