
Chapter 805: Battle of Bohai Sea (XI)

Four figures surrounded Xu Yangyi, who was alone, and there were tens of thousands of Zhenwu Realm cultivators around him.

"You don't have the option of surrendering." Yunfen Zhenren stood in the endless lightning, staring at Xu Yangyi: "But, killing the two masters of the top ten cave heavens in my Zhenwu Realm, you... it's not that easy to die."

"Do you think you can overturn the battlefield before you rush to the Jade Girl Lotus Platform?" Fairy Lingbo couldn't ask the other party to surrender at this moment, and said coldly: "I'll give you the last consolation before you die, and give you time to look back."

Xu Yangyi didn't speak.

Is this the end?

Have I... or overestimated myself?

The gap in the light shield has exceeded a thousand meters. Once the Zhenwu Realm army annihilates the remaining earth cultivators, it will rush in. In front of him, there are three late-stage cultivators, a virtual infant, and tens of thousands of cultivators' magic arrays.

The black tide converged into a cloud cave, and he was in the center of the cloud cave.

But... he was unwilling.

Fuyun sacrificed his life for this, and countless monks fought one after another, but this is the result?

Is the gate of Bohai still going to be broken?

No... I... I still have one last trick...

Although I may sleep for more than ten years after this trick, but... Bohai cannot be broken, at least not now.

He looked back.

The white was already very few, too many, and everything in sight was the black of the Zhenwu Realm. The advantage of numbers, not too far behind the realm, and the superior magic weapon, in exchange for the imbalance of the situation after the full-scale war. The opponent can use three for one, or even four for one, while the cultivators on Earth will die one by one.

A lot of spiritual light has disappeared, and only in many places there are still not too powerful spiritual lights breaking through the sky, which are the cultivators on Earth who are still fighting desperately. The twelve zodiac signs of the Seven Killing Base burst out with beams of light that tore the sea surface, but they were all resisted by the golden spiritual light shields formed by countless monks, but the opponent could not advance any further.

Persistence under fierce firepower, from the beginning of the shouting and killing to now only twelve magic weapons roaring throughout the Bohai Bay, everyone can see that the fall of the Bohai base is just a matter of time.

Xu Yangyi quietly calculated the time, which was exactly six hours.

"Do you feel... that you have the intention to kill the thief, but you are powerless to save the situation?" He said lightly without turning his head.

"No." Luofu Cave Master said calmly: "It's just the law of the jungle. The word thief, I think it's not appropriate. But..."

He looked at Xu Yangyi coldly: "Are you still in the mood to care about this?"

"Of course." Xu Yangyi finally turned his head: "Because... you will soon see the true foundation of the Bohai base."

Before the voice fell, five golden lights shone in the sky.

In the center, there was a group of men in long gowns, wearing Confucian scarves, holding an ancient book in their hands, with a total of 20,000 to 30,000 people! And... all of them are above the middle stage of foundation building!

Not only that, the spiritual energy on them is different from that of cultivators. It is a kind of... very vast and majestic breath, as if evil cannot invade.


No need to say more, the old man standing in front waved his hand, and tens of thousands of monks rushed out like a tide, and the new force joined!

"This is the Confucius family, which is quite close to Bohai. They don't cultivate spiritual energy, but righteousness. Haven't you seen it?" Xu Yangyi smiled at several real people with narrowed eyes: "Don't worry, there are more."

As soon as the voice fell, the four flags were erected.

"Cui", "Cui", "Lu", "Li" Under each flag, there were monks wearing luxurious and exquisite heavy armor and holding Fang Tian Huaji.

"Shua La La..." The flags flew, like a burst of heart stimulants hitting the battlefield. The equipment, spiritual energy, and military appearance of these monks made the Zhenwu world look at them sideways.

Just one look, you can recognize that this is the real elite, even the elite among the elite.

There are no words, the sound of the border is rising from all directions, and the long smoke and sunset are closed in the lonely city. The suppressed fighting spirit erupted like a volcano. There is no shouting to kill, and the language is pale compared to the action. The long snake formation was like a golden coastline, rushing forward with cold killing to the black tide.

"Boom boom" The sky was humming with the heavy killing intent. The cold air spread through the golden watch, and the cold light shone on the iron armor. Ten thousand beasts ran together, and the world was silent. At this moment, it was extremely cold and extremely hot.

I don't know if the killing aura was too strong and the killing intent was too cruel, but there was a half-second of silence at this moment. But then, with the shout of the Lord of Yunfen Cave: "Meet the enemy!!!"

"Swish!" The overwhelming Zhenwu army quickly dispersed, like a 100,000-meter black tide, opening the huge mouth of the god of death, waiting for the opponent to attack.

This is the last battle.

The Zhenwu Realm dispatched a million foundation-building troops, 800,000 cultivators in the seven caves, and now there are 1.2 million left, and more than 500,000 cultivators on Earth... At this moment, there are less than 30,000.

1.2 million compared to the newly joined 120,000, they have no reason to worry!

Even if they can only fight the most brutal hand-to-hand combat now, they don't believe that the earth cultivators can fight ten with one, otherwise they have no reason to lose.

"Leave him to me." The master of Yunfen Cave pointed his long sword at Xu Yangyi and said coldly: "Fifty thousand cultivators, set up the Zhenwu Samsara Formation. Wolf Poison... This real person admits that you are very strong, and you can even be on par with me. It is incredible that you can do this in the late stage, but... Zhenwu Samsara Formation, plus this real person is the center of the formation, you... can't get out."

"I will not let you die a good death. I will let you watch the Bohai base you protect be destroyed, watch the people you protect beheaded one by one under my knife, and suffer in endless regret and hatred. And die."

"Shu Lala..." His words were like a switch. The monks around Xu Yangyi all left, and in the sky, tens of thousands of golden spiritual soldiers finally landed. The moment they stood still, Xu Yangyi felt that he was being locked in from all directions.

Streams of spiritual energy spread from the feet of the Yunfen Cave Master, into the bodies of other golden-armored monks, and then spiraled into the air, forming a strange creature that resembled a stone lion on earth.

"Kaka Kaka..." The surrounding space trembled, and countless talismans appeared in this area, separating them from the surroundings, forming a black ball of light tens of thousands of meters away. Swallowing Xu Yangyi and the 50,000 Zhenwu Dao Guard Spirit Soldiers, as well as the sneering Yunfen Cave Master, together.

Just when the blackness swallowed everything, Xu Yangyi took one last longing look at the battlefield. Then he looked at Yunfen Cave Master, who was gradually sealed by darkness in all directions, and looked like the King of Thunder and Lightning, as well as the endless golden ocean around him.

bring it on……

This is the last battle in Bohai.

The strength of the real martial arts world is... very strong, and even Bohai may not be able to stop it. However, I have no regrets and have done my best.

He subconsciously squeezed the two swords in his hands, but found that he felt nothing. Then I remembered that in order to unblock the two swords, they fell asleep again.

The next second, he looked up to the sky and roared, turned into a fiery red bird, and rushed towards the master of Yunfen Cave.

"Boom!!!" Black and white collided together again. The millstone of flesh and blood unfolded again.

One minute...ten minutes...I don't know how long it took, but the horizon was stained with the blood red of the setting sun. Let Bohai Bay become a hell.

One after another, the spiritual light lights up, goes out, or becomes a shooting star, or becomes eternity. The blood on the sea surface is red and clear, clear and red again. The great drama of life and death is unfolding. The setting sun is like blood, the sea is like blood, the sky is like blood, and people are like blood.

A few hours passed before shouting to the sky, auras bursting out, and then everything calmed down and everything was completely silent.

Just after the entire battlefield was silent for more than ten minutes, the black ball tens of thousands of meters in the sky collapsed like a castle on the beach. Layers of black runes faded away like a tide. One of the figures filled with thunder groaned, his eyes full of fear. Fly out upside down.

There was a horrific scar, from his left shoulder to his right hip, filled with vermilion flames. He tried his best to heal the wound.

The black runes faded away as before, revealing their true appearance, as if they had been ravaged by demons. Of the 50,000 spiritual soldiers protecting the path, there were now less than 5,000 left! They all held a mahogany sword in their hands. They were all injured and breathing heavily. Their blood-red eyes seemed to want to devour the man in front of them, but no one dared to step forward.

All around them were corpses, and the space was extremely unstable. It was as if there had just been a humanoid beast rushing left and right in it. The kilometers-long scratches and the densely poisonous spiritual energy made this place almost an extremity.

"Fellow Taoist?" Fairy Lingbo, Master of Luofu Cave, and Master of Yuanyang Cave gasped. Master Yun Fen immediately stabilized his figure and looked up to the sky, laughing wildly.

"Master Yunfen Cave killed the wolf poison in Bohai Bay! It's a big revelation today!"

"It's nothing more than that, and that's nothing more than that for you! Hahahaha!"

Everyone looked over immediately.

In the center of the black ball, layers of golden figures left, and a figure covered in blood, with no other color visible, stood there.

His shoulder blades, thighs, lower abdomen, vest, arms... are all filled with various spiritual weapons, with talismans from the Zhenwu world permeating them, his breathing is almost inaudible, and horrific scars permeate the air. whole body.

However, he did not fall.

Still standing, like a demon in the sunset. Fairy Lingbo narrowed her eyes: "Dead?"

"Why don't you see the flowers blooming on the other side?"

"Not even close. He still has the strength to bite me to death." Master Yunfen said with a faint smile. He took the silk scarf handed over by one of his subordinates and was about to wipe his bloodless hands easily and casually. But suddenly his eyes bulged out, several horrific scars suddenly appeared on his body, and blood poured down like rain.

"Cough, cough, cough!" He coughed desperately, and blood spurted out of his mouth. His eyes were like those of a corpse-eating vulture, looking at Xu Yangyi with an extremely sinister look.

Several other real people were stunned.

Xu Ying Realm... 50,000 Dao Protecting Spirit Soldiers - Just like the Five Surnames Qiwang, the Dao Protecting Spirit Soldiers are one of the absolute foundations of the Seven Cave Heavens! There are hundreds of thousands of people in each cave, and there may even be less than 10,000 spiritual soldiers protecting the way! At least in the later stage of foundation building! In this case, Wolfsbane actually seriously injured the Yunfen Cave Master in the Xu Ying realm?

Xu Yangyi's eyes, which were as bloody as a human being, finally moved slightly. It seems to have a touch of satisfaction and a touch of regret.

He tried his best, and finally moved his lips slightly, and said intermittently: "Elixir can be polished but its color cannot be taken away, orchids can be burnt but its beauty cannot be destroyed..."

"Jade can be broken but its whiteness cannot be changed; gold can be sold but its hardness cannot be changed."

"You...are nothing more than that."

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Ah... I will finish this paragraph tomorrow. My eyes were slightly red a few times while I was writing. I don’t know if readers feel this way, but I am a little touched anyway.

Am I a sentimental person?

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