
Chapter 806: Battle of Bohai Sea (End)

"But you are the loser." The Lord of Yunfen Cave covered his mouth with a red towel and sneered: "I am still alive and can fight. And you? You can only fall into the sea and be eaten by the fish in the sea. Become a pool of rotten meat."

"Integrity? What's the use? On the battlefield, only victory and defeat are judged. If you lose, you have to kneel down and speak. The loser... cough cough... has no right to stand."

He shook his fingers lightly, and his sword came out and fell into the hands of a spiritual soldier who protected the way: "Go... cut off his limbs for me, make him a human pig, cut off his tongue, gouge out his eyes, and send him to the imperial capital."

"I want to let all the people in the world of no return know... the consequences of not surrendering."

"Whoever dares not kneel, I will break his legs!"

Xu Yangyi did not speak.

He knew his current situation very well. He could not fight anymore... Even if he closed his five senses, his hands and legs could not move now. The tendons and veins in these two places were all broken. After this battle, he would have to lie down for at least several years.

His five internal organs must have been injured. Now, every breath he took was filled with blood foam, and his spiritual energy could hardly flow. If it weren't for his will, he would have fallen down long ago because his eyelids were as heavy as a mountain.

He didn't want to fall asleep.

He wanted to see if he, Fuyun, and the base where hundreds of thousands of people fought hard were saved.

He would not be willing not to take a look.

He slowly raised his head, which seemed to weigh more than a thousand pounds. He gasped, and blood flowed out of his wounds. He turned his head mechanically and looked at the Qisha Base under the bloody sunset.

Then he laughed bitterly silently.

Everywhere he looked, there were the flags of Zhenwu. After a bloody battle, there were only about 400,000 people left in the Zhenwu world, and the white... had disappeared. Even the troops of the Confucius family and the five surnames and seven families could not stop the iron hoofs like locusts.

The wind rolled up the flags, rustling, and reflected in the sunset, pulling out the black and red dead silence, as if making the last mockery of him, the defeated general.

The Qisha base was surrounded by more than 200,000 black monks, but they did not attack it, as if, as Yunfen Dongtian said, he wanted him to witness the destruction of everything he worked hard for.


He looked up at the sky, the golden lotus was still beating, and the gap in Bohai's defense circle had spread to more than 10,000 meters. The sea was covered with corpses, the bloody ocean was endless, and the sunset in the sky had a bloody smell, which was consistent with the scene.

"Can't you hear?" Yunfen Zhenren looked at the monk who was shaking with the sword, and said coldly: "Why don't you do what I said!"

"Why?" Lingbo Fairy slowly hooked her finger, and the long sword in the monk's hand flew in front of her, and then flicked her finger and shot into the void in front of Xu Yangyi: "This is an inevitable result, why do you struggle?"

I don't want to live on my knees.

Xu Yangyi wanted to say this, but his lips were cracked, and he had no strength to speak. He could only sneer silently.

Fairy Lingbo said calmly: "Fellow Daoist Yunfen, a man can be killed but not humiliated. I respect him as a hero."

She turned her head and looked at Xu Yangyi: "Cut your own throat."

"Leave your body intact."

Xu Yangyi's eyes slowly swept from the sword, and then looked around. There was no warmth, no familiarity, only black coldness, cold to loneliness. The sadness of thinking about the vastness of the world and shedding tears alone suddenly attacked his heart for no reason.

The sky is still the same sky, but the people are not the same people. The Earth Alliance, which had shared the same hatred and enemies before, turned into ashes in a whole day of fighting. Now... will the territory also become the other side?

"Is the victory or defeat determined?" He suddenly gathered a force and whispered: "Enough..."

"Yes, enough killing. If you surrendered earlier, why would you have come to this day?" The Lord of Yunfen Cave sneered.

"No." Xu Yangyi looked at him with a bloodthirsty face: "I mean... finally reached this number..."

"Enough for me to kill..."

"If it's not the last step... I really don't want to use this trick..."

Before he finished speaking, a black light burst out from his body, and an ancient demon-like aura descended! In the shocked eyes of countless people in the Zhenwu Realm, an overwhelming shadow covered the entire Bohai Sea Circle!

In his chest, an ancient breath, extremely sacred and majestic, rushed out with a killing spree, as if killing a god. A series of dark lights waved in the air like a demon's hand. All the cultivators in the Zhenwu Realm were stunned at everything in front of them, and also looked at the figure that appeared in the black light...covering the sky and the sun.

"I don't want to use this trick."

"After using it, I will fall into a deep sleep for a long time and will no longer be able to participate in the Ten Thousand Worlds War. This war cannot be without me. My role in being awake is far greater than winning this war. But..."

Xu Yangyi's voice rolled through the air like thunder: "Since I used it... then you will be buried with the Seven Killings Base."

At the same time, in the Imperial Capital, Shenyang, Jinan, Magic City... almost all the important cities in China, harsh dripping sounds appeared on the detection screen.

"The Bohai Seven Killings Base was breached... No one survived... Repeat, the Bohai Seven Killings Base was breached, and no one survived..."

At the southern gate, Xuanyuan Sword Master listened to all this in a daze. Around him, there were also mountains of corpses and seas of blood. However, his base was preserved, and above, the two caves with smoke were slowly rising and leaving. There were also countless crow-like True Martial Realm cultivators surrounding them.

"He... lost?" He looked to the east in disbelief.

How could it be?

That cultivator who was so powerful that he dared not even think about it, actually lost?

No one survived... He... didn't survive?

In the west, there were broken tiles and ruins, and the same seven caves. The cultivators of the Zhenwu Realm, who were as dense as ants on the ground, gave a shocking cheer!

In the imperial capital, above the practice court, Tianzai Zhenren quietly raised his head and sighed: "Thirty years of fame and honor are dust and soil, eight thousand miles of road are clouds and moon... You have lived a good life... My friend, go well..."

In Qingcheng Mountain, Xu Fangyuan stood up suddenly, and then sat down holding the hilt of the sword in disbelief.

He did not speak, but his hands were shaking badly.

The only relative...

How many more lives will this war devour?

The whole country was a little silent. The Jindan Zhenren of a million spirits fell under the joint attack of the seven caves of the Zhenwu Realm, and even the Bohai Base was not saved. This is a heavy blow to the whole of China.

But... at this moment, all the instruments in the highest monitoring department of the imperial capital suddenly screamed like crazy!

"Alarm! Alarm!"

"A giant demon appeared in Bohai Bay, its size... cannot be estimated... its spiritual power... is more than two million!"

In Zhongnanhai, the politicians who had been silent just now were shocked, and then Chairman Gao immediately said: "Mobilize surveillance immediately!"

A set of pictures appeared in front of them. The entire Bohai Bay... has seen a giant Fusang tree that can be said to have created the world!

The wolf poison body!

Silence, I don't know how many seconds passed, the Prime Minister stood up, his eyes were like fire, but his voice was shaking: "The Bohai base has not been lost..."

"Not lost yet! He hasn't lost yet!"

"Quick! Send reinforcements immediately! The Qisha base can still be saved!!"

In Bohai Bay, all the cultivators of the Zhenwu Realm were stunned.

That kind of spiritual power like a demon god descending to the world...

That size that touches the sky and the earth...

That...the extremely ominous and murderous spiritual power that permeates the entire Bohai Bay...

Everyone looked at Master Yunfen, and he was also stunned.

How could this happen...

Clearly...Clearly, the seven strongest caves in the Zhenwu Realm have joined forces to break through the most difficult defense of the Bohai Bay, why...would such a thing appear?

"This...this monster..." Every nerve in his body was reminding him to leave! Leave! Leave immediately! This monster is very dangerous! You must not fight it!

But...he couldn't move!

The shock was too strong, it was like a world tree, making them unable to move at all.

"Swish..." The sea breeze blew through the branches of the wolfsbane that were illuminated by the setting sun, and at this moment, a branch swept over like lightning!

"Boom!" In shock, the transmission of sound seemed to slow down. All the Zhenwu Realm cultivators looked at it in astonishment. The only remaining 5,000 spiritual soldiers who protected the way had turned into meteors in the sky, and they were meteors that split into countless pieces.

There was only a blank space.

"Shh..." The Zhenwu Realm cultivators in the front row took a step back silently, and they could hardly feel their own breathing. This is beyond imagination... Such a thing actually appeared... This... This setting is too fantastic!

"Retreat..." Yunfen Zhenren finally recovered and gave the order without hesitation, turning back and shouting: "Retreat! Retreat to the moon immediately! Return to the real body of the Zhenwu Realm!!!!"

But it was too late.

Since the real body was revealed, Xu Yangyi had no intention of letting anyone here go!

Fuyun's death, the death of hundreds of thousands of earth cultivators, they must pay with blood!

Even if I can no longer participate in the war, I must kill them all!

"Swish, swish, swish!" Countless branches danced wildly, and the space was torn apart wherever they passed, revealing ugly cracks. All the Zhenwu Realm cultivators who were touched were turned into powder. A surging sea tide rose on the sea, and Bohai finally ushered in the final slaughter.

"Boom!" Several real people watched thousands of troops being swept away, and Yunfen Zhenren's soul was surging. He cried out in surprise and turned into a stream of light and flew upwards.

"Nascent Soul... This is a power that is infinitely close to that of Nascent Soul!"

"He... Actually has this kind of monster sealed inside his body!!"

"Run! Leave here! Be sure to report to the main world, this kid can't stay!"

However, at this moment, a smile suddenly came from the sky: "This kid is not bad."

As soon as the voice fell, the white clouds in the light sky dispersed, and a white spirit hand, about a few dozen meters in size, seemed to be slow but actually fast, and gently scooped towards the body of the wolf poison.

"Swish..." Infinite ripples appeared in the sky in an instant. Although it didn't touch the wolf poison, the whole wolf poison emitted a wave.

"This is..." In the wolf poison, Xu Yangyi's will suddenly woke up, and he looked at the sky in amazement.


Extremely strong!

Even above Xiao Qing! At least on par!

Taixu Realm...

Xu Kunlun Taixu Realm Great Monk took action! Sure enough... Sure enough, there was a Xu Kunlun super sect watching.

But...why? Why didn't you take action when the two sides were so tragic before, but now I want to kill the entire Zhenwu world, and you take action? !

Are you playing tricks on us!

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