
Chapter 807: Killing one is a sin, but killing ten thousand is a hero

"Get out..." He couldn't make a sound. Wolfbane swung with all his strength, and a branch shot out from the sky and suddenly hit Ling Guang's big hand. With a "pop" sound, the hand collapsed layer by layer.

In the sky, there was an unhappy snort: "I don't know what is good or bad."

"I have traveled through the planes for thousands of years, and I have never seen anyone who dared to attack me."

"Little guy, you rejected Xiahou's kindness. I hope you won't regret it. My kindness is only for this once."

"Shu La La..." The layers of clouds in the sky were closed, and Xia Hou's voice was no longer heard.

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips.


In the Tower of Babel... is the master of Yin Jiu really in the Taixu realm...

Which of the three middle realms is this? With a gentle pull, it seems like he is about to uproot himself?

But, his heart is not on this.

In all directions, the monks in the real martial arts world fled in unison with the birds and beasts. He glanced at everyone with cold eyes. Finally, it settled on Zhenren Yunfen.

He is the commander-in-chief of this battle...

Then, he must die.

"Boom!!!!" While hundreds of thousands of Zhenwu cultivators were running away frantically, Master Yunfen felt a spiritual consciousness full of murderous intent fall on him. He gritted his teeth and rushed towards the Yunfen Cave sky above with all his strength.

There, the Yunfen Cave Sky has been filled with infinite glow. As soon as he goes up, he will immediately start the plane transfer and return to the true martial arts world.

However, right now.

Suddenly there was a roaring sound on the sea, and the endless tide was lifted into the sky, like a heavy rain.

Then, countless walls of thorns suddenly rushed out from the bottom of the sea, like the root system of wolfsbane, covering an unknown area of ​​tens of thousands of meters! Almost the entire Bohai Bay is included!

Fairy Lingbo only glanced at it, and in an instant she was so frightened that she screamed: "Field!!!"

Then it turned into a stream of light, and even activated some kind of secret technique. It moved faster and rushed toward the cave sky with blood.

"Shu Lala..." They couldn't break out at all. This time the wall of thorns was different from the last time. It didn't have an end. Instead, it rose up in the wind and covered the entire sky! Forming an endless ball of thorns on the Bohai Sea!

All the monks in the true martial arts world are wrapped in it without exception.

"You are looking for death!!" There is no way to heaven and no way to the earth. Master Yunfen is completely jealous and will not give him a way to live?

Then let's fight to the death!

"Young men..." He was in mid-air, his hands joined and pulled, and a thunder sword appeared in his hands, pointing obliquely at Wolfsbane's body: "Give me... a blood sacrifice for it!!!"

There is no escape.

No matter how great the fear was, all the monks in the True Martial World had to fight at this moment. With waves of earth-shaking roars, the black figure rushed over like a tired bird returning to the forest.

It's a pity that they don't know the horror of Wolfsbane Realm.

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes.

In my mind, the scenes of the bloody battle for more than ten hours were so clear.

The clearer it is, the more murderous intention is in the heart.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and said in a calm voice: "The killing begins now."

This day is a taboo day.

How many people died is unknown. The Bohai Sea is not the area with the highest number of deaths. But... in the statistics after the end of the World War, the death toll in the first battle ranked third.

First, Jerusalem, second, Vatican City, third, Bohai Sea.

Bohai...there is only one survivor.

"No one knows what happened in the Ball of Thorns. True Monarch Wolfsbane never mentioned it until he ascended. But we can see the result, that is, the Zhenwu Realm army that attacked Bohai was all wiped out. Only seven caves were left to escape. . All the enemy cultivators from the Zhenwu Realm who participated in the Battle of Bohai were all killed, and the Ball of Thorns was closed for five years." - Earth Memo: The War of All Realms.

Yes, no one knows. Even Xu Yangyi didn't know.

The moment the first drop of blood spattered, a patch of red blood flowed before his eyes.

The broken body was forced to be completely demonized, which brought too much burden. Allowing the wild murderous intention in his heart has almost become an obsession. If he does not kill all the Zhenwu cultivators in Bohai Bay, he will feel sorry for Fuyun who blew himself up for himself, and even more sorry for the Seven Kills Base that tried its best to cover him.

Sorry, I was a little late in the end. But I will send your enemies down to be with you.

"Beep, beep, beep..." The numbers on China's countless light curtains were beating rapidly. At the headquarters of the Hidden Dragon Base in the imperial capital, several lieutenant generals looked at the wildly beating index in astonishment and looked at each other.

"What happened to Bohai?" A lieutenant general took a deep breath and shook his head: "In the Zhenwu world...the number of monks has dropped sharply...Xu Zhenren's spiritual energy has completely disappeared..."

No one knows.

Countless satellites looked towards the Bohai Sea, but nothing could be seen except that huge sphere.

Attention to the Bohai Sea has declined over time. It's not that they don't care, but that they can't care. The whole earth is surrounded by war. There is simply no way to invest more energy in the Bohai Sea.


A sweet dream.

Xu Yangyi dreamed a lot. From the beginning of practice, to coming out of Danxia Palace by accident, to entering the Small Thousand Worlds, the Tower of Babel, until today.

One person and one thing are played back like a revolving door, with incomparable clarity.

He could feel that he was still alive. The wolf poison had shrunk all its branches and leaves, erected thorns, and was full of spiritual energy, blocking all probing eyes. Even Tianzai Zhenren could not peek.

He didn't know how long he had slept. But the fish in the sea could see that day by day, they all avoided this place.

Just above them, a yellow dragon was lingering, slowly responding to something. In the few spiritual wisdoms of fish, this place could not be approached.

Day after day, year after year. I don't know how long it had passed, Xu Yangyi finally opened his eyes.

In front of him was a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

The sea water was red, but not the kind of thorough red. It was fused with a kind of black air, and he knew that it should be his own poisonous spiritual energy. Because the sea was not only covered with corpses, but also countless swimming fish.

He had seen the magnificent scene of the Sky Burial Festival, but now... it was even more terrifying than the Sky Burial Festival.

The bodies of the True Martial Realm cultivators covered the sea, and they died with their eyes open. They couldn't imagine why it was such a turn in the end when they had clearly broken through the barrier.

His mind was very clear, and he slightly mobilized his spiritual power. The whole wolf poison burst out with a hazy black light and completely shrank into his body. He looked at his hand in astonishment.

Spiritual power... Golden elixir is perfect!

"Life and Death Dragon Pill?" He sensed it, and it was true. The Life and Death Dragon Pill in his body disappeared. When he was about to die, the Life and Death Dragon Pill would be activated. Once he got through this disaster, he would definitely be promoted to a small realm.

He was still a little unsure. This pill formula came from the wolf poison inheritance. He had never tested the effect. The method was very complicated, and he only refined three pills. But... is there really such a mysterious pill, which can achieve enlightenment between life and death and break through the joints?

He flicked his finger lightly, and a black spiritual light went straight into the sea below. There was a low and loud "boom". This casual finger actually sank into the sea for 5,000 meters!

Beyond his previous range of 3,000 meters!

At this moment, he felt that he had only stepped into the door of the alchemy.

The four realms of monarch, minister, assistant and messenger are just the initial barriers. The Emperor Spirit Yuankong that comes after that may be the real challenge.

But now is not the time to think about these things.

He looked around. He was completely transformed last time and slept for too long. How long has it been this time? But why... these corpses are intact?

Just when he was puzzled, a voice suddenly rang out: "Dad, you finally woke up."

A misty little butterfly flew in front of him: "Dad, you seem to be powerful again."

Xu Yangyi smiled and touched the other party. In any case, it is always good to see familiar things when you wake up.

Suddenly, an idea popped up in his mind, and he flicked the phantom: "Did you do this?"

The phantom nodded desperately and flew around him happily for several circles: "I just feel that Dad wants to see these things. Did I do it right?"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he hid the murderous intent in his eyes for the Zhenwu Realm, and flicked out a pill: "Yes. I like it very much."

The phantom happily flew back to Dantian holding the pill. Strangely enough, since the last promotion, Huanling has no signs of promotion. And the opponent's illusion has almost no effect on the Jindan stage. Jindan Zhenren's spiritual power is subtle, and this kind of crude illusion can't fool him. Xu Yangyi has gradually given up the possibility that he can develop into a monster of the same level as Nanhua Butterfly Mother, and only regards him as a... um... son? Daughter? Tenant?

Concentrating his mood, his eyes swept over the corpses. Until he finally stopped at a certain place.

Yunfen Zhenren.

He didn't know when he died. There was a blood mark on his neck, and his old hand held a sharp sword, facing up to the sky, sinking and floating in the sea of ​​blood, his eyes wide open, as if he couldn't believe that the battle with a sure victory and all the troops of the seven caves was actually like this.

As his eyes swept over, the corpses turned into spiritual light and disappeared. This was Huanling's illusion, which fixed everything in the state of the year, and now, he has seen it, and it is no longer needed.

The blood color on the sea surface faded, revealing ripples. He took a deep breath and was about to make the thorn ball disappear, but his raised hand suddenly paused.

Is the Ten Thousand Worlds War over?

I don't know... The Ten Thousand Worlds War lasted for more than a hundred years, and it is very likely that it has not ended yet.

So... who has the upper hand? Has the earth been conquered?

It shouldn't be, otherwise there must be countless Zhenwu world monks around him on guard. However, the surrounding sea surface is as calm as a wash.

Then... the imperial capital... the place where he guarded in the past, is it still there?

Is it the calm that has been conquered, or the calm that the main battlefield has shifted?

He can no longer think about it. He sank into the sea, wrapped in spiritual energy, and rushed towards Shandong. This is to prevent himself from being discovered as soon as the imperial capital falls.

"I'm coming..." His eyes gradually changed from calm to hot. Perhaps for others, it has been unknown how many years, but for him, it was just a scene ten minutes ago.

I can't forget the bloody battle in Bohai, the countless monks who died in Bohai, and Fuyun's thrilling self-explosion at the end.

"Our accounts...are only beginning to be settled now!"

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