
Chapter 808: Crisis

In the unknown distance of the universe, in the vast sea of ​​meteorite belts, a huge shadow was moving rapidly, and all the meteorite belts were destroyed instantly wherever it passed.

It was a small planet, about the same size as the moon. Because of its high speed, it caused slight sparks around it, but... there was a desert on this planet, without any creatures, and no green or blue water. Instead, the whole body was concave and convex from time to time, like a moving monster.

"Swish..." A huge eye suddenly opened in the planet, and a voice like a god slowly said: "After five years... it appeared again..."

"This high-quality spiritual energy has shaken my mind. I have a hunch... Once I can swallow it, I will definitely rise to a higher level..."

"Enough... Really enough... I have stayed on the edge of this backward Xingzhou for a long time. It's time to find an opportunity to leave here..."

No one knows everything in the universe, because the huge planet has not even seen the shadow of the solar system. And the current situation of the earth, even if it is detected, it is estimated that there is no time to deal with it.

"Fellow compatriots, whether you are old or young, poor or rich. As long as you are an Earthling, please join the Earth Alliance Army at this moment and contribute to the fight against the Zhenwu Realm."

"This is China, one of the four ancient countries of cultivation. The Magic City fell two years ago. In February this year, Jiashan, Pinghu, Kunshan, and Taicang were all under the control of the Zhenwu Realm. Now, the only one who can resist is our Taihu Operations Base, with the two major cities of Suzhou and Hangzhou as the corners. Although we do not have the equipment like the East China Sea Base in the past, and do not have such a strong military force, we still hope that people who do not want to be slaves will stand up again. Contact information and recruitment address..."

Xu Yangyi listened to all this quietly. He now looks like a middle-aged man wearing camouflage, but the atmosphere of being battle-hardened still makes people around him look at him sideways.

The reason why he said people around him is because he is now sitting in a large restaurant-all small restaurants have been merged, and they are fully supplied, and they are also the first to supply military meals. It can be said to be a restaurant, or a canteen for the army.

This is Suzhou City, once an international garden city, but now... it is full of gunpowder. In order to break out, the Zhenwu Realm sent several major caves to attack together. Once this place is broken, the entire surface of the Yangtze River can be upstream.

The Magic City fell a few years ago, and it is now one of the old nests of the Zhenwu Realm. The first-ranked Langya Cave Heaven, the newly promoted sixth cave Longmian Cave Heaven, the newly promoted twelfth cave Chaofeng Cave Heaven, and the Zhenwu Zhuanlun Lingxu Blessed Land, Zhenwu Kaitian Poyun Blessed Land, Zhenwu Lunhui Qianzhen Blessed Land and other six major blessed lands are scattered over the economic center of China.

The former economic center.

From his perspective, Suzhou City is full of tanks, various magic weapons, various monk organizations, and the endless talismans in the city gather to the top, covering the entire Suzhou City defense array. There is no one on the ground, and everyone has moved underground, telling him that the garden city has disappeared, and this is just a front-line base.

Shandong Province had almost completely fallen before Qufu. He went around almost half of the East China Sea before reaching the Magic City. After feeling the extremely powerful spiritual energy above the Magic City, he quietly left.

The Lord of Langya Cave Heaven is Yuanying Zhenjun.

Going south, it took several hours before landing near Fujian Province. It didn't seem to be attacked too violently here, but I heard that Taiwan on the other side no longer exists.

It really no longer exists, wiped out from the map of the earth. It is said that it was attacked by a super-strong attack launched by a star destroyer from the moon. Without the protection of the national defense array, there is only a huge vortex that will never stop.

Walking and looking all the way, he felt very complicated. He would not stay in Fujian, he would go to the front line of the war. So, he returned to Suzhou and Hangzhou.

"Sir." Just when he was wandering in the sky, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears. He turned his head and saw that a tall man with a half-inch shaved head and several female soldiers in camouflage stood beside him at some point.

"Sir, excuse me, are you... a soldier?" The tall man seemed to be not good at speaking, and the female soldier asked straightforwardly.


Xu Yangyi was slightly absent-minded while holding the teacup - drinking tea in a restaurant might be a bit unusual, but what was even more unusual was... there was actually...

The middle-aged man he transformed into did not have many features on his face, but his temperament was like a sharp knife, which made people unable to ignore him, so that no one dared to sit around him. Compared with him, those fresh soldiers who had just joined the army were so immature that they could not be more immature.

He did not speak, and the other few people did not urge him. After dozens of seconds, he finished his recollection and nodded.

"I'm sorry, I saw that you did not bring the logo of our team, and Suzhou City... no other army has entered for about a year." The woman's eyes were refreshing and sharp: "I have just scanned your facial features with a computer, and no one in Suzhou matches. Excuse me, you just appeared out of nowhere."

Is this doubting yourself?

Xu Yangyi put down the teacup with a smile, and then he noticed that there were several cultivators in the Foundation Establishment stage not far away. They were also wearing camouflage, but they had surrounded him unknowingly.

"It's normal to have doubts." He felt a little touched in his heart, but smiled slightly: "The mountain protection formation under the national protection formation has been built in every city. Unless it is broken or the person is from Earth, the Zhenwu Realm cannot enter. But you haven't seen me, right?"

"It's because your aura was not scanned." The tall man spoke in a deep voice. The man transformed by Xu Yangyi only had the cultivation of the initial stage of foundation building. When the man spoke, a late stage of foundation building aura spread faintly, secretly pressuring Xu Yangyi: "The databases of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces do not have your aura. The most important thing is..."

He paused: "You have been here for too long."

Xu Yangyi was stunned.

Then he remembered that he had arrived in Suzhou at five in the morning. The mountain protection formation would never refuse the entry of the first person below the Nascent Soul. I don't know why, I really want to drink a cup of tea, but I can't find a restaurant or teahouse after searching everywhere. Finally, I came here and sat down involuntarily, and it was already half past five in the afternoon.

"So it's because of the war... The public areas have been transformed into magic weapons and offensive weapons." He tapped the table lightly, and after a few seconds he said, "You may not have enough authority. Go first, I'll stay for a while."

The spiritual energy data of Jindan Zhenren is never recorded.

He said it calmly. As a Jindan, he occasionally appeared in the few years when he was always surrounded by people. The demeanor of being above thousands of people is not pretended, but can only be possessed by real command. But he said it easily, and the faces of the other few people changed slightly.

"This may not work." The woman also restrained her smile and secretly winked. Several foundation-building monks behind her slowly walked over: "In the battle, please follow us."

Xu Yangyi smiled. The earth is very alert, which is a good thing. But this smile, in the eyes of others, became a provocation.

"Sir, I advise you to go together." The man said coldly: "I forgot to tell you that I am Deputy Minister Chu of the Logistics Department and one of the elders of Suzhou Hanshanmen. I can't be inadequate in authority."

Xu Yangyi didn't want to cause trouble, and his identity was very sensitive. After thinking for a while, he suddenly said: "Which real person is presiding over the Taihu battle?"

"No comment." Everyone looked even more unfriendly. Even the Xuanyuan Sword Master didn't know that he was presiding here? Who is this?

He didn't care that he couldn't get the answer he wanted. A black light flashed lightly and disappeared suddenly in front of everyone.

The man was calm just now, but he was suddenly startled at this moment. Several women gasped, and even the foundation-building cultivators behind him looked at the place where Xu Yangyi had just sat in shock.

Can't feel...

Can't catch it!

Can't feel the disappearance of the other party's aura, whether it is a precursor or operation, and can't catch the trace of the other party after leaving!

This is at least the great perfection of foundation building!

"Notify them immediately! Pay attention to this person in the whole city!" The man ordered immediately.

Xu Yangyi came to the mid-air and sighed slightly.

The half-day of leisure that Fu Sheng stole ended too quickly. His unique temperament made him as conspicuous as a firefly in the dark among the endless crowd. But... since it's over, then let's start.

Start... join the war completely.

With his own golden elixir great perfection.

However, it is still uncertain how many spies from the Zhenwu world are in the city. He did not release his spiritual energy immediately, but hid very well and flew towards the tallest fortress in the city.

In a few years, Suzhou City has completely changed. What stands on the ground are not skyscrapers, but one after another ground fortresses that look crude and bulky, but are actually very solid. And all the fortresses are surrounded by a building that is hundreds of meters high like a palace.

Just when he flew to 300 meters next to the building in hiding, a piece of spiritual light suddenly burst out, and a circle of three-foot green swords suddenly appeared in the air, surrounding him, and an old voice slowly said: "Who is coming?"

Is it him?

The Demon City fell, and the number one Dongtian Jun came. It must be that the real person on Earth was fighting. He was still worried that the real person sitting in the fortress had only met once, and he didn't believe him and fought. When he heard this voice, he smiled instead: "Daoyou, how are you?"

The next second, a very obvious spiritual fluctuation came out from the fortress, and the sound was so shocking that he forgot the spiritual transmission of the previous sentence.

"It's you?!"

He immediately realized it, and his voice was trembling: "You... are still alive?"

"Otherwise, how did this real person get in?" Xu Yangyi smiled and said: "I just woke up and came to help you. Daoyou, are you going to shut me out?"

"I couldn't ask for it." A burst of laughter sounded in the spiritual consciousness, and the next second, a green light burst out!

Too excited, he didn't hide his figure, and the whole Suzhou could see the blue clouds in the sky.

The ? generation Xuanyuan Sword Master, Wei Chenyuan.

"Greetings to the ancestor!" The Jindan real person who never showed up appeared, and everyone in the fortress half-knelt and shouted.

Wei Chenyuan nodded, and immediately saw Xu Yangyi hiding in the void. He took a deep breath... a burning sensation filled his heart.

He is back...

The man who created that myth back then... He is back again!

He is not dead!

"Follow me." He suppressed his emotions, turned into green light and flew towards Taihu Lake: "I know you have a lot of questions, and I will tell you. It's great that you can come back... "

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