
Chapter 809: The troops approach the ancient city

Xu Yangyi did not show up. His return was secret and he did not want anyone in the Zhenwu community to see it.

Taihu Lake is one of the five largest freshwater lakes in China. However, there are no green trees beside the lake at all, let alone any birds returning to the forest. In addition to the endless steel city wall, there are also countless spiritual weapons and mysterious talismans on it. These walls are a thousand meters high and completely surround Taihu Lake.

There is almost no water, and at least more than 1,800 of the more than 2,300 square kilometers are used as bases. A base where cultivation and technology coexist, standing like a magical city. There are countless planes and boats parked around it, as well as dense crowds of pedestrians and residents, making it like a Venice on the water.

"It seems that the battle situation is very tense." Xu Yangyi glanced over and said in a deep voice.

"Why do you see it?"

"Otherwise, Taihu Lake would not be used as a base. Human beings still have awareness of environmental protection. Unless it is necessary to do so."

Wei Chenyuan didn't speak, and sighed after a long time: "More than nervous..."

"You have been sleeping for so many don't even know what happened...the earth...has become a millstone of flesh and blood, and countless monks and mortals die every day." Wei Chenyuan's eyes flickered and he looked towards Taihu Lake: "These ...They are all residents of the former Magic City. There is an underground city about two hundred meters below the Taihu base. There is also an underground city in Suzhou. Now almost no one lives outside the mountain protection formation. "

As soon as the words fell, the two of them had stopped on a small island. The island was not big, only about two hundred meters in size. Among the strange combination of steel and cultivation, it seemed extremely peaceful. Surrounded by a peach blossom tree, it makes this place feel like a paradise.

Wei Chenyuan did not fly, but walked up step by step. Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he roughly understood why the other party brought him here.

Heroic Spirit Monument.

It's so peaceful here that you almost forget it's still war time. The two of them walked along the cobblestone path to the end, and what appeared in front of them was an extremely large cemetery.

In Western-style cemeteries, it is understandable that land has now become a luxury and there is no way to bury people according to custom anymore.'s very possible that the body won't be found.

"All the monks in the virtual elixir realm are here." Wei Chenyuan sighed with emotion, his voice trembling slightly: "They will probably become the golden elixir in a few decades and continue to protect China, but... a battle... just a demon All died here in one battle."


Xu Yangyi looked at the vast cemetery that was more than 100 meters away and sighed.

"You didn't see that battle. It was definitely not half as weak as your battle in the Bohai Sea... The Beiming Dynasty came in person, the sky was colorfully dyed with auras and artillery fire, and the entire East China Sea was red... Suzhou, Hangzhou, Shandong, and even Fujian, Anhui, and even Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi sent reinforcements..."

"Beiming Dynasty, the Five Great Caves, and the Fifteen Blessed Lands, the Zhenwu Realm dispatched at least one-fifth of the troops at that time, and laid waste to the Demon City with human lives, and then... there was a month-long massacre..."

"No one survived... At the last moment when the Zhenwu Realm took control of the Demon City formation, no one could get out... There were still millions of mortals who had not evacuated, hundreds of thousands of troops, and tens of thousands of monks, all of whom were killed in January. Massacred inside."

Wei Chenyuan spoke slowly, waved his fingers lightly, and small white flowers flew out and turned into a garland in his hands. He respectfully walked to the stone tablet in front and placed it next to it.

Around the Heroic Spirit Monument, there are countless withered garlands, and many have even turned into nutrients and sunk into the soil.

He narrated like a river, and Xu Yangyi listened calmly. He could feel the gentle pain, and the blood hidden under the pain. It was only because it took too long that it was hidden in his heart.

"After you turned into a ball of thorns, in order to clean up the mess in the Bohai Sea, China activated a killing weapon. In the shining sun and stars, it was codenamed 'Star.'" Wei Chenyuan's eyes calmed down, as if there were some fluctuations, but deep in his heart, half of Squatting down and gently placing the wreath: "She pacified the entire Bohai Sea, and all living Zhenwu monks were killed. The seven caves returned to the Zhenwu world. Next..."

He gently flicked the garland, his fingers trembling slightly: "It's a five-year tug-of-war."

"The death toll cannot be counted. The Zhenwu Realm can only come outside the National Protective Formation. However, there are not many places on the earth with the National Protective Formation. So... too many small countries have begun to migrate towards big countries, especially a few The Ancient Cultivation Country is already overcrowded. Fortunately, the Earth’s world-protecting array prevents Zhenwu Realm’s star-destroying weapons from coming to Earth yet.”

Xu Yangyi broke off a peach blossom, bent it with his spiritual power, and weaved his own garland. No emotion or anger could be seen, and he said calmly: "Fortunately?"

"I just said that Taiwan disappeared a few years ago." Wei Chenyuan stood up and sighed. The surrounding peach blossoms and fallen flowers were colorful, which made this cemetery sacred and peaceful: "That... is the first place on earth. The first time I saw the power of the J-Star weapon... I couldn't see anything... only light... and a level 10 tsunami sweeping across the southeastern coast... Then... more than 30 million people in Taiwan, and the entire island, all disappeared... …”

He looked at the peach blossoms flying in front of him, stretched out his hand gently, as if to touch it, but finally gave up: "Sometimes, I wonder when was the last time I enjoyed flowers and talked about wine so quietly, but when I think about it carefully, I can't remember it. ”

Silence and tranquility, savoring the coldness of death. No one spoke, Xu Yangyi gently placed the wreath under the Heroic Spirit Monument. But without a glance.

He was afraid.

He was afraid that if he saw some familiar names, he would take away this tranquility with his murderous intent.

This place should be peaceful and it belongs to tranquility. To have murderous intent here is disrespectful to these martyrs. Even he is not qualified to do so.

"I would rather be a dog in peacetime than a man in troubled times." After a long time, Wei Chenyuan gently stroked the monument in front of him: "Wolf Poison, guess what I am thinking?"

Xu Yangyi did not answer.

"I was thinking, if we survive, we must bury these bastards." His voice choked slightly with the trembling of his hands: "We survived not because we are stronger, but because we have taken on greater responsibilities. The hope of the earth lies in us. Even if we die, we must die on the battlefield."

Xu Yangyi finally raised his head, and in the sky full of flying peach blossoms, he looked at the tall monument to the heroes: "Daoyou Fuyun has fallen."

"I know."

"So, blood debts must be paid with blood." Xu Yangyi's eyes finally reflected all the inscriptions on the monument, and his voice was calm and resolute: "If we don't kill them all, how can we be worthy of these Daoists who died in the battle."

The two of them had a tacit understanding and bowed together.

At this moment, he had already scanned the monument to the heroes with his spiritual consciousness.

Eight Jindan died in battle!

Zhenren Qingyue, Zhenren Liuhuo, Zhenren Fuyun, Zhenren Huangdao, and four others he was not familiar with. Below the names, the number of enemies they killed was recorded.

Zhenren Qingyue killed 78,000 people. Zhenren Liuhuo killed 6,000 people. Floating Cloud Immortal has seven hundred people...

And his is not gray, nor does it glow, the color is extremely light. Below it shows 411,300 people!

Cold numbers take away fresh lives.

"When can human life be replaced by numbers?" He turned around, and Wei Chenyuan lowered his head and said, "Where are you going?"

"Debt collection."

Xu Yangyi waved his hand and left here. Wei Chenyuan's last words were heard by the wind: "This Immortal can still withstand it here, your combat power should go to the place that suits you best. Go to the main control room of Taihu Base, where you can find what you want."

Stepping out of the island, his figure disappeared in the air. While flying, his extremely calm heart once again boiled with surging murderous intent.

Zhenwu Realm...

Wait...The debt collector will come soon.

I...want to seek justice for the millions of people in Bohai, and the interest is your life.

Stepping into the general command room, this is Wei Chenyuan's office alone, and there is no one. About two hundred meters in size, a huge map of China lay behind him, with countless red dots flashing constantly.

All of them were coastal areas... but where the red dots flashed, they were all green, some were yellow, and only a few, such as here, were orange. It seems that China is not in great danger yet.

"Not enough..." He automatically skipped the green area. Not enough to kill... With such a murderous intent, how could he be worthy of the Taoist friends who sacrificed their lives in Bohai and fought to defend the country without completely slaughtering the Zhenwu Realm?

His eyes skipped one place after another, and due to his spiritual consciousness, a picture jumped out, and there were countless numbers. That was the number of troops invested by both the Zhenwu Realm and China, and in addition... it was Bing Fen Ruxue's recruitment information.

"Southern National Gate War Zone, special recruitment of talisman monks, as many as you can." "Southeast War Zone, recruiting Qi training monks to form the Panlong Nine Square Formation."

And so on.

Not enough... not enough... still not enough! Like a lion foraging for food, he licked his lips gently, and his eyes that harvested life swept across one place after another, and finally stopped in the southwest region.

"Four years ago, the Potala Palace fell, and there was no Yuanying in the Tibetan Buddhism of this generation. They fought hard but failed. Zhenwu Realm marched straight into the southwest gate. Seven million Yuanying Zhenjun, the Jin Dynasty's Jin Houzhu personally took charge, broke through the five major defense lines of Lhasa, Nyingchi, Qamdo, Ganzi, and Ya'an, and approached the thousand-year-old ancient city of Chengdu..."

Found it...

His eyes flickered slightly, and his finger even touched the map with some excitement. However, the shadow that appeared made him slightly stunned.

I don't know how many generations of relatives he has, Xu Fangyuan.

Has the Yuanying Zhenjun already taken the field personally?

Is the situation so dangerous?

And the numbers that appeared next further confirmed his thoughts.

Thirteen million!

The Jin Dynasty came in person, thirteen million iron hooves, and they failed to break through the Taoist ancestral temple for four whole years!

He was not afraid, nor was he sad at this moment, but the murderous intent that rushed out of every cell filled his body without warning.

"You... want me to go here?" He glanced at the direction of the island and smiled bloodthirstily: "You really know me well..."

"I have been hungry for several years. If I want to eat, I will eat a big meal. Side dishes can't satisfy me."

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