
Chapter 810: Infinite Space

With a burst of laughter, his figure disappeared suddenly. After more than ten minutes of dizziness, he appeared in a huge and sacred space.

Tower of Babel.

"You have a strong killing intention." The stargazer still looked like he was going to die in the next second, but he couldn't die. His voice was ethereal: "I hope it's not directed at me."

"Obviously?" Xu Yangyi smiled slightly and didn't object.

The stargazer nodded gently: "Very obvious..."

"Like... a hungry tiger out of a cage."

"Then you should know what I'm doing."

The stargazer didn't answer, but waved his hand gently, and an infinite light curtain appeared around him. It was as if he was surrounded by bamboo slips of light, and each bamboo slip had rows of small characters.

At this moment, a cold and magnificent voice sounded: "Detected as a monk from the world of no return."

"Statistics of human-level merits."

"Swish..." The stargazer didn't care at first, but after a few seconds, he turned his head in confusion, and after another five seconds, he looked at Xu Yangyi in astonishment.

Ten thousand, twenty thousand, fifty thousand, eighty thousand... Ten seconds later, countless golden numbers in the air had condensed to one hundred thousand! However... it didn't stop!

He retracted his gaze. In the past few years, he had killed one hundred thousand merits. It seemed that he had become famous on the other party's bounty list.

Eyes watching nose, nose watching heart, heart like still water, it once again entered the mysterious state, this has become a habit, a helpless habit.

However... Ten seconds passed, and another ten seconds passed. In the fourth ten seconds, he finally spoke: "You... slaughtered a sect?"

"Almost." Xu Yangyi's eyes were hot, and he spoke perfunctorily. Now the merits have jumped over five hundred thousand! Still rising!

A cultivator in the Qi training stage has one merit, five points in the early stage of foundation building, seven points in the middle stage, nine points in the late stage, and ten points in the perfect stage. The golden elixir starts at fifty points, one hundred points in the middle stage, and three hundred points in the late stage.

The stargazer looked at him deeply for a long time, and the stars dimmed, which meant that he had entered a deep sleep again.

However... he couldn't sleep at all!

After all the merits are counted, there will be a prompt. As the manager in charge of the merit list, he can hear it, but... it's still rising after three minutes!

The stars lit up again, and he was no longer stunned, but a little surprised.

"You... you slaughtered a blessed land?"

"About that." Xu Yangyi did not argue, he also wanted to see how many merits he had.

The golden light shone, and the number of 1.8 million had appeared, but... he knew that it was still too early.

He killed at least 400,000 cultivators, most of whom were foundation-building, and the foundation-building cultivators who were qualified to go to the battlefield were at least in the middle stage of Qi Refining, otherwise they would not be qualified to form a formation.

The stargazer could not enter a state of meditation.

It's only been a few years... He actually got so many merits! Is this a butcher? I'm afraid that Bai Qi, who slaughtered 10,000 people in ancient times, was not his opponent? How did he do it? !

One minute, two minutes... and another three minutes, the stargazer finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Don't tell me... you slaughtered a cave heaven?"

"About that."

Still answered without sincerity.

However, the stars did not dim this time. The stargazer stared at the light screen, and the numbers kept refreshing. One million and nine hundred thousand... two million... two million and two hundred thousand... When it reached three million, the stargazer finally stood up.

The scene was silent, with only the sound of statistics.

The stargazer was full of stars flickering. This was too exaggerated... Doesn't this mean that he has killed at least three hundred thousand cultivators in the past five years? !

What a concept!

The number of people in a sect is not enough for him to kill! That is the number of people in a blessed land! It is several times the number of all the elites in a cave heaven! How could he do this! No... How could the Zhenwu Realm let him live after he did this!

He who had observed the battle in the immortal world understood one thing very well, that is, the most taboo thing on the battlefield is variables. Whether it is the situation or the people.

The situation comes from the foundation of both sides. Sometimes a protective artifact can change the situation. And the people... are the kind of true geniuses who can fight against millions of people and go in and out of the super formation several times.

This kind of cultivator may not have reached the highest realm, and default to become the main combat force that can be used at will. But! The other party will never allow it!

This kind of humanoid nuclear bomb has too strong lethality. Sometimes it can really do a thousand miles of riding alone, and one person can rewrite a part of the situation. Both sides cannot tolerate the appearance of such a person. Once discovered, there will definitely be a Yuanying to take action. And the other party is still alive?

Killed more people than a sect, and lived peacefully for five years? How did he do this!

"Beep beep!" Suddenly, the sound of the golden light solidifying came. When it came back to its senses and looked at the numbers in the air, the stars all over its body flashed sharply several times.

Five million three hundred thousand spirits...

"You..." He turned around and looked at Xu Yangyi in shock. I don't know what to say. This is a butcher, a real butcher. For five years, killing 100,000 people every year, even if the opponent is the Zhenwu Realm, his hands won't be numb?

Don't tell yourself that he killed Yuanying and Jindan! Even if the two are added together, there is no such number!

Is it fake? !

"Boom boom..." Before he finished speaking, the golden numbers suddenly burst into thousands of rays of light, illuminating everything around them. Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes and asked, "What is this..."

The stargazer tried his best to suppress the restlessness in his heart: "More than five million spirits... can... open the earth-level magic weapon exchange list, the skill exchange list... How did you do it? This is impossible!"

Xu Yangyi did not answer. As the golden light spread, his clothes fluttered. The earth-level list, or the magic weapon list, this is what he needs most. Yuchang is asleep, Mistydin is asleep, and he will not wake up for another five years. He really doesn't have a suitable magic weapon in his hand.

As for the skills, he didn't need them particularly. The biggest secret of the Eternal Pill Scripture King, Jiuyao Xingluo, still has several stars to open. He is not in a hurry for this moment, and he doesn't have the time for this.

"Shua La La..." The endless golden light was overwhelming, as if a golden door was opened. He had to close his eyes. After a few seconds, when he opened his eyes, he couldn't help but admire it and shouted good.

It was beautiful.

On the ground, endless white clouds surged at some point. A bunch of spiritual blue lotuses were spinning in the void, all of them were buds, as if making this place an endless sea of ​​lotuses, and countless milky white words passed through it, making this place like a supreme fairyland.

And that kind of surging spiritual energy is not comparable to human-level merits. If the human-level merit list brings visual shock, then the earth-level merit list, even if it is only a part, brings a sense of the underlying meaning.

Surrounded by the endless sea of ​​blue lotuses, it seems to linger around the world, and the Tao follows nature.

"The Tao can be said, but it is not the constant Tao. The name can be named, but it is not the constant name. The nameless is the beginning of the world; the named is the mother of all things..." He randomly picked a line to read and raised his eyebrows: "Tao Te Ching?"

The stargazer suppressed the curiosity in his heart that was more surging than the spiritual power - he had lived for too long and had not been so curious for a long time, and said calmly: "When the spiritual energy touches, the blue lotus will open."

Xu Yangyi spread a spiritual energy, and just as he touched the blue lotus, the blue lotus slowly opened, and at the same time, a paragraph of text appeared in his mind.

"The true meaning of Hunyuan."

"The secret art of body refining, the body is filled with thunder from heaven, born from heaven and nourished by earth, the heaven and earth are mixed, and then it is the limitless. When you practice it deeply, supernatural powers cannot invade, and magic weapons cannot enter. But you can only train your tendons, bones and blood, not your internal organs. No additional supernatural powers. Merit: 300,000."

Xu Yangyi's eyebrows jumped.

300,000 at the beginning, and... it is really tempting for him.

He has already felt the benefits of body refining. Now he can resist most secret methods. Qianlibulixing has only been practiced to the fourth level. He has already felt that the white tiger is refining bones, the blue dragon is refining tendons, the red bird is refining meat, and the black tortoise should be refining skin. This is the foundation of the fourth level.

After thinking deeply for a moment, he was very reluctant to let go of this skill. There is no other reason. Qianlibulixing will have the ability to practice the law of heaven and earth and three heads and six arms in the future. These are the supernatural powers that only Arhats and Vajra levels have. It is unwise to abandon the existing skills to practice new physical skills.

He continued to read.

"Eighteen transformations."

"Eighteen plus thirty-six, thirty-six plus seventy-two, are the numbers of Tiangang and Disha. Tiangang and Disha together make one hundred and eight kinds of transformations, the ultimate number of Xuanmen. Eighteen transformations are the foundation of Tiangang."

There are seventy-two transformations?

Xu Yangyi was immediately very interested. According to the inference of Journey to the West, the level of the Great Sage is likely to exceed Taixu, and it is very likely to be the title of the demon clan, the level of the True Immortal. Sun Dasheng's signature skill, here is the most basic prototype of the Eighteen Transformations?

He did not choose immediately, but looked at them one by one.

The value of the skills is relatively high, after all, it is a lifetime thing, while the value of the magic weapon is much lower, it is just a matter of realm.

He saw the skills that are said to be able to control all kinds of fire, the magical power that can be practiced in dreams, and the life-saving talismans that can allow oneself to move thousands of miles instantly, and even the Six Ding and Six Jia talismans.

There are so many things that are too numerous to mention.

I don't know how long he watched it. After several days, he sat cross-legged in the void, looking a little excited. At this moment, there were five green lotuses blooming around him.

These five magic weapons and magical skills were the things he finally chose. He really couldn't make a choice.

In the first green lotus, there was nothing else, but a skill that all Chinese book fans might have heard of.

The Emperor's Qi-Watching Technique!

The Emperor's Qi-Watching Technique, talking and laughing to kill people, this move is a prophetic magical power, explained by Chinese skills, it is "perception."

Perceive the direction of all the opponent's moves, and see through the virtual and real in an instant. Unless the opponent is one level higher than himself, he cannot avoid the real and attack the virtual. In other words, the battle is invincible from the beginning. However, it also has disadvantages.

First, illusions, illusion-type monks or skills are the natural enemies of the Emperor's Qi-Watching Technique. Second, it cannot detect multiple enemies at the same time. "More" is less than five.

This makes it seem useless, but it can be called a magical skill in a one-on-one, or one-on-three-four situation.

He had never expected that this technique would appear here. After joining the practice, he had read the book "Cang Hai" to pass the time. Wan Guizang's Zhouyou Liuxu Jin was invincible at the time. If it weren't for the Emperor's Qi-Watching Technique, he would have been the real number one master.

He thought it was just a fantasy, but he didn't expect it to exist here. And the explanation actually said: "The Emperor's Qi-Watching Technique, also known as Xuanyuan's Qi-Watching Technique, was obtained by Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi from Guangchengzi."

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