
Chapter 811: Soaring into the Sky

The emperor's qi-watching technique is one of them. The second and third are two things he can't let go of.

"Nanhua refers to dreams" "Danxiao sun and moon."

These two items were both magic weapons for the foundation-building period. He just glanced at them without paying attention, but the word "Nanhua" made him look at them for a moment longer.

The closer he looked, the more surprised he became. At this moment, he was flipping a mask in his hand, looking at the two magic weapons in deep thought.

Green-winged ghost face.

Nanhua Zhimeng, Danxiao Sun and Moon... These are the other two suits of the Green Winged Ghost Face that were found in Kaiyun Realm!

And its effect is very strange. Once a year, it can distort the space of ten thousand meters in radius, enter the dream, travel through the dream, and come to the exit of another dream. and……

Unable to crack!

The Nanhua butterfly mother travels through dreams, eats dreams to be born, eats dreams to grow. She herself is in the Taixu realm. This should be a magic weapon that the other party has used before. It cannot be cracked by people below the Taixu realm, but it is normal.

But the shortcomings are also obvious.

Coming to another dreamland... No one will know where the dreamland they left is, or even... whether it is on earth!

The Nanhua Butterfly Mother travels through the dream of planes, and God knows where she will be after she appears. is a real life-saving skill.

And, that's not all, this set can expand the environmental effects without limit! It’s not about preventing people from seeing through it, it’s about expanding it! Eventually it can reach a hundred times the spiritual power of a monk!

In other words, the illusion created by him alone can cover more than 100,000 meters!

Of course, the premise is that the monk can create dreams. This is obviously the magic weapon Nanhua Butterfly Mother made for herself when she got up early, and it is completely consistent with the other person's compatibility. Xu Yangyi doesn't know how to create illusions, but...

Phantoms can!

Moreover, their exchange value is only 50,000 yuan for a set!

An extremely tempting one.

Fourth, it is a magic weapon that soars into the sky.

This is, to be precise, an arm blade.

The arm blade is a very strange weapon. He does not hold it in his hand, but is attached to his arm. The two arc-shaped blades that are half the height of a man are very powerful.

Comes with magical power: cutting gold and cutting jade. 100% shattering of magic weapons with quality in the sky, including its skills.

There is no source, but... this magical power is a perfect match for physical cultivation! It had a domineering appearance, and he knew almost immediately at a glance that this thing was extremely suitable for him.

It’s also 50,000/merit.

Now on the fourth level of Thousand Miles of Pursuit, the divine dragon steps on the mountain and the cracked sky has disappeared. Instead, there are flames piercing the sky with every move and every move. Together with the Nanming Lihuo, the power is extremely extraordinary. Otherwise, he would not have been able to sustain for such a long time under the Zhenwu Samsara Formation composed of Xu Ying plus 50,000 spiritual soldiers protecting the Tao. In the end, Master Yun Fen was seriously injured, and only a few thousand of the 50,000 spiritual soldiers were left.

If you have it, you will be like a humanoid chariot, and you can definitely kill enemy generals in the midst of thousands of troops. Everywhere he passed, he was crushed.

A magic weapon integrating offense and defense, almost at the level of a spiritual treasure.

The last one was the one he was most troubled with.

That's a pill.

Completely transparent, not a monarch or an envoy, nor an imperial elixir. The moment he saw the elixir, he felt a sense of shock in his heart. This elixir is at least the same level as the Emperor's elixir.

The whole body was crystal clear, and among them, there was a hazy figure sleeping.

"Sealing Spirit Pill."

"Only seal the pill spirit."

"The quality of the elixir is not guaranteed. It may be a humanoid elixir that destroys the world, but the probability is not high, or even slim. It may also be other elixirs, and the effect may be good or bad. But it depends on the choice."

He sighed and stared at the transparent elixir in Qinglian. If a human elixir were prescribed, the stargazer would definitely leave. Even if it were a dragon, a phoenix, or a mythical beast, he would definitely not be able to bear it. And there are good and bad ones.

However, Danling was too tempting for him. Except for the temporary Baishichun, photographic memory has now become his instinct. If it were not for photographic memory, he would not know how long he would be trapped in the lava sea. Many things , and it is impossible to extract the cocoons from the complicated memories.

What if... it's "never tired"?

Living... is "immortality"?

Of course, a pill spirit of this level is at least at the level of a mythical beast.


Looking at the five items, he hesitated for a long time, because the most important thing, these 50,000 meritorious deeds, was the earth merit.

Comparing the exchange rate of one to one hundred merits, five million/merit can only be exchanged for one of them.

"Embarrassed?" Stargazer suddenly spoke. Xu Yangyi didn't look at him and nodded silently.

"You know, I am willing to analyze it for you." The stargazer glanced at the things in front of him: "The Emperor's Qi-gazing Technique is certainly tempting, but what you are going to enter is an army of millions. This technique is indeed high-quality and cheap, and it can Let it go first.”

Xu Yangyi sighed: "I know too, I just want to find a reason not to give up."

The stargazer said calmly: "Since you know it, why should you deceive yourself?"

"The two magic weapons of the Butterfly Mother are certainly the best magic weapons to escape from life. However, you do not have the characteristics of the Butterfly Mother, let alone its strength. It would be fine if you enter an ordinary dream, but if you enter the dream of some terrifying existence, The moment of appearance is the moment of death. The risk is too great, but you currently lack the trump card to save your life, so you can consider the second exchange.”

He paused: "If you can still kill 100,000 people a year."

He continued: "Dan Ling, similarly, if you offer a Dan Ling that you cannot match, I am safe and sound. The other party dare not enter the place where the Quetzalcoatl has lived, but I cannot guarantee you. Moreover, even if you kill the other party by chance, what if the Dan Ling is not effective, or even counter-effective? Therefore, it is not recommended to exchange."

"You mean I want to exchange Chong Xiao?" Xu Yangyi pondered. Looking at Chong Xiao's demon-like appearance, he couldn't help but be moved.

Indeed... It is very suitable for him, especially when Yu Chang and Mistydin are both asleep.

"You may not have read Chong Xiao's instructions carefully." The stargazer said slowly: "I have been sitting here for tens of thousands of years, and I remember everything in all the merit lists clearly. Take a closer look."

Xu Yangyi looked carefully and used more spiritual power this time. Unexpectedly, another line of golden small words appeared under Chong Xiao's instructions.

"Sharpen the blade."

"Chongxiao has never sharpened the blade. If it is sharpened with 100,000 earth power, it will undoubtedly be the best magic weapon under the spiritual treasure. Moreover, it is very likely to awaken the spirit."

"He has not been unsealed yet?" He took a deep breath, his eyes became more fiery. It was like this before the blade was sharpened, and it is self-evident after the blade is sharpened.

Especially... being strong or not is a temporary thing, and being handsome or not is a lifelong thing.

"It's not just because of these." The stargazer's voice became deeper: "Do you know... how dangerous it is once you return to the battlefield?"

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows: "Heroic Monument, I am the first."


"But don't you know that in any war, both sides will have a wanted list."

"No matter in ancient times or modern times, people who are extremely dangerous will definitely be on the wanted list. Do you think... with your strength, you will not be on it?"

"Okay, since you know you will be on it, and you are the first person under Yuanying, who do you think... will attack you?"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed: "The True Lord will do it himself? Is it really so?"

"Absolutely It's not an exaggeration. "The stargazer said solemnly: "It's better to cut off one finger than to hurt ten fingers. Killing you, the first person in the Jindan realm, will definitely have a great impact. And... you should have discovered that if your Zhenjun takes action, my Zhenjun will also take action, and the foundation building and Qi refining will die in large numbers, even the Jindan realm will not escape. Neither side can afford such a loss. "

"Nascent Soul is a deterrent, and the Jindan realm is the peak combat power. Nascent Soul will not take action until the last moment. Once the Nascent Soul takes action on a large scale, it means that the war has come to an end. As the first person under the Nascent Soul, what confidence do you have that the Zhenjun will not kill you personally?"

Xu Yangyi was silent.

This point, he has not been calm recently. He has been walking and watching, and the smoke of gunpowder is everywhere on the earth. He is a little confused. Now the stargazer reminded him, he suddenly realized that as long as he shows up, the risk factor is extremely high.

Then, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind: "Oh, I remember that there are also Taixu realm cultivators in Zhenwu Realm."

"Yes, there were." The stargazer sighed: "When the Taixu in the seal of the Earth ascended, I could feel that the Taixu realm in Zhenwu Realm also ascended at the same time. I don't know why His Excellency Quetzalcoatl did this. But there must be a reason."

As he remembered this, the Dan Ling, who had a photographic memory, started again, and Xu Yangyi remembered more.

"I remember... Emperor Beiming and Patriarch Moyun, these two... seemed to have fought with a certain Taixu realm cultivator on Earth?"

"No. Zhenwu Realm is a hereditary system. The leader of any Zhurong Divine Sect is called Patriarch Moyun. The emperor of the Beiming Dynasty is also called Emperor Beiming."

Xu Yangyi nodded, took a few deep breaths, and said in a deep voice: "Exchange."

"Shua La La..." As a burst of light flashed, two tattoos appeared on his forearm, covering his forearm. The terrifying murderous intent and surging spiritual power contained in them, if not hidden, I am afraid that no one would approach within a hundred meters.

"You are telling the other side's Yuanying Zhenjun: Come and kill me... I am a strong man." The stargazer looked at Xu Yangyi with some pity: "Are you really not considering using the Nether Dragon Order?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head, gritted his teeth and cracked his knuckles, and said coldly: "If I don't kill all these bastards, how can I ascend to heaven."

After saying this, his figure turned into a black light and disappeared in a haze.

The stargazer looked at his back for a long time before saying, "Actually... even if the Nascent Soul kills you, you may not die..."

"Top Nascent Soul cultivators, such as Mo Yun Lao Zu and Yue Ying Xian Lao, must be firmly restrained by Earth cultivators. Those who can take action are all in the early stage of Nascent Soul. Your spiritual power is not impossible to escape. And the most terrifying Nascent Soul pressure..."

He seemed to smile: "When you... left the Tower of Babel, you brought something to resist."

"How far you can go... really makes me look forward to it..."

"Swish..." The light flowed, and more than ten minutes later, Xu Yangyi appeared in the Taihu base again. This kind of teleportation cannot be used frequently. The surrounding spiritual energy must be extremely stable. Otherwise, he doesn't need to consider the three-piece set of the Butterfly Mother.

A helicopter has already stopped outside the building. He did not choose to fly over by himself. Sometimes, mortal aircraft can better conceal their identities.

"Wait..." Sitting on the plane, the murderous aura all over the body made the pilot shudder. He licked his lips bloodthirstily: "The Avengers... are back again."

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