
Chapter 812: Current Situation

Sichuan, Qingcheng Mountain.

Qingcheng is a quiet place in the world, but unfortunately, this famous mountain is no longer quiet. Even if you look out from Chengdu, you can see the smoke billowing from the sky and the ever-extinguishing beacon tower.

Xu Yangyi sat in the car with his eyes closed. This is a military vehicle, wrapped in layers of talismans, about the size of the largest oil truck. The road from Chengdu to Dujiangyan is full of such trains. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the Qi soldiers, Wei Chenyuan gave him a unique badge, with the sword and shield intersecting on the earth - this is the mark of the Earth Allies. The only difference is that his badge is gold.

Hundreds of soldiers were sitting in the car, all wearing camouflage. Some are young and some are in their prime. The battle-hardened warriors polished their magic-breaking crossbows silently, while the new recruits looked expectant and enthusiastic. The sounds of weapons being cleaned and murmurs of conversation mingled from time to time.

"Squad leader, are we going to the front line when we go into battle? Kill those bastards?" A recruit asked flatteringly to a seemingly kind-hearted middle-aged man.

The man aimed his eyes at the arrow slot of the Demon-Breaking Crossbow, with a black sword and shield emblem on his chest. He squinted his eyes and replied lazily: "Going into battle? Just you?"

That's not polite, but the recruits Dan and Zi with the white badges on the car did not feel depressed at all. Instead, they were inspired to fight: "Why can't we do it!" "Yes! I am the tenth place in the training academy!" "We all passed. Passed all assessments!”

Several veterans laughed, and one veteran who was calibrating the spirit-breaking gun said ruffianly: "Tenth place?"

"Have you ever seen a real dead person?" The veteran blew into the barrel of his gun: "Have you ever felt that feeling of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, with your eyes completely red?"

A group of academics were immediately speechless.

After spinning the spirit-breaking gun in his hand, the veteran smiled and said, "Can you guarantee that you won't vomit when the enemy's blood spurts on you? If not, what about the brains?"

To put it lightly, the recruits fell silent for an instant. Some of them were so overthinking that they even felt their stomachs churn.

"Weak chickens." A man who was blind in one eye smiled ferociously: "You are still very young. Real masters can't speak at all. Even we are all half-experienced. Look at this guy."

He raised his chin, and everyone looked at the ordinary man transformed by Xu Yangyi. The blind man laughed and said, "Don't treat others like you are a novice. If someone else doesn't look at their equipment, I'll definitely blame him for pretending. But if this guy doesn't look at his equipment, I won't even dare to give a shit."

Several eyes were focused on Xu Yangyi. Xu Yangyi looked at his hands with a smile. The little rookie also looked at him several times, but he didn't understand.

Of course they didn't know that in the eyes of the veterans, the murderous aura condensed in Xu Yangyi's body, the power of not being angry but self-defeating, could not be matched by the entire car combined. This is not something that a golden badge can bring, but a feeling that can only come from truly walking through a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. These veterans can smell it just with their noses.

All eyes turned to him, and he finally raised his head and smiled: "It's just that I have better luck."

"Haha, there is only one way to obtain the golden emblem. You have participated in a super war, at least one million level, and survived. You are awesome." A mid-stage foundation-building monk looked at him. Xu Yangyi only had early-stage aura, but he didn't. Without any disrespect, he held his hand and said: "Surviving a battle of that level is a miracle in itself."

The atmosphere gradually became warmer. After chatting and laughing for a while, Xu Yangyi asked: "How is the situation here? I just transferred here. It's urgent, so I don't know yet."

The blind man looked like "You are indeed an elite" and said thoughtfully: "Not good."

"You can tell just by looking out the window."

Xu Yangyi didn't speak. His spiritual consciousness had already spread out along with the car's progress.

The ground was covered with gunpowder smoke, and those black smoke pillars were clearly visible in the dark night. The closer they got to Dujiangyan, the more they became, like pillar-shaped monsters, rising into the sky while roaring and circling.

The light in the sky never stopped for a moment, and the night seemed to disappear from this place, leaving only the sky as colorful as the aurora. At the end of the sky, a black shadow of unknown size shrouded the entire sky over Dujiangyan, and it was even larger.

The real body cannot be seen clearly in the darkness, only the lights are bright and the spiritual energy penetrates the sky. Countless flags were fluttering, and huge lights were like the eyes of monsters, staring at the Qingcheng Mountain below. The red pillars on the pink wall are gleaming, and the pictures of ghosts are filled with green and red, crawling in the black clouds like giant beasts.

The body of the Jin Dynasty!

It was as if a magic circle was placed to isolate the spiritual energy. His spiritual consciousness seemed to have encountered a copper wall and could no longer penetrate.

"Now is the truce period. It has become an unwritten rule here to fight for one week and rest for two days." A veteran played with his gun and said: "Originally, there were not many people in Qingcheng Mountain. But it is the ancestral home of Taoism. After three years, The previous cloud-penetrating arrow was really thousands of troops coming to meet each other. Only then did I realize that there are still so many hermit sects of Taoism in China. "

"Wenshi Sect, Chongxu Sect, Shaoyang Sect, Zhengyang Sect, Chunyang Sect, Laohuashan Sect... Now Chengdu has long been a military city. As you can see, the situation in Chengdu is even worse than that in the coastal areas. And, there are fortresses, recruitment offices, and banners of monks from all over the ground. Within half a year, Taoism has gathered nearly ten million monks, including Zhengyi Sect, Nan Sect, Bei Sect, Zhen Dazong, Taiyi Sect, and Taoism. The five major sects have also come up with magic weapons to protect their sects.”

He winked at Xu Yangyi mysteriously: "I heard that all of them are Nascent Soul-level magic weapons. You will see them when the war starts the day after tomorrow."

The recruits listened intently, and suddenly someone interrupted: "Then you are all sharpening your guns in front of the battle now? What are you doing?"

"What does it mean to sharpen a gun before the battle?" A veteran snorted coldly: "Qingcheng Mountain is surrounded by millions of Zhenwu enemies. You haven't seen it yet. When daytime comes, it will all be clear. The mountains and plains are covered with mountains and plains, and you can't even see how many there are. It's like Like the weeds on the ground, there are Zhenwu Realm fortresses everywhere you look. ”

The recruit was confused and didn't know what the connection between this sentence and his question was.

Xu Yangyi smiled: "In other words, this road is the best passage from Qingcheng Mountain to Chengdu Base Camp. It has been 'taken care of' for a long time?"

"That's right." The one-eyed veteran sighed: "The other side won't watch us stationed in Qingcheng Mountain. Although the entire road is guarded by Master Wuyouzi himself, there are always times when they can't take care of it."

"Get ready, recruit, the war begins here."

There was silence. After three seconds, all the recruits jumped up as if they were stung by needles and suddenly began to adjust their weapons.

However, the next second, a red light shone outside the window. It took away the moonlight and turned it into a bloody hell.

"Tsk... what did you say?" The veteran seemed quite familiar. He seemed calm and calm, but his movements were extremely sharp. In less than three seconds, all the windows of the bulletproof car were opened, and all the veterans set the magic-breaking crossbow on the car in unison. above the window.

"If you don't want to die, you'd better get moving." A veteran licked his lips bloodthirstyly: "We have guests coming... These bastards will never let us relax for a moment."

"Squat down." Xu Yangyi sat on his seat and spoke calmly. A slight spiritual energy hit the recruits. Before all the recruits could take a breath, they all fell to their knees on the ground.

He looked out the window.

The Big Dipper is high, and red cracks suddenly open in the dark world. Very neat. The next second, the cracks all opened, and red eyes suddenly embedded in the sky, like emotionless devils, staring at everything below.

Silence, murderous intent filled the wild, only the human heartbeat remained.

No one spoke.

Suddenly, endless shadows danced in the first eye, and then, endless shadows flew out from each eye, mixed with the overwhelming sound of flapping wings, a hair-raising "squeaking" sound, and... A red dot suddenly lit up in the sky, like a star.

Endless... covering the night sky, even the stars are eclipsed by it! Form a red galaxy!

"Plop!" As dense as rain, and with heart-shaking screams, countless black shadow locusts rushed toward the endless convoy below!

"Get down!!" All the veterans shouted almost in unison. The car opened dozens of windows with a "swipe" sound, and pointed the magic-breaking crossbow at the sky, while a blue light burst out.

Tens of thousands of demon-breaking crossbows fired in volleys, drawing out a blue glow in the sky, as if the sea tide suddenly burst out, blooming sparks of spiritual light.

"Swish, swish, swish!" The arrows are like locusts, reflecting in the blue light are human-shaped monsters with upper bodies, gray bodies, and red eyes. Their backs are covered with black hair, their nostrils are two black holes, and their ears are as huge as bats. The two hands are wings. As the blue galaxy opens, countless red lights rush down with sharp screams!

The galaxy rewinds.

Red, blue, and two colors intersect in the sky, depicting the dance of war. Wherever they collide, a terrifying shock wave erupts, making the ground tremble even more.

At this moment, Xu Ang suddenly lowered his head and looked at the ring. Just now, something in his ring suddenly vibrated.

"This is..." He stretched out his hand in astonishment. The fragment of paper given to him by the head of the Tagule family actually emitted golden light.

"Shashasha..." No one saw Xu Yangyi. His expression changed from calm, to surprise, to looking into the air with murderous intent.

At my fingertips, the paper kept spinning.


I didn’t expect that so soon, there would actually be something related to the vampires in the Zhenwu world!

"Zizzizi!!" The army of demons in the sky suddenly stopped and looked down in confusion. The instinct of the beast felt... something terrible... was awakening, and the eyes of death were already aimed at them.

The majestic pressure like the sea made the demon group dare not say a word, and a strange dead silence suddenly appeared in this world. The blue Milky Way shot out also stagnated in mid-air.

Everyone in the car he was in was stunned. No, it was sluggishness. They knew better than anyone else that the terrifying aura around them... a feeling as deep as a mountain... compared with him, the threats in the sky were nothing.

"Crack..." Finally, a monk's head turned mechanically, looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief, and said in a trembling voice: "Meet the real person!"

Then, the sound of weapons falling from the vehicle resounded all over the ground, and everyone was half-kneeling.

Jin Dan Zhenren...

The golden badge is actually worn by Jin Dan!

They actually chatted with a Jindan master for a long time without any courtesy!

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