
Chapter 813: Lanxue Cave Heaven

"Whose army is this?" Xu Yangyi looked at the piece of paper in his hand and asked slowly.

"Lanxue Cave Heaven..." Everyone in the car was half-kneeling on the ground, but they were not scared, but excited!

Jin Dan comes in person... Both sides of the Qingcheng Mountain battle are still trying to find out the details. Dynasty VS Taoism, no one dares to easily start the decisive battle. The opponent's character, the opponent's basic state, and the opponent's possible trump cards cannot be detected in two years. Every day, there are storms around Qingcheng Mountain. However, today another real person quietly joined the Qingcheng Mountain battlefield!

It’s so exciting to see it with your own eyes!

"Senior! This is the Lanxue Cave! The newly promoted seventh cave! The master of the cave, Zhenren Lanxue, is at the perfect state of the Golden Elixir!" The soldier closest to Xu Yangyi immediately half-knelt on the ground, his face flushed with excitement, and his voice hoarse. Open your mouth.

The surrounding recruits touched their foreheads to the ground, breathing rapidly, and their eyes were shocked, but they could only glance at Xu Yangyi secretly.

Senior... did the veteran in the foundation building stage just call him senior?

Golden coat of arms...this, this is...

"No need to be polite." Xu Yangyi looked out the window quietly: "Lanxue Cave Heaven..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire ground suddenly sank as if it had been stepped on by a monster. A black shock wave spread over several kilometers, and Xu Yangyi's figure turned into a black tide, rising straight into the sky!

"Zizzizi!!!" The moment he soared into the sky, the road was dyed with pitch black color, deeper than the night, purer than black, like the wings of the God of Death, bottomless.

Far ahead, a middle-aged man in Taoist robes suddenly turned his head and looked behind him in surprise.

It cannot be seen with the naked eye, but in his spiritual energy recognition in the middle stage of the golden elixir... he can see a plant that looks like death blooming.

That kind of despair that was so powerful that it was suffocating, that kind of powerlessness that made him lose consciousness for a moment.

In an instant, his consciousness returned, and he breathed out suddenly, only to realize that he was covered in cold sweat.


Who is it!

An extremely least a golden elixir level monk several times more powerful than him appeared! The aura is somewhat familiar, but I can't remember whether it's an enemy or a companion!

If it's an enemy...does it mean that the Zhenwu world has been dormant for the past few years and is finally ready to explode? Are we going to cut off the supply line from Qingcheng Mountain to Chengdu?

He gritted his teeth and activated the magic technique. Suddenly, a golden light appeared on every car within three thousand meters, and he rushed towards the place where the black tide broke out.

He was so anxious that he moved faster and faster, but... when he arrived, he looked at the scene in shock.

The ground was bloody.

"Who is this?" He gasped. He knew how difficult the blood spirit demons in Lanxue Cave were. The cave itself was not very powerful, but there was one place that was the weirdest. All his monks If they are not killed in the cave, they will be reborn indefinitely. At the same time... they are also the cave with the largest number of people and the lowest cultivation level.

The master of the cave has good cultivation and perfect golden elixir, but the others... none of them have passed the middle stage of foundation building! Qing Yise hovers between the late stage of Qi refining and the early stage of foundation building.

Because of this characteristic similar to that of demons in earth mythology, the immortality characteristic of Lanxue Cave is also called "Devil's Law," and is also called "Devil's Cave."

He knew very well how difficult it was to deal with these bloody demons, but now... they were all dead! The mountains of black corpses gathered on the ground, exuding dark aura, waiting for destiny to turn into points of spiritual light and disappear into the sky.

"It's less than a minute..." He gritted his teeth and looked at the sky, consciously ignoring the motorcade, cupping his fists and shouting loudly: "Which fellow Taoist has come to the Taoist ancestral court to help? Please allow me to pay my respects to this real person, Wuyouzi."

His voice was loud, like thunder. But no one answered.

He waited quietly for five minutes before leaving with a sigh.

Who is it? This question was still swirling in his mind. It was definitely a friendly army, not Wei Chenyuan. He couldn't be taken away from Jiangnan. Master Gusong? Master Tuoba? Real tiger?

Who came to Qingcheng to draw a sword to help?

In the carriage, Xu Yangyi was sitting calmly, and all the monks were unconscious.

It is very simple to erase the memory of a foundation-building Qi-refining monk. But what made him unhappy was that there were no clues.

"That means...the clues are not on these monsters. But on the entire Lanxue Dongtian?"

Ten minutes later, they all woke up and rubbed their heads inexplicably: "What happened?" "Why did I faint just now?" "I just remember the Lanxue Cave Sky attack, what happens next?"

Someone glanced out the window and suddenly exclaimed: "What, what happened here?"

Bloody road.

On both sides, there were piles of corpses from Lan Xue Dongtian, and everyone's eyes were filled with shock. How long has it been? Did they sleep for a few hours? Impossible, the clock has only passed a minute or two. Killed all the blood spirit demons in Lanxue Cave Heaven in a minute or two? Has the True Lord Nascent Soul taken action?

"Tell me, who did it?" The one-eyed veteran sat next to Xu Yangyi and handed him a cigarette, but was rejected. He lit it on his own, frowning with excitement, and said as if on steroids: "I guess it must be True Lord Nascent Soul. I am responsible for supplies and have gone back and forth countless times. The sky is unreachable. But on the ground, even if True Lord Wuyouzi takes action, it will definitely take an hour to repel them."

"That's right!" Before Xu Yangyi could speak, a veteran next to him said proudly, with a red face: "It must have been Zhenjun who took action. I still remember the terrifying scene of Xu Zhenjun's attack five years ago, which directly destroyed two blessed places. ! You shouldn’t hold back on these bastards!”

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows: "Has Xu Zhenjun taken action?"

"Yes. Five years ago, for some unknown reason, Xu Zhenjun let out a dragon roar and took action himself. Does the Laojun Palace on the top of Qingcheng Mountain know about it? In front of the palace was a peach tree and a wood sword. His old man flew three thousand miles into the sky and took two Dafu Land was directly destroyed. In the end, Master Jin took action personally, and Patriarch Xu had to retreat because he was surrounded by enemies. "

"Yes, after that day, even during the war, Laojun's palace was full of incense. You don't know, the sky was shattered. Only then did I know why the true king did not dare to take action. Whoever takes action first will be the spirit of destroying the country. "It's so scary!" "Zhenjun must have taken action again! These bastards killed countless of us on the road!" "Zhenjun took action, and Lan Xue took action in less than a minute. The cave is destroyed, don’t you think so?”

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, the last sentence was asked to him.

Actually asking him?

"Well, that's right." He said perfunctorily with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. But his eyes took a deep look at Qingcheng Mountain.

Revenge for me?

Thank you, but I have to avenge myself.

When I came to Qingcheng Mountain, I had the ambition to eat Huns meat when I was hungry and drink the blood of Huns when I was thirsty.

"Tonight is just the beginning." He retracted his gaze, said something for no reason, and closed his eyes in deep thought. Seeing his appearance, the people around him stopped disturbing him.

Cars drive very fast, and due to the collision of technology and spiritual practice, today’s cars use spiritual stones instead of gasoline. A low-grade spiritual stone is worth a hundred barrels. The speed has also been improved a lot.

It used to take just over an hour to get to Qingcheng Mountain from Chengdu, but now it takes less than half an hour.

A majestic green mountain stands in front of you, with thousands of precious lights and thousands of auspicious auras. The rich spiritual energy condensed into white spiritual characters that flew into the air, and then disappeared into the deep night. The five thousand words of the Tao Te Ching cover thousands of mountains and hills, making this Taoist holy land look sacred.

Even in the dark night, you can feel the soaring aura and murderous aura. Similarly, Xu Yangyi couldn't see clearly when the magic circle that blocked spiritual consciousness was activated.

This is the back mountain of Qingcheng Mountain, and the front mountain is obscured by the mountains. Not visible at all. The place where Xu Yangyi got off the car now was a huge wall. It is about a hundred meters high, with endless talismans carved on it, completely blocking the road into the mountains behind Qingcheng. A 100-meter-long gate stands majestically. On the city wall, countless Taoist priests held sharp swords in their hands and looked down coldly.

Once a spy is discovered, he will be executed immediately.

Magical instruments like Kongming lanterns are suspended in the air, far brighter than lights, illuminating the place like daylight. Everyone in every car got out and gathered here into a sea of ​​camouflage. Many Taoist priests came out and began to count the number of people.

New recruits are nervous, veterans are calm. Xu Yangyi did not go directly to his ancestors - if he wanted to hide it, he would have to hide it completely to death. And...he now has the most direct goal.

For the stupid woman who gave her life for herself, and for myself.

"Zhao Long, Wang Sanjun, Ma Qiuli..." The Taoist priests in front of him counted the number of people one by one, no matter from their aura or appearance, when they reached him, they suddenly stopped.

He quickly tapped the light screen in front of him several times, with a look of suspicion on his face, but when he looked at the golden badge on Xu Yangyi's chest, he didn't immediately explode.

The golden badge... has only a thousand owners in the country, and they are true veterans of hundreds of battles.

"I have the temerity to ask." The Taoist shook his fly whisk and said with vigilance and respect, "Who are you?"

Before he finished speaking, the golden badge flew into the hands of the Taoist priest. Immediately afterwards, Wei Chenyuan's voice sounded. He didn't know what he said, and the Taoist priest almost knelt down.

This is Zhenren Jindan!

To be able to hear the other party's instructions with one's own ears, what a blessing it has been for me to cultivate in several lifetimes?

Respectfully returning the coat of arms to Xu Yangyi, he immediately sent out a spiritual message: "Captain Su."

Not long after, a tall young bald man in camouflage uniform walked over. Just as he was about to say something, his eyes suddenly flashed and he stared at the golden emblem on Xu Yangyi's chest.

It's as if a dog's eyes glowed golden when he saw the bones.

"Golden?" He licked his lips excitedly and moved his chin towards Xu Yangyi: "After all these years... I still see the fifth golden color!"

"Dude, come with me."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light and rushed straight up the mountainside. When he approached the city wall, ripples appeared all over his body, like a fish entering the sea. Xu Yangyi felt that countless talismans were analyzing the opponent thoroughly in almost a second. Presumably if he was a spy, he would be turned into ashes in this moment.


His eyes narrowed slightly. The young man in front was very fast, and the spiritual power of the half-step golden elixir surged out like a tide, not shying away from his spiritual consciousness at all.

This is provocation.

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